Chapter 61

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Hello Guys!

I know you must all be angry on me for not updating.

I am Sorry guys...... I was busy with the stuff going on in my life.

I got many messages asking me to update soon and I am really thankful to you all people for waiting patiently.

And I promise that I will try to update regularly from now onwards.

Thank you so much for all your love and support.

Love you all❤️


" Piya."

Her dad called her which interrupted her playing with Arnav.

" Ha Papa." She came and stood in front of him.

" There is this party where all the top business people in the country are gathering. I want you to come with me today." Her dad said.

" But Papa, I hate those business parties. They are so boring..... Why don't you take bhai with you like always." Piyu whined.

" Aditya is going to Bangalore for some deal and also I want you to know the business world more and meet different people." Her dad said.

" But..... "

She didn't want to go at all.

" Please Piya.... Come with me, I want to introduce you to my friends and  business partners from very long time but you always avoid these parties." Her dad insisted.

" But Papa, I will be alone and bored to death." Piyu said making a face.

" No, you will be not as there will be many people of your age and Sameer will be there to give you company." Her dad reasoned.

At the mention of Sam's name her face lit up.

" Sameer will be there? " She asked her father.

" Yes of course as he is one of the top business men." Her father shrugged.

" Ok, I will come." Piyu grinned widely making her father look at her confused.

" Huh?"

" Oh God! I need to choose the dress and get ready also..... I don't have time." Ranting to herself she ran to her room.

AJ looked at her bewildered because of the sudden change in her behavior.

" Wasn't she the one who was refusing  to come to the party a while ago? " AJ asked his wife who is smiled at her daughter's excitement.

She turned and looked at her husband who is looking at her clueless.

She sighed.

" You are dense."

Saying this she went away muttering something like how he had become a top business man, which he heard and huffed at his family.


Piyu looked around for Sam as soon as she entered into the party hall. There were many people in suits and gowns. Her father introduced her to some people and she just smiled at them.

She went and sat on a table at a corner while her dad was busy meeting people. Everyone present there wants to talk to AJ and in that moment she felt very proud to be his daughter.

In her search for Sam, she didn't notice the stares she was getting from the men present in the hall. She didn't tell Sameer that she was also coming to the party as she wanted to surprise him.

" Hello beautiful!"

Came a surprised voice.

She turned and smiled at the person in front of her.

" What are you doing here?" He asked.

" I came here with Papa." She said.

" Oh! Did you have something?" He asked her.

" No, I just came and waiting for someone." She said.

" And who is that someone?" He asked her raising his brows.

She blushed.

" That someone didn't come still." She said looking here and there.

" Oh, so can you dance with me until that someone comes?" He asked smirking at her.

" But..... "

" Please, I am getting bored in this party." He said and she sighed nodding her head.

" Do you know something? If I am not the person who is ambitious and workaholic I wouldn't have missed such a beautiful girl like you to get married." He said while slowly dancing with her.

" Hey! We both agreed not to get married as we have different  priorities in our lives." She said glaring at him.

" Yeah I know, I was just saying..... You know I already told you my priority that day in the Cafe but you didn't." He said.

" So?" She asked.

" So I want to know what is that priority of yours that you rejected such a handsome and hot man like me to get married." He asked her teasingly.

" Who told you that you are handsome and hot?" She scrunched her face.

" That's a big blow to my ego you know? Girls always hit on me and in this party also many wanted to dance with me but I gave that chance to you." He exclaimed.

" Egoistic and self centered..... " She muttered.

" Hey! I heard that!" He said.

" Good." She said smiling sweetly.

He glared at her and she laughed at him.

" So, who is your priority?" He asked.

She smiled thinking of him.

" Sammy." She said.

" Who? "He asked.

" Sameer Khanna." She said.

" Oh my God, Sameer Khanna! " He exclaimed and she blushed nodding her head.

" You love him?" He asked and she nodded.

" And he?" He asked with a teasing smile.

" Yes." She said.

" So when is the marriage?" He asked her.

" Actually we love each other but everything is not clear between us still." She said looking down.

" Don't worry, everything will be alright." He said smiling genuinely at her.

She smiled back and stopped dancing.

And they parted their ways to meet others not want to dance anymore.

She looked for Sameer and then she saw him standing there talking with her father. As she went close to him, she noticed that he was in bad mood.

She went and stood in front of them. Sam looked at her who is looking at him. He looked away from her and turned fully towards her father. She was stunned at his behavior but was more worried because his face showed hurt and his eyes showed pain.

