Chapter 44

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Piyu woke up from her sleep and looked at the time. She jumped out of her bed when she saw that time is past ten in the morning. She cursed herself for waking up late as she had to go and meet Sameer.

She quickly showered and got ready to leave. She called him to know where he is but he didn't pick up her call. She skipped her breakfast and left to meet him.

She started driving to his office and called him again but he didn't pick her call. Many thoughts were running in her mind about why he is not picking her calls but shrugged them off and drove fastly to his office.

She parked her car and ran to the elevator inside the building. She tapped her foot impatiently and when the lift door is opened on his floor she ran outside. She collided with someone and scattered their files all over the floor.

" I am so sorry." Piyu said and bent down to collect the files.

" Maam?"

She heard and looked up to see Priya looking at her questioningly.

" Oh! Priya it's you, I am so sorry. I didn't see you in hurry." Piyu said to her.

" It's Ok Maam, but what are you doing here?" Priya asked confused.

" I came to meet Sam." Piyu replied.

" Maam but he is not here." Priya said.

" Oh, where is he?" Piyu asked disappointed.

" You don't know? Sir left to airport." Priya said to her.

" What? Airport? Why? " Piyu asked shocked.

" He is leaving for a business deal Maam." She informed.

" What? Where he is going? " She asked.

" California..... For a month." Priya said cautiously.

" What! " Piyu was beyond shocked.

" When is his flight?" she asked in fear.

" It's in an hour Maam, he left for the airport half an hour before you came." Priya said.

" But why didn't he inform me? " She asked biting her lip.

" Don't know Maam. He was in bad mood from yesterday and today he looked like he will burst out any minute." Priya replied looking down scared imagining her angry boss.

" Okay. " she said and turned.

" But Maam?"

" I have to meet him before he goes away..... Bye." Piyu shouts running to the elevator.

" Good luck Maam." Priya shouts back laughing shaking her head at their crazy love.

Piyu ran to her car and started driving to the airport. Piyu prayed continously that she should reach in time to stop him before checking in. If he got delayed by her, it will not be a  problem as he it will be his private jet.

There was too much traffic and she horned continously as she got only half an hour now to reach airport. She drove like a maniac and this is first time she is driving like this. If her family came to know about this they will never allow her to touch the car.

She would reach airport soon and She checked the time, there is still 20 minutes left for him to leave.

When she reached the airport, she parked the car quickly and ran inside taking a ticket. She checked the time and there was only 10 minutes left.

She started searching for him running here and there but couldn't find him. She was sweating and panting heavily.

She searched everywhere she could but no use. She sighed and closed her eyes to calm down her breathing. When her breathing became normal, she thought of him and their memories which made her smile.

Then her heart started to beat loudly and she jerked her eyes open. She looked at her surroundings as she can feel him somewhere near her.

Her eyes landed on the figure whose back is faced to her. It's him. She can recognize him from any distance. His hair, his dressing, his back, his personality.

Yes! It's him.

" Sameer!" She yelled.

He couldn't hear as there were many people around them.

" Sam!" She yelled again running towards him ignoring the looks she is getting.

She got dashed by someone on her way and fell down. She quickly got up and saw him talking to someone while walking fastly to board his plane.

She ran behind him, pushing away the people that got in her way.

" Sam!" She yelled again.

He stopped in his place for a while but shook his head and again started walking without turning back.

She stopped in her tracks catching on her breath. She took a deep breath and decided to do what she wants to do even though she will be embarrassed in front of everyone.

" SAMMY!!!"

She yelled loudly and many people stopped and looked at her. She didn't care. She looked at one person whom she wants to see and there he is stopped in his tracks looking around.

" SAMMY!!!"

She yelled again waving her hands in the air like a mad woman which got her many wierd stares from many people and she ignored them as her stare was only fixed on him.

When he heard her again, his heart was thumping loudly in his chest and looked around desperately for her.

When he found her waving her hands at him, he froze.

He couldn't believe that it was Piyu standing in front of him and that too she called him Sammy after more than 2 years.

When she saw him looking at her she ran towards him who still stood shocked. He blinked his eyes to see if it's a dream but when he realized she was really there, his heart swelled with happiness.

