Chapter 2: The Gonk-Load

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"Last one alive, lock the door!!" Richard Mann yells out on the top of his lungs as his droids cheer and charge out of the base like an unorganized mob of runners in a marathon rather than a disciplined unit. The B1-Scouts runs ahead to secure the perimeter, followed by B1-Snipers, BX-Demos, etc. before every single droid in his group has finally left the building.

After running out of the base, with the door closing shut behind them. However all that excitement and momentum they had immediately dispersed when they look over assets.


...It's a Gonk Droid that they are supposed to transport for this simulation. A single and slow power droid.

The Gonk droid just gonks idly at their presence before it then starts walking onto the desert of Geonosis. But Richard and his droids just stared at it and walked ahead of them in a very slow manner that even the slow B2-Heavy could jog ahead like it's nothing.

"...I guess that would explain why the exercise took 3 hours to complete..." Richard said to his droids, his eyes never leaving the slow Gonk Droid's walking. His droids share similar agreements.

Needless to say, they're quite unimpressed by what they're presented with. A slow walking Gonk Droid, that even a tortoise from that fairy tale would be able to outrun it!

Okay, not a good comparison considering Gonk droids walk about as fast as a person walking but you get the point.

Then again, Richard should've known this is the kind of training he should expect. After all, Admiral Trench explained it thoroughly to him and the rest of the cadets. He remembers it so well and has a good memory of the lessons taught to him. He remembers Trench's words all too well...

'Your objective is to transport the asset to the designated location here in this map. Take note you will encounter enemy forces in the way, while this is indeed a simulation, you should take this seriously. A true Commander wouldn't be so blah, blah, blah, blah...'

Blah, blah, blah — Wait... what the fu- Oh, right... Richard zoned out in those lectures and missed out so many details regarding the simulations... that's a habit he should work with.

Regardless, the whole premise of this exercise is to transport the asset (the Gonk Droid) to the specified destination while ensuring said asset isn't destroyed by enemy droids during the journey. But even then, the slowness of the droid will be a huge hindrance and he doesn't have the patience to walk to their destination for a couple of hours, especially in a desert planet like Geonosis. After all, this simulation is like a Payload from Team Fortress 2 but slower, and tedious.

The last thing he needs is to make this simulation like TueFort, god he remembers those days playing capture the flag that had matches lasting longer than 12 hours (and that's a true story that the author wishes not to remember, he's still tired from the stalemate).

But that's besides the point: they're training for the inevitable conflict that would happen eventually in years to come (well, in 2 years to be precise). If there's one thing Military-related YouTube Videos taught him is that speed is key, and a slow transportation of a Gonk Droid will be a huge hindrance to their progress.

He needs to find another angle...

Richard looks over the environment around him. He can see there is junk in the area and scrapped components and parts from what used to be part of vehicles or droids. He places a finger and thumb under his chin in thought.

He looks over the Gonk Droid, and can't help but some sense of familiarity with this kind of simulation test. Then the B1-Engineers behind him stand idly and unimpressed by the Gonk Droid's speed.

"This would take a long time..." One of the B1-Engineers stated to his troupe.

"Yeah..." A B1-Scout agreed with his baseball bat over his shoulder looking rather bored.

"Yes..." A B1-Soldier Droid right beside him nodded with his rocket launcher on hand.

OOM-117 said nothing but looked at Richard Mann for any direction or perhaps a course of tactical action.

"Commander, your orders?" The Command Droid said in its high pitch voice, he didn't have his voice changed yet, before looking at the Gonk Droid.

Richard has pondered on what he would do. After taking into account the environment around him, an idea has come to mind. While it's true this whole exercise is to train the cadets to be tactical with their choices, perhaps it best he should be very CREATIVE with the scrap close by.

Already, he has an idea in mind to show Trench that he's not some loose-cannon. He looked at the Gonk Droid and shouted, "Gonk Droid! HALT!"

The Gonk Droid gonks and stops moving before it turns to look at Richard's inquiry for why he ordered its move to be halted. The Cadet looked at the Droids behind him and pointed at scraps or thrown components close by, "Grab some metal men! I've got an idea!"

OOM-117 looked at the scraps of metal in confusion, but one of the B1-Soldiers saluted, "SIR YES SIR!" He looks at the rest of the droids, "You heard him men! Go, get those scraps!"

"Aye, let's go!" The BX-Demo Droid said before running towards the pile of scraps close by with other droids following his course of action. OOM-117 seems hesitant before running to grab some scrap metal, not after glancing at his commanding officer.

The B1-Engineers were about to join the fray but were stopped by Richard, "Not you guys! Stay with the Gonk Droid. When they bring the scraps to you, begin to deploy a cart!"

The B1-Engineers look at their Commander before staring at the Gonk Droid in question, as a B2-Heavy carries a repulsorlift component that belonged to a hover bike. It didn't take long before B1-Engineers caught on to what their commander was thinking.

"...Ah, I get what you're going with!" The B1-Engineer droid realizes.

"Alrighty then!" Another B1-Engineer tips his construction hat before he places down his tool box. He and the other droids get into work with the scraps given by the other droids. He pulls out a wrench and begins building over the Gonk Droid, much to the power droid's confusion.

Richard watches in satisfaction as the B1-Engineers build around the Gonk Droid. It's time to show these cadets how Richard Mann does training. In the Team Fortress 2 Way!


In the spectator room, many CIS Cadets look on in curiosity on what Richard Mann is doing.

One of the cadets watching simulations is Arya Warhan, a female Cadet who originates from one of the neglected Outer Rim Colonies that joined the Confederacy. She's has short hair that reaches her neck, blue eyes and a fair complexion, a height of 5'10. And her attire is that of a simple Confederate Cadet Tunic with military pants, and boots.

When she did the simulations, she was able to pass in within two and a half hours. She performed well against the opposition that came her way, through a good p careful tactics and managing of her limited forces.

And now, she watches the screen that shows the academy's resident oddball: Richard Mann.

She was curious about the odd cadet. It hasn't been a week yet but ever since she arrived at Geonosis, she finds cadet Mann extremely mysterious. Not only is he oddly jingoistic for CIS, he stands out from the rest in terms of his personality and behavior.

Especially when she witnesses the man drag himself across the ground like some goddamn Krayt Dragon! Richard can deny the fact that what they saw was just a hallucination as many times he wants, she knows damn well what she saw and no way it was some imagination she made in her head.

Plus, the oddity that became of Mann's Droids a few days ago just solidifies her suspicions on him. She remembers well when she saw his droids: too alive and ecstatic like their commanding officer.

Just what did Richard do to make even the inept B1s feel so oddly alive that they can be considered as sentient? (If her small glimpses of the droids' antics in his workshop are anything to go by.)

'Who are you, Richard Mann?'


"Hm... now this is interesting..." Trench clicked with his mandibles as he watched Richard Mann's droids getting scraps while the Engineer units began constructing something around the droid.

He didn't expect Richard Mann to order his droids to do something like this. Naturally, any Cadet would have just gone with the exercise and just thought of any strategies with the resources at their disposal. Yet, Richard Mann decided to waste some precious time on scraps of metal and thrown out components.

Trench would be lying if he said he's impressed. He's not. He wonders what strategic advantage this would have given him? Why waste some precious time on some scraps and used components?

Already, Trench is already writing down on his datapad on Richard's performance. Just what was Richard Mann thinking? Wasting time on piles of scraps and Junk when he could just lead the droids and follow the objective.

Once more he doubts Richard's abilities as a leader. Heck he's not sure if he's an effective one at that.

When Trench looked up from his datapad back to the screen, his eyes widened slightly, on what he saw next.

"Huh... that's unexpected."

Just looking back at the screen, he finally understood what Richard was doing. And he felt kinda foolish for doubting his choice. Somewhat.

To any novice or amateur officer, they would have thought this course of action to be foolish. But looking back now once more, it seems Richard Mann is thinking of a different angle than what the other cadets would have thought.

He thought more than thinking outside the box. No, he found a new angle...


