Chapter 58

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" Hey, Wait!"

" Rads! Wait!"

" Radhika!"

" Radhika!"


With the final yelling Rohan runs and stands in front of Rads panting heavily stopping her from moving forward.

" Yes." Radhika asked calmly.

Rohan stared at her.

Rads unlocked her car and kept her things in the car. She looked at Rohan who stood analyzing her every move.

" Is there a reason you stopped me?" Rads asked crossing her arms.

" Yes. I want to talk to you." He replied.

" I don't have time. I need to attend an important meeting." Saying this she opens her car door.

" Why are you behaving like this?" Rohan asked frowning.

" Like what?" She asked raising her brows.

" Like you don't know me. Like you have met me for the first time." Rohan   exclaimed.

" I really don't know who you are." She said.

" What? We hung out many times." He said in disbelief.

" That was long back and I don't even remember anything. And as far as what I said is the truth that I don't know you. I don't know you really, I don't know who are you really and I don't even want to know now." She said and turned to leave.

" You can't ignore me like that." He said angrily.

" I wish I had known how to really ignore people but I don't. " She said chuckling bitterly at him.

" Look if this is all because I ignored you then please listen to me for once." He asked her desperately.

" This is nothing because of what you did. This is because I realized the truth and moreover I don't have time for all this. I need to go." Rads said angrily and moved away from him to leave.

He grabbed her close to him holding her shoulders making her eyes go wide.

" I Like You."

He said intently looking at her who stood in shock and disbelief. She pushed him away and looked at him with tears.

She again moved towards her car leaving him stunned.

" Rads, I said something." He said.

She didn't respond and opened her car door.

" Atleast say something." He asked her with shaky voice.

She sighed closing her eyes and turned towards him only to see him looking at her intently. She again turned away from him and sighed deeply.

" I have a boyfriend."

Saying this she got into the car leaving a shocked and shattered Rohan in the parking lot of the hospital.


On the other side, both Sam and Piyu's moms left after sometime. Both Sam and Piyu sat stealing glances at each other from time to time. Piyu opened her mouth to say something but........

" You should have some juice." Sam cut her off.

He stood up and poured some juice into a glass. He gave it to her who sat staring at his actions. She quietly took the glass from and started drinking it slowly.

All the while drinking the juice, her eyes were only on him while his eyes are looking everywhere but her. After finishing the juice, he took the glass from her and kept it aside but she didn't stop staring at him.

He can feel her gaze on him which made his heart thump loudly in his chest. He didn't dare to look up at her because he was scared to see what her eyes held.

He was scared of facing rejection.

She also didn't tried to talk to him to see till when he will behave like this. After sometime, Sam went busy with the constant calls but Piyu continued to do what she was doing and that is.....staring at him.

Piyu bit her lip to stop herself from laughing looking at his nervousness. She smirked at the effect she has on him.

" It's time for your medicines." Sam said checking his watch.

Piyu glared at him as he was talking to her only when she needs to take food or medicines.

" Here." He said holding tablets and water glass.

She didn't say or did anything, just stayed silent. When he didn't get any response, he glanced towards her and saw her checking at her nails.

" Piyu, take tablets." He said clearing his throat.

" No." She said looking at him

" What?" He asked frowning.

" No." She said again.

" Why?" He asked her.

" I don't like gulping medicines." She said making a face.

" But you have to take them if you want to get healed soon." He said to her smiling.

" Nope." She said stubbornly.

"Piyu!" Sam exclaimed at her.

" Sammy!" Piyu mimicked him.

He glared at her playfully for which she stuck her tongue out and laughed.

" Piyu, please take the tablets." He insisted.

" Please....." He pleaded her.

" OK fine....." She said grumpily and took tablets and water from him.

She gulped the tablets making faces for which he laughed at her.

Sam went out of the room to take an urgent business call from US delegates. He talked to them for sometime and returned to the room. When he glanced towards her she got up from her bed and was limping which made his eyes go wide in panic.

" Piyu..... What are you doing?" He shouted and went towards her.

" I need to go to the washroom." She said holding his arm for support.

" You should have called me or some nurse for help." He said worriedly holding her.

" I am fine Sammy.....I can walk." She huffed.

" Yeah right." He muttered and suddenly lifted her in his arms.

" What are you doing?" Piyu shrieked.

" Taking you to the bathroom." He said simply and walked towards bathroom with her in his arms.

He went inside the bathroom and put her down on her feet.

" Do you need me to call the nurse to help you?..... You know.... since you can move only your one hand." He asked concerned.

" No, I can manage." She smiled at him and closed the door.

He waited for her in the room and when she came out, he again carried her in his arms to the bed. She stayed silent the whole time but didn't take eyes off him.

When he was moving away from her, she stopped him by holding his hand.

" Sammy...... We need to talk." She whispered.

" I know.....but not now." He whispered back.

" But....."

" Sshhh.....take rest." He said and kissed her forehead making her sleep on the bed.


In the evening, Doctor wanted to do one final check up on Piyu. Sam made her sit on the wheel chair and pushed it towards the room where the tests are taken.

Due to the medicines and tests, Piyu became very tired and couldn't even sit properly on the wheel chair as she was sleepy. She was drowsing in sleep and Sam noticed that.

Sam made nurse to stop and slowly picked her up in his arms. Feeling the familiar warmth of his body, Piyu snuggled more into him keeping her arms around his neck.

He smiled at her sleepy face and carried her in bridal style towards her room. Everyone who witnessed this looked at them in awe.

When they reached her room, he tried to make her sleep on the bed but she already slept in his arms and wouldn't leave him. She clutched his shirt tightly and wouldn't leave him.

Staring at her, he also lied along with her on the bed. She slept hugging him tightly while he just stared at her. He doesn't know when he slept staring at her but both of them slept peacefully in each other arms.


In the morning, Piyu woke up first and was startled to see Sam sleeping beside her with his arm around her waist. She wished that she could wake up every day like this.

She smiled looking at his sleeping face and brushed his hair away from his forehead. She carresed his cheek with her free hand and he snuggled into her pulling her more close to him.

There was a shrill ring of the phone which made him wake up from his deep slumber. He opened his eyes only to stare back at the beautiful hazel orbs that he loves so much.

They both jerked up from the bed when they again heard the phone ring. Piyu looked at her side and saw that it was her phone which is ringing. She answered the call and talked on the phone for sometime.

" It's bhai, he was saying they are coming here to complete the discharge formalities and take me home." Piyu said to Sam after finishing the call.

" Oh." He muttered and got up from the bed.

" Yeah....." She whispered looking down.

" You should get freshen up before they come." Sam said to her checking his phone.

" Ok." She said and tried to get up but stumbled a little.

" Careful.... ." He shouted and held her from falling.

He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. After she came out, he again picked her up and made lie on the bed.

" Don't move." He said sternly to her for which she rolled her eyes at him.

He went inside the washroom and got freshened up.

Within sometime Piyu's whole family was there in the hospital to take her home. After the discharge formalities are finished, they went outside the hospital taking Piyu with them on a wheel chair.

Sam spoke to AJ and Aditya a little and bid his byes to everyone.

Both Sam and Piyu were sad as there was so much to say to each other still and also they will miss each other so much. They bid bye to each other with a longing look on their faces which didn't go unnoticed by two ladies who smiled inwardly.


To be Continued...........

Sorry for the delay............

Love you all❤️

Stay Tuned............

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