Chapter 54

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" Sam."

" Sam."

" SAM."

Rads tried to make him respond to her but no use.

Tears escaped from her eyes. She doesn't even know for whom she is crying.

For Sam or for Piyu.

Piyu has been in ICU getting her treatment and they all are waiting outside to see her.

From the time Sam had come, he just stood there beside the room staring at the door. He didn't talk to anyone. Rads sent away Priya to handle office affairs as Sam will be away from his work for a while.

Rads looked at Sam and then at Aditya who is also looking at Sam. Aditya has been crying since he got a call saying that she met with an accident. Their father is in Europe and told him not to say anything about the accident to his mom and Apoorva..... yet.

AJ knows that his wife will be devastated knowing her daughter has met with an accident. He just wants to be there with her when she knows about it. He was already on his way to India in his private jet. He prayed for her daughter's well being with tears.

So it's only Aditya, Rads and Sam in the hospital now. It was Rads who got the call first saying that Piyu was in an accident as she was the one whom Piyu called last.

Then Rads reached hospital running and panting with tears continously flowing from her eyes. But she didn't know what to do as doctors wouldn't tell her anything and allow her to see Piyu.

So she called Aditya and told him about this. He also rushed to the hospital in worry but they just told him that she is being treated and they had to wait for a while. He has nothing to do other than to worry pacing outside the room.

Then Rads called Sam to tell him also. Now, three of them are in tears worried sick about their dearest person Piyu. Rads and Aditya were worried but condition of Sam was not just the same. He stood there numb just staring at the door which worried them the most.

" Sameer, it's okay. She will be alright." Aditya said patting his shoulder.

Sam just blinked his eyes at him and gulped the lump formed in his throat.

Rads took hold of his hands which made him look at her.

" They said that there are no major injuries. So don't worry, she will be fine." She said smiling at him with tears.

That time only door opened and three of them hurried towards the doctor who might be in his mid thirties.

" Is she okay?"

" What happened?"

" Can we see her?"

Three of them fired questions at him.

" Who is the family member of the patient here?" Doctor asked ignoring their questions.

" Me. I am her brother." Aditya said.

" Oh, you can come inside. I will explain to you about her condition." Doctor said going inside.

Aditya nodded his head at Rads and Sam and followed the doctor inside.

" Rads, why is he not telling us anything? Is something wrong with her? Why they are not allowing us inside?" Sam ranted in panic looking at the closed door.

" Sshhh..... Sam....." She tried to console him rubbing his arm.

" I want to see her Rads. I want to know how is she, if she is alright or not." Sam cried hugging her.

Rads herself has tears in her eyes and she hugged him back.

After some time, Aditya came outside along with the doctor.

" Bhai! How is she?" Rads asked worried.

" She has a fractured arm and a wound on her head. She is unconscious." Aditya said glumly. He never thought he would see his baby sister in this condition.

" Yeah and overall she is fine." Doctor said.

" She got wound on her head and a fractured arm. And you are saying she is fine? Are you out of your mind? " Sam shouted at the doctor.

Rads and Aditya looked at Sam with wide eyes in shock along with the doctor.

" I will go myself inside and see how is her condition." Sam said moving towards the door.

" No, only family members are allowed inside now. You can come and see her in visiting hours." Doctor stopped him.

" What the...... You think that I am going to just sit and wait here instead of going inside and see her?" He asked rudely.

Aditya gasped loudly at his rudeness. He always heard of his arrogance but he witnessed it for the first time. Rads smiled apolegitically at the doctor and tried to calm down Sam.

Doctor nodded his head wordlessly.

" I am not going to wait here and count time for visiting hours. I want to see her and I will see her. Did you get that?" Sam said pointing his finger at him.

" But..... " Doctor tried to say.

" I don't care! I will go inside and see her. No body can stop me." Saying this Sam opened the door and stormed inside closing the door.

Doctor looked at Aditya who looked equally shocked and then at Rads who laughed nervously scratching her head.

" He gets paranoid easily when it's the matter of Piyu. Don't worry he will just go, see her and come back soon." Rads said looking at both of them.

" Then after that I will go inside." Rads added fastly before doctor could say anything.

Doctor looked at her in disbelief and then shook his head sighing loudly and then went away throwing his hands up in the air in frustration muttering something like stupid people breaking rules and regulations in his hospital.

But Rads didn't care, she just wants to see her best friend.

" He should thank lord that Jai isn't here otherwise he would have gone mad dealing with Jai's impatience." Rads snorted at the retreating back of the doctor.

All the while Aditya just stood there watching the whole scene in amusement.


Sam stepped into the room gulping. He looked up and his heart sank when he saw Piyu laid on the bed with bandages and tubes attached to her.

He walked to her bed and stood staring at her face which looked so peaceful. He took her hand in his and her touch warmed his heart instantly which made him realize that she is alive and is with him.

Tears escaped from his eyes and fall on her hand. He sat down on the chair beside the bed holding her hand close to his heart.

" I thought I lost you." He whispered kissing her hand softly.

" I love you."

There he said it for the first time even though she is unconscious. He had never said it aloud directly to her.

