Chapter 1: Richard goes to Desert Bug Planet!

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From the depth of Geonosis Space, a Munificent Frigate has exited from hyperspace as it approaches the Planet's biosphere. Inside are the passengers of the said starship, all enlisted into the Confederate Military. Amongst the group is the oddball of all Cadets, Richard Smith.

There are many things he can't believe are happening: 1). He's in Star Wars! Around the time before the Clone Wars began! 2). He has the power of TF2, SFM, and Gmod on his side! 3). He's in a spaceship! It is so surreal for someone like Richard, to be on a ship that traverses the stars! It's like a dream come true! 4). He's going to be fighting for the Confederacy and make some changes that would derail the timeline.

He wonders what kind of damage could be done now he's here, he could imagine the TF2 Chaos and shenanigans he would bring upon this galaxy! And perhaps help bring the Republic down with his powers. But for now, he's just a cadet of the Officer Academy in Geonosis.

As the shuttle touched down, he and the rest of the cadets exited the shuttle. After gazing at the hanger in awe he stops when he follows the rest to the gathering. As soon as everyone was in the area they were standing on, Richard took a nice time analyzing the recruits who joined the Separatists. He can see a mixture of aliens from different species while only some are humans. Hmm... odd, he honestly expects to see more humans.

Then again, compared to the Republic seems to employ humans in higher positions than they do aliens. After all, when he watched Star Wars the Clone Wars, he didn't see that many aliens, who are not Jedi, working in higher positions in the Republic. Guess the Republic does indeed have some level of Xenophobia if the absence of any aliens in the higher position tells him otherwise. That would explain why there are more humans in higher positions in the Republic while the CIS mostly have aliens in more high positions in the CIS government.

His thoughts were cut off when someone entered the hangar. Upon seeing who it was, let's say he is very ecstatic about who he is seeing. Internally, he's fangirling at the sight of Admiral Trench, his favorite character from Star Wars! He's trying his hardest not to shake in excitement and squeal like a fan girl.

"Greetings Cadets! I am Admiral Trench of the newly formed Confederate Officer Academy! You all may refer to me as Admiral Trench or sir. Is that clear?"

"Sir yes sir!" The Cadets saluted in unison so did Richard.

'Godspeed you magnificent bastard!' He thought internally as his body slowly trembled in excitement.

" this academy, you will learn the responsibility of leadership, tactics, and strategy. The droid army may be a strong force to overwhelm the Republic and the Jedi, win battles, and skirmishes but a droid army needs its leadership. It needs the creative thinking of an organic officer, it requires the most skilled and disciplined of all officers, admirals, or generals, to overwhelm the Republic and the Jedi!"

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!' Richard cheers in his mind.

"...Keep in mind that by using better tactics you will win battles and will gain few casualties from your army, you will not be trained as soldiers, but as commanders, and leaders. I will be training you in how to lead droids or troops into battle, give you proper leadership, and tactical strategies, and learn to formulate your strategies...." Trench continues his speech as Richard continues to tremble more in absolute excitement which is noticed by some cadets close to him, " will learn what it takes to bring the fight against the republic! and in the next few years..."



Richard stopped his fanboy moment as his trembles of excitement were noticed by everyone who looked at him weirdly. Even Trench stopped his speech and stared at the trembling cadet.

"...Cadet! Do you have a problem?"

Richard straightens his posture and hastily salutes, "No sir! Everything is fine sir! Yes sir!"

Trench just stared at him with confusion as did the rest of the CIS cadets. But Trench disregards this, thinking that the cadet has some mental problems or disabilities. Nothing to worry about, as long he does his part in the effort, this boy will be an officer for the CIS. He has mentored cadets who act behaviorally differently. So he continues with his speech, "As I was saying, you will spend a few years in the officer academy for the war that will eventually come should the Galactic Republic force our hand!"

"Yeah! Fuck the republic!" Richard shouted from his place, which got everyone to look at him again with some snickers here and there. But he didn't care for the stares and he is content with his bold statements and he wants to show he was supportive of the CIS. However, Trench didn't like being interrupted at a moment like this.

"Cadet! Ease yourself! Don't interrupt while a superior officer is talking." Trench sternly said to the insubordinate cadet.

"Sorry, sir! Can't help it!"