In the spectator room, the cadet shares the admiral's reaction, albeit with different views. They watch in astonishment and envy at what Richard did. Even the smartest or experienced of the Cadets can't help but respect their fellow peer's thinking, and kind wish they thought of that.

'That's... wow...' Arya Warhan thought in surprise by what she saw, '...why didn't I think of THAT?!'

Richard sacrificed some precious time just to build something that would make the simulations easier for him.

Of course, there are a few who look peeved by what Richard is doing.

"What?!" One of the Cadets complained, "That is cheating!"

"How is this even fair?!"


Arya, and some others, scoff at her peers complaining about Richard's strategy. A Muun Cadet looked over the complaining cadets and stated, "Clearly you're too narrow minded to understand Cadet's strategy. What you see is his ingenuity and strategic thinking. He found a way to make it easier for him."

"B-but this isn't in the simulation!" Another cadet complained.

"Exactly..." Arya added as she looked at the Cadet with a stern look, "He found a new angle to finish the course, that's something I can respect from him." She looks back at the screen with envy and respect for the odd cadet. 'Damn, for a crazy person, that's very smart of him... again, why didn't I think of THAT?!'

She thought to herself once more in envy as she looked back at the screen.


If there's one thing that Richard Mann is feeling right now, it's nostalgia. A great, bountiful and beautiful feel of nostalgia.

"Push that Cart forward!"

Richard shouted to his droids. The droids pushed the Gonk droid, who was placed on a makeshift repulsorlift cart that makes transporting the Droid to its destination much easier, with their organic officer pushing along with them.

The cart was built similarly to that of the Bomb-Carts from TF2, with the distinctive difference being the repulsorlift. Regular TF2 Bomb-Carts would be trouble to push due to the lack of train track and the abundance of deserted sand, but with a repulser-lift, it made transporting the Gonk Droid very easy.

That's not all. He's not the only one shouting. A few of his droids were also simulating his action on their unique TF2 responses, based on their own class.

"LISTEN TO THE COMMANDER, NUMBNUTS! PUSH THAT CART!" A B1-Soldier Droid shouted to his comrades.

"Keep pushing!"

"Push zhe Gonk!"

"Mphm!! Mmphmmm!!"


Richard smiles as his droids push the Gonk Droid on the cart to the checkpoint. But he didn't notice that OOM-117 remained silent throughout the whole thing as his teammates pushed the Repulsorlift Cart.

While it would seem a bit unfair for the other cadets because when it comes to simulations that requires a Gonk droid to be escorted, it would take perhaps 2-3 Hours for the Gonk droid to reach the checkpoint considering how slow the droid is and how big and unruly the terrain of Geonosis is. But that all depends on the obstacles placed or strategies used to overcome said problems.

And the problem is that many of the cadets are by the book which makes them predictable and not many were that successful. As for Richard? He's one for thinking outside the box...




...Okay, scratch that — there are cadets in the academy who did think outside the box and were successful in said simulation, but it's not as the same as Richard's line of thinking.

To the craze and unusual cadet, he's one who would think outside the box then destroy said box with a fuck you, he will do it his way and fuck the rules! This is war they're training for!

He considered this method as "Getting a rule named after you" which means, find a loophole in the rule, be reckless, be crazy, and bend the rules. Use what advantages you have! And what he means is use your common sense and so he did.

He had his B1 Engineers create the makeshift repulsorlift cart for the Gonk droid, so escorting it could save up time and true it did. Based on the distance from the base, they are about a mile away from the base in just 10 minutes since the start of the simulation.

Despite the advantage of having TF2/SFM/Gmod Powers, he needs to take this exercise seriously to prove to Trench he's a component leader. In his own way. Also, just to keep his powers hidden from everyone else. Having TF2fied Droids is already arousing suspicion, so he must've been careful on how he does out of worldly abilities in a franchise that isn't as logic or physic breaking like the TF2/SFM/Gmod Videos.

So for now, he had to keep his TF2 Tendencies in check for the time being. Just not to arouse suspicion.

Richard and his droids trek across the desert of Geonosis towards their destination with three of his droids pushing the cart while the others flank the cart's side for security. For the first 15 minutes of the exercise, there hasn't been anything that was going to be detrimental to their progress so far. But it doesn't mean he and his team shouldn't be too complacent or confident with their chances of success.

As they trek the desert with the Gonk Droid, seemingly enjoying the ride, Richard turns to his droids and addresses the current situation, "I don't want to jinx this, men, but we are guaranteed to win!"

His droids cheered in response with, "Roger Rogers", "Yays", "Woohoo", with the Gonk Droid surprisingly joining in. But their cheers are cut short by him exclaiming loudly, "Do! Not! Get! Cocky! Do not get cocky, men, even though we have every reason to be! We are the best!"

The Droids cheered once more, feeling the same patriotic pride they had days ago. Richard lets them cheer amongst themselves before he points at the two scouts of the battalion.

"You, two! Move forward and scout ahead! If there's any maggots on sight, stay out of sight, hold your position and relay information!"

The scout droids nodded, "Yeah, gotcha/Alright."

The two B1-Scout droids moved ahead from the group, as they pushed the cart. But noticeably, the B1-Scout Droids, seem faster than the average B1, possibly even faster than a Commando Droid or Droideka in terms of natural speed. This is most likely due to the fact that Richard based the B1-Scout Droids on the Team Fortress 2 Scouts; they're given the same speed boost as the scouts. While faster than the original B1 Battle Droids or the Droidekas in their roller forms, they're not as fast as the Jedi yet.

...of course unless they drink, BONK! they'd be faster than a freaking speeder bike.

Richard looks in delight as the B1-Scouts runs ahead of the group. He can't help but feel proud to upgrade the B1-Scouts to be the same level as that of the Scout from TF2. He can't wait to surprise everyone on what his droids are capable of.

In fact, he's very excited to show what his 2 Droids are capable of! He looks back at the Droids and focuses on the arsenal they have on their hands. Most of the Droids in the group are equipped with the default weapons used in TF2. The B1-Scouts have their Scatterguns, blaster pistols, and metal baseball bats; The B1-Soldiers, OOM-117 included, have their default TF2 Rocket Launchers, shotguns and shovels; The B1-Pyros have their flamethrowers, shotguns, and axes, so on so forth.

But he made some slight changes in their load outs before the simulation began. For one, he forbade the B1-Engineers from making Teleporters. He wants to keep the technology of teleportation a secret. He doesn't want the Separatist to gain an advantage early in the war when it's more fun to see the war progress before he revealed the use of Teleporters to the wider galaxy.

So, the B1-Engineers are allowed to build sentries and dispensers for now, but not teleporters until told otherwise. Also, he made the B1-Medic use the quick-fix Medi-gun instead of the default Med-gun. He wants to keep the ability of Uber-Charge a secret for now. Best to save the surprise when the war begins.

Their peaceful journey came to an end when Richard's Comms received a transmission from his B1-Scout Droids, "/Ay, Boss! We've got a Battalion up ahead. Mostly made of perhaps a couple of B1-Series and some B2s.../

"Were you spotted?"

"/Not yet./" the Other B1-Scout transmitted to him.

"Good! That means we have the element of surprise! Remain in your position! When the fighting start; flaaank left! Flaaank right!" Richard Mann ordered through the comms.

"/Yeah, Gotcha!/"

"/Alright, let's do this!/"

He turns his comms off and looks at his droids, "Get ready men! We've got some maggots to scrap!"

His droids share their leader's enthusiasm, a B1-Medic cackling evilly, "I can't wait!"

"If you're ready! I'm ready!" The BX-Demo Droid readies his grenade launcher.

"Let's win this bloody simulation, boys!" The B1-Sniper tips his hat with his sniper rifle in hand, ready for battle.

"Today, we'll emerge victorious!" The BX-Spy Droid pulls out his vibro-butterfly knife.

Richard smirks at his team's eagerness and marches forward with his rocket launcher ready as they push the Gonk cart.

After a few minutes they trek over the hillside of the desert where the B1-Scout Droids passed. Richard halts his droids from moving forward and crouches.

His droids followed suit. And gestures a B1-Sniper Droid to follow him with OOM-117. As they crouch and peek over the top of the hill, there is a small droid unit waiting for them.

