Chapter Eight

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WORD COUNT: 1701 words

Adrien's Point of View

I walk into Home group and sat down at my usual seat saying a 'hello' to Nino. I turned my head towards Chloe's direction. Her golden hair shone in the sunlight and her blue eyes gleamed. She was beautiful; there was no doubt about it, it just happens that she is a cow towards everybody except me, and honestly that is a real turn off.

Chloe caught my gaze and winked saucily, chewing on her gum noisily. I tried not to gag. She smirked and stood up, out of her seat. She moved towards the seat behind me, the one where the auburn haired girl and Mylene sat at. She placed the gum which used to be inside of her mouth on to the seat. "What are you doing?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"The brats that sit here need a little attitude adjustment. Especially that Marinette girl, having a go at me during lunch."

Wait, Mylene is Marinette? "Do you think that's necessary?" I asked.

"Ah, you've got a lot to learn about school culture, Adrikins. Watch the master." she smirked and sat down at her own seat. I walked over to Myle - Marinette's - seat. Chloe goes way too far sometimes - actually, all the time - but I seriously should expect that by now; I have known her for all my life. I started to take the gum off of Marinette's seat. 

She stood up for her friend. She shouldn't be punished for that.

Marinette's Point of View

"Alya," I asked. We were walking down the corridor towards Home group, taking our time. Nothing we did was that important in Home group.

"Yeah?" she replied, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Wouldn't you like to be a superhero?" I asked, "To go out and fight vicious villains?"

Alya's eyes lit up with excitement, "Hell yeah!" she paused, "Why?"

"No reason." I stated. Alya nodded and focused her eyes on her smart phone. The bright screen reflected in her thick rimmed glasses. Now was the time to do it; while she was distracted. I discreetly pulled out the box which held the Miraculous earrings and placed it in Alya's bag. Hopefully she would find them and meet Tikki. She would love this job; she said so herself!

We walked into the classroom. As I walked up the stairs to my seat I saw Adrien doing something to my seat. "Hey! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Uh..." His gorgeous green eyes looked up at me in surprise. He resembled a deer caught in headlights. Behind me, Chloe and Sabrina laughed. I had a feeling that they had something to do with it. Great, I've got another annoying popular person to look out for.

I fake laughed maniacally. "Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny."

Adrien stood up from his crouched position and quickly defended himself; just like Chloe would've done. "No, I was just trying to take the gum off!"

"Oh really?" I asked. I didn't believe him one bit. I don't care if he flipping perfect in appearance, I don't waste my time with people who try to mess with me and my feelings. 

Chloe and Sabrina laugh again and I had half the mind to turn around and scream at them. Instead I crouched down to look at the sticky mess that they did to my seat. It wouldn't come off. I grabbed a handkerchief out of my purse and placed it over the gum. I sat down. 

"Now do you see what I mean about respect?" Chloe smirked at Adrien.

Alya rolled her eyes. I slouched in my seat.

"A teen supermodel and Chloe's buddy?" Alya asked, "Forget it, girl. He's not worth it."

"Why didn't you tell him it was Chloe's idea?" I heard Nino ask Adrien as he sat back down.

"I've known Chloe since I was a little kid. And I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend." Adrien explained. 

I couldn't help but be sympathetic, and even though I scolded myself, I felt sorry for him that he had to put up with Chloe as a friend for so long. 

But, I don't forgive him. 

He shouldn't have put the gum on my seat in the hopes to get Chloe's approval. 

Heck, I don't even think that he needed Chloe's approval! She talks about him so much that its the only topic in that small head of hers - that, and the part of her brain that says that it's okay to tease and make fun of people.

Third Person's Point of View

Mylene ran down the corridors in the hopes to reach class on time. She checked her watch for the time and then cried out, "Oh no, I'm gonna be late!" she started to sprint faster. That was until a large body of muscle and bones appeared in front of her; blocking the direction in which she wanted to go. "Ahhh!" She almost fell backwards as she tried not to crash into it. She looked up for the face she would relate the body to. "Ivan, you scared me." she smiled up at the boy she had a crush on, placing a hand over her chest; trying to recompose herself.