Trench narrows his eyes at him before continuing, "...for this purpose, you will be given a batch of droids to aid you in your training. This week will be focused on different lessons you will use on anything at your disposal: Information Gathering, Strategies, and logistics. We'll begin simulations next week after this week's lecture. You may use your time to familiarize yourself with the academy or modify your droids as you see fit. Each of you will have your workshop if you wish to do maintenance on your droids or modify them. Geonosian Engineers will provide you with the parts you need."

"As of now, you will be transported to your dorms. Once that's finished, take your time to familiarize yourself or perhaps visit your workshop. We'll begin lessons tomorrow morning. Dismiss!"

One by one, the Cadets are transported to their dorms in the Geonosian hive. When it was his turn, a pair of geonosians started transporting him to his dorm room. He nearly squeals in excitement when he sees two security battle droids walking ass him. He stares at them in awe as he walks.


Once he arrived at his dorm, it was like an average Geonosian Hive, mainly made for mostly geonosian living standards. These geonosian hives serve as the academy's dormitories. While it's not ideal for humans or any non-geonosians, it's better than nothing.

Sadly, he had no roommates for him. So he's got the geonosian catacombs all by himself all alone with the sound of the fluttering wings of the Geonosians... paradise indeed. He thought of exploring the place for a bit but he wants to see the droids that were assigned to him.

He looks over the geonosian guard, standing close to the doorway with its spear in its hand. He then asks, "Excuse me, would you show me where I can find my workshop and my assigned droids?"

The geonosian looked at him and nodded, gesturing to him to follow. Richard did so and he followed the geonosian warrior from behind. As they walk through the geonosian hive's catacombs, Richard is still amazed by the engineering of the geonosians. This is why he respects the bug aliens, they're excellent engineers and builders.

After so much awe and sightseeing, he finally arrived at his workshop. The Geonosian Warrior opens up the large door revealing the workshop and his deactivated droid army. There's only one droid that is left active and it's a Command Droid.

Richard thanked the geonosian for his help and it then left the cadet to do his business. As he entered, the Droid Commander noticed him and saluted.

"Greetings sir. I am OOM-117, reporting for duty." The Droid said to Richard.

The cadet was internally squealing like a fangirl when the droid introduced itself. There's no doubt that Richard has always had a fascination for Battle Droids more than he does with Clones.

Unlike most Star Wars fans, he favors the so-called clankers over pre-empire stormtroopers. He's so elated to speak face-to-face with a battle droid.

He straightens his back and puts his arms behind his back, "Good to meet you, OOM-117. I am Cadet Richard Mann! You're a commanding officer and future CIS Commander..."

He looks over the folded droid units and approaches them from the front. He observed how many droids he had at his disposal: 12 B1-Series Battle Droids, 3 B2-Series Super Battle Droids, and BX-Series Commando Droid.

Richard looks at OOM-117, " would you kindly activate the battle droids?"

"Roger Roger."

He loved hearing that. He watches as OOM-117 walks over to the control panel and activates the droids. Richard watches in awe as the Droids begin to unfold themselves. Richard is internally screaming his fanboy heart out! It's so cool to watch all of this up close!

Once they unfolded themselves, the battle droids stood shoulder to shoulder, standing up straight and emotionless as they could be in front of the cadet who was in charge of them.

Richard wanted to jump and cheer at the sight but he kept himself composed. No need to make yourself odd, even high he's already odd. Still, he is very much happy to see the droid activation before him up close.

Richard looks at the droids gathered around his workshop. He is quite excited to have his droid army. He can't wait to make these droids very effective in killing clones! Without a word, he stood up straight and shouted, "Alright, boys! TEN-HUT!!"

The droids immediately straightened their backs and stood in attention, most likely due to their programming giving them the basics of Military Doctrines or Drills such as the words he just sprouted out.

"Good! Now..." Richard begins to pace in front of droids as he introduces himself to them, "Soldiers of the Confederacy! I am Richard Mann! Your commanding officer and leader of this entire unit! I've joined the academy to fight maggots like those Jedi and Republic dogs! Bring the fight against the Tyranny of the Republic!"

The droids followed his movement as Richard continued to pace in front of them like he was debriefing them on a mission.

"You know, there is a phrase that I learned before arriving at Geonosis..."

The droids listen intensely as their odd commanding officer gives his speech to his droids.

