Chapter 22

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Connor's POV

Okay I might've forgotten Miguel existed. No, wait, that's a fucking lie. But maybe I should've brought up that he actually existed to prevent that super fucking awkward conversation at À La Mode, to Michael at least. I think he thought that was a date. Okay, it technically was. I did technically ask Michael on a fucking date. But Miguel and I knew each other before the incident, so he could probably immediately tell what I meant when I politely asked him to leave. Oh fucking hell, that was super damn embarrassing. Even the conversation afterwards when I revealed Miguel being that.

I don't think I've even told Evan and Jared about Miguel's existence, or the... other thing. I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying, am I even fucking making sense? I should probably just fucking calm down, I'm probably not making sense.

I was in my room, once again working on commission. The person wanted full colour and shading so I'd been working on it for at least an hour and my thoughts had apparently decided to get out of control. Doing the concept art for Michael's game had been pushed to the back of my mind for when he had more of an idea for it. I felt myself smile at the drawing, it was two guys dancing in... well, the commissioner hadn't specified where, just that it was him and his boyfriend. It almost made me think of Michael and I, even though we weren't boyfriends. I shook myself. Michael probably doesn't like me that.

God, I probably sound like.. like someone. I don't know what the fuck I sound like.

A door opened and I turned my head to look at who opened it. It was Michael, obviously. I'd noticed something, Michael recently has seemed more observant, I guess? I don't fucking know. He seems to be like, going quiet when our hands like brush for example. He's done it previously, obviously, it just seems like he tries to figure something out? I don't fucking know. It just seems to be that way. "Oh hey Connor," he greeted with a smile and I felt myself smile too. I returned my gaze to my drawing tablet and put it off to the side, I'll finish the commission later. I walked over and sat down next to him on the couch.

"So, what're we doing today?" I joked. "Watching shitty movies?" Michael smiled and laughed a bit.

"I really am predictable, am I?" He snickered. I laughed with him. God, I love his laugh.

"Yeah, pretty much," I said with a shrug. Our shoulders brushed accidentally as he leaned forward to pick a movie and I felt myself blush. I let my thoughts wander. Did Michael pick up on the fact I basically asked him on a date? I know I didn't actually fucking use the word 'date' when we did go. Did it even count as a date? I shook the thoughts from my head. I should probably stop before I head into a bout of self-hate.

God, I probably really sound like Evan right now.

Michael was busy trying to decide between two movies. "Imagine if we watched the Bee Movie again," he said absent-mindedly. I smirked.

"You just want to make more bee puns, don't you?" I teased. "Un-BEE-lievable." Michael snorted in amusement and I felt my gaze soften. He looked up with a smile and shrugged.

"You do know, I was joking right?" He smirked himself. "Why would I ever want to watch that piece of shit again?"

"Hm, I don't know, Mr. I Like Watching Bad Movies... tell me, why would you?" Michael wheezed out a laugh.

"Con- Connor, please-" he sounded out of breath, though still laughing. I chuckled a bit myself. When Michael calmed down, he eventually chose something. He pressed play on the remote and started watching whatever he'd chosen. "You gotta admit though, puns are great," said Michael after a while. I thought about it.

"Sure, if they're not super cringe-inducing, or over done," I shrugged. "You know what's actually annoying though? The UWU voice. You know, the: Awww Connow, that's adowable! You having a cwush is the cutest thing! Or whatever." Michael nodded in agreement.

"More than once I've had Jeremy speak to me in that voice," he sound frustrated yet amused. "Mostly to tease me about the crush I'd had at that current point. It was super fucking annoying while simultaneously being ridiculously funny to hear something like Pwayer 1 has a cwush or whatever." I sighed.

"Well, Jeremy'd probably get along with Jared or Zoe on that front. Now, while, Jared doesn't really do the whole uwu voice thing, he still teases me relentlessly. And Zoe? 100% does uwu voice. If she finds out that I like someone that is." I narrowed my eyes and Michael chuckled.

"Oh god, you should not meet my moms then," he joked. "They're uwu voice times two. You already know that they get nosy? There's that too." I smiled.

"Oh wow. That sounds horrible. What's your crush like anyway?" I asked, pushing down the curt tone. "I mean, if your parents are calling him your future husband." Michael stared at me, before turning slightly pink. He looked at his legs.

"Well, um, my moms do get kind of crazy so he might not really meet expectation? I don't know. I honestly don't fucking know why they immediately jumped onto future husband. Like, guys, we aren't even dating! Why are you calling him my future husband?! Like, I don't even know if we're going to even date! Anyways I'm getting off topic. He's... well, great? I think, not entirely sure how I'd really describe him but... he has this like, darkish hair? And dark eyes. His eyes aren't black or anything, more like a dark brown. He wears dark clothes too, so there's that. Oh, and I love his smile. He doesn't really smile often, but if I like, get him to laugh or something then it shows and I just really like to see him happy." Michael shrugged. "What is your one like?" I paused and swallowed.

"Well, they're a he, I probably should've said that before." I swear I saw... hope flash in Michael's eyes for a second. "He's... amazing." I felt my gaze soften. "When he laughs, I just... he looks so damn cute. He looks so.. happy. It makes me feel warm. When he grins I... it makes me smile too. When he like... talks about  the things that interest him? He... his eyes just sparkle, his oak-brown gaze... He just has an... amazing singing voice, though he doesn't really sing often. I..." I trailed off, a goofy grin on my face. I probably looked high, even though I haven't done that since high school. I looked over at Michael and he was just staring at me, cheeks red. "Mic-"

"I'll just be in my room!" He blurted getting off of the couch and racing into his bedroom

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