Chapter 45

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" Please."

" No."


" No."

" I thought You are my muffin."

" I am. Stop pouting! And Don't give me that look. "

" But muffin..... I need your help in this."

" You very well know that I don't like what you are going to do and you are asking me to accompany you in that?"

" Yes because I cannot do this alone..... Please."

" Jai! "

" Please muffin.....I think if I go alone there then I wouldn't be able to get out of there."

" Jai but..... "

" If you come and help me then I will help you out with Sam."

" Huh?"

" Yes."

" Wait! What? "

" Why are you so shocked?"

" You don't have any problem in me being with Sam?"

" If I had a problem then I wouldn't even allow him to come near you."

" So you are not angry on him anymore."

" I was angry. But I realized that even we were also wrong at some point. So, I am neither angry at him nor hate him anymore."

" Did I ever say how much I love you?"

" Umm..... No."

" I Love you so much Jai....."

" Save it for Sam."

" So you approve us? "

" Oh God! How many times should I say?"

" One more time please, for me..... "

" Hmm...... Ok. I approve both of you...... Happy now? "

" Yes, Yes..... More than happy."

" Ahh.... Piyu careful. We both will fall down....."

" Oops Sorry."

" So you will come with me?"

" Why don't you take Rads with you? "

" First of all she will kill me if she knows what I am going to do.
Second..... She might mess up the matter worse than already it is.
Third..... She stays silent when needed to talk and talks when needed to stay silent.
Fourth..... She will not agree to come.
And lastly..... I want you to come."

" Oh."

" Dare you say anything to her about what I said about her just now."

" Hmm.....I will think about it."

" Piyu! "

" Ok baba..... I will not tell her anything."

" So you are coming with me right? "


" Piyu please....."

" Ok."

" Thank you so much. I know my muffin will help me definitely."

" When we should go?"

" I will text you about that. Be ready."



Piyu was getting ready as Jai called her and said to get ready as they have to reach there in an hour. She grumbled under her breath that how is she being forced to do something she doesn't want to.

Her thoughts wandered to Sameer. It has been one week since he had left and she is missing him terribly. He called her thrice in this one week and also texts frequently taking time out of his busy schedule.

Her phone dinged with a message.

Hello baby girl, what's up.

Her mood instantly brightened up seeing the message from her Sammy.

When she was about to reply, her phone started ringing. It was Jai and she picked up the call. He told her to come out as he was waiting outside in his car. She took her wallet and went outside to his car.

She got into the car and looked at Jai who was dressed in his formal attire looking all panicked and nervous.

" Jai you said that you will manage everything but how will you do it when you yourself are so nervous and scared." Piyu asked worriedly.

" It's just that I don't know how those people are. But I will manage you don't worry and just stay my side giving me support." Jai pleaded her and started driving.

" Ok I will be there by your side but don't do anything stupid that may land us into some trouble." She said to him.

" Hey! I never do stupid things." He defended himself.

" You do! You did it with Meera too." Piyu glared at him.

" You wouldn't forget about it. Would you? " He said annoyed.

" No, I wilk not forget it because that was the most stupidest thing you have done so far." She said rolling her eyes.

" Urghhh..... For time being, forget that and focus on the current task we have." Jai said.

" Did you find some details about them as it will be easy to deal with them?" Piyu asked him.

" I tried but they wouldn't tell me. They said that you would know when you meet them. They are saying it as if those people are doing a huge favor to me by meeting me." Jai grumbled angrily making Piyu laugh.

" I am glad that my misery is an entertainment to you." Jai muttered.

" That's true but seriously I still find it funny that they roped you into this and I couldn't believe that you accepted their demand." Piyu said to him.

" Hey! I didn't accept anything. I just agreed to this because they will stop pursuing me to do this daily." Jai stated.

" Ok, we will see who are those people and how are they like." Piyu said thoughtfully.

" Yeah I am dreading to even know about them."

" Come on Jai, it couldn't be that bad. Could it be?" Piyu raised her brows at him.

" You say that after you meet them." Jai rolled his eyes.

" Hey! I am trying to be optimistic here." Piyu shrugged.

" But I want to get rid of this as soon as possible." Jai said frustrated.

" We will see what we could do." Piyu sighed.

" Yeah that's the only way." Jai shook his head.

" We reached." Jai said after driving for sometime.

Jai and Piyu looked at each other.

" All the Best."

They both said to each other at the same time and that brought a smile on their faces which eased their tension a little.


Jai and Piyu looked at each other with wide eyes. They blinked their eyes looking at each other to see if they are really here.