"...If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!'" Richard Mann stated to the droids before he stops in front and faces them, "...Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more..." he pokes one of the B1-Series Battle Droid's head, "...about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it!"

He turns to address the other droids in his unit before pacing again, "...and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor!"

He stops and points at the B1 Battle Droid, exclaiming, "And you...!"

The droid looks confused and turns to the other droids beside him before he then points at himself as if asking if Richard means him.

"Yes, you! And the rest of you!" He waves his hand to the rest of the droids under his command, "We will show the rest of the cadets that we are different! We are unique! That you are more than mere disposable tools of war! No! You're not! You're tools of liberation and freedom against the tyranny and corruption of the Galactic Republic!"

As Richard gave his speech, the droids for some reason felt some kind of patriotic pride hearing those words from their organic officer. They're honestly quite inspired and feel a sense of pride. They are being lectured or given a speech by an organic officer whom they expect to treat them like trash or disposable tools, but he hasn't done anything like that to them yet.

It's honestly nice to hear their commanding officer putting so much faith in making the CIS a better place. Even if it's a biological life form talking to them.

"Whether you're organic or machine! It matters not to me! You are all my soldiers! My men! You are my regiment! And I will make you even better than even those pathetic Jedi or Clones maggots will think twice to face us!"

The Droids murmured amongst themselves as they felt great pride from the speech of their commanding officer. The OOM Droid of the group spoke up after hearing what he said.

"Um... sir, what do you mean clones, sir?" The OOM-Command Droid asks confused, which got the attention of the other droids. Yeah, what does Richard mean by clones?

Jedi, they understand. But clones? Why?

"Oh..." Richard's eyes widened. He made a slip of future events that he shouldn't have mentioned. Fuck. Ah well, it just asks a single slip-up, "Sorry, I just got too distracted at the moment, wasn't thinking of what I was saying, hehehehe."

He coughs on his hand before saying, "BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS!! The Republic may think we are insignificant but we will make them remember who the people of the Outer Rim are! Who the Confederacy are! And who the battle droids of this great nation of ours are! For we are the soldiers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems! And we will welcome those Republic Maggots to the: Confederacy of YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED!!!"

The droids immediately, even the B2s, and BXs, cheered as they raise their fist in emphasis, while they cheered out "yays", "Roger Roger", etc. feeling the patriotic pride from the speech.

Richard then shouted at the top of his lungs, "And I've got three words for all of you: C.I.S! C.I.S!! C.I.S!!!"

The droids felt such patriotic pride from the encouragement of their commanding officer, the droids under Richard too shared the same sense of patriotism for the CIS and the Outer Rim. They even chanted, "C.I.S!" With their commander.

"C.I.S!" The OOM-Series Command Droid raises his fist in emphasis, other droids even joined in.

"C.I.S!!" A B2-Series Super Battle Droid chanted with him.

"C.I.S!!!" A BX-Series Commando Droid also chanted.

"C.I.S!! C.I.S!! C.I.S!!..."

The entire academy hears their cheers of patriotic pride across the hallways from Richard Mann's workshops. Many geonosians, cadets, and security battle droids alike hear their chants of 'C.I.S! C.I.S! C.I.S!'. Even Admiral Trench, who was in his office looking through the profiles of the cadets that enlisted, stopped and listened to their patriotic chants of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

"What in the many moons is causing that ruckus?" Admiral Trench wondered out loud as TF-67 received reports on where it was coming from.

"The source of the disturbance is coming from Cadet Mann's workshop. He and his droids are the ones causing the noise." TF-67 informed him.

"Is that so?" Admiral Trench turns on the camera to monitor Richard's Workshop, and there he sees the cadet cheering with his droids while chanting 'CIS! CIS! CIS!' Over and over again.

'Huh...' Trench thought to himself, 'Interesting, we have a patriot among our ranks. That's good. Loyalty and patriotism are essential to upcoming conflict. But... does Richard have the qualities to make sure he does his part?'

Of course, he does... what did you expect- oh right he doesn't hear me... awkward...

"C.I.S! C.I.S! C.I.S!..."

Back in the workshop, his droids finished their chant which satisfied the reincarnated protagonist. Richard then explores his workshop to get a good sense or understanding of how to use it. He picks up one of the blasters on the table and sees the stats.

