Chapter 53

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" What the hell is wrong with you?"

Piyu flinched at Rads screeching voice.

" Why would you push him away Piyu?"

Rads asked in disbelief.

" Piyu! There better be a good reason." Rads warned her.

All this while Piyu just sat looking down.

They both sat in the Cafe and Piyu explained Rads about what happened between her and Sam.

" I wanted him to sort out his feelings." Piyu mumbled still looking down.

" There is nothing to sort out Piyu." Rads groaned.

" Huh?" Piyu asked looking up at her.

" He loves you Piyu. It's clear. You also know that then why would you push him away?" Rads exclaimed.

" I didn't push him away. He did. He avoided me. He didn't respond to my calls and messages for days Rads. You know how it felt when I realized that he was avoiding me and he says that he did that because he doesn't want to hurt me. It doesn't make any sense because him avoiding me had hurted me more than that." Piyu bursted out in anger with tears.

Rads immediately slide beside her and hugged her. She had never seen her this angry not even when Sam broke her heart.

" Sshhh..... It's okay." Rads whispered rubbing her back glaring at the people who are staring at them.

" Why didn't you tell me all this before?" Rads asked softly.

" Because I don't want to distract you from your work. I know how much the coming fashion week means to you." Piyu said sniffing.

" Idiot! There is nothing more important to me than my best friend." Rads glared at her who smiled sheepishly at her.

" I don't know what to do now." Piyu sighed sadly.

" You should have let him explain why he behaved like that." Rads said.

" Yeah I know. I am so stupid." Piyu grumbled angrily.

" I already know that." Rads mumbled but Piyu heard.

Piyu glared at Rads who smiled sheepishly at her.

" But I am also very angry on him Rads right now." Piyu said.

" It's Ok. Give him a chance and talk to him. I bet he is going crazy without you and must be taking all his anger out on his poor employees." Rads said rolling her eyes.

Piyu laughed at her and thought it's true that he takes all his frustration out on his work.

" Yeah, you are right. I should talk to him." Piyu said leaning back on her chair.

" Then what are you waiting for? " Rads asked raising her brows.

" Rads, I know I need to do something. But right now I am upset and angry on him for pushing me away. I don't think we should talk now and since I told him that I will give him time and space, I should be on my words." Piyu tried to explain her.

" I just want you two to be together." Rads said sighing sadly.

" I know. Even I want too. But it's difficult for us. It has always been difficult. So, it's better we give time to each other to get things sorted out." Piyu said.

" But will you be okay?" Rads asked concerned.

" I will be. I have waited for years for him. A little more time wouldn't do any harm. " Piyu said smiling.

" When did you become so mature? " Rads asked in awe.

" Hey! I have always been mature unlike you." Piyu said proudly.

" You mean to say I am immatured." Rads glared at her.

" I didn't say that." Piyu said laughing.

They both got up and walked towards the door to exit. But Rads stopped in her tracks suddenly making Piyu bump at her. Piyu looked up frowning at Rads who froze staring at something.

Piyu followed her gaze and gasped. There stood Rohan a little far away from them flirting with a waitress. Piyu looked at Rads whose face hardened and eyes are storming.

Rads just stared at them. She looked at the waitress whose skirt and shirt are short and tight. She understood that he would never like girls like her because he likes girls like those waitress who wears revealing clothes and flirts back with him.

At that moment she felt stupid for even liking him in the first place as she already knew how was Rohan. But next moment anger built inside her thinking how he ignored her. She for once thought he must be truly busy but here he is busy flirting with girls.

She then decided that she shouldn't let him hurt her. She shouldn't even be bothered by him.

Piyu observed her best friend carefully who is clenching her fists tightly. She could only hope that Rads wouldn't go and punch him.

Rads stomped her foot angrily and stormed out of the door muttering curses under her breath.

" How mature!" Piyu mumbled and looked at Rohan.

Rohan looked around casually but stopped when he saw a familiar person looking at him. He recognized Piyu and smiled at her waving his hand. Piyu shook her head at him disappointedly and walked out but not before glaring at him.

