Chapter 39

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Piyu looked out of the glass window and stared at the peaceful evening. She looked around and saw some couples enjoying their time with each other holding their hands.

She wants that. She wants to spend time with her love holding his hand and looking into eyes. She closed her eyes and only one person came into her vision. She smiled and wished for him to be there with her forever.

She sighed and thought how will she convey her feelings to him. Sam shows his feelings to her in some or the other way but she still want to be sure that he feels the same as her.

She looked at her watch and then looked at the door for the person whom she is waiting for. She was nervous to talk to him but she has to do it before it's too late.

" Hey Muffin!" Jai exclaimed sitting in front of her.

" You are late." She said in mock anger.

" Sorry! Stuck in traffic." He said and called for waitor.

" What do you want?" He asked her.

" Capuccino." She said smiling.

" One Cappuccino and one Black coffee please." Jai ordered smiling.

" So why this sudden meeting?" Jai asked looking at her.

" Just like that, can't we just meet to talk?" She said fiddling with her dupatta.

"Piyu!" Jai called her and she closed her eyes to gain some courage. He is serious now as he called her by her name.

" Jai, I will ask you something. Will you answer me truthfully?" She asked him seriously.

Jai frowned at her but nodded his head in yes.

" Do you Love someone?" Piyu asked in one breath.

Jai was taken aback by her sudden question. He don't know what to answer but he decided to be truthful as he promised her.

" No." He said bluntly.

"No? Are you sure?" she asked him.

" Piyu, why are you asking me such questions suddenly?" Jai asked her leaning forward on the table.

" Jai is there anything that you need to tell me?" she asked him calmly.

Jai opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. He stumbled with his words. He thought if she is asking about Meera. That time only their order came and they both started sipping their drinks.

"Jai, Please tell me if something is bothering you?" She asked sensing his dilemma.

" Jai?" She called him.

" There is nothing like that. Don't worry about me." He said smiling at her.

She sighed and thought of asking him directly.

" Do you know Meera? "She asked him and he looked at her stunned.

" How do you know her? "He asked her blankly.

" So you know her." She declared leaning back looking at him.

" Piyu..... "

" We met at Sam's house at the party. She is Sam's jiju's sister." Piyu said to him who just looked down.

" You also met her at the party right?" She asked him but he stayed silent.

" It's Ok if you don't want to tell me but remember you are not alone. We are there with you. " She assured him keeping her hand on his hand and he sighed loudly rubbing his face.

" You know right I went to London for past few months for a business project? There I met her through one of our common friends. She was kind, friendly and a good girl." He paused and looked at her who sighed him to continue.

" I didn't met her frequently as I don't socialize and go to parties often but I used to meet her once in a while, some times at the work place or coffee shop along with others. I know she is not like others, she is special because I opened up to her about my life very easily which I usually don't. It is very easy to talk to her as she understands me and makes me laugh also. Soon we became very good friends in a very short span of time." He said looking at Piyu all the time and Piyu smiled at him widely.

" You like her. " She said smirking.

" Yeah and I like you too. " He said smirking back.

" Idiot not in that way. You really like her, I can see it in your eyes when you are talking about her." Piyu exclaimed.

" Piyu!" Jai warned.

" Ok ok tell me what happened then?" She asked him.

" We were at the club one day to celebrate one of my friend's birthday. I didn't want to go but I had to go, so I went there a little bit late. By the time I went there all were drunk fully. Even Meera also and I had to make sure they were Ok. Meera was literally stumbling and couldn't even walk. I made sure she was OK and made her sit at one corner. She was all blabbering and losing her consciousness. I went to get some water and when I came back she was on the dance floor dancing. I went to her and turned her around. She turned and..... " Jai trailed off and looked away.

" Then? " She asked curiously.

" Then she kissed me." He said and she stared at him in awe.

" I pushed her away and made sure she goes to her house with her roommate. I didn't meet her after that. Sometimes our paths crossed but I avoided her and she tried hard to talk to me." He said.

" Why? She likes you Jai." Piyu whined.

" It was time to leave for me and come to India. The day I was leaving Meera came to my house and confessed that she loves me. " Jai said to her.

Piyu squealed happily by clapping her hands excitingly.

" Calm down Muffin there is still more. I rejected her and she cried apologizing for kissing me but I couldn't accept her proposal." Jai said shaking his head.

" Why Jai? How can you push away the girl who loves you?" Piyu asked him concerned.

" It's not good for us. We are not correct for each other and our families are totally different. I don't like girls drinking like that recklessly and kisses some random guy like that. There could have been anyone in my place and they could have taken advantage of her if it's not for me." Jai said angrily.

" You rejected her again that day in Sam's house, didn't you? " Piyu asked him closing her eyes.

" Yes. "He whispered.

" Jai, do you love her? "she asked him directly.

" No! I like her as a friend but I don't love her. I said to you right that I cannot love such a girl. " Jai said.

" Jai you shouldn't have done that. You should have atleast given her a chance to explain herself. Atleast after she confessed her love to you, you should have tried to give her chance. You know it's very hard for a girl to confess her feelings but she did that because she doesn't want to lose you. She really loves you Jai. Love is a boon Jai, everyone are not lucky enough to have it and what you did, you just pushed away the love which was in front of you." Piyu said angrily with tears.

" Piyu..... " Jai was taken aback by her outburst.

