Chapter 43

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She looked up at the knocking door from her file.

" Come in."

She said and resumed her work.

Someone came inside and cleared their throat.

She frowned and looked up to see a white roses bouquet covering the person's face. She sighed loudly as she knows who it was.

" What are you doing here?" She asked looking down at the file again.

" Came here to deliver your bouquet Maam." That person said sweetly.

She rolled her eyes and looked at the person.

" You are his PA, do you remember that?" She asked seriously.

" Yes Maam, that's why I am doing the work he said me to do." Priya said grinning at her.

Priya came near her and kept the bouquet on her table with a note which Piyu ignored.

" Do you want me to deliver some message to him Maam? " Priya asked smiling at her.

" Yes, tell him to stop doing all this." She huffed at her.

" I am afraid that he will not Maam." Priya said to her.

" Priya..... Tell him what I said." Piyu said sternly.

"Ok Maam." She replied and turned to leave.

Priya stopped and turned around. She looked at Piyu who is eyeing the bouquet and the note curiosly.

" Maam?" She called and Piyu looked at her.

" He is very sorry about all that. I never saw him so distraught and broken. I don't know nothing about you two and what happened between both of you but I can see that you are very important and special to him." Priya paused and looked at Piyu who sat silent.

" I am just saying that give him a chance to explain himself then you can take whatever decision you want but I will suggest you that don't lose a true man like him Maam." Priya said seriously and walked out of her cabin.

Piyu sat staring at the closed door sadly. Priya's words are echoing in her ears. From past three days Sam has apologized her in many ways. He sent messages and voicemails to her phone saying sorry. He sent bouquets with Priya to her office with sorry notes. She knows he will not send anything to her house as he will not involve her family into this.

Piyu looked at the note on front of her on the table and opened it.

Dear Piyu,

I know you are angry on me and doesn't want to talk to me right now. But Piyu I want to let you know that I am truly sorry for hurting you..... Again. It was not intentional but circumstances were like that and I would explain you if you let me explain. I want you to know clearly that I didn't do anything wrong.

I am Sorry Piyu,


Tears welled up in her eyes as she read the note again and again.

She wants to meet him and talk to him but somewhere the fact that he ditched her to meet that Tanya is stopping her.

She wanted give him a chance to explain but something is stopping her from talking to him.


Fear of what he had to say.

Fear of what she had to listen.

Fear of what he will explain about his relation with Tanya.

Fear of what Tanya will do this time.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of losing him.

Fear of seeing him with Tanya again.

She had this unknown fear settled at the pit of her stomach that is stopping her from talking to him.

She couldn't bear if she loses him again.

She couldn't bear if he is again with that Tanya.

She couldn't bear if he chooses Tanya over her.

So that's why she is doing this.

Avoiding him.

She knows she has to face the truth.

But she is not ready for it..... Yet.

She didn't tell anything to Rads and Jai as she doesn't want them to again fight with Sam because of her.

She should deal her own problems.

She doesn't want to involve anyone into this.

Nobody knows what happened and when they asked about it, She just brushed off saying that they all are just rumors regarding the newspaper nonsense.

She just needs a little time.

But reading such notes from him makes her cry even more and make her miss him even more than she already does.

Rads knows that something is wrong but she didn't pester both of them because she left them to solve their problem for themselves because she knows interference of someone is not good in such matters and it may make even worse. So she left it to both of them to resolve.

Jai on the other was in a depressed mood because when he decided at last to talk to Meera, he came to know that she left to London. He didn't know what to do now and immersed himself into work so much that he doesn't have time to think about her  and cannot remember her but at the end of day everything comes back.


A week had passed just like that. But in this week she didn't get any messages or bouquets or notes from Sam.

She missed him.

She missed his notes.

She missed his messages.

She missed his beautiful bouquets.

It was her fault.

One Week back when she got a message from him saying..........

Piyu, please I want to talk to you once.

Being the scared cat she is replied to the message that..........

I need some time.

And he replied.

Okay, I will give you some time and space.

And with that all the messages, apology notes and bouquets stopped.

She smacked herself for doing that.

Daily she waits for any bouquets and notes but they won't come. She looks at her phone many times to see if there was any message from him. But every time she expects something it disheartens her.

Not his fault though, he tried to talk to her but she shut him down.

She doesn't know what to do now.

She knows he wouldn't do anything wrong but him meeting with Tanya is not going well with her.

Right now, she is sitting in a Cafe near her office drowned in her thoughts.

