Chapter 20

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Ekim: Kanat, You're burning!!!
Kanat does not answer her. Ekim looks at him without knowing what to do! Ekim tries to get him to get up from the couch and take him to bed.
Ekim: Kanat, help me a little bit, please, so I can take you to bed, come on!
Kanat: Leave me Ekim, I don't deserve you, I must die!
Ekim: Don't delirium, Kanat, come on.
Ekim makes Kanat get up and support him by placing his hand on her shoulder and walking very carefully until she reaches the bed. Ekim puts Kanat on the bed, covers him, and goes down to the kitchen to get cold compresses. After bringing the necessary things, she goes up to Kanat again. She finds him raving about her name again. Akim begins to wipe drops of sweat from his forehead, and puts a compress on his forehead.
Kanat: You will never forgive me, right? You're right, I deserve worse.
Ekim: Don't think about this now! Just rest so you can wake up better.
Ekim spends the night next to Kanat taking care of him until she falls asleep from exhaustion.
The next morning, Kanat wakes up first to feel something on his forehead, he reaches out to see what it is and finds it compresses. Kanat remembers feeling unwell yesterday as a result of going out after his fight with Ekim and spending the night outside without a jacket to protect him from the cold. Kanat notices his presence on the bed and looks at his side to find Ekim sleeping towards him. It was clear from her uncomfortable position that she fell asleep while taking care of him. Kanat tries to adjust her position so that she doesn't wake up tired, while he's moving her head, Ekim opens her eyes.
Kanat: I'm sorry I was just trying to move your head so you wouldn't feel pain.
Ekim adjusts her position and puts her hand on Kanat's forehead.
Ekim: good! The fever is over.
Kanat: Did you spend the night with me?
Ekim: I'm not hard-hearted to leave you in that state tonight, you've done the same thing to me before anyway.
Both of them keep silent for a bit.
Ekim: What time is it now?
Kanat looks at the phone next to him.
Kanat: It's half past nine.
Ekim: It's almost time for breakfast! Go take a shower and I'll change my clothes until you're done.
As Ekim was about to get up, Kanat grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, so she fell on the bed again, especially on his lap.
Ekim: What is this now?
Kanat: thank you, Ekim!
Ekim gets nervous about her closeness to Kanat.
Ekim: for what?
Kanat: For taking care of me all night, despite your hate and anger at me.
Kanat caressing a lock of her hair
Kanat: but I know how good your heart is!
Ekim is silent under the influence of Kanat, Kanat looks at every detail of her face as if he misses it. His eyes moved from her eyes to the freckles on her face, to her puffy lips, and then to her eyes again.
Kanat: I missed you so much, Ekim! Isn't this enough of our distance from each other?
Ekim keeps silent and kept staring into his eyes. Kanat encourages and approaches Ekim's face and tilts his head towards her lips. He barely touched her lips with his and Ekim closed her eyes, until they moved away from each other immediately because of the knock on the door.
Seyit-Ali: can I enter, Ekim abla?
Ekim: y...yes! Ali, come in!
Seyit-Ali: Can we go out for a walk today, please? Mom said she's not free today but it's my holiday! ( He says with teary eyes)
Ekim looks at Kanat and nods.
Ekim: it's okay, don't cry! We'll go out, okay? Don't be sad now!
Seyit-Ali cheers happily!
Seyit-Ali: I'm going to change my clothes then!
Ali goes
Kanat: are you sure? You know that you mustn't move too much!
Ekim: I know but what can we do, he's a child! I'm going to the doctor today anyway.
Kanat: WE are going, Ekim! You can't go alone.
Ekim: there's no need, Kanat! Mom will come with me!
Kanat: but Ali said she is not free today! Anyway, if she doesn't go with you, I'll take you!
Ekim: okay, Kanat! Go and take shower now!
Kanat goes and Ekim changes her clothes and they go down to breakfast.
Halil: What is this elegance, Ali? Where are you going?
Seyit-Ali: Ekim abla is going to take me out for a bit today.
Melek: but, Ekim...
Ekim: No problem, I was going to the hospital today anyway. Will you come with me?
Melek: I'm so sorry, Ekim, but my friend got sick and I'm going to visit her today.
Kanat: No problem then, I'll go with her!
Ekim looks at him out of the corner of her eye and completes her food. When they finish, they get in the car and go to the hospital. They head straight to the doctor's room and the nurse allows them to enter.
The doctor: Hi Kim, how are you today?
Ekim: I'm fine.
The doctor: Do you feel any pain in the recent period? Do you take your medication?
Ekim: No, I don't feel pain, and yes, I take medication.
The doctor: Go up to see the fetus on the sonar.
Kanat helps Ekim to get up on the bed, and the doctor turns on the sonar. The doctor explains to them the fetus and listens to its heartbeat. Kanat looks at Ekim with tearful eyes and grabs her hand firmly in a spontaneous movement from him, so they look at each other and smile.
The doctor: The condition of the fetus is very good compared to before! You obviously care a lot, Kanat bay.
Kanat smiles at Ekim, and she looks at him with a slight smile.
Kanat: So what's the situation now, doctor? Are both Ekim and the baby okay?
The doctor: Yes, do not worry, rest and medication helped a lot in strengthening the uterus and stabilizing the fetus. Her condition is now very stable, but of course she still needs to be careful! And she will continue to take your medicines regularly.
Kanat: okay, thank you, doctor hanim!
Kanat takes Ekim and Ali and they get into the car.
Kanat: Where do you want to go then, little king?
Seyit-Ali: I don't know, can we go to the amusement park?
