Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Congratulations, Mr. Maheshwari. Your wife is pregnant." Said the doctor riddhima with a smile and then left the place giving some vitamins.

Leaving a shocked Sanskar and Ansh behind...

Ansh:(mummers continously): Shit..!! Shit..!! Shit..!! Bhabhi is pregnant and that too before marriage... Bhai have no control. Idiot. I said him to be patient but.. what i will say to dida and mom... How will I explain.?? This all was my idea, they will punish me.. shit shit shit shit.. mommmmm  (saying all this he faints because of shock)....

Sanskar was standing there with a expressionless face, he have not heard a word what Ansh spoke. Only the world of Doctor was revolving in his mind Again and again.....

He saw Swara gaining conscious slowly, battling her eyelids. He saw her getting up.

Swara started to get up holding her head slowly. She after lots of struggle opened her eyes properly and looked around, she felt a pain in her stomach and she reminds that yesterday she forgot to take her medicines.

She tried to get up and saw Ansh laying unconcious on the chair while Sanskar was standing in front of her with a blank face.

She kept her feet on the ground and stood straight with the help of couch, while Sanskar was just staring her.

She first thought to ask the reason then chose to ignore him, and started to pass him, but his voice make her stop in her tracks.

"Why you did this to me?" Sanskar questioned, making Swara confused.

On not getting the reaction, he turned towards her and pulled her towards himself holding her hand.

"Why you did this to me Swara?" He asked loudly making her gasp, she was more shocked as he was holding her tight, she tried to get out of his grip but he only tightens the grip.

"What I did?" She questioned hissing in pain.

"Don't you know, you don't. Right.. why you cheated me? How could you? Why didn't you tell that you are pregnant?" He questioned her

Swara's head snapped up listening to the word 'pregnant'.

"How did you get to know about this?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Doesn't matter. Tell me why you didn't tell me?" He asked raising his voice.

"Why should I tell you about this? This is something personal and you should not bother about your employees this much." She said in her cold voice trying to remove his hand.

"I will bother. Did you get that? Don't you know that I love you? But no, you cheated me. You didn't tell me the truth." He was almost yelling at her not knowing what exactly he is speaking,

Ansh started to gain conscious because of loud noises slowly and was shocked on listening to Sanskar's words.

"I never cheated on you. I never knew you had any sort of feelings for me. How will I know about this? This is all your imagination." She said loosening her temper.

"Swaraaaaaa..." he shouted.

Swara looked at him with anger and hurt eyes.

"You are a lier. You are a cheater. You people are like this only, playing with other's emotions." He said, Swara looked at him and pushed him back hardly and left the room crying....

Sanskar lost his all the senses... Being not in his senses, he was crying, he felt betrayed, his love left him.. he didn't even know what he is speaking or doing... He have no idea what his words are effecting to others.. 

He started to destroy the cabin, by throwing things here and there, then he saw Ansh standing near the window looking at the sky....

He was hurt badly so he needed someone to soothe him.. he took few steps near ansh.

Sanskar kept his hand on Ansh's shoulder but Ansh turned and slapped him hard such that he landed on floor directly... While Sanskar saw him with wide eyes as Ansh slapped him, the person who never raised his hand on other slapped him, his best buddy, his brother who is his world to him. 

"Do you even know, what shit have you been speaking, Mr. Maheshwari? Have you lost your senses? Or are you blind to see the tears or sadness on her face when you was speaking all that?" Ansh roared at him, Sanskar started to remember what he have spoken,

"if you would have ever loved her, then I guess never you would have said such words for her, if she is pregnant that means your love died for her, Seriously? Right now I am happy that maybe she chose a right person over you." He said being extra angry as he never imagined that his Brother, his Sanskar will say such harsh words to a person, a person who was already in pain for god knows what reasons.

"I don't know if she is married or was married, or what problems she had. But atleast l she is fine alone rather than being with a wrong person." Ansh roared and punched the wall making him gasp and left the room.