She ran to him and quickly enveloped him in a hug tightly. She reached in time and met him. Tears flowed from her eyes when she felt his warmth. She missed him so much.

Sam was too shocked to respond the hug but when her scent engulfed his senses he pressed her body close to him hugging her tightly. He missed her so much.

The people around Sam who were waiting for him to get into the plane looked shocked and surprised at the scene in front of them. Some of the other people around them in the airport are also looking at them in awe.

Suddenly Piyu pulled out of the hug and pushed him away with force. Sam was startled and looked at her who is fuming with anger.

" Piyu?" He looked at her.

" How dare you?" She asked him.

She continued when he was silently looking at her.

" How dare you to leave me like this? How dare you didn't tell me about your leaving? How dare you didn't lift my calls? How dare you to ignore me?" She ranted in anger while he just watched her mainly her teary eyes.

The people around them were looking at her with wide eyes as she is yelling at Sameer Khanna.

He slowly stepped towards her and hugged her again. She tried to pull away but he pulled her into him tightly and rubbed her back. She calmed down a little.

" Sshhh..... Piyu I am here with you." He said softly.

" No you are leaving." She said looking into his eyes and tears spilled out of her eyes which stabbed his heart.

He cursed himself for hurting her again. He does not know how but some way or the other he always hurts her.

" I am Sorry Piyu. I thought you are still angry on me and doesn't want to talk to me. So that's why I didn't inform you about this business trip. And I didn't ignore you, I can never ignore you Piyu. I didn't answer because I don't know that you have called me as my phone was in silent. I am Sorry." He said sincerely looking into her eyes cupping her face, wiping her tears away.

His manager and the manager of the other company whom he is going to deal with in California looked at Sam with shock as a while before he was so arrogant and talked to them so angrily but now he is talking to her so softly with love. They don't know this side of him as all they saw him as a ruthless arrogant rich business man.

All the while Piyu just stared at him like if she will blink he will vanish.

" I am the one that should be saying sorry to you because I pushed you away and also didn't give you a chance to explain yourself. I am so sorry." She said looking down.

" No no, it's not your mistake. Anyone would think the same and after all it was the girl who destroyed our relationships. I can understand but I want to explain to you about what had happened actually." Sam said to her.

" No! You don't need to explain anything to me. I know you wouldn't do anything wrong. I trust you." She said holding his hands.

Her simple words gave immense happiness to him. Her trust on him means so much to him because if she doesn't trust him then he can never confess his feelings to her.

" Sir we have to go, the Jet is ready." His manager informed him.

" We will go after a while. I am talking here." Sam said looking pointedly at him.

He should know that he should never interrupt Sameer Khanna and that too when he is talking to his life, his love, his Piyu.

" But it's already late, we should leave." The manager of the other company said.

" When I said that I am talking, no one interrupts me. This is important." Sam said coldly.

" But the deal is also important! " That manager exclaimed.

" Nothing is important to me than her . " Sam snapped angrily at him who stepped back in fear.

" Sam! " Piyu hissed at him and he looked at her who is glaring at him and he sighs.

" Ok, going a little late doesn't effect the deal. So I want sometime with her." Sam glared at that manager who nodded his head frantically.

" Umm.....sorry for the inconvenience. Just a few minutes then you all can carry on." Piyu smiled apologetically at them.

" Piyu, you don't need to apologize them. That's not important for me. I can even cancel the deal and stay back with you." Sam said to her honestly.

Both the managers looked at him nervously when they heard the cancelation of the deal.

" No! You are not going to do that!" Piyu warned him and he sighed.

" Ok." He said and they both looked at him as how easily he listened to her.

" Good. Now listen to me. I went to your office today morning to say sorry and talk to you but Priya said that you left to airport. So I came here as fastly as I can so that I can clear of the things between us as you will be gone for one month." She explained to him.

" Oh! I am sorry too. That day I didn't went to club to meet her but the business deal involved her which I didn't know. She was said to drug me by her officials and find out our company secrets. But when she came to know that its me, She acted like she did it but she didn't. She informed me discreetly about their intentions and I acted like I was drunk. I didn't know that some newspaper people have clicked the pictures. I was shocked to see them and that day when you came to the office, Tanya was just apologizing for what happened." Sam explained everything.