Kanat: I say we make it another time, Ali, because your sister is pregnant now and it would be dangerous for her!
Ekim: No problem! Let's go with him and we'll sit while Ali plays.
Kanat: okay!
Kanat drives to the amusement park, the place is almost empty because it is the beginning of winter, Ali goes to play and Ekim and Kanat sit on the benches in the park, Kanat goes to buy cotton candy for Ekim. Kanat gives candy to Ekim, Ekim looks at him and then at the candy as if she is thinking about something.
Kanat: what happened?
Ekim: Do you know that this is the second time in my life that I come here, the first was with Kerem, I never went to amusement parks in my childhood!
Kanat: really??
Ekim: yes, my father was never free for me! Only nannies cared about my food and clothes, but they never cared about my feelings or my needs, so I always rejected them and hundreds of nannies came to me, but none of them could fill my mother's void! One of them forgot me once on the balcony when she went to talk on the phone, I cried a lot and screamed but no one heard me, my father saved me when I almost froze from the cold, so I became hate the cold and loneliness so much.
Kanat: I'm sorry you went through all that, and I'm also sorry that I added more trauma to you. I don't know how to compensate you for that, but I really regret it.
Kanat says while looking at the other side while wiping his tears as he does not have the courage to look at her and Ekim understands that.
Ekim: I never told anyone about it, you know? You are the first to tell him that!
Kanat: I will never disappoint you again, Ekim!
Ekim: promise?
Kanat: promise.
Kanat says and hugs her tightly to his chest. Ekim doesn't resist this time, which makes Kanat happy. After a while they go home and Ekim goes up to her room to wear something comfortable. While eating lunch, the doorbell rang and it was Sevda. Kanat took great care of Ekim's food as usual, sometimes even feeding her himself. Ekim looked at Sevda, and Sevda smiled at her.
Sevda: How are you Ekim? Is being pregnant difficult?
Melek speaks so that Sevda doesn't continue to pressure Ekim.
Melek: Of course it is difficult, Sevda, that you carry a soul with you that you have to take care of and take care of yourself for, it is not easy at all, of course you will try one day.
Sevda: yes, sure, one day. I'll go to the toilet.
After lunch, everyone sits together for a while, and then Ekim asks permission to go up and rest in her room. Ekim feels a little dizzy when she gets up, so she drinks some water and sits on the bed, texts with Ikra for a bit, then falls asleep. Ekim wakes up because of Kanat's kiss on her head.
Kanat: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up.
Ekim: it's okay!
Kanat: Why do you sleep so early?
Ekim: I don't know, I think it's from pregnancy, I'm always sleepy and sleep a lot!
Kanat: Did you take your medications then?
Ekim: not yet.
Kanat gives Ekim her medicine and makes her sleep again. The next morning, Ekim wakes up and feels a slight pain in her abdomen, but she doesn't care. She looks at Kanat and finds him still asleep on the sofa. She gets up to take a shower, and doesn't notice the blood stain on the bed. Kanat wakes up to the sound of her closing the bathroom door. He gets up and sits on the sofa, holding his phone, waiting for Ekim to finish. While Ekim was taking a shower, the pain in her stomach suddenly increased until it became unbearable. Ekim leaned against the wall with one of her hands, and her other hand held her abdomen. Ekim looks down and sees some blood coming down from between her legs. Ekim gets very scared and starts crying, she tries to call Kanat but she doesn't have the strength to make her voice. Ekim extends her hand, which was holding her abdomen, as far as possible to be able to drop some objects so that Kanat can hear them, and she succeeds in that. Kanat hears the noise in the bathroom and runs to the door and knocks on the door hard.
Kanat: Ekim? Ekim, are you okay?
Ekim responds with all her remaining strength, Kanat immediately breaks down the door and goes to her.
Kanat: Ekim, what happened? Wha...
Kanat is silent when he looks at the blood under Ekim, then he looks at her in shock, so Ekim looks at him crying. Kanat tries to calm her down!
Kanat: okay okay, calm down, sit here and I'll get your clothes and I'll come, don't be afraid, I'm her.
Kanat says while sitting Ekim on the edge of the bathtub. Kanat brings the clothes and gently dresses Ekim, then carries her and takes her out of the room, while the family is gathered below.
Melek: Ekim? What's happening? Kanat, what's wrong?
Kanat: I don't know, we're going to hospital!
Kanat says while he was walking without stopping, Hazal and Melek decided to go with them by car, Khalil told them he would follow them. Hazal and Melek were in the back seat trying to calm down Ekim, who was sitting between them.
Melek: calm down, kizim!! Nothing will happen.
Hazal: Hold on, Ekim, we're almost at the hospital.
Ekim: ahh, Something happens to my baby, please, ahhhh, nothing happens to him, please!
Ekim says in pain and crying. Kanat was watching her from the car mirror with fear and tears, his heart broke into pieces with every scream from Ekim. Ekim screams another strong scream, after which she loses consciousness. Hazal is taking her pulse to see what happened.
Kanat: Hazal, what happened?
Hazal: She passed out, drive faster Kanat, the pulse can stop from bleeding.
Kanat drives as fast as possible until he reaches the hospital. When he arrives, Kanat gets out of the car and carries Ekim in his arms and takes her to the hospital until the nurses meet him. Ekim is taken to the operating room, and Kanat waits outside, the rest of the family arrives minutes later and they all wait anxiously outside. He hugged Kerem Malak to calm her down. Seconds passed like years. After a while, the doctor comes out of the room, and they all run to her.
Kanat: is Ekim fine? Did something happen to her?
The doctor: Unfortunately it is an abortion attempt!

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