Chapter 37

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Sameer's mom and sister Jiya are looking astonished at Sameer who is excitingly arranging everything for the birthday party that too with a big grin on his face.

They wondered what's got into him as they know that he doesn't like parties much and moreover there aren't any guests coming to the party except some kids and their cousins who are in the city.

But they were happy looking at him so happy and joyful like before. Jiya understood there must be a special reason for his sudden change and thought to find out about it smirking internally.

Pari's classmates and kids from neighbourhood started coming to their house. Pari was beaming happily looking at them in her princess dress exactly looking like an angel.

Sameer went to get ready as his friends might come at anytime now. He was very much happy and excited that his best friends are coming to his house for the first time.

On the other hand Piyu is also excited to go to Sameer's house. She wanted to know him, his family, his living. She pondered over dresses again and again not knowing what to wear. She finally decided to wear a red anarkali dress.

Rads messaged her saying that she is going to Jai's house and drag him to the party. Piyu laughed at her message and replied that she will also be there in few minutes.

Jai on the other side is hesitating to go to the party or not. He doesn't want to go to the party not because he is angry at Sam but he is not ready to face him yet after knowing what happened. He didn't have a choice to think about it when he saw Rads appeared on his door grinning like an idiot.


Everyone has arrived and ready to start the party but Sameer said to wait for few more minutes. His mom and Jiya looked at him whose eyes are glued at the door. They understood that he is waiting for someone but they don't know whom.

Meanwhile they served drinks and chocolates to the kids and other guests. Jiya looked at her brother who is having a glint on his face and happiness in his eyes which she had never seen. It was like he found the thing which he had lost and never wanted to let it go.

" Meer beta for whom you are waiting?" His mom asked him looking at his stare at the door.

" Yeah Meer tell us for whom you are waiting so eagerly?" Jiya asked smirking at him.

Sameer didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when he saw someone at the door.

" Hey Sam!" Rads grinned.

" Hey Rads." He said and walked towards her.

" Thanks for coming." He said and hugged her.

Watching this his mom and Jiya gasped loudly making Sam look at them and he turned back at her. They wondered if this girl was the reason of Sam's odd behavior.

" I also brought someone along with me." Rada said grinning turning to the door.

Sam looked at the door and saw Jai coming into the house glaring at Rads who ignored it.

" Jai! I am happy you could make it." saying this Sam hugged him who reluctantly hugged him back.

Sam pulled away from the hug and looked at the door searching for Piyu.

" Ahem. Ahem. For whom you are looking?" Rads asked teasingly.

" Nothing." He replied looking away.

All the while his mom and Jiya just stood watching their exchange.

" Don't worry, she is on her way." Rads winked at him.

" Who?" Sam's mom and Jiya questioned curiously.

" Hello guys."

They all turned towards the door hearing the voice. Rads and Jai smiled at her while Sam stood frozen looking at Piyu. Jiya glanced at his brother whose face showed something that she had never seen. She saw some deep emotions running through him looking at the gorgeous girl in front of them.

His mom didn't look at her surroundings but just stared at Piyu. She liked her at the very sight of her. There was something about that girl which made her happy and relieve.

" Hey Sam!" she said shyly as he was just staring at her.

" Umm.....Yeah Piyu.....hi." Sam stuttered snapping out of his daze which again was a shock to his family.

" Guys this is my mom and my elder sister Jiya." He introduced his family to them who smiled at them.

" Ma, Di, these are my friends." Sam said which made his mom and sister shocked.

" Friends?" His mom and Di asked him with wide eyes.

" Yes." Sam nodded.

" You have friends?" Again they questioned shock still evident on their faces.

Sam looked away embarrassed while his friends looked confused at them.

" Yes." Sam cleared his throat.

" How?" His mom questioned.

" When?" His Di questioned.

" Mom, Di stop embarrassing me." Sam whisper yelled at them.

" What? You never had any friends, obviously we will be shocked." His Di exclaimed and Sam almost facepalmed himself.

" He never had any friends?" Rads questioned confused.

" Yeah, he doesn't go outside, doesn't involve in any social gatherings or parties and doesn't mingle with the people, so he doesn't have any friends." His mother explained nicely to them and Sam held back a groan.

" He doesn't bring anyone to home or doesn't talk about anyone and for the last two years I didn't even see him smiling or talking to anyone. So, how does he even have friends?" His Di added to her Mom's explanation which made him rub his forehead frustratingly.

" What?" Rads, Piyu and Jai exclaimed at the same time.

" I have friends ok? But I don't meet them regularly. " Sam defended himself.

" So explain us how are these amazing people your friends?" His Di said to him and Sam hesitated.

" We are friends from college." Piyu said seeing Sam nervous.

" And we are best friends from years." Rads added.

" Oh! How come we didn't know about it at all?" His mom asked happily.

" After graduation we all went separate ways and we met recently during a project. So here they are in our house." Sam said glaring at them which they clearly ignored.

" Nice meeting you all." His mom greeted them happily and they smiled back at her.

" So this is Rads.....I mean Radhika Mishra, this is Jai..... Jai Singh Rathod."Sam said and paused looking at Piyu.

" And this Piyu..... Piyali Jaiswal." Sam said gazing at her intensely and this made her blush.

This didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Everyone saw there was something between them. Especially Sam's mom, she saw something more in each other's eyes for each other. She knew his son never looked at a girl like that.

All the eyes turned towards the little princess who came and stood between them smiling.

