[068] Kill!

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Yang Yong froze, but did not stop.

Holding the pistol in the hands of the two kidnappers, their confidence increased suddenly, and they were no longer afraid of Yang Yong.

"Hey, take a step forward at tm, I'll jump you!"

The driver pointed at Yang Yong with a muzzle.

Yang Yong looked at the man and looked at Lin Qing'er, who was dragged in the distance. She kept turning her head, and her eyes were full of help. The two men dragged her further and further.

As soon as Yang Yong gritted his teeth, he rushed up towards the two kidnappers!

At the same time, there was a gunshot!

Yang Yong flashed to the side, his body paused, and then rushed upward with his teeth gritted.

At a distance of about ten meters, although Yang Yong was shot in the middle, he injured his right chest and did not affect his speed.

Yang Yong rushed to the driver, squeezed his neck, and blocked him in front of him for a moment.

"Oh!" The man next to him hit the driver with a shot, right in the heart.

The man was startled, Yang Yong let go of his hand, and he grabbed at him without hesitation.

The man stepped back in shock and raised his gun at the same time.

Yang Yong's eyes were sharp, he jumped a high kick in place, and kicked his pistol directly into the sky.

Immediately following Yang Yong's pause, a fist hit the man's face after landing.

The man was knocked to the ground immediately.

Yang Yong bent over and took up the man's pistol.

Then he shouted at the man on the ground!

Three shots in a row!

Quick decision! Yang Yong was shot! Fortunately, Yang Yong's body is strong. This gun is also a gun on the black market, without much penetration.

So Yang Yong can still bear the pain.

Yang Yong was pulling the trigger. There were no more bullets in the gun.

The man on the ground had stopped breathing.

Although Yang Yong touched the gun for the first time, he was still not going to miss it at such a close distance.

Yang Yong looked up.

I saw the two men dragging Lin Qing'er into an alley.

Yang Yong quickly walked through the crowd and chased after them.

There were many people around, and the car was blocked for a long time.

Yang Yong frowned as he watched the long traffic in front of him.

Following Yang Yong's trot two steps, he jumped directly onto the roof of a car and started running on many roofs.

From this car, jumping to that car, Yang Yong was very fast, and he did not fall because he saw the distance between the car and the car was too large. Soon, Yang Yong was in the small alley.

Yang Yong rushed straight in.

At this point, Yang Yong's upper body was covered with blood, but he felt no pain at all. The blood and sweat on his body were mixed together, and it was very sticky.

This is a long alley with a length of about two hundred meters. The alley is relatively narrow, about three people wide.

There are small doors all around, and there are many messy things on the alley.

I saw that the two people in the distance dragged Lin Qing'er through the alley and turned to the other side. Before turning, Yang Yong also saw Lin Qing'er's scared and helpless eyes.

Yang Yong immediately exerted strength on both feet and ran as fast as possible.

During the encounter with debris, Yang Yong collapsed with one kick, and nothing could stop his speed!

Yang Yong was sweating all over his head, and sweat dripped onto his eyelashes, and then dripped down. Even so, Yang Yong didn't blink.

Soon, Yang Yong ran to the end.

When I turned, I couldn't see Lin Qing'er. Fortunately, there were no other forks in this alley. Yang Yong started running again, and the constant curve could not stop Yang Yong's speed.

After running about a hundred meters again, I finally saw the exit.

Yang Yong ran to find a forest directly opposite, and narrow asphalt roads on the left and right.

Yang Yongyi turned his head and saw two people dragging a little girl on the road. The little girl was tied up by Wuhuada.

But they are not running, they are walking slowly, it may be that Lin Qinger is a bit tired, or they may feel that Yang Yong can no longer catch up.

They were about a hundred meters away from Yang Yong.

Yang Yong ran at them, slowing down a bit.

Lin Qing'er in front seemed to feel something, turned around and immediately struggled.

The two kidnappers turned their heads and looked frightened.

Then Lin Qing'er dragged to run, Lin Qing'er struggled hard, but how could she have two big men's strength, she was almost dragged to the ground.

The two kidnappers did not continue to run along the road, they may realize that they cannot escape.

The two of them dragged Lin Qinger into the woods and ran in.

Yang Yong's pupils shrank, and he didn't keep chasing. He turned around and ran into the woods.

Yang Yong could still see them from the gap of the tree.

Yang Yong twisted his body, chasing them while avoiding the tree.

The two kidnappers looked back and Yang Yong was getting closer.

Then the two of them took out the pistol from their pockets.

One stood still, the other dragged Lin Qinger and continued to escape.

The man hid behind a tree.

Yang Yong didn't notice this person. All his eyes were just Lin Qing'er's look at him, all helpless and afraid. When he saw Yang Yong, the look of hope leaked out of his eyes.

Yang Yong gritted his teeth, holding back the bursts of pain from his body.

He seemed to feel the bullet rubbing in his body.


Three gunshots continued.

Yang Yong immediately ducked and hid behind a large tree, and those bullets were blocked by many trees.

However, there was still a bullet hitting the tree beside Yang Yong, and the sawdust splashed Yang Yong's face.

Yang Yong took a deep breath. He didn't know where the kidnapper with the gun was hiding, so he didn't dare to rush out.

The kidnapper didn't move after three shots.

Yang Yong gritted his teeth, rushed outward, rolled in place, and ran behind the other tree.


The bullet hit the ground where Yang Yong rolled, splashing pieces of broken leaves.

Yang Yong gritted his teeth. He couldn't wait any longer. He was not familiar with the terrain here.

As soon as Yang Yong gritted his teeth, he rushed out and hid directly behind a tree closest to him, but this time the gunfire did not sound.

Yang Yong was agitated and his eyes lit up. This shot should be dumb. Just now the gun in Yang Yong's hand was dumb.

Yang Yong guessed it right, the kidnapper was sweating the gun in his hand now, his mouth murmured that something on the black market could not believe it.

Yang Yong was relieved, and rushed over as soon as he turned around.

Soon Yang Yong rushed to the man.

The kidnapper was frightened, and was so frightened that he sat directly on the ground.

"Don't, don't kill me ..." The kidnapper glared at his legs and kept backing.

Yang Yongzhen's face, an afterimage passed.

"Squeak ..." Yang Yong twisted off the kidnapper's neck.

Then Yang Yong glanced coldly at the kidnapper who was already a dead body, turned around and ran towards Lin Qing'er in the direction of them again!

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