Chapter 7

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Ahhh.....Monday is so boring.........

I just want to go home and sleep.

Now, I am sitting at my desk after the lunch waiting for my friends to come from the library and my mind drifted to Friday night's dinner at my home on my birthday.

It went great with my family and friends. My mom loved Jai and Rads more than I expected while Bhai was amused by listening about Sameer and Jai' s protectivenes for me from none other than the chatter box of our group......... Rads.

She kept going on telling him about how they both behaved in the college in the name of protecting me. I had to laugh at my Bhai who sat with the baffled expression on his face by the continous chatter of my best friend Rads.

Bhai is little reserved, he talks less and works more, he cannot mingle with new people easily but I can't say that he is boring because he is a very loving and fun person to be with once we get to know him.

So he just sat stunned there blinking his eyes at her listening to the continous banter of Rads. When rads stopped her banter to drink water my dear brother took a heavy and exasperated breath from his mouth feeling relieved but that didn't last long as she again started her banter.

It was a fun sight to watch seeing two complete opposite people sat for a chat, one who is continuously talking and the other is just trying to grasp the words of the one who is talking so  fastly.

Me, mom and Jai laughed aloud when Bhai heaved a long sigh when Rads  finally stopped her blabbering as she was very hungry.

My dad also joined with us for the dinner, talked with my friends for sometime and retired to bed early as he had an early flight to catch next day for a business deal .

As I told I will not be surprised if Tanya will not allow Sam to come to my I am not surprised at all.

He didn't come.

Rather his girlfriend didn't allow him to come.

He called us and informed that there was an emergency at Tanya's home and he had to go there.

We immediately knew that it was all just her act but how would Sam know that.......she traps him by her crocodile tears and evil plans.

I missed him though.

But I kinda expected it so I didn't feel any hurt but just a little disappointment.

I sighed.

But my birthday went well and I am happy spending it with the people who love and care for me.

My thoughts are disturbed by hearing heavy foot steps coming towards the class.

I looked at the door to see a furious Jai and scowling Rads entering into the class stomping their feet.

Something was wrong.

I didn't get time to ask them because the bell rang and all the students rushed in.

I looked at my friends who were composing themselves and smiling before me as nothing had happened.

Oh no ! Something is definitely wrong !

" Guys tell me what happened ?" I asked them worried while going to parking lot after finishing our classes.

They both looked at each other.

" Nothing Piyu." Rads said.

" Please guys you both are scaring me." I pleaded them.

They both sighed.

We stopped near the parking lot.

" When we both were coming to the class we heard Tanya is bad mouthing about you with others standing there at the washroom." Rads said.

Oh god ! What does this girl want ?

She is doing this a lot lately.

" I got angry and was about to confront her but Rads stopped me." Jai said furiously.

Good Rads.

" It's not that I was not angry but I don't want to create a scene near the washroom where many people of different classes are present. She  would have unnecessarily create a fuss and defame Piyu in front of many people and I didn't want it to happen." Rads said angrily.

Oh No ! She is also equally angry.

" Relax guys, I think she wantedly doing this to create an argument or a fight so that we would be insulted and she can show Sam that we are bad and don't like her ." I said softly to them.

They are just looking at me.

I am also angry but I don't want my friends to get into a problem.

" Guys she is on some plan for making Sam stay away from us completely  and degrade us in front of the whole college so we shouldn't fall into her trap. Its our last year and we cannot afford any bad remarks and especially it shouldn't go to our parents. It's not because of Sam guys but it's about us, we cannot risk our career and name because of that vamp." I explained to them softly.

I think they understood.

" Ok but if I hear her again talking bad  about you then I will not be quiet." Jai warned me.

" If she again does something like that  then I am sure I will rip her eyeballs from her eyes." Rads said menacingly.

I love them.

" Guys it's my problem, I should deal with her. If she crossed her limits once again then I will show her who I am and warn her not to mess up with us again." I said smiling at them.

They grinned.

" But remember we both are always with you to do any help." Jai said hugging me.

" Even if it is to murder her and hide her dead body also." Rads said smirking imagining the scene.

I laughed at her.

" No we will not do any murder because we can't get our hands dirty." Jai said thinking deeply.

" Hmm right " rads agreed with Jai.

What ? They are really planning to do something to her !!!

" Guys calm down we are not going to do anything to her but just confront her and show her what we are that's it without doing any harm to anyone " I said sternly.

They nodded their heads unsurely.

" But what about Sam ? He doesn't even know how witch is the girlfriend of his." Rads raised her doubt.

" We will say the truth what happened ? He has to know the truth someday or the other and a guy like him doesn't deserve that witch." Jai shrugged.

" But whom will he believe ?" Rads  asked in fear.

" It's his decision now what he wants and whom he wants to believe. " I said  looking down.

" Muffin it's not that easy as you are saying." Jai said concerned.

" I know Jai, but how long will this go on? There should be some closure right. I didn't mind of losing my love but its hurting losing our friendship. And I don't want my best friends to be hurt in any way because of Sam or Tanya. " I said gulping the lump formed in my throat and tears dwell in my eyes.

" Hey it's ok......don't cry nothing like that will happen." Rads assured me.

" We can't be sure and by the way Tanya is behaving, she surely have something planned and we should be ready to face it and confront it." I said wiping my tears.

" are right." Rads said.

" If anything happens you should immediately call us any time if we are not there with you." Jai said to me.

I smiled at them.

I am so lucky to have such amazing friends.

We were in our way to our cars I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

" What if he choose to believe her? What if he choose her over us ?" I asked staring at space ahead.

" Then it's his loss, we can't forcefully make him believe us." Jai said blankly.

" He will regret if he chooses her over us." Rads said kicking a stone.

" You should be strong for it Piyu." Rads said looking concerned at me.

We just stood there calmly for sometime thinking.

I know he doesn't love me.

But we are best friends.

He knows me very well.

I don't think he will believe her lie over my truth.

I trust him.

" Hope it doesn't happen." Jai smiled at me.

" I hope so." I whispered.

When we are about to get into our cars.....

" Piyu "

Rads called me.

I looked at her.

She is hesitant to ask something.

I just waited calmly for her to ask.

" Do you still love him ?"

She asked.

When I stayed calm for more than a minute she got her answer.

She smiled sadly at me.

I looked down and whispered......

" Yes "

To be continued...........

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