Book Trailer #2

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I was home with a babysitter, who was taking care of me...while my parents went out of vacation and won't be back for a week or so, and that time...I met someone aside of my house....a boy, who happens to be almost the same age of mines, he and his parents just moved houses and living aside us...I met him when I was poaching at the backyard at my treehouse...and then from there, I saw him playing by himself...he was swinging a bat around, hitting the baseballs to to a big net...I was watching him hitting looks so fun, but then again...I might be nervous talking with him, or become friends with him...suddenly, one of his baseballs went over the net and to land on my yard...I then rush it climb down my treehouse and to run over to the ball that landed...I then grabbed it, and yet looked at it, and felt nervous to even bring it back to him...but I have to be brave and not be shy....but as I turn around and even go over to the boy...he was there, holding his bat, looking at me, I then began to feel shy I then slowly walked up to him....

Clementine: H-Hi...

???: Hi.

He then smile at me, and yet...he seems nice....

Clementine: H-Here's your ball...

???: Oh, thanks!

Clementine: Your welcome...

???: Wanna play with me?

Clementine: P-Play with you??

???: Yea! You seem fun to hang out, so I wanna play with you.

Clementine: O-Oh. Well...yea, I wanna play with you too.

???: Sweet!

I then started to get to know him well when I was playing with him, he's so fun, funny, and really nice....I then get to know his name as well....his name is (YN)...and he's the first best friend I have, besides the one I have in my and (YN) have always hang out almost every time, and all day...throughout the days, me and him have been spending time more often a lot, and always together....
Until that one day...everything change until those...those scary things appeared....they were scary, blood all over them, and yet...they eat people like me and everyone else...I don't know where they came from, but they somehow appeared out of nowhere in my neighborhood...a lot of them appeared, my babysitter blocked the entrances of the house and she and I stood home....and yet I was worried about my parents, who aren't here and out on their vacation...and I was also worried about (YN) too...I don't know what he's doing now....but then, the babysitter told me to suddenly hide in the closet and to not go out....and she then leave me there, in my closet room...and to rush over and yet hearing her got quiet...I called her I got out the closet...and to walk downstairs...and to see her on the ground...not moving at all...I was shaking in fear, and don't know what to do...until...I then saw those things again! One in my house, who I see it eating my babysitter once I got a closer and better looked at me, and yet was walking up to me, trying to eat me, I made a run for outside my backyard, and to see it coming after me still...I try to climb to my treehouse, but I suddenly slip and fell off to the ground, as I see it coming closer and closer...and me crying, calling for my parents to come back...
But then...he came, (YN) came and saved me....he had his bat, and to hit the scary thing several times, dropping him down to the ground and killing it...after that, he then looked at me....and to then hug me...

(YN): I'm glad you're okay!

I then now, him hugging me, and knowing that I didn't get hurt...means he came to save me...he came to help his felt relief and happy he was okay too....I told him about his parents....they got killed by those things when they try saving him....and yet he made a run he and I stocked together for now, and climb up to my treehouse, and hid, as he then held to me....and saying to me...

(YN): Don't worry...I'll protect you till the end.

I then felt safe around him...and yet I trusted him for that...

A day later, we then heard a loud crash noise coming from the woods, we both climb down and checked...we then saw a police car crashed, and someone screaming at us for help...I wanted to say something, but (YN) didn't wanted to draw his attention to we both ran back to the tree house...and waited.....
As we did, we then heard footsteps...and yet was calling for help, we took a peek, and to see a grown man with a blue collar shirt and pants, dark skin as well...and yet, my babysitter suddenly was attacking him, and the man fighting back...and needed help, so me and (YN) decided to help him we climb down, and I grabbing a wrench from the ground and to rush at the man and handing it over to him, and him hitting my babysitter with it, to its face, and killed her....after that...the man stood up...and slowly approaches to us, and (YN) holding his bat, and getting in front of me, to protect me...the man said...

???: Woah there...I don't need no harm...I'm just looking for help...

(YN) lowers his bat.... And the man said...

???: Have you two been...alone??

We both nod...and he again says...

???: Don't worry, I'll take care of you two in the mean time...I'm Lee by the way, what about you two?

(YN) then holds my hand, and didn't let go...I was okay with it, knowing he'll do anything for me...

(YN): Im (YN)...

Clementine: ...And I'm....Clementine.

The Walking Dead - (S1 Clementine x Male Reader)

Coming This Year

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