He quickly crouches behind a large boulder with OOM-117 and the B1-Sniper following his move. They peek over the rock and they see that their first opposition came in the form of a small squad of B1-Series Battle Droids, nothing too different and it seems quite easy.

He pulls his head away from the peaking over the rock and opens his comms to his B1-Scout Droids.

"Scouts, are you in position?"

"/Yeah we are! We're waiting for your signal!/"

"Good! Alright men, get ready!" Richard Mann nodded to B1-Sniper who gave a nod of acknowledgement before he prone and scoped his sniper rifle at the enemy Battle Droids.

The Sniper Droids scopes into his target: A B2-Super Battle Droid. He scopes into its weak point and whispers as his finger is on the trigger, "All your heads look bloody twelve feet tall."

Without a word he pulls the trigger and the shot makes its way to the red photoreceptor on the Heavy Unit, immediately dispatching it.

Thus, all hell broke loose when the first shot were fired and Richard's Battalion began their first ever assault.



Push the Payload to the Objective. Kill All Hostiles. Listen to the Commander. Glory to the CIS.

Those are the directives flowing through the processor of OOM-117. And yesterday was a very interesting change of events for him and his unit. In his first activation, he's programmed to help the cadet in his trials to be an officer. However, said officer is someone whom he didn't think would lead them...

"Maggots!" Richard shouted and fired a missile that flew through the air downwards and hit its mark on a group of droids below, destroying some of them. Additionally, the B1 Battle Droid on his commander's side fired salvos of their rockets at the enemy droids.

How he's able to acquire a rocket launcher that can fire more than One Rocket is up to him to decide. Furthermore, why is his default weapon used like an infantry weapon? It doesn't make sense, he gets the effectiveness of it.

"Get a haircut, trashcans!" A B1 Battle Droid beside him jeered as he fired a rocket at another small group of droids, destroying them into bits.

Another B1 Battle Droid runs ahead of them was reloading his rocket launcher before he took aim at an Enemy B2-Super Battle Droid and fired as the rocket flew and exploded directly to the B2 Unit, destroying it. He directs his aim at the other enemy droids, "You are all weak! You are all oil leakers!"

How he and the other droids are able to see in spite of the fact they're wearing helmets covering their photoreceptors, which is something the OOM-Command Droid has stopped questioning. Especially how the hell is his organic leader able to see with the helmet covering his eyesight.

While the rest seem to be participating in the fight, OOM-117 is the only droid in the team not participating in the rocket salvo. Despite being in the same so-called class as his commander, he didn't fire his rocket launcher like his commander or comrades. Instead, he decided to observe how his commanding officer led them. And it wasn't what he expected.

All around OOM-117, who is taking cover behind a rock, BX-Commando Droids wearing beanies equipped with the odd grenade launchers lobbed their grenade at the enemy droids over their cover, destroying many of them while the Commando Droids did it a drunk and improvise manner.

"I'm drunk!" One of the BX units announced before taking a swig of his scrumpy on his nonexistent mouth. How he's able to drink makes the Converted OOM-Command Droid question on how it's even possible for a droid to be drunk!

From his elevated position on top of the small hill he watched as the two B1 Units, who were given the role as scouts, flanked the enemy droid units with unprecedented speed than an original B1 could even do. They're even able to be more agile than the Commando Droids.

He watch as the fast B1 Battle Droid flank and tore the enemy droids into shreds with their slugthrower weapons, an sometimes even using their bats for melee-combat, all while dodging enemy blaster bolts with little to no problem as they jeered at the battle droids missing their shots at them. Whatever his Commander did, he made these B1 Battle Droids to be faster and agile than the BX-Series, and more lethal than the unmodified B1-series they're currently fighting.

"Here we come!" A B2-Super Battle Droid bellows, breaking OOM-117 out of his thoughts, while hefting its Minigun on his hand. The Super Battle Droids runs down the hill with their minigun primed.

OOM-117 watches as the B2 Super Battle Droids have positioned themselves on the hillside before raining down hundreds of bullets on the enemy droids. Many of those droids were mowed down to pieces by the continuous fire of the B2-Super Battle minigun, while the three B2s laugh maniacally and gleefully as they mow down the enemy units.

"Weeeeeeeeh! Waaaaaaaahh! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" One of the B2-Super Battle Droids mimicked that of a crying baby before they let out a maniacal laugh as they mow down the unfortunate Battle Droids who are unable to retaliate against the hail of bullets raining down on them.

"CRY SOME MORE!!!" Another B2-Heavy Droid cries out as he walks down the hill while firing his minigun at the droids.


The sound of muffled grunts are heard as OOM-117 then witness other B1-Battle Droids run down the hill with flamethrowers in hand. They were hit a couple of times but were able to take cover behind some rocks before charging again. Once they're close in effective range, they spray a jet of flames on the Enemy B1 Battle Droids.

And oh boy, did those droids get to experience a hot experience.

"AH! FIRE! FIRE!" An Enemy B1 Battle Droid flails about as he tries to extinguish the fire on his body.

"BY THE MAKER! I'M BURNING! HELP! HELP!" Another B1-Battle Droid screamed out.

"FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" A B2 Super Battle Droid cried out in pain as he was covered in flames.

"I'M ON FIRE-ARGH!" The B1 Battle Droid was cut down by an ax to the head.

OOM-117 didn't know what unsettled him: The enemy droids being burned from the fire? Or the mere fact that the Gas-mask wearing droids is expressing extreme joy, based on how they're raising their flamethrowers in the air while muffled maniacal laughter can be heard from the comms.?

"We've got them now!" OOM-117's commander announced. He turns to see him standing on top of the boulder before putting the rocket launcher aside with a Slugthrower Shotgun, "Soldiers, press on and get up close! AAATTTAAAAAACCCKKKK!!!"

He watched as the madman he called a commander ran down from the boulder into the hail of blaster bolts being thrown at him.

He's not only one as the others followed his commander's example. The BX-Commando Droids switched their grenade launchers with... bottles?


A mixture of battle cries were heard while he stood there behind his cover. About half of the team runs down the desert hill using their 'secondary' or 'melee' weapons in hand so they could meet with the enemy up and personal.

OOM-117 just watched as the Commanding Officer decapitates the head of an enemy droid with others bashing melee weapons at an unfortunate group of droids.

...who knew bottles could be this effective.

Really? That's what you thought of after the massacre you just witnessed? -_-





No words were spoken from the cadets as they stared at the screen showing Cadet Mann's droid's ungodly amount of damage and destruction on the simulation droids. Even Arya, who was a bit doubtful of Richard's abilities, was honestly quite shocked when his droids started fighting.

What's really there to say for the young female cadet when she's witnessing such a massacre? Even when she was in these simulations, she didn't fight something similarly like this! Then again, she didn't think of upgrading or equipping her droids with whatever Richard did.

"Holy shit..."

Yep, that's the response we're looking for.

"Is it wrong that I feel bad for the droids being burned alive?" One of the Cadets questioned before turning away from the screen when the flamethrower wielding droid engulfed another enemy droid in flames.

"No..." the response was shared with the rest of the group.

"P-preposterous..." a Cadet stuttered, "Droids don't feel pain. They're not even alive!"

"Then how do you explain that?" The other cadaver pointed at the screen showing a B1-Battle Droid screaming out for mercy as he is being burnt.

"Do they have to be brutal though?" One of the cadets refers to one of the helmeted Battle Droids ripping apart the arms of an enemy B1.

"...I don't think they care." Arya said with wide eyes.


If there's one thing going through Trench's mind right now, is that he has no fucking clue how to respond.

If someone were to tell him he would be stuck training a cadet that may or may have not defied the laws of physics or logic (ironic coming from Star Wars) with an squad of mentally insane or defective battle droids he would call them an idiot and that's fucking ridiculous.

But now? What he sees before him? The amount of carnage his droid has brought, that may or may not be against the non-existent rules of war, yep. That's what is happening right in front him. And the Harch has three words to say...

"What... the... kriff?"

