Chapter 62

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" I Love You."

She said it.

What she wanted to say to him for years, she said it.

She looked at him who is staring at her dumbly.

She sighed.

It's gonna be harder than I thought.

And on the other side, Sam was having mixed emotions. Her words were running in his mind continously but again he thought that he might be just imagining things.

" What did you say?" He asked stupidly gaping at her.

She smiled walking close to him which made his heart thump loudly in his chest.

" I said I Love You Sammy." She said looking at him intently.

His eyes widened and opened his mouth to say something but again closed don't know what to say.

She decides to stay calm until he figure out what's happening.

" What? When? How?"

These words stumbled out of his mouth after a while for which she could only laugh at him.

" I thought you would be happy listening to my confession." She raised her eye brows at him.

" Huh?" He managed to say in a daze.

" What are you thinking Sammy?" She asked him annoyed.

" I am thinking whether this is all just a dream......" He said still looking clueless.

She groaned making him look at her.

She would have felt hurt and rejected if she does know him and his love for her.

" Sammy, I love you..... I really Love you so much. Not now but from long time back. I know you won't believe it but this is the truth..... I Loved you from college itself but I couldn't confess because I was scared that I will lose you and your friendship if you don't feel the same for me. I don't know when I started falling for you but I loved you so much. At first I couldn't dare to confess my feelings and then when I was ready to tell you, you already had someone in your arms. It broke me inside to see you with someone else but I was okay because I was happy as you were happy." She said looking at him with tears flowed from her eyes freely.

All he did was just stare at her.

She looked away wiping her tears and stepped away from him.

" I know it may sound so absurd to you that I....... "

She couldn't finish what she has to say as she was pulled onto him and his lips smashed onto hers. She was shocked  not knowing what's happening but she understood when his lips started moving on her lips.

He was kissing her.........

Sameer is kissing me!

The freaking Sameer Khanna is kissing me!

My Sammy is kissing me!

She started kissing him back when she felt his warmth and touch consumed her.

And about Sameer, he was in heaven. He was tasting and devouring her mouth like his life depended on it. She was caressing his hair while kissing and he groaned into the kiss.

The kiss was full of love which showed how much they loved each other, how much they wanted each other and how much they needed each other.

They didn't know for how long they were kissing but they had to pull away as they felt out of breath.

Sameer touched his forehead onto hers breathing in. He opened his eyes to see her panting with her eyes closed and her cheeks turned red. He felt proud for the effect he has on her.

He felt like he was flying in the clouds with happiness. He knows that she has feelings for him but listening it from her mouth made his heart swell with happiness and when she told him that she loved him from the college itself, he couldn't control anymore and kissed her.

With all that, he felt horrible for hurting her so much in the past. He couldn't even imagine her with anyone even in his dreams but she had beared everything silently seeing him with someone else.

" Piyu....." He whispered and she opened her eyes and looked at him.

" Sammy what happened?" She asked concerned when she saw pain in his eyes.

" I am so sorry....." He said and tears escaped from his eyes.

" For what?" She asked confused.

" For hurting you so much." He said looking down.

" You didn't......" She tried to say.

" In the past, all you did was love me and all I did was hurt you." He said looking ashamed and guilty.

" But trust me Piyu, I never loved Tanya or any other girl. When she asked me out I agreed because having a girlfriend at that time seemed important because of the popularity and image. But after that I realized that what a stupid girl she is and I wanted to break up with her as she was not allowing me to spend time with you all. Every time I try to break up she used to cry and make a fuss. So I thought college was going to end anyway and I will use that as an excuse to get rid off her. But what all happened on that day was still like a blur to me." He paused.

She just stared at him quietly.

" I wanted to prove her wrong that day but when I asked you and said some things to you, all you did was just to stare at me in disbelief. I don't know why, may be because of her constant nagging or I was so angry that day, I said something to you I shouldn't have. Your slap brought me  back to reality and I realized what I did but it was too late. On that day when you walked away from me, I realized I loved you..... In fact I always loved you but being a dumb idiot I am didn't realize that it was love." He smiled sadly.

" But trust me Piyu, I never even liked that girl. I have always loved you...... It was always you." He said looking into her eyes intently.

They both stayed silent for sometime looking into each other's eyes.

" I trust you." She whispered smiling at him.

" Really?" He asked her like a kid.

" Yes.....I have also loved you always and for me also it was always you." She said softly.

He smiled at her but again his guilt is not allowing him to be happy.

" But what I did to you wasn't forgivable. I cannot help but feel guilty and feel like killing myself for hurting the girl who had always loved me." He said sadly.

" That doesn't matter anymore. Past is past and the most important thing is....." She paused looking at him who is looking scared at her.

" That I forgave you.....long back." She said smiling.

He widened his eyes at her.

" You can't. I hurted you a lot and only gave you pain." He shook his head at her.

" I did Sammy. I am not angry at you anymore. We all make mistakes and the best thing is what we learn from them." She said.

She continued taking a deep breath.

" It was not only yours mistake Sammy. Tanya manipulated you. I should admit that she acts very well. But it's not only her Sammy mistake is mine too." She sighed.

" If only I had a little courage to confess my feelings to you then these all wouldn't have happened. Not only this Sammy, I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most..... When you lost your father, when you needed your friends, when you needed a support." She cried.

" I am sorry Sammy for you had to go through all that alone." She cried amd he pulled her into his arms.

" Sshh.... It wasn't your mistake, as you didn't know." He said softly.

" Please forgive me." She asked him.

" Hey! There is nothing to forgive you." He said looking at her and she nodded.

" I should be the one asking for your forgiveness not you." He said hugging her.

" Now stop with your apologies. I said I forgave you and please stop thinking about the past." She said.

" But..... "

" Shut up!" She said sternly.

" Ok but only on one condition." He said.

" What? "She asked.

" I want to kiss you again." He said seriously.

Piyu stared at him in disbelief and started to laugh hardly.

" There is nothing funny in this. " He glared at her.

" Aww..... Sammy you don't need to put conditions to kiss me." She said laughing.

And he crashed his lips again on hers.

They were kissing but he suddenly pulled away from her making her frown.

" Why were you dancing with him? " He asked her angrily clenching his jaw and fists.

She was amused at his mood swings but again she knows how he is. So she could only laugh at his jealousy.

" So the great Sameer Khanna is jealous of some guy who danced with me." She teased him.

" Yes because you are mine.....only mine. " He growled and her heart skipped a beat.

" Sammy, I know you are still angry at me for meeting that guy but listen to me it was just a casual meeting." She said to him.

" Meeting a guy for a marriage proposal is not a casual meeting." He said with rage.

" Yeah, but I only went there not to let papa let down as he said to his friend that I will meet his son. It was already decided at home that I will go, meet him, come back and papa will tell them that we are not interested. But luckily that guy was also not interested in getting married, so it was easy to stop then and there only." She explained and relief washed through his eyes but he was hesitant.

" It was just a friendly dance Sammy. All we did was just talk about you while dancing." She said and he grinned at her.

" So everything got clear now? " She asked him.

" Yes!" He yelled hugging her.

" But he was nice though.....handsome, smart, funny......." She said smirking making him fume with anger.

He turned away from her angrily.

" Oh my God! I was just joking Sammy,  you are the only man I want and you are the only one I love." She said hugging him from back.

And he kissed her again for the third time at that night.

It was indeed a special night for them.

As they not only confessed their feelings but also shared their first kiss.

" I Love you Piyu." He said making her smile widely.

" I love you too Sammy." She said making him go weak on his knees.


To be Continued...........

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