Rohan was taken aback looking at Piyu's disappointed face and glaring. She is one of the kindest and softest person he knew but looking at her glaring, he felt like he did something wrong which disappointed her.

He couldn't understand what he did. He ran behind her to talk to her but stopped looking at the person near the car. It was Rads who stood near the car waiting with a stoned look on her face.

It scared him to see her like that because Rads was always chirpy and talks non stop. But now she stood calmly and staring far away with a distant look on her face.

Something inside him told him that he was responsible for that. He looked at them who now sat in the car and drove away.

He walked distractedly towards his car. He couldn't forget how disappointedly Piyu looked at him and how emotionless Rads looked.

Then it hit him that Rads and Piyu must have seen him flirting with that waitress and that's why Piyu looked so disappointed at him. He shut his eyes painfully.

What am I doing?


" What the hell is this?"

" So many mistakes!"

" You people can't do a single thing without any mistakes."

" Why did I even hired you!?"

" One more mistake, you will lose your job."

" This is not an elementary school to teach to everything from basics."

" You people can't do anything properly."

" Get out! "

" Don't complain about everything like kids."

" You are fired!"

These are all the things that Sameer's staff are hearing and are going through since few days. They had to face his wrath daily because of his sour mood.

He comes to the office and barks the orders to do things but if anything doesn't happen according to him then the whole office shakes with fear knowing his anger.

Everyone are now even scared to go to his floor or to knock on his door or to step into his cabin or to talk to him.

Out of everyone Priya is the one who had to bear his glares and scoldings the most as she was his PA. She thought he never behaved like this before. Though he is arrogant and ruthless, he never let's his anger get out of his control.

So Priya does one thing that is to talk to one person who can save them and can control him.

" Hello Maam." Priya greeted when the call got answered.

" Hey Priya, what's up?" Piyu asked casually.

" Maam, please save us." Priya pleaded.

" Huh? What do you mean?" Piyu asked confused.

" I mean save us from our boss Maam. Please." Priya said.

" Save from your boss? As in from Sammy?" Piyu asked.

" Yes."

" What did he do?" Piyu asked laughing.

" You can't even imagine Maam. He is angry and frustrated about something else but he is taking it out all on us. All the time he is looking like he will explode anytime like a valcano. And now we are even afraid to step into his cabin. It's not just about us Maam, it's about him also. From past few days, he just works and works. Nothing else. And he doesn't even take care of himself." Priya explained to her anxiously.

" Oh."

She felt guilty because of her they all are suffering and she gets more angry on Sam for taking out his anger on his employees and also worries about him for not taking care of himself.

" Please Maam, you are the only person to whom he will listen to and you are the only person who can control him." Priya pleads her.

" Yeah Priya, don't worry. I will do something about it." Piyu assures her.

" Thank you Ma'am. I will go now, Boss is calling." Priya said hurriedly and hung up the call.

Piyu sat in her car, banging her head on the steering wheel frustratingly. She was on her way to her office when Priya called and now she doesn't know what to do. She recalled what Rads said to her three days ago in the Cafe that she should talk to him.

" Urghhh.... You will make me go mad one day Sammy." Grumbling in anger she swiftly turned her way to go to his office.


On the other hand Sameer sat in the conference room with foreign delegates. His body was present there but his mind and heart are present somewhere else.

One of his staff was presenting the presentation to the delegates and when the presentation was over, everyone started discussing about the project.

When Sameer was talking to them, Priya came inside and walked towards Sameer nervously.

" Sir there is a call for you." Priya said hesitantly showing the phone.

" Ms. Priya you know very well that I don't take any calls during the meeting. I will talk to them later who ever it is." Sameer said sternly.

" But Sir....." She stopped talking when he glared at her hardly.

She kept the phone to her ear and listened to the person who called.

" Sir, it's your friend Ms. Radhika, she wants to talk to you.....urgently." Priya interrupted again.

Sameer looked at the delegates and then at her.

" Tell her that I will talk to her in half an hour." He said to her.

Priya nodded her head and said the same to Rads. She listened to what Rads was saying and bit her lip looking at Sameer.