Why we got stuck here?

Piyu thought looking at Jai.

We should get out of here as soon as possible.

Jai thought looking at Piyu.

They both were looking at each other as if they are talking telepathically.

Piyu looked at her right side where an old lady is staring at her creepily and she turned to her left side and saw another lady staring at her with an equally creepy look.

Piyu is getting frustrated by their creepy looks. As soon as they entered into the house, Piyu was asked to keep her dupatta on her head and she obeyed it as she had no objection in it as some families are very conservative.

They all started questioning about her and Jai's relationship. Jai simply told them that they are friends and they all gasped loudly. It was when she explained them that she is like his sister that he never had and just came with him for support they became normal.

And by normal means the creepy stares, stern enquiries and weird behavior.

She was made to sit between two ladies on the sofa who are just staring at her which is starting to get on her nerves.

She sighed angrily and looked at Jai who sat grumpily on another sofa between two men who are too staring at him creepily.

She is getting bored and looked around to see many people around them. Their family must be a joint family, Piyu thought.

Some of them are whispering among themselves looking at Piyu and some of them are still creepily staring at her. Jai's situation is no better as he is getting interrogated by some men like he is some criminal and some other men are just staring at him.

Jai and Piyu looked at each other not knowing what to do.

What we should do now?

This question is running inside both of their heads and sighed at each other questioningly.

Piyu's phone started beeping continuously indicating she is getting some messages.

She frowned thinking who is messaging her continously and then it hit her that it must be Sameer as she totally forgot to reply him for his previous message.

She took out her phone and looked at it. But before she could see the messages she felt two shadows towering over her.

She looked up to see those two ladies are looking at her phone curiously. She thought it wasn't the right time and kept her phone back inside her wallet.

" She is here."

They both heard and snapped out of their thoughts about how to escape from here.

All the heads turned towards a door.

They both sighed in relief as staring at them was stopped and their attention was diverted to something else even its for a short while.

In the meantime, Piyu glared at Jai for bringing her here into this mess and Jai pleaded her with his eyes to bear it for sometime.

What did I even think when I agreed to come here?

Jai thought and pulled his hair out of frustration.

What did I even think when I agreed to come here with him?

Piyu thought and rubbed her forehead thinking.

They both looked up when they heard some sound which came from that door where everyone are looking now. It was the sound of someone's paayal.

Piyu thought that it must be the girl that Jai's family had selected for him to get married.

They both looked at the source of sound and their eyes landed on someone's feet. Then their eyes roamed upwards when they saw a yellow saree is draped around someone.

They both understood that she is the girl for whom they came to see as she was fully decked up with heavy saree and jewelery.

Then their eyes settled towards her face. Looking towards her face, their eyes went wide and looked at each other immediately.

Their reverie was broken when they heard a phone ring and all the gazes shifted towards Piyu who jumped in her place with the sudden ring.

She looked at the phone and saw it was Rads calling her. She got nervous as every gaze in the room was on her.

She accepted the call with her shaking hand which made speaker button on accidentally.


They all heard.

Piyu flinched at her tone while Jai clutched his head in his hands groaning and all others gasped loudly looking at her phone.

" Piyu! Where the hell are you?" Rads yelled through phone which again made everyone flinch.

" Umm..... I. I...." She scratched her head thinking of what to say looking at Jai who is still holding his head.

" Piyu! Answer me..... Sam is blowing my phone with messages saying that you won't reply to him. He got worried as you always reply to him immediately. " Rads said furiously.

Uh.. Oh! It's afternoon and Rads must be hungry. This Sam idiot must have disturbed her.

One warning! Don't ever mess with a hungry Rads.

Piyu quickly put off the speaker and talked to Rads by keeping the phone near her ear.

" Rads I will call you in few minutes, tell Sam that I was busy in a meeting..... Ok...... Please...... Thank you..... Later. " Piyu said and hung up the call without listening to Rads.

Piyu sighed in relief and smiled looking at Jai who is now looking at everyone who were intrurn looking at her.

" Umm..... Sorry, that was my friend." Piyu said smiling nervously.

They all shook their heads at her and turned to look at Jai. Piyu scowled at them internally. She didn't understand what they want. Their process, behavior, manners are very different and weird. She never saw or heard of such procedure of a guy meeting a girl like this.

She doesn't understand another thing that why Jai's parents are hell bent on getting him married to the girl in this family. She heard from him that they are conservative and orthodox but that's Ok as that's not what she is concerned about. She was worried about their wierd behavior and constant stares but not their beliefs or nature.

