Chapter 23

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Michael's POV

Okay. My mind's definitely playing tricks on me. It has to be! It immediately jumped onto the thought of me being the crush that Connor had just been so adorably describing! And the only fucking clues I have is that he's male and has brown eyes! I can't go off of that alone! Oh god, I think... I just... I can't think. If I am the... if Connor actually...then that means... I... I need to calm down. Jeremy and Christine's conversation was still in my mind too. That wasn't a date, surely? Right?

But I can't assume that! Maybe I should talk to Jared? I suppose I could but would he know? Or I could ask Evan, I don't know? I'm rambling, I need to calm down and stop panicking. Maybe then I can think clearly. God, I just feel like I've been in a boss rush or something similar or one of those like fast paced levels in anything.

I leaned back against my door and started taking deep breaths. I'm probably just overthinking this, I mustn't get into a state or something. C'mon Michael, chill out. There's nothing to be worked up over. It was just a simple conversation between friends, nothing more. I tried to calm myself, but my mind was still racing. I still had no idea if Connor did like me like that, so I probably shouldn't assume. Like Mother said I shouldn't assume that I would know. I'm making no sense.

"Michael? Are you okay?" It was Connor's voice, concern mixed with confusion. I could hear him outside of my door and I suddenly remembered the thing before I abruptly left for my room. I attempted to make myself appear calm when I wasn't, at all. It might make Connor more confused. What am I saying? I'm not thinking straight. Ha. I opened my room door, merely smiling at Connor.

"I'm fine. I just... really needed to... go to my room?" That's fucking stupid, and it makes no sense. Good fucking job Mell. Connor blinked but he didn't look convinced. He looked back at me but didn't seem to comment on if the statement was true or not.

"Well, I just wanted to see if you were okay, since you kind of left abruptly. If I upset you, I'm sorry... I don't know," he said awkwardly. I gave him a dismissive wave.

"No, no! It's fine!" I chuckled, looking at him. Connor seemed to think about that for a second before smiling. God, I should really not talk to a crush when I'm panicking. Am I even making sense? Connor looked at me again.

"Well, I'm going to go back to watching the movie if you want to join." He shrugged and then left to return to the couch. That whole conversation had been so awkward. I closed my  door and got out my phone. I went to sit on my bed and pulled up my best friend's number. Jeremy, help.

Michael? What's wrong? Was his reply. I sighed with relief at my phone and then started rambling out answer.

So Connor and I were watching a movie or whatever. You know, one of those shitty ones? Anyway, we were talking and laughing and stuff. His smile is adorable, anyways beside the point. It somehow got onto the topic our crushes, I know I'm not making sense. I'm kind of in a state right now, anyway. So I told him about mine without names, and he told me about his, without names. They're a he and have brown eyes and my mind immediately went onto me and I've spent the last five minutes kind of freaking out about it.

Hold on a sec there, Mike. Let me try to figure this out. He told you that he has brown eyes? And don't forget the whole rant I had earlier? Anyways probably beside the point.

Jer, I'm trying to calm down so I can talk normally. Thinking about that possible date or not will not help. At fucking all.

So you agree that it could've been a date.

Jeremiah, this is not the time. I narrowed my eyes at my phone screen.

Okay! Maybe I've been hanging with Jared too much... but anyway. You want me to try and calm you down? Well, I'm not sure if I can help with that? I don't know.... well, did you hear about the AOTD movie flop?

They made an AOTD movie?

I don't think so. But if they did, it's probably a piece of trash. I smiled at my best friend's comment. I was already feeling a lot calmer.

You haven't seen this hypothetical movie, you don't know if it's trash or not. For all you know, it could be a diamond in the rough.

Yeah, imagine that, a video game movie being good, but, how are you feeling right now? Jeremy asked.

Well, less panicky than earlier if that makes sense.

I think my job is done then, Jeremy joked and I chuckled. Text you later! Jeremy then went offline. I took a breath and then walked out of the room and joined Connor on the couch. I had sat a little too close and when I looked at Connor, his cheeks were slightly pink. It seemed like Connor didn't really blush that much. Well, at least, when he wasn't embarrassed and his complexion couldn't really hide them either. "What'd I miss?"

"Blinky just asked Pinky out, when she already likes the enemy, Pac-Man," Connor said, his tone amused. I rolled my eyes and Connor chuckled. I gestured towards the television screen.

"See? This is exactly what I mean when I say they force a romantic subplot between two characters who never had been interested in them before! What would Pinky even like, like about Pac-Man?" I joked. "What would Blinky even like? Nothing in the original game suggests that the ghosts like each other, let alone like Pac-Man, who, may I emphasize, is their enemy?" Connor shrugged.

"There have been better enemy to lover stories before, hell, even 'I don't like you' to lovers. But, I will admit, this doesn't really make sense."

"Video game movies...never make sense," I murmured.


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