Is He Here Yet? (12)

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Its been about two days since I've been in the nurses room. Students would come in and out mainly due to the training. Mina, kirishima, Momo, Tsu, Ochaco, and some of the others came to visit sometimes, but I didn't want to stay in here all the time.

"Uuuugggg! How much longer do I have to stay in here?" I groaned.

"Well you actually get to leave today my dear."

I looked over to recovery girl as she mentioned that.

"Really! Thank God! I was about to just leave."

I was handed a pair of my clothes to change into.

"Wait, where is Izu's hoodie?" I said looking for it around the room.

"Don't worry my dear they took it to the laundry and it should be in your room when you get back. It took awhile to fix and clean out the blood." Recovery girl responded to calm me down.

I got up and headed to the bathroom room. I started to take my clothes off to change but as I did I looked into the mirror. As I saw my body I started to imagine him touching me again, that terrible man that made Izu watch as he assulted me. I turned away from the mirror and closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else.

Them Izu showed up in my mind and calmed me down, just enough to change, but him being with me on my head helps nonetheless. I wouldn't feel comfortable all the way until Izu holds me again to take that image out of my head.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked over to recovery girl.

"Has Izu come back yet?"

"You've asked that question more times I can count my dear and I'm sorry to say, but my answer is the same, I'm afraid not."

I let out a sigh and thanked recovery girl for all her help and headed out back to the dorms. I checked the time.

"Class should be out by now. *Sigh* I'm probably gonna have Mina rush me or have some others crowd me." I walked down the hall to head out and to the dorms.

I checked first to see if anyone was in the lounge before I headed in. I didn't see anyone so I walked in trying not to make any noise. I didn't see anyone yet but my luck ran pretty low.

"So they finally let you out, huh?"

I sung around to Bakugo standing there.

"Oh h-hey Bakugo what's up?" I tensed up a bit.

"I can tell you're trying to sneak back to your dorm. Not wanting any attention right away?" He walked up to me.

"N-no not really..." I said letting out a sigh.

"Follow me I'll help you get there unnoticed. If you don't want any attention right now I know how you feel about that." He said dragging me with him.

"Coming from you that's surprising."

"Do you want my help or no?"

"Yea, sorry lead the way."

We began to get around to dorms. Whenever a student came in view Bakugo would make a explosion in the other direction so I could sneak by. I about made it to my dorm but the handle was starting to move. Before I knew it Bakugo grabbed and put my behind him. With him being muscular and big I hid behind him fine.

I peaked around him to see who it was and Mina came out of my room.

'Talk about breach of privacy, Mina' I thought out in my head.

"What the hell were you doing in Earlobes room pinky?" Bakugo caught her as she came out.

"Oh hey Bakugo, I heard Jirou would be getting released today so I checked her room before I headed to recovery girl." She said closing the door.

"Ever heard of privacy?" Bakugo scuffed at her. I wanted to do the same but him doing it is enough for right now.

"Oh calm down, she won't know."

"What if she was in the room then she would have."

Before Mina could respond I heard some noise from behind. Bakugo noticed to and quickly moved Mina to the side putting off a flash with his quirk and pushed me into my dorm closing it behind him. I could hear the yells outside.

"What the hell dick! What was that for!" Mina yelled out.

"Yea, bakubro that was uncalled for!" I could hear kirishima as well.

"Shut up that's what you deserve for breaching some one else's privacy!" Bakugo yelled and soon they all left. I got up and sighed.

"I gotta thank him later."

"Thank who darling?"

I jumped up in shock and turned around to the voice that seemed all to familiar.


When I turned around I didn't see him anywhere.

"If this is you using your quirk you know it's not funny! I-i want to see you again." I didn't get a response.

I tried using my quirk to hear him, but I didn't hear anything. I then walked over to my bed and saw his hoodie. I grabbed it and put it on to feel a bit more safe then plopped down on the bed getting teared up a bit.

"I really want to see you Izu.... I need you right now..... I want to feel safe in your arms again." I started to cry slightly curling up hugging my legs. I laid there for awhile before I finally decided to head out to see everyone.

I walked out my door and heading into the lounge. Before I walked in I saw how many people there were only to see about the entire class there.

"Damn my luck." Sighing I started to head over to them but before I could I got grabbed from behind and pulled back.

"What th-!" I got cut off from my mouth getting covered. I looked up to see Bakugo again he was holding up I finger to his mouth and said.

"Listen first."

I nodded and he let go of my mouth.

"You almost gave me a heart attack man what the hell." I whispered at him.

"Just listen before you head in there alright." I signed and turned to listen putting my jack's into the wall. Putting one up to Bakugo so he could hear as well.

"I wonder what happened? When Midoriya came back a few days ago he was covered in stab wounds and blood..." Kirishima said as I held onto Izu's hoodie where the stitches were.

"and Jirou looked so scared and she was trembling when Midori brought her back in his arms." Mina finished.

"There was also Midoriya didn't let anyone near Jirou until he passed out and even then he didn't want to let go of her." Kamanari spoke up after.

"When we finally were able to actually get her from him Jirou then grabbed onto him. It's like they didn't want to leave each other even though they needed treatment." Uruaka commented on it as well.

"You two really can't be without the other even when your basically passed out." I turned to Bakugo as he spoke up. I was already tearing up a bit and blushing holding Izu's hoodie.

"But I'm glad that you two are together.... He finally found a reason to stay this time. He really loves you Jirou." Bakugo said as he started to walk away. I got up and went up to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Bakugo and I'll be sure to help him when he needs it, but he also needs you as well so don't go running off like he did alright?" I let go of him.

"And call me Earlobes or something it doesn't sound right when you say my name." Giggling a bit.

"He.... I'll make sure to keep both of those in mind.... Thanks." He then walked off back to his room.

I then headed off to the lounge to see everyone else, and like expected they rushed me and hugged me.

'Izu I'll be waiting for you.... So you better come back to me you got that.'

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