Chapter 57

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Sam was pacing outside the room nervously.

What I have done?

I wanted to confess my feelings to her by taking her on a date.

But now I just shouted out my feelings on her face.

Now I will not be able to even look at her also.

And God! She fainted.

I hope she is alright.

He stopped in his place when he saw doctor coming out of the room.

" Doctor, how is she? What happened to her?" Sam asked in panic.

" What did you do?" Doctor asked him.

" What? I didn't do anything." Sam said looking away.

" No, something had happened which either caused her shock or stress because she fainted." Doctor said sternly while Sam stayed silent.

" You should tell me the truth. What happened?" Doctor asked calmly this time.

Sameer chuckled nervously.

" We were just talking and she started asking about my feelings. I tried to dodge it and told her to rest but she didn't listen." Sam said biting his lip.

" So?" Doctor raised his brows.

" So, I confessed that I love her and......" Sam trailed off.

" And? " Doctor prompted.

" And she fainted." Sam said gulping.

Sam looked at the Doctor who is biting his lip hardly.

" What?" Sam asked confused.

The doctor couldn't control himself anymore and started laughing. Sam looked at him confused at first but then got angry when he realized that he was laughing at him.

" There is nothing funny in this." Sam said annoyed at his laughing.

" It is..... " Doctor said and cleared his throat.

" It is funny! You confessed your love and she fainted. Look how funny it is." Doctor said and laughed again.

Sameer glared at him hardly.

" Ok ok..... I think it must have come as a shock to her but again it was already clear that you love her. I don't know why she fainted then. Maybe because she was too stressed about thinking about all these things. " Doctor tried to reason for her fainting.

Sameer huffed and held his head in his hands frustratingly.

" Hey! Relax. She is okay now, you can go inside." Doctor said to him.

" NO!..... I mean I will wait here only outside." Sam said.

" When I said to wait outside, you wanted to go inside. And now when I am saying to go inside, you wanted to wait outside. Arghhhh..... Youngsters these days..... " Doctor grumbled and went away from there.

Sameer looked through the glass door and saw her sleeping figure. He sighed in relief and sat on a chair outside. Now, only one thought had stuck in his mind.

How to face her?


Piyu blinked her eyes and looked around to see an empty room. She frowned and wondered where did Sam go. And then all the memories came rushed back.

Her eyes widened when she realized what had happened. She started to smile giddily thinking about Sameer's words.

Sammy loves me!


How much I longed to hear those words from him.

I should have also confessed my love for him.

But then I had to faint and ruin the moment.

Why did I even fainted in the first place?

Maybe due to all the yelling I had done.

I Love you dammit...... I freaking Love you so much......

Only these words were running in her mind. She can't stop smiling. She feels like a teenage girl again who has a crush on her best friend.

She started practicing her words that she has to say when she sees Sam. Now and then she looks at the door waiting for Sam to come.

Where is he?

After waiting for sometime she sighs and walks to the door. She slowly peeks through the glass door and gasps.

There he was sitting on the chair and sleeping in an uncomfortable position supporting his head on his hand. She wonders why didn't he come inside and again sighs knowing that he might be avoiding to face her.

She knows him very well and also knows what all thoughts must be running in his dumb mind. She looks here and there if anyone was there and slowly steps outside the room.

She sits beside him on a chair and stares at him. She thinks he looks so adorable and smiles.

My Sammy.

She bends and place a light kiss on his forehead which made him smile in his sleep. She wants him to come inside but again she doesn't want to disturb his sleep.

It was so cold outside and so she went inside and brought an extra blanket which her mom brought. She draped the blanket around him carefully and immediately he snuggled into blanket sleeping like a baby.

She smiled and pecked on his cheek lightly.

" I Love you too....." She whispered and went inside her room.

She slept with a wide smile on her face.

In the morning Sam woke up and looked at the time. It was 6am. He looked down and noticed a blanket around him. He frowned but then realized that Piyu must have done it.

He smiled thinking about her but again it faded when he thought about yesterday. He got up and peeked inside the room to see Piyu sleeping soundly.

He tip toed towards her and stared at her face for sometime. He pecked her forehead lightly and went outside. He got into his car and rushed to his home to freshen up.


Rads walked into the hospital talking on her phone but paused looking at her best friend sitting outside.

" What are you doing here?" She asked frowning at him.

Sam jumped in his place startled.

" I just....." He didn't know what to say.

" Come we will go inside. I brought some breakfast for us, we all will eat together." She said smiling at him.

" Huh? No......I mean I am not hungry..... I mean I already ate......" Sam stuttered.

" Sam are you okay? " She asked him.

" Yeah! I am fine.....perfectly alright. What happened to me? Nothing." Sam said and laughed rubbing his neck.

" Sam you are acting weird. You can tell me what's the problem, we are in the hospital itself. We can consult a doctor." She said looking worried at him.

" No! I am alright, you go inside."He said looking away.

" You also come." She asked him.

" No!.... I mean I had to make some calls, you go and carry on." He said and started typing on his phone furiously.

Rads was baffled at his weird behavior and walked into Piyu's room.