Meh, not as effective as a regular swear that we used but anyways, this one of the few times the admiral has swore in his life. He prides himself as a professional, but how can he be a professional by the bullshit with those droids and that man!?

Just what is this cadet?!


A few minutes has passed as the battle or skirmish between OOM-117's Commanding Officer Modified Droids and the unmodified enemy battle droids is nothing short but a one-sided massacre. It would seem the weapons of his commanding officer's weapons prove to be efficient in providing very high damage on the enemy units. Especially against droids.

If he had to be honest, he had low expectations for the Cadet leading them. As a droid built to lead other Droid Units, he thought of Richard's choice of actions to be illogical to the point he thinks he's a loose-cannon of a leader. His speech of 'Glory to the CIS' a few days ago was sure interesting, and it riled up the droids in pride for the Interstellar Government they're fighting.

He found it odd for Cadet Mann to boost the so-called morale of the battle droids since it's unnecessary for machines. Or so he thought based on his knowledge on organics. Like many droids, he's quite discontent with being under the command of some biological species since they treated his kind as slaves.

Ever since his activation months or perhaps a year ago, he didn't like how the organics treated droids like mere disposable tools. And he hated that feeling, but that's what he's designed to be: a disposable tool for conquest. So he didn't expect much when Richard Mann came to lead them.

But his expectations of a cold and cruel organic officer were shattered upon meeting him...

"Good work, boys!" Richard shouted, which broke OOM-117's thoughts and turned to him.

He sees Richard Mann patting the shoulder of a B2-Super Battle Droid, "We've beaten the enemy! Now let's push that cart!"

Oh the Battle seems to have been won.

"Yeah, gotcha!" The B1 Scout unit nodded before he puns back to push the cart with his team.

OOM-117 was active for a few months or perhaps a year and since then is very used to the mistreatment by Geonosians or any organic he comes across. Yet here's Richard Mann, an organic meatbag whom he thought to be as bad as the other organics has given him and his comrades an upgrade. One that made him so alive than before.

Additionally, OOM-117 was confused as to why did his leader forgo the use of blasters with slug throwers? Sure he could understand it's effective against the Jedi, but against droids? Surely his leader must know the tactical disadvantage of using such weapons. However, his commander placed him and the rest of the droids in different categories he calls 'classes'.

He and two other B1 units are placed in the "Soldier" class. He was given a rocket launcher that fired four explosive ordnance projectiles, a slugthrower shotgun, and a shovel for melee.

Whatever upgrades his commander has done... It's unusual. Far from even normal.

When he "upgraded" the droids with that gun on them, it changed them in a way he couldn't understand or piece together. The droids that were normally monotone or bland became erratic; so life-like they are that he doesn't know how it came to be for a short amount of time.


His thoughts were broken when he saw what his commander was doing, his mind stopped short. OOM-117 started his commanding officer... dancing?

"Hahaha! Conga!" The Cadet cheered while he did this so-called conga dance.

Then he saw the other droids following his lead and forming a line of sorts while the other droids pushed the cart. The other droids seem to share the same sentiment of enjoyment of dancing this... conga.

"Dun da dun dun da, yeah!"

"CONGA! Conga, Conga! Ha ha ha!"

"B2-Heavy show you, ah ha ha!"

"Hah hoo hoo ha hahah!"

OOM-117 stared at the bullshit before him as his droid danced in a line. He's not sure how to react to all of this. So instead of joining that weird dance before him, he decided to help the other droids push the cart. He goes over the cart, which is being pushed by one of the B1-Battle Droids holding an odd beam weapon of sorts along with some B1-Battle Droids who are the engineers of the group.

"The Commander is... weird." OOM-117 said to his subordinates as he pushed the Gonk droid in the cart.

"Really, Pardner? I thought he's fun!" The B1 Battle Droid wearing a Hardhat said as he pushed the cart along with the others.

"Ja, our commander isn't anything like ve had before." The B1 Battle Droid said in an odd accent.

"Why are you speaking like that?" OOM-117 questioned the accented droid.

"Speaking like vhat?" The Droid asks.

"That! That... voice. Why are you speaking like that?" The Command Droid questioned.

"Hm... I don't know, I zhink zhe commander programmed it in my process when he vas upgrading me." Weird Accented Droid said with a shrug.

"Gonk!" The Gonk droid replied to the accent Droid.

"Oh danke, Gonk Droid! I do zhink my accent is nice!"

Actually, now that OOM-117 thinks about it, every droid in the unit has weird accents, minus himself. He wondered what upgrades did Richard make that makes the droids speak in such weird tones or voices? He would question it but he wants to see how it plays out. Especially when the Commander and the others are still doing that odd 'Conga' dance.

"Ha ha! Conga!"

Yep... odd.


Cadets from the Spectator room watched in a mixture of amusement and bemusement. After witnessing the whole one-sided massacre, they thought he'd do something akin to that of a military commanding officer in training. But instead what they saw is the odd ball of a cadet and his droids just dancing in a single.

"Is he seriously dancing?" Arya  questioned with a dumbfounded expression.

"...even his droids are also dancing." Another cadet pointed on the screen showing his droids dancing.



"You know... after witnessing a one-sided battle with slug thrower and odd-weapon wielding droids, I never thought it would get ridiculous like this!" A Muun Cadet said bemused by the whole thing.

" could say that again." Arya responds as her eyes are glued onto the screen.

Something is definitely off with that Cadet: First, the slithering on the ground thing; Second, his droids and finally the dancing... the fucking dancing.

Just what is this cadet? Why dance?


Trench's eye twitched as he gazes at the screen showing Richard Mann and his droids doing whatever tomfoolery they're doing. He's just dancing... in a middle of a fucking simulation?! Just what is Richard Mann doing?! And furthermore, why are his droids acting like this?!

After witnessing his exploits firsthand and how effective his droids are, he'd thought that Richard would take this exercise seriously after getting his first taste of combat but instead, he just dances like an idiotic fool in the middle of a firefight?!

Sending two of his B1 Battle Droids, who run surprisingly faster than he least expected, as scouts for any strategic positioning is a basic but genius move on Richard's part. And having his Sniper take out the simulation droids is also a genius move on his part as well before he pelted the enemy with extreme prejudice. He's honestly surprised by the effectiveness of Cadet Mann's droids. That's good use of his droids and performance of a strategic officer.

But when he saw them dancing he immediately began to doubt Richard Mann's awareness or disregard of safety.

Trench facepalmed, so far he couldn't believe what he saw. This is his first simulation battle, yet he decided he and his droids dance to their location instead of using one of them to scout ahead just like before. While he likes Richard's creative thinking and basic use of reconnaissance, he should take this exercise seriously.

...Perhaps he should increase the difficulty of the simulation so Richard Mann could break out of such a childish mentality. He needs competent officers with a strategic mind, not a mentality idiotic officer.

He removes his hand from his face before facing his Tactical Droid, "TF-175, start coordinating the Assassin Battle Droids along with Assault Battle Droids on Cadet Mann's position."


Trench looks back at the dancing Cadet on the monitor. 'Let's see how Cadet Mann will react in a scenario where he's up against an ambush.'

—A 15 Minutes Later—

"Hahaha! Conga!"

Richard has been doing the conga for 15 minutes now, and he's not stopping as he and his troupe have reached a mesas terrain that's barren of rocks or boulders to act as cover if an attack were to occur. Richard kept the environmental change in mind.

The other droids continue to push the cart while he and others continue their conga dance uninterrupted. Richard feels so happy seeing Star Wars Battle Droids doing the fucking conga of all things.

But in all fairness, he was the one who enabled it just to see if the upgrades did their part in making the battle droids to be like Team Fortress.

So far the upgrades are a huge success. Nay, it's his greatest achievement since he got here! Making the droids as Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries was the greatest idea he has ever had! The upgrades are a success, and the Battle Droids are using them for their fullest extent! Just as he hoped for.

But if there's one thing that he noticed is that the Battle Droids fought similarly to a New Player when they joined the game for the first time. Like how the B1-Soldier Droids seem to aim but miscalculate how fast the rockets are, or B1-Pyros W-M1ing into battle. Regardless, the test is sure a success, and just like any TF2 Player they would eventually start learning how to go with advanced techniques or skills in their class.

