Learning More (11)

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After I had passed out at the dorms I woke up in a hospital handcuffed to the bed. I tried to sit up, but the wounds I had received forced me to lay back down immediately with a hiss..

"ARGH!" I couldn't hold back the pain but I had to get up. I had to see Kyoka.

"Your not going anywhere with those kinds of wounds." I looked over and saw Aizawa sitting there. "Lay back down you need rest."

"How long have I been out? Where is Kyoka, is she ok?!"

"Calm down kid, I can't answer them all at once. Look, you've been out for at least two days and Jirou is back at UA where you might not be able to go back to." He said as he sat up in his chair.

"So your gonna expel me and throw me in jail with the hint being the handcuffs?!" I Laid back down put my hand over my head.

"Well, that's the plan anyways, but...." He looked over at me.

"There is a way that you could go back and by the sounds of it you might not like it."

I put my hand down and looked over at him. "What do you mean?"

"You'd have to go through rehabilitation and become a hero. You'll be doing community service and help around the school when not in class, mainly around the dorms. You will not be able to leave school grounds unless accompanied by a teacher or a student that can keep you under control, preferably Jirou."

I looked over at him in shock. 'Me?! become a hero?!' I despised the heroes! I never wanted to be like them! They never really helped for the good of the people. Most of the time they did it for the glory and money.

"Look you don't have to do it, but I'd have to say it's better than jail so I'd consider you choosing to go back to UA. I know that there would be a few that would want to see you again."

"I don't know if I could face Kyoka after her finding out completely about me. I mean- I've killed people! I did it just to survive but that's not something you could just toss aside!" Looking up at the ceiling.

"I know you've killed people, you're probably not the only one that has and not the only hero either."

"Give me time to thank about it alright?" I said looking away from him. He just nodded and left the room.

"What should I do.... Kyoka?"
Sitting down in my dorm room I couldn't help but think about those two. "Deku and Earlobes not what I really expected but I can't say anything about it."

I got up heading out of my dorm. I open the door and already there's someone in front of me as I came out.

"What do you want?"

Kirishima stood there with Mina behind him. "Hey Bakubro we gotta ask you something." He stood there looking down at the floor.

"If you want to ask me something then look me in the eyes first." He finally looked up at me.

"What happened with you and Midoriya back when you were kids?" What he asked kinda shocked me with what he wanted to know.

"Look shitty hair bows not the time-" I tried to walk by but I got pulled on. I looked back to see Mina grabbing onto my arm.

"Come on!!! Bakugo tell us we wanna know!" She said trying to pull me back.

"Let go of me! Why do you want to know anyways?!"

"Well we just figured out Midoriya is a villain and he's basically dating Jirou so you know spill already, we wanna know more about him!" Mina kept tugging onto me so I just gave in.

"Fine! But let go of me and hold onto the one that wants to be touched by you!"

"Bakugo you didn't have to phrase it like that!" Kirishima shouted back at me as he started to blush.

We went on into the lounge where everyone else was. Why is everyone else there?!

"What the hell I didn't know they would be listening too!"

"Calm down and just speak up already!" Mina pushed me onto the couch and everyone just sat there looking at me.

"Fine alright but don't interrupt me or your dead! Got that?!" They all nodded their head and sat down.

"Alright then I first met Izuku when I was three....

We met each other through our parents and we became friends soon after. We would play and always hang out with each other. Most of the time I would stay the night at his house whenever I could. He was my best friend. Until we got out quirks..."

~~~Squiggly Flashback Time~~~

"Wow Kacchan you got such a cool quirk!" Izuku said excited.

"I know! It's awesome! I don't really understand your quirk though?" I said confused towards him.

"Yea me neither but I want to learn more about it so we can grow up to be the best heroes ever!" He said jumping up and down.

Izuku never really had much control of his quirk so most of the time he would disappear at random. Every time he used his pin-point, his aim would lock on at random thing whenever he used it but it wasn't that strong as it is now.

We would always practice out in the playground. I would always use my explosions on sticks to break them in my hands and I'd get bigger ones and durable as it got stronger.

Izuku would try to get ahold of his concealment quirk first so he does just disappear most of the time. He then started to work on his pin-point. That's when everything was starting to go wrong. A year passed and we were both 8.

"Hey Kacchan wanna go train some more today!" Izuku came up to me jumping like he always would.

"Sure let's go ask to go to the park!" We went off to ask our parents to go and they came with us that day.

We headed to the park and as soon as we got there we started to train. I was trying to explode rocks at this moment as Izuku was working on his pin-point on moving targets. He was able to get the first few that were just small rocks that I tossed up in the air for him.

But at the moment I threw the next one his Mom called out to him which caught him off guard. He eyes wondering off target and locking eyes with his mother. He locked onto her heart and he killed her.

Izuku fell to the ground as he saw his own mother killed by his hands and at such a young age. His eyes went colorless and tears fell down his eyes.

A few days later and my family took Izuku in and adopted him. As time passed everyone found out about what had happened. All the kids called him a murderer and bullied him. I tried to help him the best I could but I soon turned against him as well. Even the adult's looked at him as if he was a monster.

Before we could start middle school he disappeared one night and we couldn't find him anywhere.

"The moment he disappeared I wanted to say I'm sorry and tell him I would be there for him, but I couldn't find him and I soon have up hope. That was until he came here. I didn't want to believe it was him, but I guess I really turned him into a villain."

After I finished by then I was already crying. I looked up at everyone and they were crying as well. They then tried to come over and hug me, but I got up and left before they got to me.

"There, are you happy now?! If so I'm heading to bed." I said, getting up and wiping the tears from my face.

As I got into my room, I locked the door and laid down closing my eyes...

"I'm sorry Izuku I really am."

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