Chapter 52

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Surprise Update!


Enjoy Reading ❤️

Piyu tried again and again for Sam's number which is still saying unreachable. She messaged him, called him and skyped him but got no reply.

She wants to talk to him. She wants to tell him that she went to meet a guy as she doesn't want to hide anything from him. But Sameer is not responding to her.

She left it for the day as she thought he must be busy. But something inside her is telling that something is wrong.

Her thoughts wandered to the Cafe where she met that guy. He was a nice guy and was also very handsome to be honest.

But not more than my Sammy.

She smiled at her thinking and thanked God that it was easy to stop this marriage talk from going further. It was easy because that guy is also not interested in getting married yet.

She also told him the same thing and both were relieved. They both talked and laughed about their lives like friends. Piyu was glad that it really turned out to be a friendly meet than an awkward meeting.

Soon Aditya also joined them and they told him the same thing. Aditya also sighed in relief that it was easy than he thought. Her mother and bhabi were more than happy to know this while her father just smiled at their reactions.

Piyu smiled widely when her phone rang but her face fell when it was not Sam. It was Rads.

She picked up the call and talked to her for sometime. Piyu slept thinking about Sam.


Next day also Piyu tried to contact him but all her efforts have gone vain. On her way to her office she dialed Priya's number.

" Hey Priya!" Piyu greeted when Priya answered the call.

" Hello Maam." Priya greeted back.

" Is Sam busy?" She asked.

" Yesterday he was very busy Maam and today he still didn't come to the office." Priya replied.

" Oh! But where is he?" She asked frowning as he would never go late to the office.

" I don't know Maam. Today morning, he sent me an email saying that not to disturb him today as he has gone out to attend an important meeting." Priya explained.

" Ok, thank you Priya. Please inform me if he comes to the office." Piyu said to her.

" Sure Maam." She said and hung up the call.

Piyu sensed something was definitely wrong now but she shrugged it away thinking that he might be truly busy.


Next day was also the same. Sam totally avoided contacting anyone. Piyu even called Rads and Rohan casually to know if Sameer had contacted them but no.

She doesn't know what's happening. She even once thought of going to his house and check on him but again thought it will be not good to involve his family into this.

In the evening when she came home Apoorva observed her anxious behavior.

" What happened Piya?" Apoorva asked sitting on her bed.

" Bhabi, Sam is not answering my calls and messages from three days. It has never happened like that and he never stays one day also without talking to me. I am afraid that something is wrong bhabi." Piyu ranted in panic.

" Piya calm down, he must be busy in work." Apoorva tried to console her.

" No bhabi, something is definitely wrong. He atleast drops a text if he is busy and he also told his PA not to disturb him. I think he is not going to the office also but where is he and why he is not responding to anyone." Piyu cried in fear hugging her bhabi.

" Sshhh.... Everything will be okay, don't worry." Apoorva said worried rubbing her back.

" I hope so." Piyu whispered.


Piyu kept her thoughts about Sam to herself and did not let it effect her work. She has an important conference today where she is representing AJs today to some foreign delegates.

This deal is very important to them. She and their whole staff worked hard on the presentation. She prepared whole night for the presentation yesterday and she wouldn't let anything ruin it.

To say clearly, she was angry on Sam for doing this to her. She couldn't concentrate on anything. Whatever she does and wherever she goes, all she thinks is about Sam.

He could have just texted her saying he wanted to be alone or something. She would understand. It's not the right thing to shut down the people in his life when something happens. Till yesterday she was hell worried for him but today she is angry on him for being so detached to her.

And here she is thinking of confessing her love to him but there he is hell bent on staying away from her. She got angry but more on herself for doing this to herself.....again.

She let it happen again.

In the past it was because of some stupid girl's manipulations. And now it's because of the reason she doesn't know. Whatever it was, he could have atleast talked to her or messaged her that he was Ok.