Maheshwari Mansion

Dinning Area

All of them were present at the dinning area to have their lunch... It's their daily rutine... Three of the men always used to come home for their lunch as sujata not like them to have food from the canteen...

But today there were silence on the dinning table unlike other days, which was killing both sujata and dida....

Sujata and dida was feeling strange seeing both sanash's behavior... No one was uttaring a single word and was eating quitely...

"Anshhhh" Sujata almost Yelled seeing the bandage on his hand....

"When you got hurt" Sujata said being worried...

"I am fine Mom" Said ansh in a calm voice..

"Are you sure son" Sujata conformed being a mother...

"Hmm" Ansh said glaring at Sanskar Which was not unnoticed by both dida and sujata....

Dida looks at sujata and ask her what happened through eyes.... Sujata shooks her head as she have no idea what's happening... She will surely find out why her two son's were so much devosted that they haven't notice she had prepared their favorite dishes after one week....

"I am done" Said ansh getting up from his chair...

"Me too" Said ram too and joined ansh. 

Both father and son  left from the place leaving Sanskar there itself..

Ram too found things weird between his son's but kept quiet as now they are enough mature to handle the situations...

Sujata looks at Sanskar with a worried expression who was eating slowly... It never happened before, he always used to be hurry.. Sometimes he used to be cough eating fast...

"I am done" Said Sanskar and left from there leaving his plate half empty...

"Ma what's all this" Sujata said while sitting on the chair...

"Why both the brothers are behaving like this" Sujata said in the verge of crying as it's the first time they saw tension between their beloved son's...

"Even I am worried.. may be they had a fight" Dida said consoling sujata..

"Ma we are going to office at evening" Said sujata wiping her tears...

"Your right sujata we should find what's wrong.   I Dnt know why but my heart is saying something wrong is gonna happen" Dida said being tensed....

Sanskar's cabin

He was sitting on his chair while resting his head on it with closed eyes..  He was in deep thinking...

The recent incidents were revolving on his mind...

"Mr.Maheswari Your wife is pregnant" Sanskar plamed his face when he remembered doctors those words....

"How could you hide this truth from me why Swara why???" Sanskar mumered while tears brimes in his eyes...

"I never cheated on you" Her voice enholed in the whole room...

Sanskar yet Again throws His all the belongings which were on his desk being so much frustrated plus hurt....

"She is right Sanskar" He heard a familiar voice...

Yes it was familiar... Not because he know the person because it was him... His inner soul...

"What you meant to say" Said a broken Sanskar...

"Why should she say to you that she is pregnant". Who are you to her" His inner soul speaks bringing him to the reality....

"You were and you are nothing to her" his inner soul said while smiling at him...

"You are just a Merra boss to her... She is just an employee of your company... So why should she share her personal matters to you" his reflection speaks at him while smilling or should say it was laughing on Sanskar's imaginations...

"But I love her... Don't I have that right to know about the biggest reality of her life" Said Sanskar while getting up from the chair...

"You love her But she don't..  Its your problem not hers... Dide ever said she loves you" No right.. She never said she loves you than why would she share those to you... Why??? Saying this his reflection fades Making Sanskar to face the bitter reality....

He started to cry while sitting on his knees...

"May be she was or she is still married"  Suddenly Ansh's words revolved on his mind...

"May be ansh was right... She is married but what if she is not...

No no this can't be true..  She is not that type of girl" Sanskar tried to console him self with fake hopes...

"I need to talk to her..  I need to ask forgiveness from her ,I should not have react in that way" said Sanskar while determining to find out the truth....

Sanskar left for the apartment to talk with her... With the hope that she will say the truth to him.....

45 minutes later


Swara was sitting on the bed resting her head on the headboard remembering the whole incident... while Her eyes were shut...

It was not supposed to heppen... She never wanted this to happen.... She never wanted them to know about her pregnancy like that..

