Chapter 40

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AJ's reached the hospital and ran inside hurriedly with their faces full of tension and worry. By the time they reached the ward they looked around to see Piyu sleeping on Sam's shoulder.

Anand and Aditya ran towards the door and looked for doctors while Piyu's Mom just stood there staring at Piyu who is sleeping on Sam's shoulder peacefully and Sam who is gently stroking her hair with his hand.

They both looked adorable together like that and Piyu's Mom smiled liking what she saw. She also went to the door and tried to know what's happening inside.

Sam looked at his right and saw Piyu's family. The sudden movement caused Piyu to open her eyes and look at her family. Piyu ran to her mom and hugged her tightly.

" It's Ok beta....." Her mom consoled her rubbing her back.

" I was so scared." She said in fear.

" Nothing will happen to them, they will be fine." Her mom said and she nodded.

" Now tell me what happened?" Her mom asked.

" We chatted for long time, ate dinner and slept together. Suddenly Bhabi started screaming in pain. I have tried for ambulance but I didn't get connected and I also tried to call you people but you were not lifting your phones. That's why I called Sam and you know mumma he came and carried Bhabi in his arms to the car. He drove in full speed and brought us  to the hospital. I don't know what would have happened if Sam wasn't there in time." Piyu ranted whole story.

Her mother turned to look at Sam who is now talking to Aditya and Anand about what happened. She then looked at her daughter whose eyes have some glint when talking about him.

She then went to a corner and prayed to God for the well being of her daughter in law and the baby. Doctors came out after a while who became the target of endless questions.

"How is my wife and my baby?"

" Is everything alright?"

" What happened? How are they?"

" How is my bhabi? Are there any complications?"

Four of them fired their questions at the doctor and when he was about to answer them, another panicked rant came enquiring about the situation.

" How are they both? Are they fine? Oh! God..... I know I should have driven faster and brought them a little earlier but the bloody are they doctor? Say something Damm it."

AJ's and doctor looked at Sam stunned and amused at the same time. He was more panicked than all of them but the truth was he gets easily panicked in the hospital environment and that too its the matter of two lives so it scared him so much.

" There is no need to worry, she is fine and Congratulations she delivered a baby boy who is hale and healthy." Doctor said smiling at them who relieved a loud sigh.

" Thank you so much doctor." They all said happily.

" You can see them in a few minutes." Doctor said and walked away.

Everyone hugged each other happily. Piyu looked at Sam who stood relieved and happy. She went to him and hugged him tightly like her life depended on it.

" Thank you so much Sam." She mumbled against his chest still hugging him.

Sam smiled and hugged her back tightly feeling happy. They stayed like that for sometime enjoying each other's warmth totally forgetting that they are in the hospital and there are people watching them especially Piyu's family.

A loud clearing of throat snapped them out of their romantic moment. They pulled away abruptly and looked around to find Piyu's family staring at them raising their brows.

They both blushed looking down nervously.

" Let's go inside." Aditya said smirking at them and her mom bit back the smile while her dad rushed inside the room ignoring what he just saw.

Sam and Piyu followed them inside. All of them looked in awe at their little bundle of joy. They talked to Apoorva about how is she feeling and picked up the baby one by one.

Now it was the turn of Piyu to hold the baby in her arms. She excitedly but carefully took the baby from her mother and looked at him. The baby was chubby and pink. His eyes were still closed and she slowly touched his cheek with her hand as she was scared she would hurt him.

Sam was mesmerized seeing Piyu holding the baby. Unknowingly he went and stood beside her looking at the baby. Sam touched baby's foot which is soft as cotton and smiled. Piyu looked at him and smiled while Sam also looked at her and smiled.

Everyone looked at them smiling but the two women smirked discreetly at the scene in front of them. Apoorva and Piyu's mom both looked at Sam and Piyu lovingly. Their hearts felt warmth and there is an unknown happiness and satisfaction looking at them both holding a baby.

Piyu looked at her Bhabi who winked at her silently sighing at Sam. Piyu widened her eyes at her and thought of diverting attention from her.

" So, What are you naming the baby?" Piyu asked giving the baby to her brother.

"We already thought of the name." Aditya said smiling at his wife.

" What?" Piyu squealed in excitement making everyone laugh at her.

