Book Trailer #3

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One night, at Musutafu empty dead lonely small area, where's nothing but abandoned buildings, and no people to be there, and yet no one is allow to be there due to certain reasons...Heroes and villains have died there during battles....

A huge abandon building we take a look, as we hear lots of noises coming inside, yelling and screaming too, loud noises of if there was chaos going on...then, on the roof, we then see something brute out, and we see none other than the symbol of evil himself, All For One, burying out through the roof, beaten up, and yet someone appeared out as well, landing a brutal axe hand towards him, sending him falling down to the roof and this person to land on his feet, standing from a far distance from All For One...All For One seems to be beaten, brutally hurt and losing lots of blood...and the person who was beating him up happens to be a teenager, he seems to be almost naked, boxers only, as he gave a sadistic grin towards All For One, and yet he was holding on a hand, that All For One knows who it belongs to, this teenager killed Shigaraki and the rest of the league of villains...

All For One: How could you..?! How could you've done this?! After everything I have done for you, did for you and what you repay me?! Do you have...ANY idea what you're doing and up against?!

The teenager kept grinning at All For One, slowly approaching to him...

(YN): Why, it's not my fault, Shigaraki...I mean, who is it to blame...the one who raised me to become like this?

All For One: ...You're going to regret the actions you're doing right now! All that power I gave a mistake!

(YN): Mistake? *chuckling* No, it wasn't, it was good and stupid of you to do so...the only mistake here've not only raised me to be this way...but you made me to be created this way!

All For One grunts and shoots a powerful beam at (YN)...(YN) then makes a barrier around him, deflecting that beam away, then, as he took a step forward, he dashed to All For One, grabbing his whole face and to slam him to the ground...afterwards, he picks him up, holding his face still as he grunts in pain and (YN) chuckling...he then strikes a brutal punch to his gut as All For One a pats a chunk of blood out...and to cough a lot too...

(YN): You shouldn't have given me this power, you knew how capable and dangerously I am to use it really well...but you did it I thank you for that...and's time for you to bite the dust already.

(YN)'s hand began to smoke, and then, he emitted flames around his hand, burning All For One's whole face...

All For One: AAAAGH!!!

Burning his whole face, almost melting it...(YN) tosses his body up to the he then  aims his palm at him...and to clench it, and to suddenly Cause All For One to grow bigger and to self explode, causing a huge explosion around him...ending up dead..(YN) kept grinning and chuckles as he looks at his hands, emitting some quirks powers he's achieve and stole from All For One...

(YN): Hehe, I can get use to this.


-Little Timeskip-

Some days later, at UA, we then see (YN), who disguised himself as an ordinary UA student who attends in UA High School, 1st semester for 3rd year...and as he attends, he accidentally bumps into a green hair girl, who yet seems to be shy as she bumped into (YN)...

Izuki: U-Uhh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Please, forgive me!

(YN): Heh, it's okay, I should have look where I was walking either way, so we both made a mistake.

Izuki: Heh, you can say that...hey, I haven't see you around here, are you new??

(YN): ...Yes, I am. And I can use your little help to...walk me through this school of yours??

Izuki: O-Oh! Sure, I can help you! By the way, I'm Izuki Midoriya, nice to meet you...Uh...

(YN): Names (YN), (YN) (LN)...and it's good to meet you, Izuki.

My Hero Academia:
Female Deku x Male Villain Reader

Coming 2023

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