Chapter 55

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She tried to open her eyes but her eyelids felt heavy. She tried to move but couldn't and when she tried to move her head, it was like someone was pounding on her head with a hammer.

Slowly she tried to open her eyes and  blinked rapidly to get a clear view but all she saw was white. She tried to move her left hand but cannot move it as if it was tied to something.

Her head is throbbing and she winced in pain. She tried to move her right hand but it felt heavy. She tilted her head towards right painfully but the sight she saw made her pain vanish.

The person she loves the most was sleeping sitting on the chair by keeping his head on the bed and his hand holding her hand.

A smile appears on her face looking at him stirring in uncomfortable sleeping position but still didn't leave her hand. She examined his face and thought he looks so peaceful while sleeping just like a baby.

How can someone be so good looking just while sleeping also?

She wondered and slowly her eyes also drooped. She slept unknowingly staring at him due to the effect of medicines.


Soon Piyu's parents along with Aditya and Apoorva came early in the morning to the hospital. Both her mom and bhabi were in tears since they got to know about the accident while their husbands consoled them.

There were no doctors around to ask about her condition, so they slowly opened the door and went in. Four of them stood rooted in their places looking at the sight in front of them.

Sameer and Piyu sleeping holding hands.

" This is what I wanted for my daughter." Her mom said nudging her husband.

" What? Accident? " He asked her bewildered.

She just shook her head at him sighing at his ignorance and went towards Apoorva who has a wide grin on her face.

Both AJ's looked at their wives who were gushing and whispering to each other excitedly.

" Weren't they crying a while back?" AJ asked Aditya wide eyed looking at both the ladies.

" Yeah....." Aditya sighed not knowing what to make out of the whole scene that's happening in front of him.

Both the ladies were crying since they got to know about the accident and Apoorva had even hit Aditya for leaving Piyu alone in the hospital and coming home. Now they were happy to see that Piyu was not alone and they were even more happy to see that Sameer was there with her whole night.

" What's going on here?"

They all heard a voice and turned to see Doctor standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

" Doctor, I am Anand Jaiswal. How is my daughter?" AJ asked hurriedly.

" She is alright. She will wake up anytime now." Doctor said examining her.

Doctor shook his head at the two ladies who are gushing about how adorable Sam and Piyu are looking together while sleeping.

" Can you people please wait outside? Nobody are allowed here." Doctor said seriously.

Sam woke up startled hearing some voices and looked around. He gasped loudly when he saw five people are staring at him. He sighed in relief when he realized who they are.

" Now all you people move out until I check up on her." Doctor said and they all nodded going outside.

" When did you come Sameer?" Aditya asked once they were outside.

" Actually I couldn't sleep so I came here little early to see whether she is  conscious or not." Sam said looking away.

Anand and Aditya nodded their heads but both the ladies understood that he was here with Piyu whole night.

Meanwhile inside the room, Doctor checked her pulse and started checking her BP which were normal.

Piyu opened her eyes to see Doctor examining her. Doctor looked at her and smiled.

" How are you Ms. Jaiswal?" Doctor asked her.

" I am fine doctor, just feeling a little stiff." Piyu replied smiling slightly.

" Are you feeling any pain anywhere in your body?" He asked her.

" Yes, my head is aching and my arms feel heavy. " She said weakly.

" Yeah that's because you have a head injury and a fractured arm." Doctor said.

" Oh." She said and turned to see Sam but he was no where. She clearly remembered that she saw him sleeping when she woke up.

" Searching for someone? " Doctor asked her.

" Huh?..... No." She said looking down.

" By the way your whole family is here." Doctor said to her smiling.

She stayed calm.

" He was also here." Doctor said.

" Who?" Piyu asked curiously.

" For whom you were searching." Doctor shrugged.

She just looked down embarrassed.

" Your boyfriend is very tough to deal with and he gave us a very hard time. He wouldn't leave when we said to leave and was with you here the whole time." Doctor said with a smile.

" He is not my boyfriend." Piyu corrected him though inside she was dancing liking the thought.

" But it doesn't seem like that." Doctor said with a teasing smile and she blushed.

" Ok I will call them inside otherwise that boyfriend of yours will have my head for not informing him about you." Doctor said and went to call them inside.

Piyu's mother and Bhabi came inside as the three men went to attend some calls.

" Piya! Are you okay beta? " Her mom said hugging her.

" Yeah Ma, I am alright." Piyu replied smiling.

" We are glad you are okay." Apoorva said kissing her forehead.

" Where are Papa and Bhai?" Piyu asked frowning.

" Attending some calls." Apoorva replied.

" And Sam?" Piyu asked.

" Missing him huh?" Apoorva teased.