" Hey Rads! Good Morning!" Piyu shouted grinning widely which made Rads look at her bewildered.

" Good Morning. Why are you grinning like that?" Rads asked frowning.

" Because I am happy." Piyu said smiling widely.

" Okaaayyyyy." Rads said looking at her puzzled.

" Wow! You brought food. You are the best, I am so hungry right now." Saying this Piyu started eating her food.

Rads looked confused at her but she also started eating. In between she caught Piyu smiling for no reason.

" Piyu, stop smiling like that.....its creepy." Rads said making Piyu laugh.

Rads was stunned by her both best friend's wierd behavior.

What's got into them?

She was wondering when there was a knock on the door. They both looked towards the door and saw Sam walking in.

Looking at Sam Piyu's grin widened if it's even possible but Sam didn't even look at her. Rads was getting frustrated looking at her stupid friends. But then she was stunned looking at the person who followed Sam inside.

It was Rohan.

Piyu looked at Sam who doesn't meet her gaze and looked at Rads whose face went blank.

" Hey Piyali." Rohan greeted her.

" Hey Rohan." Piyu greeted him back.

Rohan looked at Rads who didn't even look at him for once.

" How are you feeling now?" He asked her.

" I am fine." She smiled at him.

" Someone didn't even bothered to tell me that you met with an accident." Rohan said glaring at Sam who was in his own world of thoughts.

Rads rolled her eyes hearing him. She drank water and gave juice to Piyu. All the while Rohan's eyes were only on Rads and Piyu's eyes were only on Sam.

Rads didn't even acknowledged Rohan's presence as if he wasn't even present there which ached his heart but again he was the one who is  responsible for her behavior.

Sam met Piyu's gaze and just stared at her. He averted his gaze away from her looking around making Piyu sigh. Four of them sat in an awkward silence.

" Oh my God! I can't stand this much of awkwardness. Listen you both, whatever it is please talk and solve it, your wierd behaviors are creeping me out." Rads warned them sternly who nodded their heads at her.

" Good. I have an important meeting, I should go now. See you guys later." Saying this Rads stormed out of the room taking her bag.

" I will also go now. Take care." Saying this Rohan ran after Rads leaving Sam and Piyu in an awkward environment.

After staying in silence for sometime, Sam cleared his throat making her look at him.

" How are you feeling now?" He asked her.

" I am fine." She smiled at him.

When she was about to talk more someone barged into the room making them look at the door.

It was Piyu's mom.

" Look! Whom I met!" Piyu's mom said excitingly with a wide grin coming into the room.

" Who?" They both asked her bewildered.

A person walked into the room making Sameer stun.

" Ma, What are you doing here?" Sameer asked dumbfounded.

" To see Piyali." His mom shrugged and walked towards Piyu's bed ignoring Sam.

" How are you feeling beta?" She asked Piyu.

" I am fine Aunty. How are you?" Piyu asked smiling.

" I am fine beta." She replied smiling back.

" Getting bored ah..... Just sitting at one place all day?"His mom asked her.

" Yeah..... I just want to get out of this room." Piyu said.

" Why? Sameer is being with you all day. Why do you get bored?" Piyu's mom asked her.

Both Sam and Piyu looked at each other.

" I wonder how he is staying in the hospital whole day." His mom said.

" Why? " Piyu's mom asked.

" Ma." Sam said to stop her but she didn't.

" He doesn't like hospitals at all. From the time he was kid he hates hospitals. But now I don't even know when he is coming home and when he is coming back to the hospital." His mom said in disbelief.

" Oh." Piyu's mom said and looked amused at Sam who looked down embarrassed.

Piyu's heart melted listening how he hates hospitals but still stayed in the hospital the whole time even leaving the most important thing in his life.....his work.....only for her.

" The more shocking thing was how he is living without working and going to the office." His mom exclaimed.

" Ma, stop.....stop embarrassing me." Sam muttered lowly to his mother.

" Beta! Did I say that you liked to roam around the house naked when you were a little kid? No right! So what is there to feel embarrassed?" Her mom said to him.

" MA!" Sam shouted gritting his teeth.

Piyu laughed loudly making her mom also laugh. Sam went red in embarrassment while his mother smiled sheepishly at him when she realized what she said.

Sam glared at her and then at the laughing Piyu who tried to stop her snickers but failed.

" Oh! What's happening here? I heard laughs." Doctor came in smiling at them.

Sam was afraid as his mother wouldn't hesitate to narrate his embarrassing stories to the doctor also.

" Nothing, You carry on with your work." Sam said sternly.

" Sammy!"

" Sameer! "

" Meer! "

Came the three ladies voices as a  warning which made him shut up making doctor laugh.

" When can we take her home?" Piyu's mom asked the doctor.

" Tomorrow. After one final check up, we will discharge her." Doctor said smiling.

" Thank you."

Sam went silent as he doesn't know now how he will he meet Piyu daily. He can't go to her house to be with her like he was in the hospital.

He will miss her.


To be Continued.........

Please comment on how is the chapter.

Stay Tuned.............

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