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By the time I reached where Ethan had directed me, music was pulsing through the air.

It was a wonder that the neighbors hadn't complained already. It was a small town, so everyone was already in everyone else's business.

Drinks in red solo cups were being passed around, and by the smell of it, it was cheap alcohol, not far from what the Winchesters bought.

Several teenagers were dancing in a tight crowd, jumping up and down to the beat. The front and back doors to the house were wide open.

"You made it" Ethan appeared out of the crowd, a grin on his face.

"Uh yeah, my uncle looked away long enough for me to sneak away" I lied smoothly, something inside of me was screaming 'danger' but I couldn't figure it out, everyone here went to my school.

"Can't imagine living in that place" Ethan shrugged, bringing his own red cup to his lips.

"Where?" I wondered, my eyebrows furrowing.

"That abandoned factory"

"How did you know about that?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Are you kidding? The Winchesters are famous around here, they live in that old factory on the other end of town" he replied in a convincing tone, although my hunter gut told me otherwise.

"I think I'm gonna go" I called over the loud music, Ethan looked panicked for a moment before a calm mask slid over his face.

"You just got here" he complained.

"I just wanted to see what it looked like, never planned to stay for long" I lied again with a shrug, jolting slightly at the feeling of my phone vibrating in my back pocket. "Sorry" quickly backing away, I practically ran to my bike, before I could reach it though, a sharp pain made itself known on the back of my head, and then darkness.


I woke with a start, I was in a poorly lit room, wooden boards covered the windows. My hands were tied behind me, my legs to the chair I was at in.

My head hurt like crazy, if I wasn't a Nephilim, that would have been a fatal blow.

"Andy right?" the voice appeared out of nowhere, startling me. It wasn't gravely like my father's, but it was definitely a man's voice.

"Andrea" I corrected, trying to get my bearings.

A man stepped into my view, he had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, although they were borderline green. "Ah, well allow me to introduce myself, I'm Lucifer" he placed a hand on his chest proudly.

My heart dropped to my stomach at the revelation. I did my best to maintain an air of calm, but I was panicking.

"Now now" he disappeared from my line of sight, returning with a chair, which he straddled, resting his arms on the back. "I just wanted to talk" he started, an innocent expression on his face.

"So you kidnap me?" I tried to stretch my grace out, but it felt trapped inside my body, panic was more evident, I silently prayed to Cas, hoping he'd hear.

"What you're feeling at the moment is warding against your grace, your pops won't hear you either" Lucifer lazily gestured around the room, and when I looked closely, I could see different wards up.

"What do you want from me?" I demanded, wiggling in my ropes to try to loosen them, all my efforts did was burn my wrists.

"I told you wanted to talk" the man shrugged. "Fought my way out of the cage, come to find out, my baby bro has a kiddo" he scowled.

Narrowing my eyes, I sent Lucifer a confused look. "So what?"

"Now" he began again as he stood "your dad has been one of the biggest thorns in my side, I heard from a little birdie that you hate him almost as much as I do"

"Your sources are wrong" I bit out, rubbing my wrists together in an attempt to break out again. "A few months ago, maybe, but my hatred was based off false information"

"Was it?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow "did you really think heaven would just lose a powerful Nephilim like yourself? I'll let you in on a little secret, Castiel has been lying to you this entire time. Him and the Winchesters just want to use you as their secret weapon"

"And you don't?" I mimicked Lucifer, raising a challenging brow at him.

"No because I know the truth"

"And what's that" my wings flicked of their own accord, the only limb of mine that could move freely.

"Not yet, for now, let's just talk facts" he returned to his place on his chair. "How did you know about the Nephilim species?"

Sighing, I decided to play along with his game for the moment "from my mom"

"And where did she learn it from?" He talked with his hands, gesturing for me to answer him.

"From Castiel" I paused "everything she knows about heaven is from him"

Lucifer nodded along "yes, Castiel" he practically spit the name out "all his heavenly knowledge, like he knew that the angels were rooting for my release so they could have their big battle royal"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I chewed on my lip. I heard about the apocalypse, and it's consequential end, but I didn't know the angels wanted it "you're lying"

"Am I? What reason would I have to lie to you?" He picked at his nails disinterestedly.

"I don't know because you're the devil?" I scoffed. "Because you're trying to turn me against the Winchesters and Cas"

"Please" Lucifer rolled his eyes. "There are very few people I can lie to. You happen to be one of them"


"We're getting off topic here" he sent me a grin "according to heaven's law, both Castiel and yourself should have been put to death the moment heaven learned of you, and your mother should not have survived the birth"

"Then why didn't they kill me?" My grace squirmed inside my body, anxious to get out.

"They feared what would happen if they did"

"Why's that?"

"I'm your father"

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