E-5 Blaster
- Damage Output: 12-24
- Energy Based Weapons
- Strong: Medium-Close
- Weak: Long Range

Interesting. Like a video game, he can see the stats of the weapons. But since he has Gmod and SFM Powers, he can summon weapons that are not Star Wars related.

Speaking of Star Wars-related stuff...

He looks over his droids, who stare at him or continue to stand in attention after their cheering. Richard has to make use of what creative liberties he has. He knows the CIS droids, specifically, the B1s, are not good soldiers when it comes to fighting a more qualified force like the Republic Clone Troopers.

But as he thought and thought, an idea came to mind. He grins savagely and pulls out his Gmod Menu. As he scrolled through his utilities, he got what he wanted. This one will help him so greatly. He summons his tool gun.

He observes the tool gun in his hand before looking at the Command Droid, who stares at the tool gun in curiosity.

"OOM-117..." Richard said, " would you and the boys like... an upgrade?"

—Timeskip: Next Day—

In the lecture hall in the CIS Officer Academy, Trench watches as the cadets enter the room and take their seats. One by one, the cadets sat attentively. Though he notices he's one cadet short...


The sudden slam of a door opening is heard. It startled everyone and they turned to see a panting and tired Richard Mann.

"I... I am... here!!" Richard collapsed on the ground face first as the class laughed and laughed like a bunch of hyenas. Admiral Trench isn't all too pleased to see this kind of behavior but he's not pleased with Richard's actions.

He took notice that, unlike the other cadets, he was not wearing any uniform provided by the CIS Military. Instead, Richard Mann is just wearing the same clothes he had from yesterday; A Military Uniform from unknown origins with a helmet that blocks his view. How he's able to see is still up to the Harsch speculations.

"Cadet Mann, why are you late?" He asks the late cadet sternly.

Richard Mann tiredly raises a finger, "I... Overslept! And... got... lost! Phew!" He drops his hand back to the ground.

Yup... he's going to be trouble to deal with, Trench thinks to himself. Just when he thought that Richard Mann has any potential has been squashed immediately.

He sighs, "Just get to your seat so we begin the lecture-"

He stops short when he witnesses Richard dragging himself on the ground to his seat in a Gmod ragdoll fashion much to the shock and amazement of everyone by how he's able to do that.

Once he was in his seat, he sat down as if nothing happened at all.

Everyone stared at him and some even blinked a couple of times to make sure what they saw wasn't just a hallucination.

"What was that?!" One of the Cadets exclaims in shock.

"What was what?" Richard asks innocently, the tiredness gone from his voice.

"T-that! The thing you just did! That sliding across-the-ground thing!"

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about..."

"You slid across the floor like some Krayt Dragon!" The human female cadet exclaims.

"You must've been seeing things!"

As the class argued with Richard, Trench just stood there stunned by what Richard just did. At this point, he probably shouldn't question it. Probably it's because of staying in Geonosis for so long he must be seeing things, that Richard sliding in the ground is probably the sand getting into his senses.

Of course... he doesn't like sand, it's course, rough, and it gets—

Okay, this joke has been played out long enough.

Anyways after so much back and forth on what they saw isn't just hallucinations, everyone eventually comes to the conclusion what they saw was probably just their minds messing with their eyes. Despite this fact, everyone saw it happen.

The Harch Admiral then gives his lecture to the class. His pincers clicked as he began the lesson.

"The Judicial Forces of the Republic is an insignificant defense force, a pitiful excuse for a fleet meant to protect the interests of common businessmen. But with the Jedi, they can be a serious threat to the Confederacy fleet..." He continues as he paces back and forth glancing at his cadets.

"...While few, the Judicial Forces officers are some of the best strategists in the Galaxy. Though you're learning from the corporate fleet commander who blockaded Malastare-Narrows and successfully repelled a Judicial Forces squadron and survived an attack from the Jedi. It is possible to beat them." Trench explains.

Trench then started to run a few simulations of 7 Republic Corvettes going against 7 Confederacy Frigates. He then demonstrated to the class a simulation of bombing runs, strafes, and bombardments, and even properly performed a few maneuvers. Everyone is paying attention thoroughly, and some even began running their simulations in their mind while some took down some notes...

Well almost everyone...

