Chapter 60

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This was the surprise I was talking about😅

@pooja21verma guessed right about another update.

Enjoy Reading ❤️



Everyone looked at the person in front of them who barged into the room.

" Jai." Piyu whispered.

Rads eyes widened. She looked here and there and slowly started stepping backwards.

" Hey! You can't barge into a doctor's cabin like that!" Doctor exclaimed angrily.

" I don't care! Why didn't anyone told me about Piyu's accident?" Jai exclaimed.

AJs looked surprised at him but didn't said anything.

" Where is Rads?" Jai asked.

All turned towards where Rads was standing before only to see an empty space making everyone wonder where did she go.

" She was here only a minute back." Aditya wondered aloud looking around.

Piyu understood that Rads must have hidden and turned to talk to Jai.

" I know you are here only Rads, come out from your hiding place." Jai said sighing.

" Jai..... It isn't her fault, I told them not to tell you anything." Piyu said to him looking worried at him.

" When did this happened?" Jai asked.

" A week back." Piyu said softly.

" You met with an accident a week ago and you didn't find it necessary to tell me about it." Jai shouted angrily but his face showed hurt.

" It's Ok beta, she is alright now. They didn't tell you because they don't want to worry you when you are gone out for work." Piyu's mom said smiling at him.

He smiled back a little but they know he is still angry.

" What's happening here?" They all heard and looked at the door.

Sameer was standing there in all his glory smiling at everyone.

" Hey! Jai when did you come back?" Sameer asked hugging him.

" Uh... Oh...." Piyu mumbled.

Jai glared at Sameer hardly and it took a while for Sameer to understand what's the matter.

" What happened Jai?" Sameer asked.

" Why didn't you tell me?" Jai asked sternly.

" I. I thought Rads told you because she said that she would handle it..... So...... " Sam trailed off gulping.

They all heard a loud gasp and turned to see Rads coming out of the table.

" When did you go under my table?" Doctor asked shocked seeing her under his table.

" Sam.... You liar, I didn't tell you anything about handling Jai..... You are putting the whole blame on me now.... You idiot, stupid." Rads bursted out on Sameer.

" I mean.... I didn't mean it that way." Sam tried to cover up.

" You both hid such a big thing from me.....that too for an whole week." Jai shouted in between.

" First let me deal with this idiot then I will talk to you." Saying Rads turned to Sam who was scratching his head not knowing what to do.

" Hey this is my yelling and shouting here." Doctor butted in.

Everyone watched them in amusement as they continue to bicker with each other.


Everyone turned to Piyu who shouted.

"You three go and wait outside until I get my cast removed." Piyu said sternly.

" But..... " Sam tried to say but one glare from her made him shut up.

Three of them walked out silently.

" You have a bunch of crazy friends." Doctor said and sighed in relief seeing them going outside.

" Hey! We are not crazy." They all heard their yells from outside.

Everyone inside the cabin looked at each other and laughed out loudly.

" You are lucky you know to have such caring and amazing friends." Doctor said smiling at her.

Piyu looked at her family who smiled at her and then looked at the doctor.

" I know." She said grinning widely.

" Though I doubt one of them is your boyfriend." Doctor whispered.

" He is not my boyfriend! " Piyu whisper yelled at the doctor.

" Yet....."

" Doctor!"

" Yeah yeah..... Have you ever seen how he looks at you, how he takes care of you, how he easily gets worked up because of you, how he cried for you when he thought something bad happening to you?..... Believe me I have seen all this when you were lying on that hospital bed." Doctor whispered softly which made her eyes moisten.

" He loves you..... " Doctor said softly.

" I know." She smiles thinking about his confession.

" I know he told you about it but you fainted that day." Doctor whispered biting his lip to stop himself from laughing looking at her embarrassed face.

" Don't worry he was more embarrassed than you and I had a very hard time controlling my laugh." Doctor said snickering and Piyu also giggled thinking about that day.

" What's happening between both of you?" AJ asked raising his eyebrows at them.

They both turned to look at the whole family is looking at them curiously to know what they are whispering about.

" Nothing....." They both shrugged making them sigh loudly.

" Dad.... We had enough of the craziness today. I think we should go and prepare for the meeting now." Aditya said rubbing his head.

Apoorva and Piyu's mom snickered looking at both the AJs who are so clueless.

" Yeah.....You are right." AJ said got up.

" You both also come with us, we will drop you on our way." AJ said to Apoorva and Piyu's mom.

" But Piyu? " They frowned.

" Her three crazy friends are waiting outside for her..... She will come with them." Doctor said looking at Piyu who nodded her head grinning.

" careful." Saying this they all went outside to see those three sat outside sulking like kids.

" Bye 3 Idiots." Doctor said going away from there laughing at their sulking faces.

Jai glared at his back and Rads rolled her eyes at him while Sam just stared at Piyu who was laughing.

" Piyu, Are you okay? Is it paining? Can you move your hand now? " Sameer started rambling.

" Sammy! I am alright now. Pain is not there and see I can move my hand also." Piyu said smiling at him.

" Ok but be careful and don't do any work with that hand for somedays. " Sameer said sternly and she nodded her head.

They both turned to look at Jai and Rads who are looking at them silently.

" Guys..... I am hungry." Piyu whined.

" Me too." Rads added.

" Ok, come let's go and eat something." Sameer said but Jai stayed calm.

