Chapter 3

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(Your point of view)

"I-I can get out of any situation. Even if someone like you is involved. Besides I want to see why you came and followed me." I replied while trying to convince myself that what I was saying was true.

Seto smirked and replies "You really think that you can get out of any situation?" He pauses and takes something from his brief case and throws it at me. He continues "Duel me, I win then you have to work for me. You win and I'll leave you alone, as long as you don't steal from me again."

I looked at the new duel disk. I whispered to myself "Last time I got a duel disk was on my birthday, when my parents were alive." I smiled faintly.


A little ten year old version of me stood in front of my sister Greta. We both were wearing the latest duel disks and had out our decks. My sister used a Fairy type deck while I had a dragon type deck.

"Alright big sis now I'll summon Little fairy in attack mode! Then I'll place one card face down and end my turn!" Greta said and smiled at me. "Show me whatcha got sis!"

"Alright I will then!" I draw my card and look over my hand before saying "I summon Exploder Dragon in attack mode! Now remember if you attack him then your monster will be destroyed thanks to his ability!" I taunted but hoped that she wouldn't attack.

"Sis! Stop being so mean!" She yelled at me and stomped her foot. I laughed as she glared at me. Our parents and siblings watched us the entire duel which concluded with me winning and Greta attacking me because I beat her.

End of flashback...

Then I looked up at Kaiba. I slipped on the duel disk and loaded in my deck.

I smiled and comment "It's odd I haven't dueled in so long. Even though this is a high stakes duel." I pause and smile even brighter "It's nice to be dueling again. So let's get this started. Shall we?"

Seto smirks at me and says "I'll let you go first."

I said "Fine then my move! I draw!" I looked at my cards. Man it's been awhile since I last dueled anyone. I continued "I activate Spell of the wicked dragon!" I place the card on my disk before continuing. "This card chooses on random dragon from my deck and puts in the field." The card is Blinding dragon. It comes to the field shining with a brilliant, blinding light. Yet people still wonder why it's called that?

I said "Next I'll activate polymerization! To fuse my Blinding dragon and Ancient light dragon! To fusion summon Ancient Blinding dragon!" (3000 attack 2400 defense) (It looks like Ancient Fairy dragon only its colors are shades of yellow and white. Also it's eyes are a dark blue)

My dragon flew above me and roared. I said "I'll end my turn with a face down." I looked down at the card I had placed, This is going to be interesting, as long as I have any say in it.

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