" You should have atleast tried Jai. You should have atleast tried to know your feelings regarding her. You don't know what your heart wants because you never thought about it. Once you try to think being in her place then you will understand how much you have hurtled her. Once you stop thinking about her as a friend and start thinking about her as a girl who loves you then you will understand what you have lost. But you just pushed her away. You hurtled her Jai. You breaked her heart. You made a girl cry. I didn't expect this from you. I didn't know that you would behave so heartless and cold towards a girl." Piyu said wiping her tears away.

" Piyu I didn't do anything intentionally. I didn't think all of this. I don't know what I feel and I am confused as hell about all this. " Jai said frustrated.

" I know jai but I don't want you to feel the pain you get when you realize that you lost your love. I know that better when I lost Sam." Piyu said standing up while he just sat looking at her concerned.

" Think about it and try to give a chance to her." She said and walked towards the door.

Jai sat thinking deeply and looked up when he saw Piyu came back again.

" Jai once think if someone behaves with me or Rads exactly the way you behaved with her, Rejected and hurted us the same way you have done to her then what you will do? How would you feel?" Piyu asked him keeping her hand on his shoulder.

Thinking about just someone hurting his friends only made his blood boil and his eyes showed his rage.

" Exactly! Now you understood how much you have hurted her? I am not saying you to love her back. I am just saying to understand her, her love and give her a chance to explain herself. Think about her and her love." Piyu said smiling at him and left him with million of thoughts.


Piyu entered her house and saw her bhabi cooking something. There was no one in the house as everyone went to attend some business function.

" Bhabi! Your due date is near and you are stressing yourself with work?" Piyu exclaimed in worry.

" I am just preparing your favorite kheer." Apoorva said smiling at her.

" Still you are not supposed to work. You move now, I will prepare it." she said and made her sit on the chair.

" Where were you? "Apoorva asked her.

" I went to meet a friend. " Piyu replied.

" Oh! Who? Sameer huh? "she asked smirking.

" No! I went to meet Jai." She replied.

" Piya..... I like Sameer. " She said.

" Everyone likes him Bhabi..... He is just like that. " Piyu said smiling brightly.

" And you? " she asked looking at her.

" I.I too like him Bhabi." she said looking away.

" Piya I am saying that I like him for you. " she said and Piyu just stood silent.

" Come here and sit. " she said and Piyu obeyed.

" When are you going express your feelings to him?" she asked directly.

" W.What? H.How do you know?" Piyu stuttered in shock.

" I know you Piyu. I saw it in your eyes. I saw how you behave around him. I understood you love him." Her bhabi said cupping her cheek.

" But I don't know how he feels about me Bhabi." She sighed.

" You are so dense." Apoorva hit her playfully on her arm.

" Why everyone keeps telling me that I am dense?" Piyu whined.

" Who else told you?" She asked laughing.

" Rads. She says that Sam loves me but I am too dense to see that." Piyu says looking down.

" She is right you know."

" How do you know that?" Piyu asked looking at her curiously.

"I know I have met him only once but I saw something in his eyes when he looks at you. He looks at you like you are his life, his every thing exactly the same way Aditya looks at me." Apoorva explains her softly.

Piyu looked at her smiling and hugs her tightly.

" He makes me feel special. His words and actions shows me that he cares for me and is possessive over me. He shows some signs that he has feelings for me but never said anything Bhabi that's why I am scared to tell about my feelings to him. I am scared if he doesn't feel the same. I am scared to lose him." Piyu cries hugging her tightly.

" Sshhh..... It's Ok to be scared. There is nothing for you to worry. He loves you and he must also be hesitating to say to you as in fear of losing you that's it. Everything will be Ok. " Her Bhabi consoled her.

They both had dinner and slept together as it was already past 10.

Piyu woke up startled hearing some noise. She looked at her Bhabi who is crying in pain.

" Bhabi what happened? " she asked panicked.

" I think it's time." She said between her screams.

"Oh! I will call for ambulance."she went and called for ambulance but lines are busy.

Her hands are shaking in panic and she is not getting connected.

She doesn't know what to do and did the only thing that got first in her mind. She dialed the number and waited for him to pick up the call.

"Hello?" He picks up without looking at the caller ID.

" Sam?" she cried.

" Piyu? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks panicked.

" Sam, bhabi is in labor pains..... She is screaming with pain..... There is no one in the house..... I tried to call ambulance but..... I am scared..... I don't know what to do." She said between her sobs.

"Don't cry Piyu. Be with Bhabi, I am coming." He said and hung up the phone and rushed out to go to her house.

She heard the screaming of her bhabi and went running to her. She sat by her and rubbed her palms and feet with her hands. She tried to call her brother and father but they are not lifting their phones.

Within ten minutes Sam reached her house. He consoled Piyu and went to see her bhabi. He lifted her in his arms and went towards his car. He placed her in the back seat of the car and sat on the passenger seat. Piyu also sat back in the car placing her bhabi's head on her lap.

Within no time they reached the nearby hospital and took her inside in a stretcher. Doctors recognized their patient and immediately rushed her to the ward. Piyu and Sam waited outside the room while doctors are examining Apoorva.

Every time Apoorva screams in Pain, Piyu cries holding Sam. Her phone starts ringing.

" Hello Piya..... We just saw your missed calls....." Piyu cuts him off.

" Bhai! Bhabi got her pains and we are in the hospital. Come soon." she said hurriedly.

"What? We are coming right now. You take care." He said and hung up.

Piyu looks worried at the closed door and Sam made her sit on a chair.

" She will be fine." He says to her and she hugs him tightly.


To be Continued..........

Stay Tuned........

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