Chapter 42

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Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, Every problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours to become a victim or Victor.


Piyu jerked up from her sleep as she remembered that she had to meet Sameer today. She checked her phone for any messages. Her face lit up when she saw Sam's messages.

I am fine Piyu, don't worry.

She read and sighed in relief opening another message.

I am sorry for not coming to your house. I was caught up in some important work.

She read it and smiled a little thinking that she unnecessarily got worried.
She got ready quickly and went downstairs for breakfast.

She looked around to see her mother is in the kitchen while her Bhabi is serving breakfast for her brother whose face is dipped in the newspaper. Her father is nowhere to be seen, maybe he left early.

As she sat on the dining table, she looked at her brother whose face is etched with deep frown. Her mother, Apoorva and Piyu looked at him curiously as he stopped eating and looking at the newspaper worriedly.

" Adi, what happened?" Saying this Apoorva took the newspaper from his hands and looked at it.

Her eyes went wide looking at it and looked immediately at Piyu with  concern.

"Bhabi, what happened?" Piyu asked her worried.

" N.Nothing, this people print anything they want without thinking." she said throwing the paper away and laughed nervously.

Looking at her Bhabi and Bhai, she felt something was wrong. She slowly got up and took the newspaper. She looked at it searching for what they were looking.

And there was the big news with big headlines which shook her whole world. Her eyes went wide looking at the news and read again and again to confirm the news.

She couldn't believe what she read and It was too much for her to handle.

" Piya, These newspapers will write anything just for publicity and money. They misinterpreted the whole matter and wrote rubbish. Don't believe it." Apoorva said holding Piyu's hand.

Piyu looked at her Bhabi and then newspaper which read that...... The great industrialist, the arrogant rich and hot business man Sameer Khanna is seen at a night club with a girl yesterday. They wrote that finally Sameer Khanna has got a girl in his life and printed their pictures in their newspaper.

Piyu knew better than to believe such nonsense. Surely she was shocked but she didn't believe their words. He must have gone to club but only for a business meeting. They created all these stories looking at him in a club.

But she wouldn't lie saying that she is not affected by looking at those pictures. Yes, her heart ached seeing him with another girl that too very close.

" I know Bhabi.....but....." Piyu trailed off.

The pictures are making her restless. She just got him back and now she cannot lose him again. And the girl in the pictures is awfully looking very familiar to her which is not helping her at all.

She turned the pages and read the whole news where different pictures were also printed. She looked closely at them especially the girl and her breath got hitched.

She stood rooted in her place and her face paled. She was too shocked to respond and tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she saw and Sam was with her.

She but her lip to control herself from crying. Apoorva noticed her behavior and asked her what happened. She said nothing and ran to her room.

This couldn't be true.

This cannot be her.

What if Sam was really with her?

That thought itself made her cry even more.

No no no..... I cannot doubt him.

I should ask him about all this.

She thought and called Sameer but his phone was switched off. She thought of going and meet him at his office.

She also got calls from Jai and Rads but she didn't respond to them. She first wanted to talk to Sam. She knows for what they are calling maybe they also saw the news. It will be better if she talks to Sam first and then she can explain to them about it.

She stormed out of her house with fear as to what she will hear from Sam. Will she able to bear the truth?

No! He promised me that he will not hurt me again.

Yes! He will not hurt me.

It might be just a misunderstanding.

She consoled herself and started driving to Sam's office. Her mind went down the memory lane seeing those pictures.

She never thought of seeing her again back in her life. But the question is what was Sam doing with her makes her restless.

She was the girl who snatched away her best friend from her.

She was the girl who is responsible for their fight with Sameer.

She was the girl because of whom they had to abondon their best friend Sam for 2 years.

She was the girl who snatched away her first love and made her cry for years.

She was the girl who is responsible for their heartbreaks.


Piyu thought bitterly.

It's the name she hates and despises the most.

And now she is back in her life which are raising unnecessary doubts in her mind.

What if she came back to snatch Sam away from her again?

What if she is back to take revenge on her?

What if she came back to ruin everything again?

These doubts itself are clenching her heart. She doesn't know what will happen to her if all these come true.
She shook her head and shrugged away those awful thoughts.

