Chapter 9

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There stood Tanya with bandage on her head and a plaster on fractured arm.

I looked at Jai and Rads who were looking at Tanya shocked and confused.

And then I looked at Sam who is supporting Tanya to walk as she is limping.

What happened to her ?

Yesterday she was alright and now......

I came out of my thoughts when I heard those words which shakened  me totally.

" This is what she has done to Tanya." Sam said glaring at me.

I stood bewildered and shocked.

Jai and Rads state is no less than me.

" How on Earth is Piyu responsible for this ?" Jai bellowed glaring at both Sam and Tanya.

" She pushed Tanya from the stairs and because of her she is in this condition." Sam shouted.

When did I pushed her from the stairs ?

I cannot do this to anyone not even to my greatest enemy.

Why would I hurt her ? What would I gain ?

Is she not the one who hurted me yesterday ?

How could Sam believe that I did this ?

Does he not know me ?

Tears pricked in my eyes and started flowing.

I stood there hurt.

My mouth went dried and no words are coming from my throat.

" SHUT UP !" Rads roared.

" Because we are listening all the nonsense you are saying from that time that doesn't mean that we will bear anything you are accusing my best friend."

Rads said with full rage and her face became red with anger.

Sam is taken aback from her outburst.

" Think before you say anything Sameer. She cannot do this to her. She cannot do this to anyone in the world. Heck she cannot even hurt a fly." Jai roared holding my hand.

" I didn't say anything wrong guys. I know her and that's why I came to ask her what happened. She herself said that she pushed Tanya away right." Sam stated looking deadly at us.

I just shoved her from my way.

And from where the hell did stairs appear in a corridor of a library.

I stood numb there.

She said and he believed her.

" She just said that she pushed her from her way and went to home and that doesn't mean that she pushed her from the stairs." Rads exclaimed angrily.

Sam looked at me and then Tanya who stood there crying as she is the most innocent girl in the world.

Wow ! She is a great actor.

" Sammy I was just initiating a talk with her formally as she is your best friend but she got angry ,scolded me and said that I don't deserve you. I was just trying to convince her but she angrily pushed me away and went off from there even without looking at back for once when I screamed with pain when I fell from stairs." Tanya finished her made up story with tears and sniffing.

She looked at her minions.

" Yes we also saw that. We were the one who helped Tanya when Piyali pushed her." Her minions supported her lie.

I stood dumbstruck there.

She easily twisted our whole talk and my pushing in her favour.

Everyone watching us there are showing sympathy to her.

Who wouldn't ? She created such a high drama showing herself as a heroin and me as vamp.

All those doesn't matter to me.

All that matters to me is Sam and whom does he believe.

I looked at Sam who is looking at me with accusing eyes.

I looked at my friends who are already looking at me assuring that they are with me.

I really love them.

" Why ?" Sam breathed out looking at me with anger.

And that time I understood........

He believed her.

He didn't believe me.

He didn't believe us.

He didn't trust me.

He didn't trust our friendship.

He believed her lie over my truth.

He believed her fake tears and drama over my true friendship and trust.

He trusted her over me.

He chosed her over us and our friendship.

He chosed her over me.

That's it........

Everything is finished.

I loved him. But he didn't.
That didn't hurt me.

I trusted him. But he didn't.
This is hurting a lot.

He broke my trust.

He broke my heart.

He broke our friendship.

If he would have asked me then I would have clarified the misunderstanding.

But he just decided that I did it and it was entirely my mistake.

Now I don't need to clarify or pacify anything.

Let him think and decide what he wants.

I don't care anymore.

Because he is nothing to me now.

I am tired of all this fuss now.

I looked at him for one last time if he says that he trusts me.

But no.

He was consoling her.

I have decided.

Rads wiped my tears with concern etched on her face.

I smiled at her and looked at Jai with determination in my eyes.

They both looked at me not understanding what's in my mind but they gripped my hand tightly and smiled at me assuring me.

Then I was pulled out from their grip and yanked towards front.

I opened my eyes to see Sam looking at me questioning and angry gaze with his arms holding my forearms tightly making me yelp in pain as he is pressing firmly on my bruise.

" Why ?" He asked me.

" Why Piyu? Why you did this ?" He yelled at me.

" Sam ! Leave her !" Jai roared.

Sam tightened his grip more hurting me.

I closed my eyes tightly unable to bear the pain and tears started flowing from my eyes.

" Leave her " Rads shouted.

I opened my eyes and looked at him angrily.

" Why ? Why Piyu Why ?" He kept on chanting and I stayed mumb.

" Why you did this Piyu? Is it because you were jealous ?" Sam spatted angrily.

That's it.......

He had hit my last nerve.

Anger bubbled inside me and I am burning with rage.

I gained my full strength and pushed him away from me.

The next minute my hand got contacted with his cheek stinging my palm.

I slapped him. He deserves it.

He looked at me shocked holding his cheek.

Not only him but everyone.

Tanya and her minions gulped in fear.

Jai and Rads looked at me shocked at first but smiled at me saying that I did the right thing.






I spatted everything with venom in my eyes and voice.

He stood still with shocked expression looking at me.

" You chose to believe her and trusted her lies and so I will not clarify anything to you because there is nothing between us anymore to do that."

I stated.

" Piyu....." Sam started to say but I rudely cut off.


He looked at me with hurt but I don't care anymore.

" You lost that right of calling me that, when you didn't trust me." I stated.

He stood there dumbfounded.

" You and your so called girlfriend can go to hell. I don't care anymore because we are nothing from now onwards." I said directly looking into his eyes.

Now it's his turn to be Mumb.

" Friendship or any relation is based on the trust. When that is not there  then there will be no relation. So, Mr. Sameer Khanna.....with the end of your trust our friendship ends."  I declared loudly.

He looked horrified at me with my decision. He opened his mouth to say something but words are not coming from his mouth due to the shock and my outburst.

Although there is nothing to say now....... everything is finished.

" Actually our friendship ended long time back when you ignored us and distanced yourself away from us for your girlfriend . It was just we are  continuing our friendship for the namesake just as a formality as we didn't want to hurt you and you didn't want to hurt your girlfriend. There was just a last string attached between us that also you have breaked today. So I am freeing you and ourselves from this forceful relation of our friendship. "

I vented out all my hurt crying.

Tears were flowing from his eyes also.

I read his face which is showing hurt and what's that...... Oh ! Maybe guilt but it's too late.

" I am tired of all this already and today was the limit. So from today onwards there's nothing between us. We are not Best friends, not at least  friends and not even acquaintances. We are just strangers that's it."

I stated and felt like weight lifted off my chest.

He looked broken.

But I am broken too.....not now but from long back.

I felt like crying loudly.

" So it's over. Good bye Sameer Khanna." I said loudly unable to control my emotions and turned to leave but looked back when Rads hold my hand to stop me..........

" You don't know what you are losing today Sameer Khanna but you will know soon. You will regret one day very badly for what you have done but it will be too late for realizing and apologizing."

Rads spatted angrily at broken Sam and walked away dragging me along with her and Jai.

To be continued..........

Was Sameer right from his side ?

Did Piyu took right decision ?

Did she over react ?

Do you guys think that Piyu should have clarified the misunderstanding ?

Please comment guys..........

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