But No! He had to distance himself away from them.....from her.

Maybe he need some time to himself.

Maybe he needed some space.

Maybe he need to sort out something.


And she will give him that.

She will no longer message him or call him.

She will not try to contact him.

When he thinks he needed to talk, he will come back.

Yes! He will come back to her. She knows that for sure. Because how much ever dumb they were in the past, they surely now know what they feel about each other even though they don't say it.

So, she decided she would give him that time and space he wanted.

If it's meant to be then it will happen.

Now, she will leave everything to destiny.

She let out all her anger, frustration, hurt and pain into the presentation. When the delegates came, she presented the presentation and answered all their doubts and queries with much clarity and perfection.

Both the AJs were quite surprised with her attitude of presentation. She always gives her best but today's was out of the world. She represented their company with so much elegance, confidence and mostly perfection.

They were very much proud of their princess when those foreign delegates appreciated her work and presentation.

In all this Piyu was relieved that everything went alright. She didn't feel happy. She felt incomplete. Some part of her was missing and that made her search for the person she is longing to see.

But she decided that she wouldn't go against of what she had decided.

It is better for both of them.


It has been whole week now since Sam and Piyu talked.

No texts.

No calls.

No meetings.

Piyu didn't even contacted Priya asking about Sam.

Though she acted all strong and brave, inside she was hurting. It's like her life had again came back to where it was.

Her life was now like before same as when she broke all ties with Sameer.

It was very hard for her not to check constantly her phone, not to call him, not to message him and not to think about him.

But she refrained herself from doing that and it killed her from inside every time.

She had to be strong.

Apoorva was concerned looking at the sudden change of attitude in Piyu.

Piyu talked to her family and smiles too. But something was missing. Her smile didn't reached her eyes and her face had lost that glow of happiness. And that scared Apoorva.

Rads was also very busy with her work as there is a fashion week in few days. She had called and texted Piyu few times but Piyu didn't let her know about Sam as she doesn't want to distract her best friend from work because of their complicated relationship.

Jai also didn't contact anyone as he was very busy in wooing back his love and they let him be as they know it takes lot of hard work to win back Meera.


One fine day, Piyu was on her way to a five star hotel where a meeting was held. She doesn't understand why these foreign delegates are hell bent on helding meetings in a hotel.

She sighed for the nth time today. She is exhausted.....outside and inside.

She went inside the hotel and asked their waitress for the meeting place of AJs. While going there, she doesn't know why she looked at her left but she did.

She stood rooted in her place looking at the person in front of her. He was talking to some people, maybe he also came for a meeting. She felt a sense of relief and happiness looking at him safe and alright.

She squinted her eyes at him to take a better look at him. He looked tired and sad. Her heart clenched looking at him like that.

Why he is doing this to himself and her?

She just want to go and hug him tightly. She wanted to take away all the pain and worries he had but if only he would allow her to do.

She realized that she was staring at him standing in the middle of the lobby and she was getting late to the meeting.

Sam felt a familiar gaze on him and he looked towards it. He sat stunned looking at the love of his life. She was looking away from him and that time only she saw him looking at her.

They both just stared at each other for sometime. Piyu remembered what he had done and looked away hurtfully. She went ahead straight to her meeting without looking back.

Sameer's heart ripped off when he saw hurt flashed on her face. His insides churned when he saw her walking away from him.

He doesn't know what he did and why he did. Maybe because he thought that she cannot be his and he doesn't want to accept it. He doesn't know what he will say if he answered her calls or messages. His worry for her increased more when the calls and messages stopped from her.

But again he brought this to himself.


Truth is he had no guts to face the truth.

He moped around for three days since he had known that she met a guy for a marriage proposal. The fact that she was okay in meeting the guy had shattered his heart.

He had thought that she knew what he feels about her. Past few days, he clearly showed how he feel about her but again he didn't say anything to her about his feelings.