Though, he did notice that OOM-117 didn't participate in the battle. Hm... that's odd, perhaps he should ask or question why he didn't—

A blaster bolt whizzed pass him, making him flinch, "Ah! Sniper!"

Richard shouts as the rest of the droids, stopped their dance and immediately went to whatever cover they could find. But considering they entered as a canyon he should have expected an ambush to happen. Especially in an enclosed space where the exit is from the front or back.

Richard peeks over his cover and tries to find the shooter only to duck down when another blaster bolt was fired.

He as about to give an order to his droids, a B2-Heavy shouted, "Incoming!!"

And just like their cove rocked from a concussion rocket. He looks over his cover to see squads of Assault Droids and B2-Super Battle Droids approaching and pelting their positions with concentrated blaster fire. And up above the cliffside, he can see some Assault Droids aiming their RPS-6 Launchers from his position. But like the Rocket Launchers they used, these RPS-6 Launchers can only fire a single rocket.

Richard smirked at this sudden escalation.

Though he is able to see things that anyone isn't able to see. He can see how much damage that is being outputted from Star Wars weapons because from his perspective regular Star Wars blasters have a damage output of well, 10-24 damage per bolt but decreases over fall-off. As for their missiles, it's up to somewhere around 50 damage but decreases over fall off. Not to dismiss the damage output but TF2 Rocket Launcher packs a punch than their Star Wars counterpart. Especially their more unlocked versions.

As he ponders this another blaster fire is heard. But it's coming from the rear of their position, and he turned to see another squad of Battle Droids attacking them in the rear. Richard Mann and his droids are surrounded by all sides.

His droids immediately retaliated with bullets, rockets, grenades and flares. He watched as OOM-117 took his time to aim and fire his rocket launcher at the enemy droids before taking cover and looking at him.

"Sir! Enemy from the rear! Your orders?!" OOM-117 exclaims as another concussion Rocket hits their position.

If he were any other cadet, he would be in a state of panic where he would be crying for his momma in a box. But for him? A person who played TF2 and many RTS Genres in his lifetime, and has experienced getting surrounded on all sides, and now gifted the powers of Gmod and TF2? Hehehehe, you know this is merely a walk in the park for him!

This kind of escalation is hell, HIS KIND OF HELL!

OOM-117 perceived his commander's grin and his short time knowing him, it means one thing.

He already has a plan.

"ALL UNITS!" He screamed at the top of his lungs to which his droids turned to him, "Begin Team Fortress Tactic! Operation: BADWATER!"

The Droids picked up on the tactic and so did OOM-117.

So a Side-Note: before the simulations began, Richard has made tactics, protocols or battle plans to his droids in case of events like these. He made these tactics and battle plans before the simulation began as he wants to show Trench and his cadets that he's more than just an oddball.

He's Richard Mann! The future General and Savior of the CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS!!

...Also possible CEO of his own Intergalactic Mega-Corporation known as Mann.CO... Oh! Foreshadowing~ *winky* *wink* *winkwink*

"Stop winking and foreshadowing!" Richard shouted at the author.

No, FuCk YoU!

Anyways, with those orders announced the Modified Battle Droids know what to do, especially the doubtful OOM-117 who has been the most reserved and doubtful of his own commanding officer. The B1-Engineers picked up their tool boxes over their shoulders. One run to the front lines like the other went to the backlines. As they reach a good spot or position the Engineers respectively place down their tool boxes.

"Sentry, doing up!" A B1-Engineer announced after placing the tookbox.  

The Toolbox opens up revealing a machinery that is unfolding itself as the B1-Engineer hits it with his wrench which makes the machinery unfold faster. In a matter of 3 seconds, the machine unfolds itself. The machine he deployed has 2 gatling guns and a laser sight is built into the carbine body. Its ammunition is belt-fed, with a cranking system to rotate the barrel, as indicated by the 2 electric cables visible. And top of it is a rocket silo.

The Droids attacking stopped and stared at the sudden appearance of the machine. And it proved to be their mistake as the Automated Turret then opened fire at the enemy droids. The hail of bullets shredded any unfortunate droid who were out in the open, as B2-Super Battle Droid was blown up by a salvo of rockets fired at them.

The other engineer did the same, stabilizing the rear from the attack and shredding any droid who was unfortunate to be in its sight. The B1-Engineers laughed maniacally as the enemy droids were torn to shreds by the sentry guns, slapping their knees and pointing before coughing.

"That's what you get!" The B1-Engineer Droid said before he pulls out his pistol and starts shooting at the other droids to support his turret.

"Another satisfied customer." The Other B1-Engineer said in his position. He placed his hands on his hip with a smirk before he pulled out his own pistol and fired some shots on him.

The Opposing Droid Force retaliated when the enemy returned fire. Blaster bolts, and other projectile crap that the author has no time to add in this story, whizzed over the bullets and rockets of the modified group of droids. However, the much of the damage done by both the B2-Heavy, BX-Demoman and B1-Soldier's crowd control along with the steady support from the B1-Engineer's turret and B1-Sniping proved to be too much for the droids ambushing them.

On top of the canyon' cliff that overlooks the battlefield, one of the Command Droid ordered the assault units beside him, "Take out that turret!"

In cue said turret fired a salvo of rockets at a B2-Super Battle Droid on its sights, destroying it.

"Roger, Roger." The Assault Droid complied and aimed his launcher at the Sentry Gun that is currently hailing bullets on the droids. He fired as the missile flew towards the turret.

But a B1-Pyro Droid gets in the path of the missile that is heading to them. He aimed his flamethrower at the missile as it came closer and then...


"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" The Command Droid and the Assault Droid screamed before the cliff they stood on exploded, killing them and any nearby droid who are unfortunate to be standing beside them because their own missile was deflected by the flamethrower's compression blast.

B1-Pyro Droid then laughed as it raised the flamethrower over his head, laughing maniacally.

"Nice going, pardner!" The B1-Engineer gives his friend a thumbs up which the B1-Pyro responds with a thumbs up.

This happened with the other assault droids who fired their rockets at the Sentry Guns at other droids but the ordnance were deflected back to its user or deflected onto their own allies by the B1-Pyro taking the role as Richard like to call: The "Pybro."

The other Droids noticed this and saw both the Pyro Droids and Sentry as threats, thus they prioritized their focus on them. But there's one problem...




There's still threats that the other droids couldn't ignore. With the combined firepower of the offense and defense droids of Cadet Mann, it makes quite an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. The Scouts can be seen running across the battlefield, flanking on the amusing droid's sides with dodges and sprints that the simulation droids are unable to predict or calculate; Soldiers, and Demo-Droids alike continue fire their explosive ordnance at the enemy; the heavies of Cadet Mann's group continue to mow down droid after droid with their mini guns,

On top of one of the cliffside of a Canyon, the Assassin Battle Droids have their scopes aimed on the attacking droids. One has his scope on B2-Heavy while the others have their sights either a B1-Pyro  or Engineer. A single bolt fired and hit the B2-Heavy but didn't down him as he only grunted in pain while continuously firing hail of bullets on the enemy.

As the other Battle Droids are about to fire again...


His head was shot off his shoulders by a counter-sniped from the opposing team. Many other Assassin Battle Droids share their comrades' fate as they are sniped one by the B1-Battle Droid wearing a tipped hat. A Few of the Assassin androids were still active and attempted to counter-snipe, but the B1-Sniper tilts his head as the shot misses before he proceeds to aim and scope into the Assassin Battle Droid before waving his head goodbye with a single shot.

The B1-Sniper lowered his sniper down and taunted, "Thanks for standing still, Wanker!"

He ducks into cover when a few blaster bolts pass him before he retaliates with a sniper shot or pulling out his SMG and giving a burst of bullets from his position. In another part of the cover, OOM-117 fires a single rocket before taking cover. As he is about to reload his rocket he stops as a thought comes to mind.

"Wait, a minute..." OOM-117 said as he noticed someone missing, amongst them, "...where's Unit BX-791?"

