Chapter 19

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The man: Ekim Guleryuz, do you accept Kanat Şirhan as a husband?
Ekim remains silent a little while staring at Sevda.
Melek: Ekim!! What's wrong, honey? Are you okay?
Ekim: nothing, I'm fine.
The man: do you accept, Ekim?
Ekim looks definitely at Sevda then looks at Kanat.
Ekim: yes.
 Sevda looks at her angrily so Ekim raises an eyebrow at her and smiles provocatively. Sevda tells her grandmother that she is going to the bathroom and leaves the place. The man continued the necessary papers and they became officially married. They were asked to take a picture together so they had to stand close to each other.
Aziz: can you smile a little, Ekim?
Ekim smiles a little, she turns away as soon as the photo is taken. The family went to them to take pictures too. After they end, the doorbell rang and they were Ikra and Hadiga.
Hadiga: I told you we're too late, Ikra! How are you, Ekim?
Says while hugging her.
Ekim: I'm fine! Why are you late?
Hadiga: as usual! Ask your friend!
Ekim (laughs): it's okay, come in!
They go to the salon and sit.
Ikra: I brought your things, Ekim. The maid took them.
Ekim: Okay, thank you.
Hadiga: we'll miss you, Ekim. It was a big surprise to leave us suddenly like this.
Ekim's eyes fill with tears.
Melek: as a mother, I want to thank u so much for taking care of Ekim for 5 months.
Hadiga: mother? Ekim?
Ekim: yes, there're a lot of things that happened in just 1 week. I'll tell you later.
Ikra: it's not important, the important thing is your health is fine. What did the doctor tell you? Is the baby fine?
Ekim: yes, he's fine.
They remain silent for a moment before being broken by Kerem.
Kerem: tell us then what did Ekim do in Izmir because she doesn't want to tell us?
Ekim: when did you ask me, Kerem?
Everyone laughs at Kerem and Ekim's relationship.
Hadiga: Ekim was an old friend of Ikra since she came from Germany,  Ikra was studying in Istanbul but she had to return to Izmir due to her father's illness. Fortunately, she wrote our address in her note so she was able to reach us easily. We lost Ikra's father about 2 months before Ekim came, so we became into debt, and the cafe was no longer enough for us so we decided to sell it. But when Ekim came, she helped us a lot, she even made alterations to the cafe in the German style.
Melek ( laughs loudly): really?
Hadiga: yes, people come especially for her tasty pancake.
Everyone laughs loudly.
Cumali: let us see your skills then, Ekim!
Ekim (laughs): as you want, grandpa.
Ikra: Ekim, can you take me to the toilet, please?
Ekim: sure, come.
Ekim and Ikra go to the guestroom. Melek watched them until they disappeared then turned to Hadiga.
Melek: Hadiga hanim, I wanted to ask you something but I was waiting for Ekim to go anywhere.
Hadiga: sure!
Everyone is looking forward to what Melek was about to say.
Melek: how was Ekim's health at that time? Of course, you know her problems. Did she have any health problems?
Hadiga: actually, yes, when she came she didn't tell us that she was pregnant, she was planning to live alone after she finds a job. But one day we found that she was bleeding so I took her to the hospital immediately. The doctor told us that if we were a little late, she would have had an abortion; we knew that day that she was pregnant. The doctor warned us to take good care of her because her body was too weak to carry a baby due to her psychological condition, and her uterus was weak due to a previous miscarriage. Of course, she had many setbacks after that, but thank God we were able to save her.
Everyone was listening sadly, Kanat's heart was broken after hearing how much Ekim was suffering because of him.
Melek: thank you so much for everything, Hadiga hanim!
Melek says while holding Hadiga's hand. After that, they started to talk about random topics. At that time, Ekim was telling Ikra all that happened since she came.
Ikra: okay, Ekim, ignore everything that happened, but the girl threatened you with the life of your baby, Ekim!! How did you agree to that marriage?
Ekim: I wanted to stubborn her! I know this is stupid but I'm sure she can't do anything, Kanat is here, mom, Kerem, and Hazal; everyone here won't allow her to do something, and she will be scared too. I'm sure she wanted to scare me just to say no!
Ikra: I hope so, Ekim!! Anyway, I'll go to the toilet and then we go down together.
Ekim nods and Ikra enters the toilet. Ekim was reassuring herself with what she said to Ikra.
Sevda: I warned you!!
Ekim turns to the voice and freaks out on seeing Sevda.
Ekim: why are you still here? Didn't you go with your grandmother?
Sevda: I told you to say no! I warned you! I didn't expect your baby to be so unimportant to you.
She says while taking something sharp like a knife out from her bag.