There is no way she will allow this to happen and let Jai suffer. She felt sorry for him as he got stuck in this. If Rads would have been here then she would have helped them to get out of this mess.

" Did you like the girl?"

Someone asked from their family looking at Jai.

Piyu and Jai looked shocked at them with wide eyes as there is no room they can ask him that question.

Piyu and Jai then looked at each other and that girl whose face is fully covered with her saree pallu since she came and sat there looking down.

" Huh..... But Aunty, he still didn't see her." Piyu pointed out calmly.

" What? But she is in front of him from that time, why didn't he see her?" Some old man said.

" No, I mean he didn't see her face." Piyu said smiling slightly and heard loud gasps from everywhere in the room. She heard protests from the room.

" What? "

" That cannot happen."

" They cannot see each other until they are married."

" WHAT?" It was Piyu's turn to yell now.

Jai quickly went to her side.

" What? They cannot see and meet each other until they got married? How is that even possible?" Piyu shouted at them who stood gaping at her.

" I cannot let my brother marry someone whom he doesn't know or at least didn't see her face. It's not fair. It's not good even for your daughter too. It will ruin their lives." Piyu continued.

" It's our custom and this is traditional family." One old woman said sternly.

" We will not bear someone who is against our customs." Some man said from the crowd.

" This is our house and you cannot stand in our house and talk about our traditions like that." A man warned her coming close to her.

" Hey! Dare you say something to her. I will not tolerate if you even raise your voice at her." Jai said furiously making everyone shock.

" I am not against or insulting your customs and traditions. I am just saying that they should at least know each other if they are getting married or at least know to whom they are getting married." Piyu said calmly this time holding Jai's arm to calm him down.

" They will know after they get married."

" And what if they didn't like each other after they got married? " Piyu asked them and they all just stared at her.

" They will try to learn and adjust with each other, that's the power of marriage." A old woman came forward and said to her proudly.

" Ok, I will not argue on this. I just know this is so unfair to both of them. I will not let this happen to them especially to my brother." Piyu said sternly.

" But his parents agreed." A man said.

" I will talk to them, don't worry." Piyu said and turned to Jai who was looking at proudly.

" You cannot back out after agreeing to get married and destroy my daughter's life. " The father of the girl shouted angrily at them.

" I didn't agree to get married at all. My parents told me to go and meet the girl. And if I like the girl then they thought of proceeding further." Jai argued angrily.

" We are not destroying her life in fact saving it. We can force them to marry but cannot force them to be happy. It's best for both of them than to get forcibly married to each other." Piyu explained them softly.

" Come on Piyu." Jai said and dragged her to the door.

Piyu stopped in her place and turned to see the girl who stood there looking down maybe crying. She felt bad and guilty. It's not her fault that this all is happening.

She walked towards her and lifted her chin.

" Please don't feel bad and cry for this. It happened for your own good. Getting married like this will only ruin your life. I know you are a beautiful girl and one day your prince charming will come and sweep you off your feet. And that day you will be the most happiest girl on the earth. But I can guarantee that Jai is not your prince charming. Jai is not the one for you and you cannot be happy with him. You both are not good for each other. You deserve much better. Please don't feel bad and just think that whatever had happened its for your own good. All the best for your future..... Bye." Saying this Piyu hugged her and the girl hugged her back showing her consent.

Piyu pulled back and smiled at her who smiled back at her. Piyu thanked God internally as the girl is strong and didn't get heartbroken and prayed that she should be happy.

Piyu and Jai stormed out of that house and went to their car. They both sat calmly in their seats. After a while Jai turned to look at Piyu who also looked at him.

They stared at each other for sometime and bursted out laughing. They laughed at how they got stuck between such a weird family and creepy stares but they were also happy that the girl understood and they finally got out of there.

" If Rads would have been there then she would have definitely strangled someone." Jai said laughing.

" Yeah..... That would be more fun." Piyu laughed.

" Thanks Piyu..... For everything." Jai said smiling at her.

" No need to thank me . I have done for what I came here and I wouldn't allow you to get married like that." Piyu said smiling back at him.

" I know." He whispered.

Jai started driving with thoughts of Meera running in his mind and Piyu sat silently looking put of the window thinking about Sam, Rads and Meera.


To be Continued...........

So guys I am not against any customs or religions. It was just written for the story to be fun and also a little thoughtful.

If I offended anyone then I am Sorry.

So as people asked me to write about Jai's love story, I planned this chapter like this and Jai's love story will continue in the next part.

I hope you like and enjoy reading the chapter.

Please Share your views on the chapter.

Stay Tuned...........

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