"Arnav." Aditya said kissing his baby's forehead.

"Arnav Jaiswal..... Sounds good." Her dad AJ said proudly.

" Another AJ added to the family." Piyu grumbled and the two AJ's glared at her.

She smiled sheepishly at them making Sam laugh at her. She glared at him and he smiled his gorgeous smile at her which made her sigh.

After spending some time with the baby, everyone called it a night. Piyu's mom stayed with Apoorva in the hospital while AJ's and Piyu thanked Sameer for what he had done to their family and went to their respective homes to freshen up as it was already morning.


Few days have passed as everyone were busy with their works. So everyone decided to spend time with each other. They fixed their meeting point at some food joint.

Sameer, Piyu, Rads and Jai are spending their time like they used to spend in their college days. Though Jai didn't talk to Sam, Sam was happy as Jai didn't oppose to spend time with him.

" One large burger, one large fries, One Pepsi, One medium Pizza, One strawberry milkshake and One black current ice cream."

Rads placed her order to the astonished waitor standing before her and all her three friends looked at her with wide eyes and open mouths.

" Why are you all looking at me like that? Place your orders too guys..... " Rads said nonchantly.

" One large burger with pepsi. "Jai ordered.

" One Chocolate milkshake with vanilla ice cream please. " Piyu said smiling at the waitor.

" Same. " Sam said gesturing at Piyu.

" Same huh? " Rads smirked at Sam who glared at her.

Rads winked at Piyu who just slapped her forehead looking down to cover her rising blush.

Few minutes later, waitor came and kept their orders on their table.

" Where does all the food goes?" Jai asked looking at the food in front of Rads and her.

Rads threw a dirty look at him.

" I always wonder the same." Sam said looking at Rads and food.

" Shut up and eat." Rads growled at them and started devouring her food.

They shut their mouths and started eating their food knowing better not to mess with a hungry Rads while Piyu just laughed at them.

Sam was trying to concentrate on his shake to ignore Jai and Rads stupid banter when he felt someone poke on his ribs. He looked at his right and saw Piyu leaning closer to his face which made his heart thump loudly against his chest.

Piyu leaned onto his ear and whispered something. He did not hear anything. Everything was blank for him. He just felt her hot breath near his neck which made goosebumps arise in his body.

Piyu looked at him for a response but his face was blank. She again poked on his ribs which made him look at her startled.

" What?" He asked her in a daze and she sighed.

"Is that girl Meera?" Piyu whisper yelled at him showing her finger at some direction.

Sam followed her direction and saw Meera standing at the reception. He nodded his head in yes looking at Piyu.

" Call her over here." Piyu whispered to him.

" But Jai ? " He whispered back.

" I will handle him.....just call her here." She whispered to him.

" Okay." He stood up and went to Meera.

Meera was surprised to see Sam who told her to join them. She gladly accepted and came to their table while Sam excused himself to the washroom.

Jai was shocked to see her unexpected at their table while Piyu stood up and hugged her. Rads smiled at her and made her sit on their table. But Meera showed no sign of panic or recognition towards Jai which was again a shock to him.

" What are you doing here?" Jai hissed at Meera who for the first time met his eyes.

" Jai !" Piyu warned him.

That made him shut up as he understood Piyu will be more angry if he opens his mouth again while Meera was surprised to see Jai getting scared of Piyu as she saw him always authorative and bossy.

Soon Sam also came back and joined them bringing a milkshake to Meera who thanked him.

" So do you know when is Jiju coming back to India?" Sam asked her.

" Yeah, he said he will come back next week. He is upset with himself for missing Pari's birthday this year." Meera said to him smiling.

" Yeah I know..... He never missed her birthday. "Sam replied.

" So what are you doing here? " Piyu asked Meera.

" This food joint is owned by one of my friends. I just came here to meet him." Meera replied sipping her shake.

" Oh! He owns this! Wow! Where is he? " Rads exclaimed.

" He is inside the office and I was waiting for him." Meera replied.

All the while Jai was furious. He didn't like the sound of her meeting with some boy. He absent mindedly took bunch of fries in front of him and shoved into his mouth furiously.


With that sound all of them turned to see Jai got smacked hard on his head.

