[118] Salary

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After dinner Yang Yong and Lin Qinger went to school officials and the like, and chatted casually about the scolding battle above.

Yang Yong and Lin Qing'er looked at the comments one by one and chatted with joy.

Yang Yong found that there was not much controversy in the first game of his class, especially Li Kai's game in their class was the most controversial.

Some said that Zhao Chong was too bad for the fourth class, and some of the students in the fourth class were anxious to start the saliva station for the sixth class.

The sixth class seemed to be divided into two factions, one supporting Li Kai and one supporting Zhao Chong.

Zhao Chong, who supported Li Kai, could not do it. He was not as good as Li Kai, and said that the class teacher was blind to prevent Li Kai from playing.

Zhao Chong's supporters were not to be outdone, saying that Li Kai's strength was not enough and so on.

However, they are unanimous in how they are internalized.

Therefore, such a situation has formed in the school forum.

The two factions of the sixth class scolded, then the fourth class scolded two people, and then all of the sixth class scolded the fourth class.

The scene was very chaotic.

Yang Yong also found that several people had already made an appointment.

Regarding these, Yang Yong basically scoffed. What can happen when children fight.

In the afternoon, Yang Yong did not go to the game, he chose to go back to the room to sleep.

Lin Qinger yawned and said she was going to sleep too. Since Yang Yong wasn't going, she wasn't going to practice dancing anyway, and Nie Shutang didn't dare to say anything about her.

Anyway, in the afternoon, there were two high school games and one high school game. Yang Yong was not interested.

Meimei took a bath, then lay on a gentle and comfortable large bed, and the air conditioner was turned on to the right temperature, and Yang Yong was relaxed a lot.

Slowly, the whole person went to sleep.

I don't know how long.

A door bell rang ...

Yang Yong's eyes opened dimly, dim sunlight spilled into the room, Yang Yong touched his cell phone and it was five o'clock.

This sleep went straight to sleep for several hours.

Yang Yong stretched himself comfortably, the whole person was much better, and the bell rang again.

Yang Yong put on slippers and walked to the door.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Qinger's door opened. She was wearing pink bunny pajamas, her eyes were hazy, her hair was messy, and she looked very cute.

Yang Yong walked to the door and looked through the door. It was Uncle Wang.

open the door.

"Uncle Wang, why are you free?"

Uncle Wang said with a smile: "I'm here to give you good news."

"Oh?" Yang Yong's eyes lit up. "Come, come in and talk."

Yang Yong led Uncle Wang to the sofa and poured a cup of tea for Uncle Wang.

Lin Qinger also came over and greeted Uncle Wang with a smile.

"Yang Yong, are you still used to this?" Uncle Wang smiled.

Yang Yong nodded: "To be honest, I was a bit uncomfortable at first. After all, I'm such an adult. It makes me a little uncomfortable to be with a group of children, but now it is much better. Now I find this group of children Still quite interesting. "

"That's good, that's good."

"Uncle Wang, why are you free today? Any good news?"

Yang Yong asked, and Lin Qinger opened his curious eyes.

Uncle Wang smiled.

Then he reached out and took out a bright card from his pocket.

"this is for you."

Uncle Wang put the card on the table and pushed it in front of Yang Yong.


Yang Yong looked at the bank card on the desk and was a little surprised.

"This is what the boss asked me to give you. This is your salary and some rewards during this period. The boss encountered some trouble some time ago, so this salary was paid a little late. Brother Yang, don't mind!"

Yang Yong was a little surprised. If it wasn't for Uncle Wang to bring this up today, Yang Yong even forgot it a bit. It would be more than a month for Lin Qing'er to be a bodyguard. So how much work does he have?

"There is a total of 50,000 yuan here. This is your best effort to protect Miss Lin's salary and bonuses during this time."

Uncle Wang said with a smile.


Yang Yong opened his eyes wide, and looked at Uncle Wang, his face was very surprised.

"How come there are so many? I didn't do anything."

Yang Yong frowned and said, he was right, he really did nothing, just saved Lin Qinger last time, and that was his problem at the fire wolf, Lin Tiannan also paid for his medicine It costs, and all the time in the school is nothing to eat and drink, everything is Lin Tiannan's money, now it is better, this salary turned out to be 50,000 yuan! This made Yang Yong somewhat confused.

"Brother Yang, do n't be so surprised, we all see your dedication to the lady, and this is not a month's salary. After all, you have protected the lady for more than a month. This is in addition to the last time you saved the lady There are only so many these days, and there may not be so much money next month. "Uncle Wang explained with a smile.

Despite what Uncle Wang said, Yang Yong still couldn't be calm for a long time. This should be regarded as the first money he earns due to working hard after coming to this world!

Of course, relying on Baifeng and helping Tang Xinxin as a waiter are not counted.

This sum of money was returned by Zhenger Bajing on his own life!

Seeing Yang Yong still a little uncomfortable, Uncle Wang said again.

"Brother Yang, you don't know. Boss Lin treats employees very well, including all employees in the company. Boss Lin is meticulous to them! Not to mention that you protect Miss Lin yourself! This money , Hold it with peace of mind, this is what you deserve! "

After listening to Yang Yong, he reached out and picked up the bank card on the table, frowning and wondering what he was thinking.

Lin Qing'er rolled his eyes at this time: "Cut, that's the point, so Dad really deducts!"

Then she took the opportunity to sit next to Uncle Wang, then reached out and grabbed Uncle Wang's arm, pursed his lips and said, "Uncle Wang, you are talking to Dad, let him add some money to Yang Yong, these five What a thousand dollars can do! "

"Haha, you girl, or else you tell Boss Lin this money? But he told so much money, but I can't control the boss."

"Oh, I won't play with you! I'll tell my dad myself the other day!"

Lin Qinger pursed her lips and turned to lean on the sofa with her head down.

Yang Yong glanced up at Uncle Wang, and then smiled, "Uncle Wang, I'll accept it. Thank you Uncle Lin for me."

"Okay!" Uncle Wang patted Yang Yong's shoulder: "Then I'll go first, you play, take good care of the lady."

Talking, Uncle Wang got up.

"Well, I will."

Yang Yong nodded, and quickly got up to send Uncle Wang out.

After sending uncle Wang out, Yang Yongshun closed the door with his hand, then looked at the bank card in his hand, thoughtfully.

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