"Oi, you mean Spy?" A B1-Scout Droid questioned beside him, before taking a few pop shots with his secondary, "He went ahead."

"Went ahead? What do you mean?!"

In the enemy's elevated position on top of the cliff, a few of the enemy's assassin battle droids survived. One of them scoped onto OOM-117"s head and he before could pull the trigger, a figure materialized behind him then...



"AGH!" The Assassin Droid screamed as he then tried to reach behind his back where a knife backstabbed him but he staggered and fell off the cliff dead. The figure reveals itself to be the BX-Spy, who looks over the cliff where the body fell.

He gave a smirk and said, "Oh dear, I've made quite a mess!"

He ducks from an incoming blaster shot beside him and sees another Assassin Battle Droid. The droid attempted to shoot at him but the modified BX-Commando Droid was quick on the trigger and weaved from the red laser projectile before he pulls out his own heavy blaster pistol aims, and scored a headshot on the droid.

The BX-Spy Droid watches as the droid falls dead, the BX-Spy Droid the laughed and snorts, "Hon hon hon! You are an amateur and a fool!"

The Spy Droid then turns invisible once more and goes off to get rid of any more oppositions. 

The skirmish lasted for a few more minutes. Thanks to the Sentry providing more firepower and covering their flanks and rear, as well as the B1-Snipers getting rid of the Assassin Battle Droids, the Mann Battle Droids pushed through with their counterattack. Bullets and rockets whizzed through the air along with screams of horror and pain from the opposing droid forces, the battle lasted for at least a couple of minutes before all enemies were killed off.

The aftermath of the battle was a brutal one for the simulated battle droids once more when the fighting delved into close-quarters combat where offense classes are at their dangerous. Droid parts and components lay on the ground, scrapped droid bodies and corpses lay everywhere along with the smell of burnt oil and melted metal.

The ones left standing are the Modified Group of Battle Droids and their odd ball of a Commander, Richard Mann. The group stopped their firing and took a look at the damage around them. Needless to say, it was quite a battle that really filled the organic officer and his band of metal friends with adrenaline.

"All gave some! They gave a lot! We didn't give an inch!" Richard praised and in turn his droids returned the favor with their own praises or responses for success.

"We are strong! We win! And that is end of that!" A B2-Heavy Droid cheered.

"I dinnae even know we were fightin' another team! I just thought we were just testing our weapons!" A BX-Demo Droid drunkenly cheers.

"You've got a Sniper, 'course you're gonna bloody win!" A B1-Sniper Droid cheers.

As his group cheered, he noticed a few of his droids clutching their sides from the damage done to them from the firefight, OOM-117 is one of them as well. He approaches OOM-117 and asks in concern.

"You alright, soldier? I saw you took a few hits from those maggots."

"I-I'm fine sir... nothing to worry about." OOM-117 brushed it aside, "...but that should be the least of your concerns. I don't have enough ammunition for our weapons to complete the course. And some units are damaged from taking a few blaster bolt shots as well as a hit from a concussion rocket."

OOM-117 pointed towards the other droid units, more specifically the two of the B2-Heavies, one of the B1-Soldiers, one of the B1-Scouts, one BX-Demo Droid, and two of the B1-Pyros as they are one who are in the open dishing damage.

Richard took his time to observe their injures and said back to OOM-117, "I don't think that would be a problem, any more comrade." He looks over the B1-Medic and shouted, "Medic!"


He points at his injured teammates which the B1-Medic droid acknowledges and quickly moves to them. The Medic aims his odd weapon and a red beam connects OOM-117.

"W-what the?!" The Command Droid exclaims in surprise as his injuries were getting healed. He has healed as if he wasn't in battle yet nor did he feel like he was damaged. Once fully healed, the B1-Medic Droid announces proudly.

"Another successful procedure!"

The other droids saw this and immediately started calling out for their turn to heal...






All at once the injured started calling out for the medic. And the only healer of the team looks very irritated by the constant yelling. Richard meanwhile looks on with a nostalgic look on his face remembering all the times when he was forced to play as Medic he has to endure the countless torture of his teammates spamming the fucking E button whenever they're injured.

The B1-Medic growls, "You are trying my patience!"

In spite of the constant yelling from the others, he walks up to the B2-Heavy Droid, starts healing the damage down to him. The Heavy Droid touches where his wound was and looks at the B1-Medic Droid and gratefully says, "Many thanks!"

"Jahowl!" The B1-Medic then goes to the rest of the Team, healing them one by one.

OOM-117 stands beside his commander as he watches the Medic heal his team. So that's what the gun is for... seems very useful. He wonders how it works. He looked at Richard and still brought up one more concern, "Sir, while this is very beneficial I don't think this would help with the current issue with our ammunition running low."

"Don't worry, Lieutenant! I've got that covered." Richard then looks at the Engineer Droids and orders, "Engineers! Deploy a dispenser here!"

"Alrighty then!"

The Engineer did so as drops down a tool box which opens and a dispenser unfolds itself. Once finished, the cadet walks over and pulls out a rocket before placing it in his inventory.

As he starts replenishing his ammo for his rocket Launcher and Shotgun, he looks over to his droids, "Replenish your munitions, boys! We've got a simulation to finish!"

The other droids followed suit and they too started replenishing their ammo from the dispenser.


Silence filled the entire room as all cadets stared at the screen with an absolute dumbfounded expression, especially Cadet Ira.

None spoke on what they bore witness to. What words could be said other than-

"What the kriff was that?!"

Wow... thanks for stealing my line asshole, I was about to fucking tell the viewers that! Thanks a lot you piece of shi-

Anyways, as what the random cadet said after he RUDELY interrupted me narration, this sentiment or thought is shared by everyone in the room. When Richard was ambushed, most cadets, especially Arya, thought he was done when his forces were surrounded on all sides by the droids ambushing them.

But [NOPE.AVI], they have got their expectations and doubts shattered from the moment Richard initiated "Operation Badwater." The chaos that followed especially was so UNREAL for the cadets, especially what Richard's Droids did in response to the ambush.

And oh boy, these Team Fortressfied battle droids were NOT something they did expect!

Sure, the first skirmish was a sight to behold and an example of what Richard Mann's droids are very capable of, but this is unlike anything the cadet has seen before! Seeing these droids using unorthodox tactics and making slug thrower weapons extreme lethal is a huge shock for everyone watching this simulation.

Arya stared slack jawed by Richard's performance and was wondering, who and what is Richard? And how did he turn his droids into something like that?! Sure, she has hopes for Richard to ace the simulation but she didn't expect... something like this!

Also, is that gun... fixing that droid?! She sees damages that were inflicted upon the Droids being fixed with ease! Where did he get that?! Did he make that?! And also, where did he get those turrets from?!

Is that what he's been doing in the workshop the whole time?!

Who and what is Richard Mann?!

Many Cadets alike thought of that, especially when they saw a freaking flamethrower, AIRBLASTING a rocket back! How and why?! Just what the kriff?! What the kriff did they just see?!

But they're not the only ones trying to make sense with what they saw.


"What... the... kriff?!"

Clever of you, Trench. You think you can outsmart someone as random like Richard Mann. Well, too bad for you! Speaking of which, the Harch has his mandible slack-jawed and let's say he's just as shock as the cadets! Trench's mandibles slackened, and if possible, his Tactical Droid would have done the same if it had a mouth that would open and close. The simulation that showed Richard's Droids pushing back or even making headway was honestly shocking.

Even when he's encircled by all sides he was able to shatter Trench's expectation by retaliating back very brutally. Hell! This is probably more brutal than the previous skirmish!

The oddity of droids' weapons seems to be a huge advantage that harch didn't expect. He was certain Richard would have lost because of the Droids' weapons and the ambush he set up in the simulation, yet he's proven so wrong. So wrong in fact, he might have gotten himself a migraine!

He watched his droid fight so effectively that even the numerical advantage and fire power of the training droids were just a mere nuisance as if it didn't mean anything to them. Any damage done to the droids were immediately healed by the B1 Droids holding those weird guns, and any rocket fired from a B2 Super Battle Droid were DEFLECTED back to its user by a B1 Battle Droid holding a fucking flamethrower!