Ekim: what're you going to do? Are you crazy? Stay away!!
Ekim takes her step back and Sevda continues to approach her.
Ekim: HELP! HEL...ahh
Ekim groaned from the hard pain she felt in her abdomen. Ekim looks at Sevda with painful and trembling eyes. Ekim moans as a result of Sevda taking out the knife from her abdomen. She was about to stab her again.
Ikra: Ekim!... EKIMM!
Ekim panics and wakes up from her imagination. She looks at Ikra scared and gasping.
Ikra: what happened? Are you okay? Why are you so scared?
Ekim: nothing, I'm fine! I just thought about something horrible!
Ikra: that girl, right?
Ekim looks at her and swallows.
Ikra: of course, that's what happens when you make a rash decision. Will you always live in that terror, Ekim?
Ekim: enough, Ikra! It's okay, I'm fine. I won't let something happen to my baby, okay?
Ikra nods and hugs her tightly.
Ekim: let's go now.
They go down and continue talking about random topics until dinner. Kanat insisted that they sit for dinner with them. After dinner, Hadiga asks permission to go.
Halil: but I wish you had spent the night here and left in the morning.
Hadiga: no, we'll go now so we can get up for work tomorrow. The road is about 5 hours, so we can hardly arrive at the right time.
Kanat: then let the driver pick you up so we don't feel worried about you, please!
Hadiga: okay, son, thank you!
After they go everyone goes to his room. Ekim, Kanat, and Melek remain.
Kanat: won't you go up to the room, Ekim?
Ekim looks at her mother hesitantly so Melek nods to her as she is reassuring her.
Melek: go, darling! You must be very tired after this long day.
Ekim nods and heads to the room. Melek turns and looks at Kanat.
Kanat: take care of her, Kanat! You heard what Hadiga hanim said today. I'm sure you won't hurt her again!
She says the last word as she warns him.
Kanat: don't worry, Melek abla! I'll never hurt her again.
Melek: I hope so, Kanat! Good night.
Melek leaves him so he goes up to the room after a while. He knocks on the door first before opening it. When he enters he finds Ekim getting out of the toilet and wearing a sleeping dress. She doesn't talk to him and heads to the wardrobe. She takes out a blanket and took a pillow to put on the couch.
Kanat: are you going to sleep on the couch, Ekim?
Ekim: no, they're for you!
Kanat: what?
Ekim: you didn't expect us to sleep on the same bed, did you?
Kanat: okay, Ekim! What do I expect from you anyway!
Kanat took things from her hand and put them on the couch. He turns to her again and finds that she was watching him so he heads toward her.
Kanat: I was waiting to say no today, you surprised me as usual.
Ekim: it was my plan in fact but for sorry it was ruined.
Kanat: Allah Allah! What change your mind then, Ekim hanim?
He says while approaching her to reduce the distance.
Ekim: if your ex-fiancée hadn't come to me and threatened to hurt my baby for me to say no, I wouldn't have said yes!
Kanat: how? Did Sevda threaten you? Why didn't you come and tell me, Ekim?
Ekim: would you believe me? I mean, since you don't trust me enough, wouldn't you believe the girl you were about to marry and believe me?
Kanat: the same point! Are we going back to the same point again, Ekim?
Ekim: yes, Kanat, we're going back to the same point because everything leads us to it, Kanat!
Kanat: and what did you mean by that I was going to marry her, Ekim? From where did you get that?
Ekim: really! Isn't she the one you were about to put the ring on her hand after only a week of our problem?
Kanat: of course, I wouldn't get married to her, Ekim! I was angry so I didn't think well. You know that I can't be with anyone but you, Ekim!
Ekim keeps silent looking at him.
Kanat: but wait! Does that mean you're jealous?
Ekim: what jealousy, Kanat?
Kanat: don't deny, Ekim! You're still feeling the same way as me.
He says while getting so close to her that their breaths mix. He looks at her lips and then at her eyes.
Kanat: I missed you, Ekim!
She looks into his eyes so he takes her approval to kiss her. He leans his head towards her lips so she raises her head to him. he opens his mouth slowly as he's going to eat her.
Ekim (with a sly smile): you see it in your dreams, Kanat bey!
She says and gets out of his grab.
Kanat: are you serious, Ekim?
Ekim: yes!
She says and goes the bed. Kanat goes to her and gives her the medicine.
Kanat: take your medicine, Ekim!
He says while giving her the water. She was looking at him while drinking the water in astonishment. He took the glass from her and put it on the table then leaves her to sleep on the couch. The next morning, Kanat wakes up with pain in his neck and back. He looks at her and finds that she is still sleeping so he goes to take a shower. Ekim wakes up and waits for him to take a shower too.
