Chapter 38

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Sam took all his friends to tour his house. Piyu looked at everything very keenly as every corner of the house is related to Sameer and anything related him is important to her.

Rads gushed about how lavish is their kitchen and interior. Jai looked around observing everything with a small smile on his face. Rohan just followed Rads wherever she went and annoyed her.

Then they all went upstairs. Rads looked at Sam and Piyu who are walking together talking and laughing. She stopped in her tracks and pulled Rohan and Jai back stopping them from walking further.

Jai looked at her raising his brows for which she sighed at Sam and Piyu. Jai shook his head at her and turned towards other room.

" If you want to touch me you can just ask me you know, there is no need to grab me like that." Rohan smirked at her and she scrunched her face at him in disgust.

" We will go downstairs." She said to him sternly and walked towards the stairs.

" Why?" He asked her.

" I want water." She said and dragged him downstairs.

Sam and Piyu lost in themselves so much that they didn't observe that their friends were not there with them. He opened a door to his right and ushered Piyu to go inside.

Piyu gasped going inside. It was Sameer's room which is very neat and clean. The interior of the room was simple but classy. She liked it. She looked around the room fondly. She looked at his childhood pictures along with his family hung on the wall. She also saw a picture of her with Sam in college days and another picture with all their four friends. She had tears looking at those pictures and remembering those days.

Sam on the other hand was on cloud nine. His love, his life is standing in his room with him. He looked at her lovingly when she is looking around his room with a smile playing on her lips. He just stared at her while she is moving around his room. He wished that she permanently stays in his room beside him all his life. He looked at her who is looking at the pictures on the wall intently. He noticed she had tears in her eyes and he himself got tears looking at their pictures.

She turned and looked at him smiling.

" I love your room." She said grinning widely.

" Thank you." He was glad she liked it.

" There is also beautiful view from the window though it is night. Wow." She squealed looking at their green garden through the window making him laugh.

" Will you exchange your room with mine?" She asked like a child pouting at him.

" How can we exchange the rooms Piyu?" Sam asked laughing.

" But I want your room." She whined.

" Really?" He asked her and she nodded her head in yes frantically.

" Then you can stay in my room with me here." He said huskily going close to her.

"W.With you?" She stuttered going back.

" Ha with me." He stated and trapped her between his arms which are on the wall.

" Tell me Piyu , will you stay with me in my room?" He asked her going close to her and his breath is fanning her face making her breath hitch.

" How can I stay with you?" she whispered looking down shyly.

" Why can't you?" He asked her gazing his nose on her cheek.

Her scent is driving him crazy and wanted to kiss her so badly but he is stopping himself as he doesn't want to scare her away from him. She closed her eyes feeling his touch and inhaled his musk cologne which is driving her insane.

" Please stay with me." He whispered in her ear making her heart race faster.

He kissed on her cheek lightly which made her gasp softly. He kissed her another cheek and she blushed feeling his lips on her skin. He was looking at her intently and she looked back at him with the same intensity.

He moved his lips closer to her lips and she was panting heavily due to their close proximity as his body was touching her body. He put his hands on her waist leaning in while She closed her eyes tightly keeping her hands on his shoulders for support.

Their lips were about to touch when there was a knock on the door. They both snapped out of their daze and pulled away from each other. Piyu blushed and looked away from him while Sam stared at her flushed face.

They looked at the door where Jiya and Rads stood smirking at them. Sam and Piyu both went red in embarrassment.

" Both of you come downstairs." Jiya said and went away smiling at them.

" Don't do anything naughty and come downstairs both of you." Rads said wiggling her eyebrows and went away smirking.

Sam and Piyu looked at each other. Sameer cleared his throat and she looked up at him shyly.

" Come let's go. " Sam said holding her hand.

They went downstairs and met up with others in the hall.

" Where is Jai?" Piyu asked.

" He was here only." Rads said looking here and there.

"I will go and look for him." Sam said and went to other side of the room.

Sam searched for Jai but he was not there. He thought of calling on his phone but stopped listening to some voices from the garden. He went towards the glass French window and saw Jai talking to a girl.

He slid the window open and went towards them to call Jai but stopped in his tracks looking at the girl. She was Meera, his JiJu's sister. He observed that they are not talking normally. Jai was looking angry and Meera is close to crying.

" I said I am sorry Jai, I didn't know what I was doing." Meera pleaded.

" Your sorry doesn't change anything." Jai said angrily.

" I was drunk Jai." Meera said looking down.

" I know and that's why I am against us." Jai said.

" It's not like I have kissed someone else, I kissed you only Jai." Meera shouted with tears.

" I could be anyone Meera. You were that drunk that you would have kissed anyone in my place. You were not in your senses." Jai also yelled.

" No! Jai you cannot say that when you don't know nothing. I know I was not in my senses bceause I was drunk Jai for godsake. " She said to him.

" That's what I don't want. I don't want a girl who gets drunk, will not be in her senses and does whatever she wants." Jai shouted and she froze.

