Chapter 4

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(Your point of view)

{the final turn}

Seto had his blue eyes ultimate dragon on the field and two face downs. While it was my turn and I had Firebird, Eagle eye, and Mirage dragon out on the field. Thanks to Mirage no traps can be activated during the battle phase. I have three cards in my hand, But even with those I still can't do much.

I gritted my teeth and said "I switch all my monsters in defense mode, then I'll place two cards face down and I'll end my turn."

Seto laughs and replies "Not sure how much good that's going to do. Since that was you final turn!"

Seto continues "I draw! Now then I activate Fairy meteor crush and equip it to Blue eyes."
(If you didn't know Fairy meteor crush takes the difference of the attacking monsters attack points from the defending monsters defense points)

Seto yells "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack her Firebird and end this duel!"

I quickly said "I activate the spell card Mirage Miracle!" (Mirage Miracle allows you to sacrifice Mirage dragon in order to negate an attack." My Mirage dragon disappears into thin air. But the attack stops.


Seto says "Fine then I activate black meteor!" (Deals 1000 points of damage to the opponent)

I say "I activate half cut! (Cuts damage you take in half)"

You- 100

Seto says "I'll end my turn, let's see what you got!"


I hurl my head towards the voice that screamed my name. It was my older brother, Kyle. He ran up next to me in a panic and said "The orphans they're sick (Nickname)!" I sucked in a breath and felt a lump form in my throat.

My eyes narrow and I said to Seto "Sorry, but I have to cut this duel short so you win Kaiba. My friends are more important than any duel." I put my hand over my deck, showing that I forfeit. I then take out my deck and throw Seto back the duel disk. He catches it- Naturally- and I turn to run back to my family.

Before I can leave though he calls me back, "Wait." His voice is strong and firm. I cautiously turn my head towards him. What could he possibly want now!

He continues "Your forgetting our deal (y/n). You work for me now, so you'll need one of these." He throws the duel disk back to me and I catch it. I felt my eyes go wide with shock, Why was Kaiba being nice to me? What on earth could he want from some poor little orphan?

Kyle yelled "Hate to interrupt but we have to leave now!" He went to grab my hand but I slapped it away. I slapped him over the head and he glared at me.

I scolded "Bro be polite, Father always taught us to have more respect than that." He huffed in reply.

Kyle retorted "Well where was that respect when he was murder huh? Respect is only for family and friends, no one else." My brother stalks away causing me to sigh and run a hand through my hair.

I turn back towards Kaiba to say my apology. I say "Thank you for the duel disk and pay no mind to my Idiot of an older brother. It's been hard for him ever since what happened to our parents so he lashes out a lot. Sorry again and Goodbye Kaiba." I turn and run to catch my brother, he has always been so troublesome.

(Seto's point of view)

I stand there smirking to myself. I knew all about her parents because I looked her up. I was surprised that she was a thief because her parents we wealthy. But when I learned about her parents death and how her parents will had been hidden with one of the children. But since the children didn't know that, they can't get their inheritance until they find out about it. But I'm not going to be the one to tell them about this. That may seem a bit evil, but its not my story to tell. Besides that one is to smart, she'll figure it out... eventually. But maybe I can push her into the right direction?

But in all honesty I do admire her strength, not only does she help her siblings and herself survive. But she takes care of all those orphans and still remembers her fathers lessons. I wonder what else this girl can do, I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on her.

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