Trench surveys the whole class like a hawk searching for its prey, and is pleased with the results that everyone is focusing on his teachings until his eyes fall on Richard Mann.

The cadet is zoned out of his mind, unlike everyone else who is focused on the lessons, he's oblivious to his teachings. Also the mere fact he's drooling from being too zoned out. (The dude was a college student, after all, do you think he would find any lecture given to him interesting? Minus History...)

Trench shakes his head in disappointment. And already, has doubts about Richard's abilities on the battlefield as a leader.

So he continued with the lecture with perhaps more qualified cadets than Richard.

About an hour has passed ever since Richard Mann displayed his moves of slithering on the ground like a snake (though the Harsch and the other crates are uncertain if it's real or just a hallucination).

The lecture lasted for a while with everyone being glued or focused on the lesson.

'This is boring...' Richard is internally bored, so he partially listens to the lessons. He saw Trench glancing in his direction now and then. Even the holographic images and videos of battles or strategies didn't pique his interest.

He already knew how the Republic fights but not more in-lore yet, since most of his knowledge of warfare for Star Wars came from watching Star Wars YouTube Channels such as Geetsly and Generation Tech. He already thought of ways to defeat a republic fleet from the presented simulations.

But the lecture is just boring, even if it's Trench giving the lecture!  He didn't think that his previous life being a lame college student would follow its way to Star Wars, yet he here is. But this time as a reincarnated CIS Cadet.

He kind of wants to get this lecture to get done with and go back to the workshop to finish his adjustments on his droids. He wants to make sure they're combat-ready.

As Richard continues to feel bored out of his mind, he then feels eyes on him. He turns his sights on the Admiral glancing in his direction quite frequently to see if he's paying attention. Already, the reincarnated TF2 Player can tell that Trench greatly disapproves of his behavior. Richard didn't like the look of disapproval on Trench's face, since this is his favorite character after all.

He kind of wished he could tell him; 'Hey, don't blame me! I'm just a lame-ass college student that recently got run over by a truck for some reason, and brought back to life by a bunch of glowing balls of Mysticness!'

But we'd all know that kind of response wouldn't convince anyone.

But as Richard felt like the lecture was going to last hours, Trench then announced.

"That ends our lecture for today." Trench said to the class, "Dismissed."

'FINALLY!!!' Richard internally celebrated similarly to when a boring ass Math Lecture ended.

Before the cadets left the room, Richard Mann was the first to run outs bumping cadets out of the way while laughing like a maniac.

Trench only groans at the cadet's behavior. Once more, his ecstatic personality has put some doubt on the cadet's ability to lead. At this point, he probably should talk to Richard to take his lessons seriously. They're going to war after all, and they don't need a goofball idiot costing them an upcoming conflict.

But for now, he should focus on ensuring that future CIS officers are battle ready.

Once every cadet leaves the room, Admiral then leaves the lecture room towards the workshop of the cadets, since its hallway leads him to his quarters. He walks down the large catacomb hallways of the Geonosian Hive-turned Academy, where the cadets' workshops are located. And as he passes by the workshop doors, Richard's workshop is just up ahead.

As Trench walks past the doorway of Richard's workshop, he then hears... music? What the Kriff? The harch stops in his tracks and looks at the workshop door, which is slightly opened. He was confused by the sudden sounds of music, so he walks over to the door and peeks into the room to see...


Admiral Trench was startled and staggered back at the explosive sounds before he quickly peeks in the silt of the door to see what's causing all that ruckus?!

Once he took a look inside the workshop, he sees a tomfoolery of Richard's Droids doing things they shouldn't be doing. He sees droids dancing...? What?

He can tell which is weirder. The Droids assigned to Richard formed a line as they danced and followed the lead Droid. Or are some Commando Droids just laying down on top of crates, and drinking... alcohol? What?

Admiral stared as Cadet Richard's Droids cheered and danced without any geonosian or their commanding officer supervising them. He doesn't know how long he was staring before he slowly looked away from the high death stick-inducing scene before him, not bothering to even try to comprehend what he saw. He would need to talk to Richard about why his droids are acting like this... this is not normal.

Just what did this cadet even do to his droids to make them act so... unnatural?

—Timeskip: Next Day—

On the following day, the cadets will have their first lesson in warfare. A simulation of sorts to test the cadets' leadership skills and strategic thinking.

