Chapter Seven

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WORD COUNT: 926 words


Adrien's Point of View

"Adrien! Don't do this! Your father will be furious!" Natalie exclaimed behind me.

"Tell him you got here too late. Please!" I begged.

I didn't wait for a response from my father's assistant.

I just ran. I ran into the school gates.

Hopefully I won't get into too much trouble.

As I ran into the school, I heard a loud commotion from the courtyard.

"How could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart!" an auburn haired girl with black framed glasses shouted towards Chloe.

Why is she angry at Chloe?

"Ugh, so I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I?" Chloe asked, sounding bored, "Just because your footage of those lame superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty."

Chloe blows a bubble in the girl's face.

She called me lame. My brain stated.

But Chloe doesn't know  that I'm Cat Noir, or she wouldn't have said that about me. I paused, Would she?

I've seen a different side of Chloe. She's mean to everybody else but me. Maybe her father is stressing her out with politics or something. 

"You little..." The auburn haired girl's eyes narrowed in on Chloe, her fists clenching by her sides.

Chloe mocked scaredness, her eyes wide, "Look out, she's angry! She's going to split her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster!"

The girl let out an exasperated breath, "Argh!" She stomped off.

"You're such a piece of work Chloe!" A black, almost blue haired girl with a grey blazer exclaimed.

She reminded me of someone, but I can't pit my finger on it.

I know!

She's in my Homegroup Class!

I think her name is Marinette. Or is it Mylene?

"I don't do work." Chloe pointed out, missing the whole meaning of Marinette's outburst.

She looked at her finely manicured nails, blowing on them.

Marinette's Point of View

I laughed. She really is dumb, isn't she?

Rolling my eyes, I walked after Alya. Chloe had no right to treat her like that and I needed to see if Alya was okay.

Walking through the halls and corridors of the school I have been at now for about two years, I looked for Alya.

I hope she doesn't get Akumatised as well.

Instead I found Ivan sitting in the change rooms.

"Ivan? Are you okay?" I asked softly, sitting down next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

He sighed, shrugging my hand off of him.

I took my hand away cautiously.

I couldn't help but feel the niggling feeling in my stomach; the feeling I get when I'm upset or nervous.

One of my friends - well, people who I class as my friends - has just rejected me.

It hurt.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He huffed, "Nothing." His face was impassive.

I hugged my legs up to my chest, placing my chin on my knees, pondering how I'm going to sort this out.

Adrien's Point of View

I walked through the halls, wondering where the blue and auburn haired girls went.

I heard murmuring from one of the rooms behind a door which was left ajar.

Not wanting to intrude, but wanting to see who was in there, I peeked through the gap between the wall and the door and looked inside.

The blue haired girl was talking to Ivan, the guy who Ladybug and I half-defeated yesterday.

The girl placed a hand on Ivan's shoulder, and he shrugged it off, like her hand was a fly sitting on his arm.

The girl looked hurt. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking at the bulky boy next to her with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Nothing." Ivan grumbled. Her face turned even more sad as she hugged her legs up to her chest.

I should leave them alone. My brain stated.

Maybe she's the reason why Ivan was Akumatised, something to do with their relationship? I thought, remembering a murmur going around the classroom yesterday about Ivan and Mylene.

Never get between a guy and his girl. I'm not that oblivious to high-school life.

Marinette's Point of View

I heard footsteps outside of the room, but they sounded as if they were retreating, so I didn't care to look at who was outside. "You know, you should tell Mylene how you feel." I stated.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ivan growled.

"Oh, come on! I see the way you look at her!" He glowered at me, "Oh no! No negative emotions Ivan!" His death stare reached a whole new level, "Uh..." I trailed off, "What I mean is be positive. I'm sure Mylene has feelings for you too!" I smiled, "Go talk to her!"

"I'm not good with words." He mumbled in a deep voice.

"But you don't need words to express your feelings." I said, "You could send her flowers or draw a picture-"

"I could write her a song!" Ivan interrupted.

I thought you just said you weren't good with words... but, "Yeah! That's a great idea... but stay positive Ivan!"

Ivan rushed off out of the change rooms, a big smile on his face.


So sorry for the really extremely late update guys. Second to last week of school is hectic!

Hope you have enjoyed it.

And if you don't understand the whole Adrien and Mylene/Marinette thing: Adrien, being new at the school, mistakes Marinette for Mylene and thinks "Mylene" is consoling Ivan in the change rooms when it was really Marinette.

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