" Piyu di, Rads di, Jai bhaiya, you all came." Pari exclaimed happily.

" Happy Birthday Princess." Piyu bent down and hugged her.

" Thank you di." She replied.

" You are looking beautiful just like princess." Piyu complemented her giving her gift she brought making her grin widely.

" Happy Birthday Meer's angel." Rads greeted and gave her gift kissing her cheek.

" Thank you di." She replied giggling.

" Hey munchkin, Happy Birthday. " Jai wished giving her the gift.

" Thank you Bhaiya." Pari grinned.

" Pari you know them?" Jiya asked surprised.

" Yes mumma, I met them when I went to the mall with Meel." She said and ran away from there happily.

His mom and Di glared at Sam who looked anywhere but them clearly ignoring their glares.

" Let's go, it's time for the cake cutting." Jiya said smiling at them and they nodded following her.

" I am so hungry." Rads exclaimed patting her stomach on hearing the word cake.

" Let the birthday girl cut the cake first and leave some cake to those poor kids also." Jai said earning a smack on the head making others chuckle.

After the cake cutting and all, they all sat together eating and drinking. Sameer excused himself to call Rohan as he still didn't come. At that time only there was a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Rohan standing there.

" I was calling you only." Sam said gesturing his phone.

" Aweee..... Is my bro missing me so much?" Rohan teased hugging him.

" Shut up and come inside." Sam said and left.

" Wow what a warm welcome." Rohan said sarcastically.

They both went to the room where all were seated talking and laughing. Rohan took a look at all of them and when his eyes landed on Rads, his heart fluttered. But something stirred inside him when he saw her laughing with a guy who sat beside her.

" Ma, this is Rohan Mehra my friend." Sam introduced him and everyone smiled at him.

Rads looked at him who is smiling at Jiya and she just sat staring at him.

" So, where is the birthday girl? " Rohan asked excitingly.

"She is here." Sam's mom brought her to him.

" Oh my God! Sameer you never told me you have such a beautiful niece." Rohan exclaimed and kneeled down.

He took Pari's hand and kissed it. She giggled in response and accepted the gift he gave her.

" Thank you...... " she trailed off looking at Sam her face scrunched cutely in confusion.

" He is Rohan. My friend." Sam said smiling at her.

" Thank you Rohan bhaiya." She said cutely making him grin widely.

" Idiot why didn't you ever said that you have such a cute niece? " Rohan smacked Sam on the head.

" Because I know you will start flirting with her also. " Sam said rolling his eyes making all of them chuckle and Rohan glare at him hardly.

" Meer!" His mom warned him to behave.

" What? You don't know him Ma, he flirts with every girl he sees." Sam defended himself.

Rohan ignored him and went towards Rads. He squished himself beside Rads smiling at Piyu.

" Excuse me Miss? Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next girlfriend. " Rohan said to her smiling.

Rads bit her lip to stop herself from smiling and rolled her eyes at him like usual.

" Look at him, now you understood what I said?" Sam muttered to her mom showing Rohan's flirting with Rads.

Jai got angry looking at Rohan's flirting and his protective mode got on now. He got up from his seat, pushed Rads a little and sat between Rads and Rohan calmly looking ahead.

" Hey! I was talking to her." Rohan exclaimed.

" More like flirting with her." Jai stated looking at him.

" So what?" Rohan raised his brows.

"You cannot do that especially when I am here." Jai said.

" Why?" Rohan asked him curiously to know who is he to Rads.

" Just like that." Jai shrugged.

" Who are you?" Rohan asked annoyed.

" Who are you?" Jai questioned back.

" First you tell me. " Rohan said.

" First you tell me. " Jai said.

" Will you stop repeating me for once and reply me?" Rohan said frustrated and rubbed his face with his hands.

" Umm..... How about No?" Jai said thinking and Rohan let out a loud groan.

Rads rolled her eyes and huffed at their stupid banter. Sameer's mom and sister looked amused at them while Sam slapped his forehead and Piyu laughed enjoying their arguments.

Jai and Rohan sat there glaring at each other.

" OK ok enough of arguments now. Rohan this is Jai Singh Rathod, we all are friends from college and Jai this is Rohan my idiotic friend." Sam said smiling.

" You always give me a stupid introduction. Not fair my bro." Rohan whined.

"May be because you are stupid." Jai stated rolling his eyes.

Rohan glared at him hardly and Jai glared back. After sometime Rohan looked away huffing and puffing crossing his arms while Jai also turned away crossing his arms stubbornly.

" I can't believe you two are the CEOs of your own companies." Sameer huffed annoyed at them.

Rads and Piyu looked at each other biting their lips trying to control their laughter but when Jiya and Sam's mom started laughing, they couldn't control anymore and laughed loudly along with them. Looking at them Sameer also laughed with them along with little Pari even though she doesn't know why they are laughing. Jai and Rohan pouted at everyone which made them laugh even more and eventually they also started laughing with rest of them.

Sameer's mom looked at everyone laughing. It has been a long time she heard laughs in this house otherwise their house is always filled with silence and dryness. She looked at her son laughing which reminded her of his childhood and she had tears of joy in her eyes. Piyu rested her head on Sam's shoulder while laughing and Sam looked at her like she is his everything. At that moment his mom understood what was between them. It was love. She was more than happy that her son was in love and his happiness lies in Piyu. She smiled with tears at them who were now staring into each other's eyes forgetting the whole world.


To be Continued..........

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Stay tuned..........

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