October Flash Fiction Contest--CLOSED

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(Want to read something short and creepy? Click on the external link is to my winning entry to R. L. Stine's competition.  Enjoy!!!)

Welcome to the October Unseen Flash Fiction Contest page!

I'm so pleased you've decided to check out this competition and hope that you will consider participating.  If you have any questions about the contest, just ask!

Please make sure you have reviewed the CONTEST RULES chapter so that you understand how this contest works.  As a recap, below you will receive a writing prompt.  Write a very brief story (2000 characters or less, which equals about 350 words) based on this prompt and send it to me in a PM by Friday October 17th (that's right, you've got 2 extra days this month!).  Your entire story should fit in one Private Message.  Please also comment on this chapter with the name of your story so that I can verify that I've accounted for all of October's entries.

Don't be shy!  Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of age or writing experience.  If you've submitted previously, I urge you to enter again.

A guest judge will score the entries and determine the top stories.  A grand prize winner and runner(s)-up will be announced sometime during the last half of October.

Note: The Fold series is written in third person present tense.  While you are welcome to stick to this style, do not feel obligated to do so.  Write in past or present tense, first, second or third person—whatever strikes you as the best way to present your story.  Find your own voice and have fun!


Even though he only appears a few times in Unseen, Nolan's younger brother Marcus, has become a fan favorite.  Marcus is Nolan's tether to our world.  He keeps Nolan grounded and helps him through many periods of depression.  So, let's give Marcus a bigger voice! 

I'm going to leave this one fairly open ended.  Simply imagine a scene from anytime in Nolan's childhood up until Marcus' accident.  It could be the two of them celebrating Nolan's birthday at the mall, or any other birthday for that matter.  It could be one of their lip-synced conversations at the dinner table or another experience they share together.  While you don't have to, feel free to include Nolan's father or even his mother in your story. 

The only strict requirement for this prompt is that your story somehow involve Marcus, showing his significance in Nolan's life.

Remember to stay within the length limit.  If you send me a story that goes over this limit, I will let you know about how many words you have to edit out.  Good luck!

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