It was standard CIS protocol to have each Cadet be supplied with 20 Droids: 1 OOM-Command Droid, 12 B1 Battle Droids, 3 Super B2 Battle Droids, and 4 Commando Droids. This is so each cadet would better use their limited resources carefully when on the battlefield.

Trench watches from the monitor from his position at a droid mobile command center, already about like 3/5 of the cadets have failed in their first deployment, making serious mistakes that end up costing their victory. If they're not careful with their plans, then it'd cost them their lives.

as it was Richard's turn to use live simulations.

Already he has his doubts about the odd cadet. If his performance from his lectures were to tell him anything, Richard might be able to perform well in terms of leadership. Plus the droids Richard has at his disposal, were quite ecstatic if their behavior is anything to go by.

He watches the screen with an expression full of expectation as Richard is giving what seems to be speaking to his droids. Hmm... odd but not uncommon from personal experience.

"Sir, the simulation will begin in one minute." The Tactical Droid beside him stated while holding a datapad, to which Trench nodded his eyes not leaving the screen that monitors the odd cadet's droids.

"Good..." Trench said, "When the time for preparation ends, begin the simulation field test for Cadet Mann."

The Tactical Droid nodded before looking at the holo-screen that has a good view of one of Richard's battle droids, "...I don't see the logic of letting the B1 Units wear helmets that block their photoreceptors."

Trench agreed with his Tactical Droid, he doesn't get Richard's decision in this manner. While he did allow freedom on what the cadets can do to their droids, either on modification or aesthetics, he didn't expect this to happen. He did talk to Richard earlier about his... acting odd droids but the cadet told him it was part of his battle plans.

Trench didn't have high hopes for Richard, his overall battle plan was decent but very... simple and very unorthodox. It's unlike any battle plan or strategy he has encountered, and whatever Richard thought, his droids also think similarly to his battle strategy.

One of the main differences he noticed in the droids supplied to Richard is how they act. Their behavior is almost too alive so to speak, each of the droids expresses odd but unique personalities that the average B1 Battle Droids would develop over time. Richard has B1 Battle Droids who are oddly jingoistic to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, BX-Commando Droid who are sober or drunk, and B2 Super Battle Droids who speak with deep voices in 3rd Person and express extreme joy when firing their weapons.

Speaking of weapons, Richard's Droid wields weapons that are not standard to the CIS but are assumed to be modified or made by Richard.

How and when he's able to acquire these weapons without his permission or supervision is something that the Harch Admiral of the Confederacy doesn't know of and would confront Richard about it after simulations.

Firstly, Richard's two of the B1 Battle Droid are holding what seems to be slugthrower weapons that are suited for close-quarters combat, a single blaster pistol as their secondary, and a... club? Odd...

Next are three B1 Battle Droids, who wielded odd rocket launchers, which Trench immediately concluded to be the assault units of the battalion. However, he noticed that they were equipped with Shotguns of sorts, but not the E-5 Blaster Shotgun Variants that were used in the Confederacy. And they have a shovel with them... why they have those is something that the Harch would question the Cadet's choice.

Next are another three B1 Battle Droids, they have what seem to be wielding flamethrowers - an odd weapon of choice but effective in close quarters. The droids seem to have what looks like heavy pistols of sort holsters on their hips and an... axe? Okay...

Next are BX Commando Droids, they are holding odd-looking Grenade Launchers. Okay, an interesting weapon of choice- wait is that a bottle of whiskey? And they're... drinking it in their nonexistent mouths? What the hell? Why do these three look drunk?!

Okay never mind that, just focus on the other droids in this odd battle group! He's not sure if he'll be able to handle too many of these tomfooleries.

Trench wondered if Richard could give him some of those alcohols the BX Commando Droids are drinking. He needed to ease his mind.

Another is the three B2 Super Battle Droids, and this is odd he's ever seen. The B2 Super Battle Droids have their weapons integrated with their arms yet, these B2 Super Battle Droids are holding large Rotary Cannons, and those odd looking shotguns holsters on their hips along with - wait... is that... metallic replica of a sandwich? What is the kriff?

Is that supposed to be an aesthetic choice or something? Never mind, back to the other droids in this... group.

