Chapter 63

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Sorry Sorry Sorry........

A very big Sorry to make you all wait.

Here is the new chapter.

Enjoy Reading ❤️


" I think we should go inside now." Sam said.

" No need, I already told Papa that I will go with you and he said okay." She said making me grin.

" So where we will go?" He asked while walking towards parking lot.

" To home." She said as the matter of fact making him stop in his tracks.

" You want to go home? " He asked her frowning.

" Obviously Sam, it's already late at night. What I will tell to my family? And what I will tell to Papa if he gets home before me?" She asked him.

" Ok." He mumbled and they got into the car.

" Oh God! Don't sulk like that Sammy. We can meet any other time." She said smiling at him.

" But, I don't want you to stay away from me for a minute also now." He said honestly making her heart skip a beat.

" But....."

" I can't live without you even for a minute also. " He said looking directly into her eyes.

" Sammy! You can't just say things like that." She exclaimed.

He doesn't even have any idea what effect his words has on her.

" Why?" He asked confused looking at red face.

" Because it makes me....." She stopped not knowing what to say.

He always makes her speechless with his words.

" Oh wait! Are you blushing? " He asked her smirking.

" No!" She said quickly and rubbed her cheeks to reduce the heat on her face.

He laughed loudly and pulled her close to him. He stopped the car and kissed her flaming cheeks making her go more red if that's even possible.

" Look, today I will let you go but tomorrow we are meeting." He says.

" But work....."

" We can manage." He says looking at her and she nods.

He starts driving again and in no time they reached her house.

" Bye Sammy." She says and was about to open the door.

Sam pulls her into a hug tightly and he leaves her by kissing her forehead.

" Good night." He says.

" Good night." She whispers back and gets out of the car.

He waits until she goes inside her house and then took off to his house happily.

Never for once also he thought that today she will confess and never thought that they would kiss. He groans remembering their kiss and her taste. He just wants to go back and kiss her again but control's himself.

Both of them slept with a big fat grin on their faces.


Piyu was waiting impatiently for Sam's call as he said they would go to lunch. But knowing how workaholic he is, she sighed thinking that he must have immersed himself in his work.

Just then her phone rang making her grin widely.

" Hello!" She said with excitement.

" Oh! So excited to hear from me." He chuckled.

" You know I was waiting for your call but you forget everything when you are in work." She huffed.

" Sorry Piyu, I was about to call you only but then an important client had called and I called you immediately after I had cut his call." He explained.

" And one more thing, I can forget anything but not my life which is you." He said seriously.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach and again he made her speechless.

" Hello? " Came his voice.

She wants to talk but doesn't know what to talk.

" Is my baby girl blushing again? "He asked her.

She could clearly hear smirk in his voice.

" Shut up!" She said blushing.

" I will shut up but only by your lips." He said teasingly.

" Oh God! " She groaned blushing red like a tomato and cut the call.

He called again and she did not answer as she is not in a position to answer.

A message popped with a ping and she opened it to see Sam messaged saying -

Come down..... I am waiting for you in the parking lot 😉

She couldn't help but smile at his message.

She went down and walked towards the parking lot. She looked around and saw him standing leaning onto his car wearing shades looking like a model.

Wow! He is looking so hot!

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and started walking towards him. He looked up from his phone and when he saw her, he grinned removing his shades.

She just walked straight towards him who stood there opening his arms for a hug and smacked him right on his head.

" Ow!" He yelped in pain.

Rubbing his head, he looked at her who is glaring at him.

" I thought you would come running to me, hug and kiss me but never expected that you would hit me." He whined.

She hid her smile and sat in the car ignoring him. He pouted and got into the car too.

" What happened?" He asked her confused.

" Why would you tease me so much?"She asked.

" Oh! So the reason is that I teased you?" He chuckled and she glared at him again.

" Oh ok Sorry, now please smile."He asked her.

" No." She said stubbornly.

" Please. " He said kissing her hand.

She smiled at him sweetly and he swiftly kissed her on the cheek making her gasp.

He chuckled at her and she blushed.

" You look so cute when you blush." He said and started driving.

She shook her head at him and looked outside the window to hide her smile.


They sat inside an expensive restaurant on a secluded table which assured them some privacy.

Piyu a took a bite of some special dish kept in front of her and she immediately made a face.

" What happened?" Sam asked concerned.

" This tastes so bad." She said and pushed away the dish.

Sam also tasted it and didn't like it.

" These expensive places are just for show off, they don't have any taste in food. Why didn't we go to our regular restaurant?" She said to him.

" I thought this is our first time going out so it should be special and it thought we would get some privacy here." He said.

" Oh!" She said and started eating salad.

" Shall we go to some other place?" He asked her.

" No, it's okay. It's not that bad. Anyways I want to talk to you about something." She said.

" I also want to talk to you about something important." Sam said seriously.

" OK you ahead first." She said.

" No you say first what do you want to talk to me." He asked.

" No, you first."

" No Piyu, first you."

" No you."

" No you."

This wasn't going anywhere and they both sighed.

" This is about Rads."

" This is about Jai."

They both said at the same time and looked at each other.