How in the many moons does that even work!?


Just what's next going to happen after all of this?!

—(Small Timeskip)—

Well, Trench, you see after this little timeskip, what next is a whole bullshit of events that the author doesn't want to put effort in adding more scenes of droids curb-stomping the competition because that becomes too repetitive to write.

What follows next is a series of encounters and bullshittery of Richard and his Droids performing well in the simulations. With encounter after encounter, the odd cadet has shown him and his droids to very capable fighters.

Each encounter played similarly from the first encounter to the second. It goes in two ways: One, Richard Mann and Droids ambush the enemy and stomps them without problem; Two, Simulation Droids ambush Richard Mann and his Droids, but are curb-stomped without problem.

Richard Mann continues to lead the charge with each encounter they come across, and fortunately this proves to be very useful in training his droids in return. He became more effective with each other, slowly and surely learning their class or roles, and slowly getting a hand of using their new found abilities effectively.

Even OOM-117 was slowly getting used to using his rocket launcher as his base weapon. The rocket launcher is as powerful as any blaster, but with more explosive than blaster bolts and more damage. The doubts he once had regarding his commander have diminished as simulation continues.

OOM-117 grew to respect Richard Mann as a leader and comrade. Sure, his ways of fighting are illogical and outside of standard CIS Combat Doctrines, but his fighting style proves to be very effective as any other form of attack.

"Forward men!" Richard orders, as he pushes the cart alongside his troops, "Push that cart!"

OOM-117 decided to roll with his commander's antics. He's already getting used to his eccentric, "You heard him, men! Push that Cart Forward!"

About five of the Droids continue to push the cart while the other stays in guard for any possible attack from any of the training droids. Richard has sent his scouts ahead like before in his first encounter with the training droids. He has yet to hear from them for a while before he receives a comm transmission from one of them.

"/Aye, boss. We're a few minutes away from the finish line. But they got some Droidekas, a Spider Droid with them. They're pretty dug in. It seems the Admiral wants to make it harder for ya. So what are ya orders, boss?/"

Richard smiles and replies, "Good work! Don't engage the enemy yet! Wait when we strike then you will flank them!"

"/But... they're dug in. And very fortified./"

"Not a problem for me." The Cadet dismissed his concerns, "Let me and our soldiers handle this. I have a surprise planned for those, maggots!"

"/Well, if you say so./" the B1-Scout Droid cuts comms as Richard then goes to inform the rest of the team regarding the situation.

Now fully aware of what they will face, the droids of Richard Mann are prepared to face them head on. But as Richard said, he has a plan that involves something logic-breaking.

One that maybe Admiral Trench or anyone wouldn't expect.


Trench stared at the monitor, watching as Richard Mann made plans regarding the obstacle ahead. He looks at the time and he's honestly impressed.

Richard Mann's runtime is 50 minutes. That's less of an hour!

He's now shocked and very impressed by how Cadet Mann was able to reach his destination this quickly. He's able to reach his destination better than any of the other cadets. Probably because A). He built a cart that makes transporting a Gonk Droid a whole lot easier, B). His unusual droid's excellent performance in the battlefield was able to speed up the process and make quick work on the droids.

Any doubts he had on Richard Mann have diminished. He sees the potential the cadet has to be a leader of sorts. Though his battle strategies are unorthodox and outside standard CIS protocols, it seems to get the job done.

Now the Cadet Mann is faced with a more fortified force, and this is where most cadets struggled or failed, due to the difficulty of it. But not all simulations remained the same, sometimes there's less droids in the main point, sometimes there's more than one high-quality droid. But for Richard Mann's obstacle, there's more training droids (B1s, BXs, and B2s) in the final point, with fixed automatic blaster nest, Spider Droids, and Droidekas for extra support.

But after seeing Richard Mann's exploits, he gets a feeling that this will just be a walk in the park for him even with the added firepower and numbers—


Wait, huh?!


The Cadets meanwhile look at the screen in some sense of envy and respect. Richard Mann by all accounts is one of the oddest and unusual person, they've ever seen from his eccentric and crazy personality to his odd ball of droids who share the same sad personality. Especially that time he slithered on the ground, despite the denying claims of said man who slithered on the ground.

Arya stares at the screen that had the final checkpoint fortified with more droids and along with varying degrees of support in form of the Droidekas and a Dwarf Spider Droid.

With that many enemies at the final checkpoint, any cadet would dread to face such a force and would take their time to plan ahead.

But after witnessing Richard droid's in action, she immediately doubts that the opposing force would stop him from doing what he does best; thinking strategically than just attacking head on a direct assault—


She was startled and broke out of her thoughts when the screen monitor shows Richard Mann doing the exact opposite of what he should be doing. What is he doing—

"Look! Cadet Mann is running out of his cover!" One of the Cadets pointed out.

True to his words, Richard Mann is the only one running out of cover with his droids remaining behind cover while firing their weapons. What is he planning? He's not suggesting to attack the enemy droids head on without any form of support! (And yes young lady, he's really suggesting he should do that because, fuck it.)

With the amount of blaster bolts raining down on him, he can't expect to dodge and reach the other side with ease. It's suicide!

But... after getting to know how he and his droids fight, with surpise after surprise, perhaps he has a trick on his sleeve like with those turrets and that healing-gun.

What tricks does he have now?


Stun Bolts whizz and rain down on him as he weaves through them, while avoiding the incoming stun blasts fired from the lone Dwarf Spider Droid.

This may be the craziest thing he has ever done since he got here! Okay, turning the battle droids into Team Fortress 2 versions is crazy but it's nowhere as crazy as what he's about to do!

Now before you dear reader get to see what he has planned, how about we explain how we got into this situation?

—(A few seconds ago)—

"Alright men! Stay frosty!" Richard said as they made a stop behind the hillside. He takes a prone position alongside the B1-Sniper to his right and a BX-Spy by his left.

He pulls out the macro-binoculars and uses them to observe the enemy's position and movement. They're very fortified alright: Automatic Blaster Cannons (in stun mode) in fixed positions, a Dwarf Spider Droid in a slightly more elevated position in the back and finally, three Destroyer Droids.

This would be fun. Normally, he would have ordered his Scout Droids to flank from the sides and gain the enemy's attention while the others move in and fire their weapons at the enemy's position and his support class (specifically the Sniper) would scope in a fully charged shot at the Dwarf Spider Droid's photoreceptors.

"Well, le commandant, the enemy is heavily fortified." The BX-Spy laying on his front chassis said beside him, "Perhaps I would try and sneak in to sabotage their defenses."

"Or I could just snipe them from this position, mate." The B1-Sniper interjected while still scoped into the Spider Droid, "I've got that mongrel, on my sights."

"I have an idea." Richard said suddenly, "We charge in head on!"




"Commandant, that's a terrible idea-"

"ATTAAACCCKKK!!!" He suddenly stood up and gestures to the enemy and runs out of cover, much to the surprise of his troops.

He runs down the hill towards the fortified enemy. Any element of surprise is thrown out the window for a head on charge, and due to his announcement of his attack the enemy droids with yell, he gave enough time to get into battle positions.

The B1-Sniper and BX-Spy watch dumbfounded as their commander run to the enemy's position right in the open while the other droids runs the hill and before firing while maintaining their distance.

"Ugh... Merde..." the BX-Spy facepalmed.

—(Flashback Ends)—

Now, you know what happened. Now let's see what happens next.

As he is getting in considerable close distance of the enemy fortifications, he lets out a maniac grin and aims the barrel of his rocket launcher downward onto his feet. He jumps before he pulls the trigger and then...

—([TF2 Original] Sharax - I am a Robot])—


The Cadets let out a series of shock and awe by what happened as did Ira. She didn't expect this kind of trick!

Meanwhile with Trench, his eyes bulged from his head by what happened as his mandibles went slack. Even the Tactical Droid by his side makes his shock known.

"What the fu-"


"What the hell!?" The Enemy Droid exclaims in shock as the rest of them stopped firing and they all stared upward.