He turned when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Rads standing there looking at Piyu's sleeping form.

She smiled at Sam and sighed in relief when she noticed that Piyu is not in critical condition.

They heard the door opened and stood up to see the doctor standing there glaring at both Sam and Rads.

" You both can get out now." Doctor said sternly checking on Piyu's vitals.

" Hey! Do you even know whom you are asking to get out?" Sam hissed at him angrily.

" No." Doctor said simply.

" What the......" Sam was saying but stopped when Rads held his arm.

" But doctor why can't we be with her?" Rads whined.

" Because you both are not her family." Doctor said annoyed.

" But we are her best friends." She whined again making doctor more irritated.

" I don't care. I am not even allowing her family members to stay with her and you people are her friends. So, there is no chance I am allowing you both to stay with the patient." Doctor said seriously.

" Jai should have been here to talk to you. " Rads scoffed at the doctor.

" Now who is he?" Doctor muttered irritated.

" He is our other best friend." Rads said.

" Oh! There is another crazy friend?" Doctor grumbled.

" Hey! We are not crazy! " Rads exclaimed.

" Yeah and I am not a Doctor." Doctor said rolling his eyes.

" When she will wake up?" Sam asked ignoring what he said.

" It takes few hours, so it's better if you people go home and rest or wait outside." Doctor said calmly.

" Why are you so hell bent on making us leave?" Sam asked annoyed.

" Because this is an ICU and here no one is allowed except for the doctors and nurses." Doctor said smiling sweetly at them.

Sam scowled at him while Rads looked at him narrowing her eyes.

" So..... " Doctor said raising his brows.

" So?" They both asked.

" Get out." Doctor said smiling at them.

Before they respond to the doctor, Aditya came inside and looked at Sam and Rads who are scowling at the doctor who is in turn scowling at them.

" What's happening here?" Aditya asked frowning.

" He is not allowing us to stay with Piyu." Rads whined.

" It's already past 10 in the night guys. You both should go home, your parents must be worrying for you." Aditya said rubbing his face tiredly.

" But....." Rads was about to say.

" No buts Rads, go and rest. You can come early in the morning." Aditya said seriously and Rads nodded her head.

" Sameer, you should also leave." Aditya said.

" No! What if she wakes up and needed something? There should be someone with her right, I will stay here." Sam said worried.

" I will stay here Sameer, you should go home. Your mom must be waiting for you." Aditya tried to convince him.

" Mr. Jaiswal no one is needed here. We will take care of the patient. Even if she wakes up or even if she needed something our staff will be there to look after her. It's a rule Sir that no one is allowed to stay with the patient especially in the ICU." Doctor explained politely.

" Okay, I will also go then. Infact I have to tell about this to Mom and Apoorva also. So I will prepare them tonight and bring them also in the morning, till then Dad will so be there." Aditya said.

They nodded their heads at him and turned to leave but stopped looking at Sam who is looking longingly at Piyu with concern and worry.

" Sameer...... " Aditya called.

" Yeah.....Coming." He said looking up from Piyu to the doctor who is smiling at him sweetly clearly showing that he is happy they are finally leaving and rolled his eyes at the doctor.

Three of them walked towards the door but Sam stopped at the door and turned towards the doctor.

" Take care of her. If anything wrong happens with her then I swear I will collapse the whole hospital." Sam threatened the doctor.

Doctor's eyes widened at Sam's threat while Aditya looked shocked at him and Rads snickered at the doctor.

" I assure that she will be fine." Doctor said gulping.

They nodded and walked out of the room. Three of them went to their respective homes in their cars.

Sam explained what happened to his mother who was also very much worried about Piyu and prayed to God that she should be alright soon. Sameer got showered and changed his clothes to go to sleep.

How much ever he tried Sameer couldn't sleep. He tried and tried but sleep is far away from his eyes. So he got up and left to the hospital taking his car keys.

He reached the hospital and sprinted towards her room. He looked inside through the glass door and saw that she was still unconscious. He sighed and paced outside her room mindlessly.

Doctor who was on his rounds was  surprised to see Sam again at the hospital.

" So you didn't go home." Doctor said crossing his arms.

" I went but I couldn't sleep, so I came here." Sam mumbled.

Doctor sighed.

" Why are you still at the hospital?" Sam asked the doctor.

" I am going now. I just had to check up on my patients once then I will leave." Doctor said tiredly.

Doctor went inside Piyu's room and Sameer also followed him.

He checked her vitals once and started to leave but turned back to Sameer who is looking at Piyu with concern.

" You can stay here." Doctor said.

" Really!" Sam's face lit up.

" Yes.....but don't disturb her. If any problem is there then you can call the nurse, she will handle. Mostly there wouldn't be any problem because she wakes up in the morning only." Doctor said smiling.

" Thank you doctor." Sam smiled and went and sat near her holding her hand in his.

Doctor shook his head at the person who is crazily in love with his patient. Normally he wouldn't allow anyone and never allows to break the rules but he understood that this person in front of him wouldn't be at peace until he is with her, so he allowed him to be with her.


To be Continued...........

Sorry for the delay.

Stay Tuned..............

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