"I made this for you." Ivan said and started to tap on his phone, playing the loud music he accustomed his song lyrics to. "Mylene, be serene, don't be so mean!" his voice was loud and rough. Did I mention loud? Because that was the only thing which was running through Mylene's mind. She started to run away, scared of the loud noises coming from Ivan's voice. She could bearly comprehend the words coming out of the words he was singing.

Noticing Mylene ran away, Ivan throws the paper which had the lyrics scrawled onto, towards the ground. "Argh!"


Hawkmoth smiled wickedly as he sensed the frustration and anger building up inside of Ivan. "Yes... This is what I've been waiting for. You know the way, evil Akuma." he looked down at the black butterfly trapped inside of the glass dome at the end of his staff. "Track down your prey! Fly away and evilize him!" The small dome opens, revealing a black butterfly. It flew. It's wings flapped so gracefully and with ease; it was beautiful to watch even though it's evil nature is known.


Ivan picked up the scrunched up piece of paper he thew on the floor moments ago. Why didn't it work? he asked himself. He was so caught up in the words and his eyes glassed over with frustration, that he didn't recognise the black blob which infected the piece of paper he was so  exasperated about. His eyes shot up as he heard a dark voice. "This is your second chance, Stone Heart." He could he the smile in the person's voice, "This time you avenge your helm. No one will stop you from capturing the love of your life. Just remember I'll need something in return." The Miraculous Earrings and Ring popped into Ivan's mind, making him know what the person wanted in return. He grunted in response. 

Marinette's Point of View

Miss Bustier was calling out the role. I sat in my seat beside Alya waiting for my name to be called out.  

"Agreste, Adrien?" I can't believe I thought he was nice. Maybe spoiled teenagers are always going to be rude.


"Bourgeois, Chloe?"Why am I even in her class again?


"Bruel, Ivan."

I started to talk, "Uh, Miss, I don't thi-"

I was interrupted by the door opening - no, crashing down as it fell off of it's hinges. Stone Heart's green eyes glared at everyone around the classroom. "Present!" he called, and turned towards Mylene. He called her name, his rough voice giving me goosebumps. 

Why is he so scary? 

I mentally face-palmed. 

He is a villain, Marinette. My brain reminded me. 

"Let go of me, Ivan!" Mylene yelled, squirming in Stone Heart's grip.

"I'm not Ivan anymore." he growled, his glowing eyes boring into hers, "I'm Stone Heart."

"Why are you doing this?" Mylene asked, seeming to be more calm than Miss Bustier - who was running around at the front of the class, ushering the other students out of the class; though they didn't need any ushering. No matter how stupid and childish the students were, they still had the common sense to flee the area when a villain is present.

 "So you and I can be together forever!" Stone heart exclaimed, his grip on Mylene tightened in his effort to embrace her and she yelped.

I looked behind my seat, which I still sat in. I couldn't move from the seat, no matter how many times Miss. Bustier tells me to get out of the classroom. Behind my seat Chloe was calling her father. Her whisper wasn't a whisper, but more of a yell, making Stone Heart's gaze fall on her. He picks up Chloe effortlessly, and breaks the window to flee the classroom.

I could hear Mylene's shouts, "Put us down, Ivan!"

Alya got up from her seat beside me; she wouldn't leave the classroom if her life depended on it, "Come on, let's follow him!" she exclaimed, motioning me to come with her. 

I hid behind my desk, peeking over the top of it. "Uh... Oh, no. You go. I'm finding myself a safe place to hide." I don't like villains, I'm going to hide, like everybody else.

"Girl, you're gonna miss Ladybug in action!" she exclaimed.

I saw her bag beside me and picked it up motioning for her to take it. "You and Ladybug will be both better off without me." I said, remembering the hexagonal box I placed in there a few minutes ago.

"If you say so!" Alya exclaimed, and ignoring the bag in my hand she started to run off out of the classroom, her phone in hand.

"Wait! Your bag!" I called and like the mad idiot I was, I ran after her. 

She needs to find the Miraculous earrings. My brain reminded me and I started to sprint faster.


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