Next are two of the B1 Battle Droids, who are equipped with those odd-looking shotguns, a blaster pistol, and a... wrench? So far, the most normal kind from this group, though he wonders why the droids have a hard hat and goggles. Perhaps this is the Engineer group of sorts but why wear those when a paint job is enough to distinguish them?

Alright, the next droid Trench inspects from the screen is just.. one B1 Battle Droid, who seems to be holding a Slugthrower type of weapon which looks like a sniper slugthrower, along with a Slugthrower Weapons and a large knife. Another most normal thing in this batch of droids.

Next is the B1 Battle Droid, whose booster pack was replaced with a more interesting kind of pack, that seems connected to the strange gun that has released a constant red beam of sorts, and it is pointed at one of the B2 Super Battle Droids. Trench wonders what that gun was supposed to do. He'll talk to Richard about it later.

Finally, thank the force, is another BX Commando Droid, and it seems normal. Only holding a single heavy blaster pistol and a knife. However, he noticed the Droid is holding a weird box-looking device and seemed to be wearing a watch on his wrist along with a balaclava. Odd... very odd.

So far the entirety of Richard's group is made up of multiple battle droids holding mostly slugthrower weapons. He doesn't have high hopes for this group. Who the hell would use Slugthrowers in a time of blasters? Nevertheless, the simulation will begin.

He taps into the comms systems and announces, "/Field Simulations will begin in 30 seconds!/"


/Field Simulation begins in 30 seconds!/

Richard grins nostalgically as he hears this. It felt so good hearing the announcement, it reminds him of the fun times when he played Team Fortress 2. The good old days before bots appeared. Ironic considering the droids he is leading are literal bots but that's beside the point.

He turned to look at his band of TF2fied Droids and spoke in his best TF2 Soldier voice, actually he was already speaking in said voice, "Men! These are the facts as I understand them! One: You are about to become someone's new worst nightmare! Two: We are going to win this!"

The droids let out their cheers of agreement as they get ready to face whatever will be thrown at them.

"Roger Roger, Maggots!"

"B2-Super Droids will make tin babies cry!"


As his droids cheered, Richard thought back on the cadets that has recently passed or failed simulations. He's been observing the other cadets so far. Needless to say, he's not impressed. Many of them make any mistake in a way that only the experienced or perhaps knowledgeable cadets were able to pass through the simulation with ease.

Many of the overconfident cadets failed, while some passed due to luck or experience. While Richard didn't have any experience in leadership, he did play lots of RTS games, or Real Time Strategy Games, in his spare time.

Also with his know-how of Team Fortress 2 Tactics and strategies, he has the perfect plan to win this course with flying colors and prove to Trench he's qualified as a CIS officer. He has noticed the disappointed look on the Harsch whenever he does anything illogical or nonsense, not that he can blame him.

Star Wars isn't ready for the craziness that he has installed. Though it hurts to see his favorite character look at him disappointedly. He is very much a huge fan and seeing his favorite character gave him doubts about his abilities as a leader.

So he will prove that he's capable of being a leader!

Fortunately, since he's not restricted to the in-game mechanics of TF2, it means he and the droids can do anything they want without any restrictions.

"/Mission Begins in Ten Seconds!/

If Trench wants high-quality officers, then he will give him one!

"/Mission begins in FIVE...!/"

"Who iz not ready!?" A B1-Medic Droid calls out as he trained the Medi-gun at a B2-Heavy.


A BX-Commando Droid takes a swig of his scrumpy.


A B1-Pyro Droid lights up the tip of his flamethrower in anticipation.


The BX-Spy Droid nodded to Richard and turned invisible.


The large doors drop down, as the sound of alarm rings commencing Richard's live simulation test run.


This was fun to make when you're high, enjoy! And await other chapters in the making!

Next chapter we'll have Richard's simulation and how much tomfoolery that Trench or perhaps everyone could react to.

When I was writing this, I was high and drunk in drinking a unique beverage! It's mixed with: Scrumpy, Cider, Red Wine, Tequila, Whiskey, Vodka, RUM! (*wheeze*!), ArRaCk (ooh, that's nice!), Spirit, and finally  P U R E  E T H A N O L ! ! !

Now that's some good shit! Now enjoy and await the next chapter!

*takes a strong sip before collapsing with a  C R I T I C A L  S H I T ! ! ! from drinking the mixed beverage*

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