She stopped at Sameer's office and took a deep breath to calm herself. She got down from her car and slowly walked towards the building.

She stepped out of the elevator and walks towards his office.

" Hello Maam." Priya greeted her smiling.

" Hi, Is Sam here?" Piyu asked her trying to smile.

" He is there maam, I think you saw the news. Those media people had made a big issue out of a small business meeting which created a havoc in the office. " Priya said huffing.

Listening this Piyu relaxed a little. Maybe she is thinking too much. Maybe it was just a business meeting or maybe she was another girl not Tanya. Maybe she also misunderstood like others.

She smiled at Priya and walked towards his office. She stood in front of his door and decided to knock taking a deep breath. But she decided against it remembering how he had warned her once that she shouldn't knock again on his door.

She smiled at the memory and opened the door smiling.

But what she saw made her smile vanished. She stood like a statue looking at the scene in front of her.

Sam and Tanya were standing in front of the desk holding hands. She looked at Sam first and then at Tanya who is holding his hand in hers. They both looked shocked at Piyu.

Sam jerked away himself from Tanya seeing the glaring of Piyu at their hands.

" Piyu?" Sam called her.

She just stood there glaring at Tanya who is looking down uncomfortably.

" Piyu, it's not what it looks like.....we were just talking." Sam said scared.

What made him more scare was that Piyu was silent.

She just stood there silently glaring at them. The past which gave her pain, how Tanya manipulated him, how they got separated and those pictures of today's newspapers were all replaying in her head again and again.

She shut her eyes tightly but still she couldn't shake away those images. She clutched her head between her hands and closed her eyes tightly to shut away those things.

" Piyu." Sam called her looking at her with concern.

She opened her eyes which are red and looked at him. He removed her hands from her head and holded them in his hands. He squeezed her hands tightly in fear.

She looked at him who is looking at her scared of her reaction. She knows he won't do anything wrong but she did not like what she saw just a while back.

She can't believe that they both are still in contact with each other.

She can't digest the fact that they are still meeting each other.

She forgave him but she could not forget what happened.

Only because of this girl who is standing in front of her.

She was the reason of their ruined relationships.

Now she came back.

And everything will be ruined again.

More than that the most frightening thought was that..... Did Sam ditched her only to meet Tanya?

And this thought frightened her to death. Tears welled up in her eyes.

" Piyu, Say something." Sam asked her concerned at her pale face.

Piyu blinked her eyes furiously to stop herself from crying. She looked at Sam and then at Tanya who is looking at her blankly.

She gulped the lump formed in her throat and bit her lip not to cry in front of them.

" Were you with her last night in the club?" Piyu asked looking straight at him.

Sam face paled and he didn't know what to answer.

" Piyu....." Sam was cut off by Piyu.

" First say,  you were with her last night or not?" Piyu said sharply.

" Actually..... " Sam tried to explain but.....

" Say Yes or No. " She snapped.

Sam flinched at her tone and sighed in defeat.

" Yes." He whispered looking at her.

Piyu was internally expecting that he would say no and what she heard broke her heart.

Sameer's heart ached looking at the hurt and broken face of Piyu.

" So you were with her. You didn't come to my house because you had to meet her. And those pictures in the newspapers are real." She whispered looking at him with hurt.

" Piyu please listen to me first. Let me explain."Sam pleaded her.

Piyu looked at his hurt face and then at Tanya who is rubbing her forehead impatiently.

" Sorry to disturb both of you. Carry on with your important work." Piyu said and stormed out of his cabin.

She heard Sam calling her name loudly but she didn't stop. The tears spilled out which she stopped from that time. Priya looked at her worriedly but Piyu ignored her and Sam's calls. She stormed out of his  building and ran towards her car.

She knows he will follow her and so she quickly drove away the car far away from him.

She never for once thought that all this will happen today.

She never thought that her hopes, her wishes, her happiness will destroy like this just in one day.

She thinks maybe she is not meant to be together with him.

Maybe her Love stays Unrequited..... Forever.


To be Continued...........

So Tanya is back!

But for what?

Does history repeats again?

So what will happen next?

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Stay Tuned............

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