" Jai please....." Piyu pleaded him.

" Ok." He sighed.

They all went to a nearby restaurant and sat on a table waiting for their orders.

" Ok, Jai now listen we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to leave such an important work there and come back here." Piyu tried to explain him.

" But nothing is more important than my friends." Jai exclaimed.

" We know that and that's why we didn't tell you." Sameer added making Jai sigh.

" Leave all this, first tell us about what happened with Meera." Rads asked curiously.

" Yeah, did she agree?"

" Did you confess? "

Sameer and Piyu also shot questions at him.

Jai looked at the three hopeful faces in front of him and sighed sadly.

" Guys, I tried." Jai said.

" Huh? "

" What do you mean? "

" I did how much I can do. I kept aside all my ego and pride and asked her to forgive me but she was adamant. I told her that I love her but didn't realize it. She just ignored me." Jai said looking down.

" So she didn't agree?" Piyu asked sadly.

" No." Jai said.

" I tried to persuade her, convince her and console her but I must have hurted so much that she is not ready to accept me and my apology." Jai said with tears in his eyes.

Looking at him like that for the first time in their lives, three of them got tears in their eyes too.

" What does she think of herself? Can't she give a chance to him? " Rads said angrily slamming the table with her hand unable to see tears in Jai's eyes.

" So you just left and came back?" Sameer asked him.

" I can't leave my work and family here forever. I told her that I am leaving and that if she still loves me, she is welcomed anytime." Jai said.

" She can't get a guy like you anywhere in the world. She lost you." Piyu said trying to console him.

" No, I lost her." Jai said holding his head in his hands.

" Jai, if she loved you truly and if it's meant to be, she will surely come back to you." Sam said smiling at him assuringly.

Jai smiled at him and hugged him. Rads and Piyu smiled at them with tears.

They started eating their food when Rads got a call. She went aside and started talking.

" With whom is she talking like that? " Jai asked looking at Rads.

" Must be that guy who asked her on a date." Sameer said rolling his eyes.

Jai choked on his food and Piyu widened her eyes at Sam who just realized what he said.

" She is dating?" Jai asked stunned.

" No.....No..... Not at all." Sam said laughing nervously.

" But you said a guy and a date." Jai frowned.

" Someone had asked her out but she didn't go still due to her schedule." Piyu said assuring.

" And you didn't say anything? " Jai asked Sam glaring at him.

" I tried to intervene but whenever I asked her who is this boy, she always  says some excuses and runs away." Sameer tried to reason.

Rads came back from the call and started eating her food.

" Are you dating Rads? " Jai asked directly making her choke on her food.

" What? No!" Rads exclaimed loudly.

" I heard you have a date." Jai asked crossing his arms.

Rads glared at both Sam and Piyu who were just eating their food like they didn't hear anything.

" Yeah....." She said.

" Oh." Jai said and resumed eating his food.

" Who is he? What does he do? Do we know him?" Jai asked suddenly after sometime.

" He also works in the fashion industry and I don't think you people know him." Rads said cautiously.

Jai turned to her fully and opened his mouth to say something but Rads didn't gave him the chance.

" Oh my God! I forgot I have an important meeting. Guys! I should go, we will talk later, Bye! " Saying this Rads ran away from there taking her bag.

" See, this is what she does whenever I tried to ask her something." Sameer said.

Jai nodded and looked at Piyu who lost in her thoughts.

" Piyu? Where are you lost? " Jai asked her.

" I think I need to have a talk with her. Due to this accident and all we didn't have a proper conversation at all. I will talk to her and find out what's the actual matter." Piyu said seriously.

" Yeah, it's best if you talk with her. I just don't want her to get hurt by anyone." Sameer said concerned.

" Don't worry, nothing will happen like that." Piyu reassured them.

After finishing their lunch, Jai went to his home leaving Sameer to drop Piyu.

" Sammy, you should go to the office, I don't want you to miss your work because of me." Piyu said worried.

" I am not missing anything Piyu and nothing is more important for me than you." Sameer said.

" But there have been problems without you in the office. Your presence is necessary there." Piyu said.

" You know about what happened right?" He asked her sighing.

" Yes." She whispered.

" I didn't tell you because I didn't want to stress you." He reasoned.

" I know." She smiled at him.

" It was you who told Priya not to let anyone in my cabin.....right?" Sameer asked her.

" Yes." She said and he laughed.

" Why are you laughing?" She asked him confused.

" It's a good idea but she is getting into  fights with many people because of that." Sameer said laughing and narrated her some incidents that has  happened in the office.

Piyu laughed out loudly hearing them. Soon they reached Piyu's home and both of them got down.

" Will you be alright? " Piyu asked him.

" Yeah of course...... I am taking care of the problem. It's nothing big and it will be solved soon..... You don't stress about it. " Sameer said taking her hand in his.

" Ok.....bye then." She said looking at him.

" Hey! What about my kisses?" He asked playfully.

" What? " She acted confused.

" Don't act, I know that you know what I am talking about." He said.

" Good for you then." Saying this she moved towards her house making him pout.

He turned towards his car to leave but stopped when a soft hand held his hand. He smiled and turned. She kissed him on his cheek and ran into her house quickly.

Sameer was stunned but smiled giddily keeping his hand on his cheek. He sat in his car and drove towards his office grinning like an idiot.


To be Continued...........

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Stay Tuned.............

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