"I never thought you will cheat me this way" Sanskar's words repeates on her mind making her more shaken...

A tear drop escape from her eyes...... Does she care what he felt... Does it effect her what he think about her...  If she does than why...

While she was all engrossed in her deep sorrow she heard a knock... She wipes her tears and left to open the door....

With a sound the door got opens and their eyes met with eachother... Their were guilt and lots of questions on his eyes... She felt pain seeing his puffy eyes. But why???.   Anyone can say that he was crying for long hours...

"Why are you hear" Swara questioned him while getting in and was facing her back to him...

"Is there anything else you to say" Swara said While clutching her dupatta tight...

"I am sorry Swara..  I know I should't have reacted like that...  I am no one to you" said Sanskar while looking at her who was facing her back to him...

Swara closed her eyes when he said "I am no one to you"

"You know what you all rich peoples are same" Said Swara still not looking at him...

"You are taking me wrong swara I reacted that way just that I Love U " This time He confessed his Feelings to her without any hesitation that too with in his sense...

Swara was taken a back when he confessed his Feelings yet again but she took courage as she doesn't want to breakdown in front of him.....

"No I am thinking right Mr.Maheshwari... You all rich people are same... you people think that you can do anything by your so called money....

Let me clear you one thing you can't buy LOVE with your money Mr.Maheswari" Swara roared at him making him shattered...

"I am here to ask forgiveness from you Swara" Said Sanskar calmly ..

" I know I have done a mistke... I have no right to point my finger on you.. I Am Really Sorry Swara" Said Sanskar folding his hands in front of her....

"Please leave" Said Swara as she feared if he stayed there for one more minutes than she will not able to control her self...

Sanskar turned to leave with a heavy heart.... Feeling him going she turned to another side.... Tears we're continuesly flawing from her eyes...

"Do come office at evening on time.. I want you to be there" with that he left from the apartment...

Swara runs to close door and rested her self on the door it self.... She bursts out crying clutching her dress.... She cried for long...  She stopped when their was nothing left in her eyes.. 

"No I can't hide my self , I should go to office not for me but for my baby" Said Swara while placing her hand on her tummy...

She stood up and left to washroom to have a shower....

At lunch time,

In office

Ragini was sitting on the reception and looking at a empty medicine bottle​ in her hand.

She after substituting a person on her place left for somewhere.

30 Minutes Later

Ragini was seen standing outside the medical store.

Ragini: (in mind): I need to know about these medicines which Swara takes, if staying with her will lead me to some problem then😲😲.. No No no.. I don't want to die.. let her die.. vaise bhi who cares for her.

Thinking all this she came forward.

Ragini:(giving the bottle​ to shopkeeper): Bhaiya, which medicines are these? Does this disease passes on to others?

Shopkeeper looked at bottle​ and after reading it, he looked at her shocked as if she is an alien.

Ragini: Bataiye na bhaiya(

Sk: Behen g, these are vitamins required in pregnancy and I don't think so this passes on like this... (Sk said looking around awkwardly while Ragini was shocked at the new found information and was embarrased at hell listening to his words, while people around started to laugh loud).(lol Nagini😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)

Ragini to avoid this, ran from there without taking the bottle​.

Ragini: (in mind): Swara is pregnant..?? She is..?? Shit.. That is why she was not there last night, bloody sl#t.. don't know whose blood she is having with her, finally I am safe. (She thought and was about to go when something strike her mind and she smirked) Why should I leave such a chance? I should tell this in office and then she will be shown her real place. Bloody Bitch.



Swara entered the office... Everyone were staring at her like she was an Alian and was talking about her... She felt nervous seeing their eyes on her...

"Did they know about My pregnancy" Swara said to her self Being nervous to face them...

"Stop their it self Ms.Charactorless" Ragini shouted coming infront of her making Swara shiver....

With the sound of Ragini everyone gathers in the hall...