" What about Rads?" Sam asked worried.

" I think she likes someone." She said hesitantly.

" Who?" He asked blankly.

" Sam listen, I don't know the complete matter but I sensed it and whenever I ask her she just denies." Piyu explained.

" Is this the same guy who asked her out?" He asked her.

" Umm...... No." She said.

" What? There is another guy too?" He asked frowning.

" Yes." She said.

" Who Piyu?" He asked seriously.

" First promise me that you won't get mad." She asked him.

" Piyu, first tell me." Sam said sternly.

" No, first promise me that won't do anything in anger." She said seriously.

" Ok, I promise..... Now tell me who is he? " He said sighing.

" It's Rohan." She said quickly and looked down.

" Which Rohan?" He asked frowning.

She just looked at him worry in her eyes.

" Don't tell me..... It's...... " Sam trailed off and his eyes widened in realization.

" Yes." She whispered.

He just sat stunned in his place with his head in his hands.

" How can this be possible? She doesn't like him right?" He asked her confused.

" Yeah, at first she would hate his presence also around her but again we don't know how love happens right. I mean look at us we didn't even know when we started loving each other." She said looking into his eyes which are staring at her intently.

" I understand but..... you know how Rohan is..... He is a good guy but we can't ignore his playboy ways. He will only break her heart." Sam said.

Piyu bit her lip in anxiousness and avoided his gaze. He narrowed his eyes at her who is looking down nervously.

His eyes widened and then clenched his jaw tightly.

" Please don't tell me that he already had broke her heart." Sam said in fear.

She sighed loudly.

" I don't know what happened Sammy but I know that they like each other. I don't know what happened between them but when I talked to Rads about this she said that she liked him but he doesn't and avoided her. She tried to reach him and talk to him but he ignored her. She doesn't want someone who doesn't care about her and so decided to move on. When this guy asked her out, she said yes because she wants to forget Rohan." Piyu explained him calmly.

He listened to her but again rage took over him.

" He had hurted her. Didn't he?" He asked in rage standing up from his chair.

" Yes, but there might...... " He didn't let her finish her words.

" No! He had hurted her and I will not leave him just that." Saying this he started walking angrily.

" Sammy! " She tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.

" SAMMY!" She ran after him.

He was ahead of her.

" Sammy! Did you forget that once upon a time you have also hurted me? " She shouted angrily.

And that made him stop in his tracks.

He turned and looked at her angry face.

Guilt again washed over him but he didn't say anything.

" That's why Rads didn't tell you and Jai about this. She knows that you both will react like this only." She said.

He stepped towards her.

" I told this not because you would go and beat Rohan. I told you this so that we could find some solution."

He was now standing close to her.

" If Rohan had hurtled her then you and Jai also have hurted me and Meera." She said angrily.

She knows her words hurted him but he needs to understand the truth.

" It happens in Love. Hurt and pain will be there when people love each other. There might be a reason why Rohan behaved like that." She said with tears in her eyes.

He wiped her tears away.

" Piyu, I am sorry please don't cry." He said worried.

" I saw something in Rohan's eyes for Rads. He too likes her. It's just that there might be some misunderstanding and we need to clear that." She said softly.

He just hugged her.

They stayed like that for sometime.

" I am sorry, I said those things to you..... I didn't mean to bring those things up.....I just want you to understand it..... " She said softly.

" Ssshhh.... " He said hugging her more tightly.

He pulled away and looked at her.

" I am Sorry." He said cupping her cheeks.

" It's Ok, come and sit we have a lot to talk." Saying this she made him sit on their table.

" Now tell me, what were you saying about Jai?" She asked him curiosly.

" Meera is in India now." He said.

" What! When did she come back?" Piyu exclaimed.

" I don't know. Di was telling to Ma and I heard it." Sam sighed.

" So what we should do now?" Piyu asked sadly.

" We need to do something to make Jai and Meera meet." Sam said thinking.

" And Rohan and Rads too!" Piyu said excited.

" But....." Sam frowned and she glared at him.

" No buts and ifs. We are going to plan and make them meet and what happens next is their decision." Piyu said in finality.

" Ok my princess whatever you say." He said bowing to her making her giggle.

" Good boy." She says patting his shoulder.

" What? After giving such a great idea, all I get is just a pat on the shoulder?" He asked looking at her incredously.

" Yes." She shrugged.

" I want a kiss." He said bluntly and she looked at him bewildered.

" You are acting like a kid!" She exclaimed but she was amused by him.

" What? It's been nearly 14 hours since I kissed you." He explained to her.

" Yeah that's what I am saying it's been just 14 hours since we kissed." She said.

" No, it's been 14 hours since we kissed and that's too late." He argued back.

" Sammy!"

" Piyu! "

They both sighed.

Just then, the waitor came with their bill and Sam paid it off.

" First we should do something to initiate our plan." Piyu said quickly to divert the topic about the kiss.

He smirked internally and knows how to take the kiss from her.

" I have something in my mind." He said and she grinned at him.

" What's the plan? " She asked him curiously with a anticipated grin on her face.


To be Continued.........

Please keep reading and share your views about the chapters.

Stay tuned..........

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