" Ok, Is this your final decision? " She asked him blankly.

" Yes. " He said looking away from her.

" OK then, I am going back to London. Forever. " Meera said and he closed his eyes painfully.

Jai said nothing and walked away leaving Meera to cry herself. She wiped her tears and went inside to join others.

Sameer just stood behind a bush and saw everything. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see Piyu stood behind him crying.

" Piyu....." he wiped her tears.

" Sam..... Jai?" She said looking at him.

" Don't worry, everything will be alright." He said hugging her.

" She seems like a nice girl and also loves Jai so much." Piyu said pulling away from him.

" Yeah I know. She is Meera my JiJu's sister..... I mean my sister's husband's Sister. She is brought up in London. She is a modern girl and very open minded but she is also a nice girl." Sameer said to her and she nodded her head.

They both went inside and saw Rohan and Rads in their own world, Pari was tired and sat on the couch opening her gifts after her friends left, Jiya and her mom were talking about something. They noticed Jai was nowhere and came to know from Rads that he went home while Meera sat there glumily lost in her own thoughts.

Rads and Piyu went to bid bye to Sam's mom, Jiya and Pari.

" It was nice having you all here. Please visit again." Sam's mom said to them.

" We are glad to meet you all too." Piyu said smiling at them.

" And we will definitely come again." Rads added smiling at them.

Piyu looked at Sam who is already looking at her. They smiled at each other not noticing that everyone there are noticing them. Rohan also bid his byes to Sam's family, Piyu, Rads and left in his car. Rads and Piyu sat in Piyu's car and drove to their homes.

Piyu on her way to their home said everything about Jai and Meera. Rads was stunned about Jai's love story.

" She loves Jai Rads, it was clear that she is regretting what she had done but Jai is not listening to her." Piyu said worried.

" Is he stupid? Why he is losing the girl who loves him so much for such a petty reason?" Rads bellowed.

" You know Jai and his family na Rads. They are very traditional and Conservative. They won't approve girls being modern and open minded. Maybe that's why Jai was rejecting her." Piyu said thoughtfully.

" Yeah, but I thought Jai doesn't mind all that stuff. I mean she said it was a  mistake right." Rads huffed.

" She is going back to London Rads that too forever, we should do something." Piyu said and Rads nodded.

" Piyu not only Jai but you should also do something about your love. Till when you will hide your feelings for Sam?" Rads said seriously and Piyu stayed calm.

" Why won't you confess your feelings to him? Is it because you still didn't forgive him for what he did to you? Then how do you expect Jai to forgive Meera?" Rads said angrily.

" No! Rads I forgave him long back." She said looking down.

" Then what's stopping you Piyu?" Rads asked her glancing at her sideways while driving.

" I don't know. Maybe the same fear I had in college. What if he doesn't feel the same?" Piyu asked her in fear.

" That time also you lost him because of the same fear. " Rads said sternly.

" Rads, I know. But it's not that easy. I am scared to lose him. If he doesn't love me then what will I do? " Piyu was in verge of crying.

Rads stopped the car and looked at Piyu. She started laughing madly looking at her stupid friend. She stopped laughing and smacked on Piyu's head.

" Ouch! What was that for? " Piyu asked rubbing her head.

" You are so stupid and blind Piyu. You know any person who has eyes can see love for you in Sameer's eyes." Rads said shaking her head at her.

" So..... what are you trying to say?" Piyu asked her and Rads rolled her eyes.

" Sameer loves you Piyu." Rads exclaimed.

" How do you know? " Piyu asked stubbornly.

" Have you ever seen how he looks at you? He looks at you like you are his life, his everything Piyu." Rads tried to drop some sense into her dense friend's brain.

" If he doesn't love you then why would he feel possessive over you so much? Why would he feel jealous when some guy comes close to you? Why would he say that he doesn't mind being your boyfriend and his company being yours? Why would he come so close to you like today in his room? " Rads asked her seriously.

Piyu just stayed calm thinking about what she said. She recalled everything that happened in past few days. The way he stares at her, the way he protects her, the way he feels possessive over her, the way he felt jealous when some stranger touched her, the way he said that she is his girlfriend and his company is hers, the way he said that nothing is important to him more than her, the way he cried when he thought she would leave him again, the way he hugs her whenever they meet like he doesn't want to let go. And the thought of today's events itself made her blush. He said her to stay with him in his room and any normal man wouldn't say that to any girl to stay with him in his room because only his wife has that right. Butterflies erupted in her stomach thinking of being his wife. And the way he kissed her today made her heart thump loud in her chest. The almost lip kiss they had today made her turn red just thinking about it.

Thinking about all this, she finally came to a conclusion. She looked at her freind grinning widely like an idiot. Rads sat bewildered in her seat looking at Piyu's expressions all the while.

" Rads I understood." Piyu said grinning.

" What?" Rads asked skeptically.

" That Sam loves me." Piyu said proudly.

" Finally." Saying this Rads banged her head on the steering wheel.


To be Continued.........

Stay tuned........

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