He couldn't digest the fact that she will not be his. He couldn't face the fact that if she likes that guy then she will be married to someone else. And that thought itself ripped his heart.

So he stayed away. He refrained himself from talking to her. He doesn't know what he will say to her in his anger and frustration. It's better to stay away than to hurt her more by his words and actions.

Only if he knew that his silence is hurting her more.

But now looking at her hurt face and dejected look, he wanted to kill himself for hurting her like that.

Both of them couldn't concentrate on their respective meetings. They sat there just thinking about each other.

When the meeting was over, Piyu stood up and greeted the delegates. They told her they would meet her soon in her office. She just smiled at them and they left from there.

She stood there blankly for a moment. She shook her head and collected her files and laptop. When she headed towards the door to go out, she yelped with pain when the door opened and hit her.

She looked up rubbing her forehead only to see Sam standing there with concern etched on his face.

" Sorry, I didn't know that you were at the door." He said.

" It's okay." She said walking past him.

" Piyu wait!" He shouted walking fastly behind her.

She stopped in her place and turned to him. Sam looked at her whose face was blank not showing any emotion not even anger. Guilt consumed him.

He did that.

He is responsible for her emotionless face..... Again.

" Piyu listen..... Actually..... I want to talk to you." He said stammering.

" Why?" She asked blankly.

Sam looked confused at her.

" Why would you want to talk to me? You made it clear that you don't want to talk to me in the past few days." She said.

Sam shut his eyes painfully.

If only you knew how much I died inside to talk to you.

" It's not like that....... I. I......" Sam tried to say.

" No, you clearly avoided me. And why you would want to talk to me now? " Piyu said with hurt flashing in her eyes.

" I didn't avoid you. I was just....." Saying he went close to her to touch her but she moved back.

Her heart clenched looking at his hurt face and she noticed bags under his eyes. He was suffering as much as she is.

But why? She don't understand.

" Piyu, I didn't want to hurt you that's why I stayed away. Please I am sorry." He said with guilt and worry.

" It's Ok. I am okay with it. I understood you wanted time and space and I am giving you that..... Bye." She said with tears forming in her eyes.

She turned around and he swiftly pulled her back onto his chest.

" That's not what I meant Piyu. I care about you a lot and I was scared that I might hurt you. I am really very sorry." He whispered looking at her intently.

Tears escaped from her eyes. She wants to hug him and melt in his embrace but she restrained herself as first they had to be clear about their feelings.

She pulled away from him slowly and stepped back. He looked at her in fear and she looked at him determined.

" First clear your mind off with all your feelings and thoughts. Get clarity on what you want. Get clarity on whether you want to stay in or stay away. Get clarity on your feelings. Because without clarity you are hurting yourself and people around you." Piyu said to him with a straight face.

" Piyu..... "

" No Sameer, Get clarity and then talk to me." Piyu said sternly and walked away from him.

Sameer looked at her with hurt and regret. She called him Sameer that means he had hurted her more than he thought. He wants to run behind her and hug her saying that he loves her but her words rung in his ears.

Get clarity and talk to me.

He only Loves her.

He only needs her.

He only wants her.

He have clarity.

He had no doubt on his feelings about her but he is hesitant because of that marriage proposal.

On the other hand, all the bravery she had shown in front of him has vanished as soon as she turned away from him. Her heart ached walking away from him.

Tears flow from her eyes when she recollected his teary eyes and hurt face.

She only Loves him.

She only needs him.

She only  wants him.

She have clarity.

But he doesn't.

She had to wait for him to get clarity on things of what he wants and open up to her.

He cannot just push her away whenever he wants and cannot come close to her whenever he wants.

He had to get clarity on his feelings..... On everything.

With that determination she walked outside the hotel and hopped into her car.


To be Continued........

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Thanks for all the lovely readers who are reading, voting and commenting on the story.

It means a lot to me.

Love you all 😍

Stay Tuned............

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