Kanat: good morning!
Ekim: good morning. I see that you slept well yesterday.
Kanat: yes, you can't imagine how comfortable was it! You should try it after giving birth.
Ekim: no, thanks!
Kanat: did you take your medicine?
Ekim: I didn't have breakfast yet!
Kanat: there's one before breakfast, wait here.
Kanad goes and brings the medicine for her. Ekim was surprised by his caring but she was happy too.
Ekim: where are Melisa and Ozan? Why didn't they come yesterday?
Kanat: Melisa went to visit her father in London. Ozan told me that when he was about to come, something happened in their new house so he had to go and see it.
Ekim: their new house?
Kanat: yes, they decided to live together when Melisa come back.
Ekim: that's nice!
A few days passed in the same vein. One day, Ekim woke up late and Kanat wasn't in the room. She went to take a shower to be freaked out when she got out of the bath.
Ekim: what are you doing here?
Sevda: look, Ekim, I don't want to harm you, I swear!
Ekim: what then?
Sevda: I came to say sorry for threatening you, it was rude to threaten you with your baby. I just want to scare you.
When Ekim was about to speak, Kanat opens the door.
Kanat: why are you too late...what are you doing here, Sevda?
He ran to Ekim and checks her with fear.
Kanat: are you okay? Did she do something to you?
Ekim: no, I'm fine! She was...
Kanat: how dare you come here, Sevda? How did you go up to the room? Who allowed you?
Sevda: Kanat! I was just saying sorry.
Kanat: what sorry! You threatened her! Do you understand what that means? When did you become that hateful?
Ekim: enough, Kanat! Nothing happened! I'm fine.
She says while grabbing his arm. Sevda leaves the room crying. Kanat turns to Ekim and puts her face into his palms.
Kanat: are you sure you are okay? Don't you need to go to the hospital or something?
Ekim: ufff, Kanat, you exaggerated too much! Let's go down, we're late!
They sit at the table for breakfast. They were silent until Aziz spoke.
Aziz: won't you go on a honeymoon or something?
Ekim and Kanat look at each other and keep silent.
Zumurrud: there's no need! I mean she's pregnant, it won't be safe.
Kanat: don't worry babannem, I thought to go after giving birth.
Ekim: sorry? When?
Kanat: I was about to tell you but I didn't get a chance!
Ekim: since when is my opinion taken anyway? Everyone here decides about me as a kid!
Ekim says and leaves the table angry. Kanat follows her to the room.
Kanat: calm down, Ekim! Nothing happened for all this, I just wanted to surprise you to be happy!
Ekim: did you think that I would be happy with that? Did you forget why we got married from the beginning? Despite knowing that I didn't want this, you're planning to go on a honeymoon? What a joke, Kanat!
Kanat: enough, Ekim! Why do you keep reminding me that you don't want that marriage? Despite everything I'm trying to do for you to forgive me, why are you letting it all go just because f your anger?
Ekim: you did the same thing, Kanat! You refused to hear or believe me just because of your anger and preferred to believe fu**ing paper.
Kanat: okay, Ekim, may God curse me before doing this, okay! I'm sorry, Ekim. But I don't know what to do else to make you forgive me, Ekim! Why do you don't believe me?
Ekim: because I don't trust you!!! (shouting)
Kanat: okay, Ekim, since you don't really want this marriage, you don't have to torture yourself by staying with me then, let's get divorced!
Ekim: how easy you say it! Of course, people won't see you as wrong. On the contrary, they will say that you're a victim and will try to compensate you. But we women, especially with a baby, they'll look at us with contempt, as if we are the worst part of that world as if all the fault is ours, but when you're alone with a baby, you're called heroes!
Kanat looks at her with teary eyes.
Kanat: I no longer know what I can do, Ekim! I'm so tired.
Ekim: I'm so tired too, Kanat.
Kanat: don't forget your medicines!
He says and leaves the room. Ekim watches him until the door is closed. She sits on the bed crying. She is in a conflict between her heart and her mind. After a while, she goes to take her medicines and sleeps until dinner. When she goes to the dining room, she doesn't find Kanat. She goes to the room and looks at the couch where he sleeps.
Ekim: where are you, Kanat?
She takes her medicines and falls asleep. At 2 am, she wakes up by the voice of someone. When she opens her eyes she finds Kanat sleeping on the couch. She goes to him and finds him speaking while sleeping. She leaves him to go back to bed but his calling to her stops her.
Kanat: I...I'm so...sorr...sorry, Ekim
She returns to him and finds drops of sweat on his forehead. She puts her hand on his face.
Ekim: Kanat, you're burning!!!

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