Chapter 8

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" What do you want ?" I snapped angrily.

" Nothing."

" Then get off my way." I growled at her.

" No."

She smirked.

I scowled.

" I like to mess with you."

" But I don't like to mess with a mess." I snapped again.

It's her turn to scowl at me but I couldn't care less. I just wanna go home and eat but this girl is coming in my way and stopping me.

Since one week I am bearing with her stupidity. Tanya is doing something or the other to irritate me. She is bumping into me occasionally, throwing paper balls at me, making fun of me with her minions, she even spilled cool drink on me in the cafe when Sam was by her side. She said sorry but feeling not sorry at all.

We have final exams in a week. I had to prepare and revise a lot. But this girl is getting on my nerves disturbing me.

Jai and Rads were off to their homes already. I was left behind as I want some books from library to prepare for exams.

And now when I want to go home, feed my grumbling stomach and study,  she and her minions blocked my way not allowing me to go. I think she waited for this moment for me to find alone so that she can do what she has planned. strong have to deal her by yourself.

What ever she does you should be strong.

Don't let yourself weak before her.

If she is doing this then I should also not back out to confront her.

But I am hungry now.

I tried to walk past but again they blocked my way.

I sighed loudly.

" Seriously Tanya what do you want ?" I tried to ask as politely as possible.

" What Piyali ? Can't I talk to my friend ?" She asked sweetly.

" Friend ?" I deadpanned.

" My boyfriend's best friend counts as my friend too right " She said smiling sweetly at me.

" Do you even know the meaning of a  friend ?" I snapped again.

I didn't snap this much in my whole life.

" Oh I know it perfectly but I think you don't know the meaning of it." She taunted me.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

" You want to snatch away my boyfriend from me. Which friend does that ?" She accused me.

I looked shocked at her.

I thought she was just jealous because Sam is close with us.....with me.....but.....

She is thinking that I want to snatch him away.

" Why are you looking so shocked? " She pauses.

" Don't act.....I know how you look at him, how you smile at him, how much you want him......I am not blind." She yells at me.

My eyes widened.

Does she know that I love him ?

" And I also know that you love him." She finishes smirking at me evilly.

I still stood shocked.

" You must be wondering how I know that let me tell you..... your eyes ,your face ,your actions whenever he is around you or close to you say everything Piyali." She says with rage.

I stood dumbfounded.

Am I that obvious ?

Is it obvious on my face that I have feelings for him and I love him ?

Or Is she that observant ?

What if everyone knows ?

No no.....she must be doing this just to make me admit it from my mouth.....yes......

" Are you out of your mind Tanya? He is just a friend to me."

I said with a rage and it's not a lie as we are just friends now and I know we can't be nothing else more than that.

" Really ? Do you think me as a fool to believe you ?" She asked me with equal rage in her voice.

And all this time her minions are watching us as they are watching some show.

" Yes ! You are a fool for thinking that I love him. You are fool to think that I will snatch away your so called boyfriend from you. You are a fool to think that something like that will ever happen." I yelled at her.

" How dare you ?" She said and shoved me onto the wall of the corridor.

" Ouch !" I yelped holding my arm.

" Have you gone mad Tanya ? You are hurting me ." I yelled at her in pain.

" I will hurt you more if you try to take Sammy away from me." She warned me dangerously.

" Are you deaf ? Believe me I don't have any intention to do that or even I have any interest to do that. I am happy with what I have in my life. Don't imagine what is not true and hurt others." I said to her calmly this time.

She stood calm for sometime thinking.

" If you try to come between us I won't spare you next time. I won't hesitate to do anything to you if you try to take Sammy away from me." She said holding my arms tightly by which her nails pierced into my skin.

This girl is insane !

She is obsessed with him !

And I am standing alone with an insane girl...... God help me !

She is glaring at me, accusing with her hands holding my forearms which are hurting like hell.

This is the limit !

" Get off me !!" I yelled and pushed her away.

" Remember my warning " she said again holding my wrist tightly digging her nails into my skin.

I let myself free from her grip and pushed her away little hard. She stumbled and hit the wall but her minions got hold of her.

I stormed away from there angrily without looking back and walked to the parking lot.

I got into my car and rode to my house as fast as I can.

All my hunger died.


Next day :-

At college :-

I sat at the table looking at my friends who are looking at me with questioning and concerned gazes. I want to tell them about yesterday but I am afraid what will they do to Tanya after that.

I opened my mouth to tell them but I got stuck when I saw a disturbed Sam walking towards us.

She must have filled his ears against me about yesterday.

What if she told him that I love him ?

How will I face him ?

Not that I admitted it before her.


Calm down Piya....... Just calm down.

Sam came and stood in front of us looking at me with some different expression.

I stood in front of him.

" Did something happened between you and Tanya yesterday ?" He asked me blankly.

Listening this Jai and Rads shot up from their seats and stood by my side keeping their hands on my shoulders.

" Yes " I said sternly.

He tensed.

" What happened ?" He asked.

" We had an argument." I said looking at Jai and Rads.

" Muffin why didn't you tell us ?" Jai asked worried.

" Yesterday after college she cornered me and....." Before I could say.

" And what ?" Sam asked in anger.

" Don't you raise your voice at Piyu." Jai warned him.

" What you did Piyu ?" He asked ignoring Jai.

What I did ?

I didn't do anything.

She had done everything.

Even I got bruise on my forearm because of her manhandling.

I had to hide it wearing full sleeves.

It's paining like hell.

" I had done nothing Sameer ,she had been accusing me for nothing." I said with anger.

He closed his eyes and again opened maybe trying to calm himself.

" See Sameer , why are you enquiring Piyu for this as if she is the wrong one here ? Why don't you ask your so called girlfriend about this because it's clear that she has started all this." Rads stated holding my hand.

" Because Piyu is wrong." Sam stated.

I stood rooted..... so as my friends.

" Tanya had already told me everything that's why I am asking Piyu to confirm." He stated angrily.

" I hadn't done anything wrong Sameer she accused me, manhandled me,shoved me onto the wall." I shouted at him.

" Ok what have you done after that ?" He asked me without any concern for me.

He got nerves to enquire me as if I had done some big crime.

" I pushed her away from my way and strode to my home." I said.

His eyes widened and looked at me with rage and anger.

" What ?" Jai and Rads yelled.

I looked at them.

" She manhandled you ?" Rads asked in disbelief and I nodded my head in yes.

" Are you hurt ? I will not leave her. How dare is she to lay a finger on you ?"
Saying this Jai started to walk away but I stopped him holding his hand.

I sighed Jai towards Sam who just stood there wearing angry expression.

Jai calmed himself and turned towards Sam.

" Ok then, Sameer you are saying Piyu did wrong and your girlfriend is the saint one here. So can you please  enlighten us what wrong Piyu has done?"
Jai said calmly crossing his arms standing in front of me but his eyes are furiously glaring at Sam.

" Tanya " Sam yelled turning back to call her.

Next thing what I saw literally made my jaws dropped down touching the floor and I stood there shocked rooted in my place.

To be continued.........

So guys what do you think !

Sam is doing is right or wrong ?

What must have Piyu seen that made her shocked?

What will Piyu do next ?

Stay tuned to know........

Please vote and comment guys.

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