" Hey beautiful! "

She heard someone and flickered her eyes towards that person.

" Hey." She said smiling a little.

" What's wrong?" He asked.

" Nothing." She shook her head.

" That look on your face is familiar, I have seen that same look somewhere also." He said thoughtfully.

" What?" She asked him confused.

" Yeah now I understand, I saw this similar look on Sameer too." He said to her narrowing his eyes.

" What look?" She enquired.

" That lost look, like you are missing someone, like you are conflicting with yourself, like you don't know what to do." He said analyzing her.

She looked shocked at him.

" For someone who is always called as dumb and idiot, you are very intellectual Rohan." She said bluntly.

She realized what she said and bit her tongue when he scowled at her.

" I know that. Only that stupid Sameer calls me that maybe because I like being myself with him but remember I am the CEO of a company." He says to her proudly.

" I know and I am sorry." She smiles at him.

" It's Ok now spill it." He says leaning back on his seat.

" I said it's nothing." She said looking down.

" Look Piyali, I am a CEO and handle lot of different people in my company every day. I can analyze things by just one look. I know something is going on between you two not now but from long back. I observed how always you two look at each other but I didn't say anything. But now I think you both are having some problem because both are acting very depressed lately." Rohan said seriously.

It was a shock to Piyu looking Rohan talking so matured and wise but she stayed silent.

" Is it because of that stupid article in that newspaper? " Rohan asked her and she looked down biting her lip.

" Look Piyali, I don't know what exactly happened between you two. I don't even know what's the exact reason of him being with a girl at the club. But I can say that there must be a strong reason that it all happened. Because the Sameer I know from 2 years never goes to clubs, never socialize, never attends parties, never allows any girl near him or shows any interest in any girl. So I think whatever might have happened, there must be reason behind it. I think you know him more than me as Rads told me that you all were friends from college. So don't take decisions in a haste and please talk to him before jumping into any conclusions." Rohan explained and Piyu just sat gaping at him in shock.

" It's unbelievable to hear all this from you." She said in disbelief.

" Hey I may look and act like an idiot but I do have brain and I do have some knowledge." Rohan says and Piyu laughs.

" Thank you so much Rohan for your advise. I do know about him but I am just scared." She admits.

" Scared of what?" He raised his brows.

" Scared of listening what reason it might be. I don't want to lose him." She says weakly.

" You are too dense Piya." He laughs.

" Urghhhh." She groans loudly.

" What? " He asked her confused.

" Everyone says that I am dense." She pouted and bangs her head on the table.

" Because you are. You don't understand how much you mean to him. He loves you too much to lose you." Rohan says smiling at her.

Piyu blushes hearing him.

It's like everyone knows that he loves her except her. She thinks that she is dense truly.

" Awee...... You are blushing." Rohan coos at her pinching her cheeks.

" Shut up Rohan." She looks away hiding her blush.

" So you will talk to him?" Rohan asks her.

" Yes." She whispers smiling at him.

" Good." He pats her head like she is a kid and she scowled at him.

" What's going on between you and my best friend?" Piyu asked smirking at him.

Colour drained from his face.

" Nothing."  He says too quickly.

" You know I can also analyze things Rohan." She says sternly.

" True. There is nothing between me and Rads." Rohan said looking here and there.

" When did I ever say that it's Rads?" She smirked at him again.

He looked at her as if deer caught in headlights.

" You have only one best friend Piya." He says annoyed at her.

" Hey! I have many friends. You are also my friend. And Jai is also my best friend along with Rads and Sam." Piyu exclaimed.

" So?" He asked confused.

" I could be talking about Jai." Piyu shrugged.

" Hey! I am not a gay! " Rohan bellowed at her loudly which earned him some dirty looks from others.

Piyu started laughing loudly at him and he glared at her hardly.

" Over?" He asked her angrily.

" Yeah, sorry. I was just kidding." She smiled at him innocently and he glared at her again.

" Look Rohan. I am not blind too. I can also see something is going on between you two which you two are denying. I am just saying that if you need any help I will be there to help you and her, and I will be happy if you two got together." She smiled at him assuring.

" Thanks." He said smiling at her.

They both talked to each other for sometime and left to their homes with many thoughts running in their minds.

Piyu slept on her bed thinking that what Rohan and Priya said was right. She needs to talk to him first. She thought the first thing in the morning  she will do is talk to him.

Though she was nervous about it, she was happy to meet and talk to him as she missed him so much. She slept with a smile on her face.


To be Continued............

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