" What the......." Jai yelled rubbing his head.

" You ate my fries...... My fries." She hissed at him fiercely.

" So?" He hissed back at her.

" So? Did you forget? ...... No one touches my food." Rads said angrily turning all red.

This made Jai gulp in fear and he scooted a little away from her scared. This made Meera chuckle as she never saw Jai scared of someone while Piyu and Sam also snickered at them.

" Sir, do you need anything else? " A waitress came and asked Sam smiling seductively at him.

" No." He responded without looking at her.

" Sir, if you need anything, just call me. My name is Rashmi." She said smiling touching his arm.

" Stay away..... Don't touch me and I don't need anything. Leave." He said coldly to her for which she winced at his tone and left abruptly.

Rads and Jai chuckled at her.

" They both love each other, don't they? " Meera whispered pointing at Sam and Piyu.

Piyu was glaring at the back of the waitress while Sam was smiling apolegitically at Piyu.

" How do you know?" Rads asked her shocked.

" It's clearly written on their faces like how they look at each other, how she got jealous and he was scared of her reaction." Meera explained shrugging.

" It seems everyone in the world knows that they love each other except these idiots." Rads said shaking her head at them and sighed loudly making Meera chuckle.

" Meera! "

They all heard a voice and everyone turned to look at the person.

" Kunal!"

Saying this Meera stood waving at him.

" Sorry guys I have to go, it was nice spending time with you all..... Thank you so much." She said and left towards Kunal.

They all looked at Meera who is hugging Kunal now. She was blabbering continuously and he was laughing at her. But one pair of eyes watched them furiously. Jai didn't like what he was seeing. He was angry for the reason he don't know.

Kunal went inside again leaving Meera waiting for him. Jai stood up abruptly from his seat and stroded towards Meera dragging her to a corner while she looked at him questioningly.

" Who is he?" Jai said gritting his teeth.

" Kunal." She answered simply.

" Oh! So you came here to meet your boyfriend and that's why you acted like you don't know me a while before." Jai seethed in anger.

" Firstly, he is my friend and not my boy friend. Secondly, I didn't act anything. You only said to me to go away from your life and that's why I am securing myself not to get hurt again by you." She shouted at him.

" You think that I will hurt you?" He asked her shocked.

" Yes! Not physically but emotionally. Your words are like knives and they have already injured me deeply. I don't want to get hurt again and again by you and your words. I will stay away from you and you stay away from me." Meera said rudely.

" So you decided that you would move on and look at you it was so easy for you. " Jai mocked her angrily.

" I am not saying anything to you and because I love you, it doesn't mean that you can say anything to me. I did wrong and I apologized for that. I even begged you and confessed my feelings for you which you had throw away like thrash and left to India. Then also I couldn't stay calm, I came to India to get back you in my life but you are adamant in pushing me away. So, I have decided not to come in your way anymore. I am going back to London away from you and your life forever and that's why I came to meet my friend before going back. Goodbye Mr. Jai Singh Rathod, have a good life." She bursted out all her anger on him with tears flowing continuously.

She looked at Kunal who was searching for her now. She wiped her tears and went towards him leaving Jai all shocked and pained. She did not turn back once also to look at him, she had enough of him. She is a short tempered, arrogant and prude girl from the time she is born. Jai had changed her. She is a total different girl around him but now she thinks that she is a fool to change for him. She takes out her shades and puts them on her eyes. She walks out of the restaurant with her head held high emitting arrogance and style.

Jai stood rooted in his place looking at her retreating back who is walking without caring about the world around her, while Sam, Piyu and Rads looked at Meera with wide eyes as they never thought of her to be the person with so much pride.

Jai was responsible for her behavior. Piyu knows beyond that facade of arrogance and rudeness there is a broken heart which she covered up so elegantly. She knows how Meera is feeling right now as she was also in her place once. Sam also knows what Jai and Meera going through. After all he had also faced the pain of heartbreak. Rads sighed thinking that her friends are more stupid than she thought.

Jai finally looked at his friends who are glaring at him with a look saying 'You will regret this'. He looked down and went away unable to face them with unknown feelings stirring inside his heart.

In all this, Sam and Piyu realized that they should confess their feelings to each other before its too late.


To be Continued..........

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