" No! Doctor said he was here the whole night, so I was asking where was he." Piyu explained quickly.

That time only door opened with a thud sound and someone barged in. They all looked at the door where Rads stood panting heavily.

" Oh my God! Piyu! You scared us." Saying this Rads ran towards Piyu and hugged her.

" Can't you come in a little slowly." Doctor said annoyed at her.

" That stupid nurse of yours wouldn't allow me to come in. So I had to escape her and come here running to see my best friend." Rads said dramatically.

" Argghhh...... You people are hell bent on breaking the rules of this hospital. Aren't you?" Doctor said frustrated.

" Oh this is nothing doctor. Wait until Sam comes here." Rads said smirking at the doctor.

" I better dress your wounds and go before that boy comes here and annoys me to death." Doctor muttered and started changing her bandages.

" True." Rads said nodding her head up and down which irritated doctor even more.

Piyu laughed while her mom and Bhabi looked at the whole scene in amusement.

Within no time AJs arrived and hugged Piyu asking her how is she. She talked to them and is waiting to see Sam.

" What the hell? I told you to cancel all the meetings today. Can't you do that also?........." They all looked at Sam who came in yelling at his PA on his phone.

" I don't care. Cancel all the meetings." Saying this he hung up the phone.

Sam looked up from his phone and saw that Piyu was awake.

" Piyu! You are awake!" He ran to her and hugged her not putting his weight on her fractured arm.

He pulled out of the hug when he heard a cough beside him. He looked at Rads who gestured him silently that Piyu's whole family is here looking at them. He realized that and moved away from Piyu.

Piyu was happy to see him and feel his embrace which made her feel alive. She looked at him who stood awkwardly there maybe because of her family.

" How are you feeling?" Sam asked her.

" Fine." She smiled at him and he nodded in relief.

" How did the accident happened Piya?" AJ questioned.

All of them looked at her worried.

" I don't know Papa, one minute I was driving good but in the other minute brakes failed and I drove the car into a tree to refrain from colliding with the other cars and then after that everything was blank." Piyu explained.

Everyone had tears in their eyes but were happy that she is fine.

" Doctor, Is she okay? " Sam enquired.

" Yes." He replied.

" Did you check her wounds? Did you dress her wounds? Did you Check her reports whether her head injury is severe or not? It must be painting like hell, Did you give her pain killers?" Sameer started his ranting in panic.

Doctor looked at Sam and then at Rads who stood there with ' I told you so' look on her face while others  looked amused at them.

Rads and Piyu stiffled their laughs.

" She is fine! I dressed her wounds, gave her pain killers and also there is no problem in her health due to the injuries. She is perfectly fine." Doctor said.

AJs are getting many calls from the office.

" Papa I am alright. You people go to the office." Piyu said to them smiling.

" Yeah we are here to take care of her." Her Ma said and sent them away to office.

Sameer's phone rang and he glared at his phone.

" This Priya can't do a simple thing." He muttered angrily.

" Sammy, Don't take out your anger on that poor girl." Piyu said sternly.

" But....." He was about to say something.

Piyu glared at him and he shut his mouth obeying her.

" Thank God! There is atleast someone who can shut him up." Doctor sighed happily.

Rads laughed loudly and Sam glared at the Doctor who opened his mouth to say something to him.

" Don't you dare to tell me to go outside the room." Sam said pointing his finger at him.

" Sammy! " Piyu exclaimed.

" Sorry Doctor." Piyu said smiling apologetically.

" Oh, I got used to his threats since yesterday." Doctor shrugged.

" Sammy! You threatened him? " Piyu asked him shocked while her mom and bhabi looked at him wide eyed.

" He wouldn't allow me to see you and to be with" He trailed off when she glared at him hardly.

" Apologize." She said.

" What? No! " Sam whined.

" Apologize." She said sternly.

Sam looked at her and then at the doctor who is smirking at him now.

He once again looked at Piyu and gulped looking at her angry face.

" Sorry." He muttered.

" What? I didn't hear you." Doctor said smugly.

" Hey! I am Sameer Khanna. I don't apologize again and again." Sam said angrily.


He looked at her.

" Say sorry to him.....Now." Piyu ordered.

" I am Sorry Doctor." Sam said loudly this time.

" It's okay, don't repeat it next time." Doctor said smiling sweetly at him and went outside the room whistling happily to himself making Rads laugh loudly.

Sam glared at his back while her mom and bhabi looked at their bantering dumbstruck.

Sam turned and saw Piyu smiling at him. All the worries, anger, frustration flew out of the window with her one smile and he smiled back widely.

She is okay and is with him...... That's all he wants.


To be Continued.........

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