October Contest Winner - THE SWEETEST GOODBYE by @thirlyjesminda

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The winner of the October Flash Fiction contest is @thirlyjesminda (Sarah) with her story THE SWEETEST GOODBYE!

If you like Sarah's story, please show your support by commenting here and on her profile.  And while you're on her profile page, I have a feeling you won't be able to stop yourself from clicking on her romantic fan fic, CONQUER.  A princess and heir to the throne, a handsome agent, and plenty of intrigue--what's not to love!

Congrats to Sarah and without further ado, I give you:


Nolan's legs are numb from being bent for too long. It doesn't matter to him, though. The amount of strength it takes for him to hold his sobs back is far more excruciating than the numbness his legs are suffering.

Nothing can take his fingers back from running them over the embossed words on the dull grey stone over and over again. The words, the identity of his brother. The identity of the one figure who had truly been there all his life, through thick and thin. The father figure that his father himself couldn't be. The friend he never had.

The brother he'd always loved.

It doesn't take long for Nolan to succumb to the sobs threatening to escape his dry throat. His loud mourning echoes throughout the cemetery, throughout the world.

Just for one, lifeless human being that cared for him when no one else did.

The time ticked like a prisoner awaiting death. That's what he felt like. A prisoner awaiting impatiently for death. His doors are shut from the world. There's nothing left to the world, nothing left of Marcus.

The thought of his brother's name brings more ache to his heart.

"Come on, Nolan. We have to go." someone unbeknownst to him brings him up to his numb feet, it takes him a few seconds to stand proper.

"Goodbye, Marcus." he mouths, though it exits his lips as a whisper.

A gust of wind overtakes him.

"Goodbye, Nolan." 

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