" Oh. " She looked down ashamed.

" I am Sorry." She whispered looking down.

" Hey! It's not your fault. It just happened." He said lifting her chin up.

" When I saw the pictures, I didn't believe them. But when I saw you with her I just lost it. I thought she will again take you away from me. I thought I lost you..... Again." She cried.

" Hey! You will never lose me. I am not a fool to let her manipulate me again." He said to her.

" But what if she again tries to destroy our relationships." Piyu asked him panicked.

" No she will not." Sam said confidently.

" But what if she does." Piyu voiced out her fear again.

" Then I will push her from the stairs this time.....definitely." Sam said seriously.

Piyu looked at him puzzled and when she understood what he said, she started laughing loudly making him stare at her lovingly. Soon they both will be laughing imagining them pushing Tanya from the stairs.

Both managers and people around them looked at them wierdly as they thought why they were laughing so loudly standing in the middle of the airport.

Both managers looked at Sam shocked as one moment he is angry, one moment he is arrogant, one moment he is talking softly and in one moment he is laughing. Mangers left them alone to give them their privacy.

" I will also help you in that." Piyu said excitingly after she stopped laughing.

" Piyu! what happened to you here?" Sam asked looking at her arm.

" As I was searching for you, I got stumbled and fell down. It's a little scratch that's it." She said to him smiling.

" I am Sorry, I always hurt you.....I am so bad." He ranted cleaning little blood on her wound with his hand kerchief.

" You are not bad." She said and he looked at her to continue.

" You are stupid." She said seriously.

" I am not! " He pouted.

" Yes you are! " She pinched his cheeks laughing.

" Piyu? "

" Hmm."

" You called me Sammy."

She looked at him who is looking intently at her.

" When? " She acted like she is thinking.

" Just a while back, when you found me." Sam bellowed.

" Really? I don't think so."  She said innocently.

" Piyu don't play with me. You were screaming my name so loudly that everyone here listened.....accept it. " Sam smirked at her and she blushed looking down.

" Ok, I called you Sammy, so what? " She whispered.

" So what? You stopped calling me that long back and I longed to hear it from you so much. It matters to me so much."


" Oh? From now onwards you will be calling me Sammy and no one will call me that except you." Sam said sternly.

" Ok Sammy." She said smiling making him grin widely.

" That's like my baby girl." He said and kissed her on the cheek.

He stayed like that with his lips lingering on her skin for sometime while Piyu gasped and was in too much shock to react.

He pulled away and looked at her who is blushing furiously now.

" If a kiss on cheek is making you so flushed then I can't even imagine what will happen to you when I will kiss you on your lips." He whispered in her ear and she shivered at that thought and at his close proximity.

She blushed again and looked away from him.

" Don't worry babygirl there is still time for that. Maybe after I come back from California." He winked at her.

" Sammy!" She whined and hid her face in her hands.

" Ok ok I will not tease you anymore." He said hugging her and placed a kiss on her hair which made her heart flutter again.

" I think you should go now." She said looking up at him.

" I don't want to go." He said.

" But you have to." She said sadly.

" I don't know how will I stay away from you for a whole month." He said looking pained.

" We will talk daily and we can even Skype also..... Now go before you change your mind." She said to him smiling.

" Ok, and you will take care of yourself." He said to her who nodded her head smiling.

" Bye." He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

" Bye." She whispered closing her eyes taking in his warmth and scent.

They pulled away from the hug and looked at each other longingly.

He stepped back looking at her and she turned around when tears formed in her eyes.

She was pulled into his arms again. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down. He kissed at the corner of her mouth which made butterflies erupt in her stomach.

He smiled at her and was moving back when she pulled him close to her. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him on his cheek. Sam was surprised and felt very much happy at her action as he never thought she would kiss him.

She looked at his shocked face and laughed blushing. He wanted to kiss her so badly right now but he couldn't, he had to wait.

They finally parted their ways painfully unable to leave other.


To be Continued............

Please Share your views about the chapter.

So they kissed!

Okay! Not a lip kiss but they kissed.

Stay Tuned.............

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