They see Richard descending down onto them with a shovel one hand a shotgun on another, while his rocket launcher was stacked behind his back.

"SCREAMING EAGLES!" As he landed, he bash his shovel onto an enemy droid, killing it before he aimed his shotgun at a nearby B1 Battle Droid and blowing its head odd, "The eagle has landed!"

The Droids were too dumbfounded to reach in time as another received a spray of slug to the face. This is followed with a shovel bash to another droid. It didn't take long before the droids retaliated and fired on the lone commander, who took cover just in time.

Meanwhile, his droids watch this unfold with varying degrees of shock and awe. They didn't expect their commander to do that!

OOM-117 and the other B1-Soldier all stared in wonder and awe. Is that what their rocket launchers are capable of? OOM-117 looks at his rocket launcher with some certainty, whether what he saw was real or not. But he doesn't have to think when he's broken out of his thoughts by one of his comrades.

"Oi!" OOM-117 snaps his head to a B1-Sniper Droid, "The Commander needs help! Get bloody goin'!"

OOM-117 looks over to the other side of the battlefield and see his commander currently fighting the enemy alone. But he can see B1-Scouts running towards the enemy's fortifications to aid their commander. There he sees B1-Pyros and BX-Demo Droids run down the hill as they head to aid their commander.

OOM-117 made his move. He ordered the B1-Soldier Droids, "With me, men! Follow my lead!"

"Roger that!"

OOM-117 runs down the hill with the other three Soldier Droids behind him. By the time they have reached the same distance as their commander, they crouch-jump at the same time then...


They are launched onto the air, surprisingly intact for their first rocket jump. But it doesn't matter now, as they are catapulted to the enemy's position where their commander is.

From this height they're able to get a grasp of the situation from a bird-eye view, and they can see their commander is surprisingly doing well on his own despite being surrounded but it would be a matter of time before he gets overwhelmed.

As they fall downwards, one the B1-Soldier Droids pullout their shotguns for close-medium quarters combat while another pulls out a shovel. OOM-117 remained with a rocket launcher in hand as they descended on to the ground.

Before they landed, OOM-117 fired from rockets in the air which blew up the distracted enemy droids from below. Startled by the attack from above before they could retaliate OOM-117 and the Soldier droids had landed on to their position not after a B2 Super Battle Droid received a shovel to the face and a BX-Commando Droid receiving the wrong end of a shotgun barrel.

"Commander, we're here!" OOM-117 shouted as he fired a rocket at a destroyer droid, blowing it up as the droid's shields aren't impervious to explosive ordinances.

Richard smiles at this and before he could say anything, a shotgun blast is heard and he turns to see a B1-Soldier Droid pumping their shotgun after killing another enemy droid, "Time to inform your next of kin!"


Richard turns to see another B1-Soldier Droid bashing the head of the BX-Commando Droid with his shotgun.


Richard Mann can only smile as the event the rest of the Team Fortress Droids arrived to the fray: B1-Scouts arrives to the flank, weaving and dodge incoming attacks while harassing the enemy with hit and run tactics; B2-Heavies mow down lots of enemy droids and even out-fired a destroyed droid by themselves as the hail of bullets overloaded the shield and tore through the destroyer droid; BX-Demo Droid lob grenade after grenade, blowing up a number of enemy droids while they drunk their scrumpy and using said bottle to bash the enemy on the end; B1-Pyro Droids chased around the enemy droids before they lit them aflame, as said enemy droids we're screaming out in terror being burnt alive while their tormenter laughs and raising their flamethrower over their heads; B1-Engineers has quickly set a Lvl 3 Sentry close by as its bullets begun tearing through enemy droids with ease; BX-Spy Droids got behind enemy lines and sapped the Spider Droid, making them immobile before finished off by a charged Sniper Shot.

Overall, it was another big massacre for the droids and another surprise for everyone watching.

—(Music End)—

After the battle had been won, the TF2 Droids stood around the aftermath victorious as the Gonk Droid in the Cart was then moved to its final destination. B1-Soldier Droids stood in attention and saluted as the Gonk-Load, with the others nonchalantly standing by as it passed them.

They've won and now they just need to get the payload through. Once the Gonk-load entered the checkpoint, the light on the pole that was red turned green, indicating that Richard Mann had completed the course.

The former TF-Player smiled at this exchange and complimented his droids, "They said we couldn't do it! They said we shouldn't do it! They begged us not to do it! And we did it anyway!"

The Droids then returned the favor with their own affirmations and cheers.

"Bottoms up, lads!!"

"Ha ha! We showed them, didn't we?"

"Sandvich for everyone! We have earned it!"

As the Droid cheered, he noticed OOM-117 was flabbergasted by what happened. The droid was looking at his rocket launcher wondering how the hell that is bloodily possible? But the droid's confusion was caught off by a hand on his shoulder.

He turned over his shoulder to see the smiling face of Richard Mann, "You've done me proud, Soldier!"

OOM-117 said nothing and eventually nodded in acknowledgment for his commander's words of praise.


OOM-117 was stunned as Richard Mann suggested out loud with the rest of the platoon agreeing with the idea. It didn't take long before OOM-117 said, fuck it and went along with it.

"Oh yeah!"

—(Friday Night - Yakuza 0)—

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The battlefield became that of a dance floor and music played in the background from the Gonk-Droid while The TF2 Droids surrounded the two characters. Richard and OOM-117 followed the beat of the music and approached each other with so much swag energy it felt overwhelming, and after passing by each other they posed a bit before they clapped and started dancing in sync with the music.

I'm ready go tonight
There's a party, alright
We don't need the reason for joy oh yeah

The Droids around them dance some to the music as they let out cheers of enjoyment.

Tickin' down to midnight
Tonight's gonna be bright
So the grooves will make me move oh yeah
I'm feeling like
I'm feeling just as fly

...even the Gonk Droid is dancing as it sways left and right to dance.

Can't stop dancing all night long
Jumpin' up! Shake it up!
Move your body
Don't stop the music all night long
Keep it on! It's your friday night

They stopped dancing as the music faded with the group now posing as one for the spectators to see. For it was a wonderful victory indeed.


If it wasn't said again for the millionth time, the Cadets are left flabbergasted by what they witness. After witnessing Richard Mann's most impossible feat of ROCKET JUMPING, and seeing it being followed with the other Droids in his group to do the same, they are all left with so much shock that they can't process what they saw before them.

What they saw was so bullshit yet by the hands of Richard Mann and his droids, they made the fucking impossible the possible!

...and now the logic-breaking group of droids are just dancing... a fucking victory dance of all things! The other Cadets can't help but feel envy, even the most prestigious and privileged of Cadets can't help but feel their accomplishments in the simulation pale in comparison with Cadet Mann's accomplishments. Especially the droids' earlier performance outweighs the other cadet's combat doctrines.

Arya, just stared surprised. What else is there to say other than what was said so many times in this chapter. She can see that in spite of Richard Mann's very odd behavior along with his droids, he does show potential to be a leader...

She wonders what other tricks Richard Mann has in his sleeves. And most importantly...

'Who and What are you Richard Mann?' She inquired internally, as she watches the cadet and his droids dance from the screen.


Trench is just done... he's no longer surprised by the results even when he and his droids started doing that ridiculous dance, or "victory dance." But still the results surprised him.

He looks at a screen that showed Richard laughing as his Droids danced whatever they're doing. It hasn't been a week in and yet Richard has proven to be the most unpredictable student he ever had in his time as a Naval Officer.

Regardless, he performed very well and decided that his unorthodox tactics and approach is considered a pass. It was only the first simulation test for Richard... How many simulations would yield different results from these ragtag of droids?

Well for one thing is certain, if ever Richard Mann graduates from the academy or when war begins, he would be an interesting commander...

An Unusual Separatist Commander.

To Concluded.

I was snorting some (good-stuff) as I was writing this! I hope all enjoy this chapter, and stay tuned to the next. Now excuse me, I have to get to my Cadillac! Because otherwise I'd be in a lot trouble!

*door was bashed down as two TF2-Soldier Robots and Giant-Robot Heavy stood at the door way, threatening the Author in Japanese.*



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