Sanskar , Ansh And ram who were walking on their respective cabins came out because of the loud noice of Ragini(Loud speaker Nagini 😑😑😑)

Ram looks at them with angry face as till now it used to be a peace full work place... But today he had go out just because of the loud voices as he was not able to concentrate on his work....

'So Ms. Swara, would you like to tell where were you whole night? Or should I ask with whom you were?' Ragini questioned with a smirk making everyone shock, Sanskar looked at Swara while she was already looking at him.

Ansh and Sanskar were standing far away listening them....

"O. Please don't be shocked. What you thought that I wont ever get to know about this? About what you are? Seriously, such a disgusting creature."

Before Swara could say anything she further continued with her allegations.

"Please, don't show this shocked and confused face, i got to know what a slut you are, even no one knows who's dirty blood are you carrying in your womb." She spitted the words with poison filled voice, while Swara's eyes turned red listening to her shitty words about her baby. While it was a shock for whole of the office.

"Raginnniiiiii...." Swara shouted.

"Chilao mat. (Don't shout). When your deeds are not good, you should keep your voice low. Please don't say me you are married or what? And this innocent looks will not work when I know what a wh.." before she could complete, a loud noise filled whole the office area making her shiver....

"Enough" Sanskar roared at Ragini Making the whole staffs to shut their mouth...

"How dare you Ragini, to speak such cheap things in this office, I have already warned you not to do your drama's here , it's a work place not a drama company" Sanskar shouted at Ragini while he stand between Swara and Ragini....

Now Swara was behind of him bowing her head down as she have no answer to their questions....

"Sir you don't know she is pregnant, and that too before marriage" Ragini said defending her self...

"No I know Ms Ragini" Sanskar fired back her defending his love...

How could he let this girls to speak about bad about his love...

"You already know, than why you haven't fired her" Ragini questioned to Sanskar...

"Because she is my wife do you get that, She is Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheswari" Sanskar shouted angrily Making everyone shocked...

Ram widens his eyes hearing Sanskar's confession... Was it really a confession or it was just to save his love being humiliated...

Ansh smiles little hearing him but didn't show it....

"W wife" Ragini stammers

"Yes wife, Wife of Sanskar Maheswari" Said Sanskar yet again Making Swara shocked to the core...

Ragini was about to say something but Sanskar didn't let her speak further...

"Dare you say any word against my wife, she is Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari and the baby which she is carrying is mine, we didn't told it due to security issues but that doesn't mean you people will badmouth about my baby or my wife" Sanskar said with blood shot eyes...

"And about last night she was with me only" Sanskar added....

It was the time when dida and sujata entered the office... Both of them got the biggest Shock of their life listening his words.....

Listening to this, everyone was shocked in the office, the silence prevailed through out... People standing gasped loudly hearing this.

But was it ended no... It's just a start, will Ragini be quite...

"Huhhhhh!!! Fine Sir we will believe what you were saying is true but Do you have any proof of your wedding" Said Ragini with a smirk...(issko dar bhi nhi apne job ki kone ka boss par saval utaraha​ h😯😯😯)

Sanskar was taken a back when she demanded for the proof.. from where he will bring proofs when his each and every word were a lie....

"What happened sir, don't you have a single pic of you both" Ragini said while smirking...

"It's ohk sir , we all know you are telling lie just to save this girl,But why your are doing it"Ragini said while looking at Sanskar...

"Don't know even where and with whom she was last night" said while looking at Swara with disgusted

Swara was just crying all the while... Her tears had betrayed her from long.... She was just listening their words...

Now this was it for Sanskar... He cuts his thumb with Ragini's bracelet...

They become Shocked to see his finger bleeding....

With no time he turns to Swara and filled her maang in front of all the staffs and his family....

Swara closed her eyes Feeling him filling her maang....

To Be Continued....

Baba ji ka tullu to those who thought swasan are married before😂😂😉😉😝😝😝

Bagooooooooooo 🏃 🏃 🏃🏃 🏃👈

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