" What did she said?" He asked looking at her hesitation.

" She said that 'Tell that idiot that it's an emergency'. "Priya said and all others in the meeting snickered.

Sam glared at her and took the phone from her.

" Excuse me guys." Saying Sam kept the phone to his ear going to a corner of the room.

" What the hell Sam? Why do you keep cell phone if you are not using it? Do you know how much I am trying to talk to you from that time? Do you know how many times I called you? At last I called to Priya to talk to you. Why it is always so hard to reach you Sam? " Rads ranted on phone angrily.

" I was in a meeting Rads, calm down and my phone was kept in silent. That's why I couldn't answer. Now tell me what happened and why are you so angry?" Sameer asked her in fear.

" Come to the City hospital. Right now!" Rads barked on phone.

" Hospital? What happened? Why are you in hospital? Are you alright? " Sam ranted in panic.

" It's Piyu." Rads said gulping.

" WHAT?" Sam shouted in shock.

" Yes. She met with an accident." Rads said in a low voice with tears.

His breathing stopped for a moment. He lost his grip on phone and it fell down with a thud grabbing everyone's attention in the room. He was shocked and his heart was thumping loudly in his chest.

Looking at him like that, Priya ran towards him in concern and took the phone from the floor. She saw that Rads was still on the line and answered her.

" Priya, what happened? Is he okay?" Rads asked worried.

" Yes Maam but he is looking shocked."

She said and shook him by his shoulders. Sameer blinked at her and tears flowed out from his eyes freely.

" Sir, are you alright?" She asked him but he didn't reply as he was still processing what Rads had told him.

" Maam, I think Sir is not okay. He is crying and not responding to me." Priya said in panic looking at her boss.

And all the others present there looked at the scene in confusion as they are not understanding what's happening.

" Priya, Can you do me a favor? " Rads asked her hurriedly.

" Of course, anything Maam." Priya replied immediately.

"Thank you, Piyu met with an accident and you need to bring Sam to the city hospital. He is in shock and I don't want him he to drive in this condition." Rads said to her.

" Yes Maam." Saying this she hung up the phone.

" Sir, you need to come with me to the hospital." Priya said softly.

He looked at her with tears flowing from his eyes and everyone looked shocked seeing the arrogant, ruthless business crying.

" I don't want to lose her." He said and a sob escaped from his mouth.

Priya's heart clenched looking at her boss's vulnerable condition.

" You won't Sir." She said to him smiling.

She took his hand and turned towards the delegates.

" I am sorry Gentlemen. We have an emergency, so we will not able to continue the meeting. Please excuse us." Saying this Priya walked towards the exit taking him with her.

" What? We came to make a deal for such a huge project and you people are leaving us in the middle." One of the delegates said.

" Sorry for your inconvenience Sir, but this is important." Priya said turning towards.

" What can be more important than a 500 crores project? " Other delegate spoke harshly.

Priya looked at them angrily and looked at Sam praying that her boss wouldn't go and kill him.

" Mr. Khanna, this is so unprofessional of you." Another delegate added.

" Yes, you are leaving such an important meeting and going somewhere else. We didn't expect this from such a big businessman like you." The fourth delegate said.

That's it......

" This deal is over."

They all heard and looked at Sameer with shock.

" What?" They all asked in unison.

" This deal is cancelled." Sam said in monotone.

" But it's a 500 crore rupees project." One delegate said in shock.

" I don't care. For me nothing is more  important than Piyu." Saying this he opened the door to leave.

" Who is Piyu?" Another delegate asked.

" My Life."

Saying this he stormed out of the room and literally ran out of his office to go to the hospital. Priya also ran after him to drive him to the hospital. He is really not in a position to drive now.

On their way to the hospital, Sameer held his breath thinking what might have happened to her. He prayed to God with tears that nothing should happen to her.


To be Continued...........

Sorry guys, I was busy. So I couldn't update soon.

I got messages from readers saying that they are eagerly waiting for the update.

So here is the update.

Thank you so much for all your love.

Please keep reading and share your views about it.

Love you all 😍

Stay tuned...........

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