She doesn't know what happened to him and why he was behaving like that. She wanted to soothe his pain but he was ignoring her.

Her father and other excused themselves and went to meet some people leaving Sam and Piyu.

" Sammy." She called him but he was just looking down.

" What happened Sammy?" She whispered.

He looked up at her and she saw his eyes red with anger and hurt.

" Sammy." She hold his hands and he looked away.

" You are scaring me, tell me what's wrong." She asked him softly.

" Nothing, it's just that I realised now that I lost you completely." He said and his voice was shaking.

" What?" She asked shocked.

" Why would you lose me?" She asked him when he went quite.

He looked at the person with anger and venom who was standing little far away from them. She followed his gaze and was stunned to know who it was.

Now she understood why he was in so much pain and hurt.

" Sammy." She tried to hold him but he moved away.

" He is the same guy from the Cafe who came to see you for a marraige proposal and today I saw how you were laughing and talking to him while dancing." He said clenching his Jaws and fists tightly.

" Sammy, it isn't......" He cut off her.

" You don't need to explain anything to me. I deserve this. I deserve this pain and suffering after what I did to you in the past. I know you still didn't forgive me but I thought and hoped that something can happen between us." He said in a broken tone.

She never saw him so broken and hurt not even when she left him. He walked away from her when someone called him and she stood rooted in her place with her aching heart.


He couldn't talk to anyone with the burning ache in his heart. And so he came and stood outside in a secluded corner of the hotel where no one will come.

When he came to the party and was meeting the people, he saw AJ talking to others. He went and met him who told him that Piyu also came to the party.

He was so happy and was very excited to meet her. He searched for her but didn't find her. He stopped when he saw people looking on to the dance floor and followed their gaze. He stood rooted in place when he saw Piyu was dancing with a guy.

He felt a stab in his heart when he realized that it was the same guy from the Cafe who came for the marriage proposal. He felt numb for sometime but a sharp pain hit his heart when his brain told him that he had lost her.

He couldn't see her with anyone else and thought to get away from here. But AJ stopped him and started talking to him. He saw AJ looking at them both with a smile on his face and again his heart clenched that AJ was also happy.

And that time only she came and stood in front of them. He looked at her and thought she is looking so beautiful in the long ethnic gown but again he got reminded that she was not his anymore and looked away from her with hurt.

He didn't want to hurt her when he was not in a position to control himself and walked away from her.


He stood there for don't know how long staring into the space. He wants to control himself and his emotions before going inside. He clenched his jaw when he remembered how that stupid guy touched her while dancing.

He went stiff when he felt soft hands wrap around him from behind. He doesn't need to turn to know who it is. He can feel her and her fragrance was enough to indicate that it's her.

Tears welled up in his eyes feeling her body against him and he just wants to hug her tightly and never let her go. But again when he remembered what he saw inside made his blood boil.

" Are you mad at me?" He heard her muffled voice as she was hugging him.

He gently removed her hands from him and moved away from her creating distance between them.

" Sammy." She called him her voice shaking and tears welled up in her eyes.

" You should go inside." He said coldly and looked away when he saw hurt in her eyes. He cursed himself as he promised he will never hurt her again.

" Sammy, first listen to me please....." She pleaded.

" No, I understand Piyu. It's your life and you can do whatever you want, you can choose whomever you want." He said.

" But Sammy I didn't......" He cut her off.

" You were looking so happy with him and AJ also looked so happy watching you both dancing. I should not come between this happiness as I always hurt you." He said blinking his tears away.

What he is saying?

She thought and got angry on him.

" Sammy, will you listen to me for once? " She said a little louder and tears slipped out from her eyes.

" Oh God! See again I made you cry. I am so sorry Piyu, I didn't mean to hurt you. I am okay with whatever you decide but please don't cry. I know I don't deserve you as I always end up hurting you......" He ranted asusually.

She doesn't know how to stop him and so she did only one thing that can shut him up which she thought to do from long time but didn't get any chance.

She looked at him whose eyes are red with unshedded tears and his face looked so vulnerable. She sighed as he was still ranting about how he doesn't deserve her.

She walked a little close to him and her eyes roamed on his face.

" Sammy." She called him.

He looked at her who is staring at him with a small smile playing on her lips.

" Piyu, I......"

She looked at him determined.

" I Love You."

And yes that made him shut up.


To be Continued...........

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