Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Silence prevailed in the whole office when Sanskar filled her forehead proving his words were not  lie...

A tear drop escape from her eyes when he filled her maang...

"Is there anything else you want to know Ms.Ragini" Sanskar shouted at Ragini making everyone shiver...

"Go back to work everyone,Now" Shouted Sanskar passing death glares to his staffs...

Ansh was with a wide open mouth seeing his brother who was not less than a volcano...

Ram stood numb seeing/hearing all... He never thought his son will take the most important decision of his life without their knowledge.... He won't believe that his son would get married behind them and will hide his wife from the whole word...  No he trust his son... He trust the value and morals his wife have given to his three kids. 

Ram wants to talk with his son about this but he thought will ask once they left to home.... So he went to his cabin silently...

When Sanskar was passing death glare to his staffs his eyes caught his Mom and dida who was standing there with Shocked expression... He becomes Shocked seeing both...

"Mom" It was the only word he could uttar when he saw them...

When Sanskar saw both the ladies, sujata left from there in anger... Dida too follow her...

Sanskar sighs sadly when they left... He know they will be Damm angry on him, he knw what's coming next...

Sanskar looks at Swara who was still with closed eyes... He hold her hand and drags her to his cabin....

When Sanskar left to his cabin with swara, Ansh too left to his cabin glaring at Ragini...

Sanskar's Cabin

"Do you even know what have you done" Swara yelled at Sanskar by pulling his collar in her fist....

"Obviously I know what have I done, I filled your maang, what a big deal" Sanskar said in a cool voice just to make the wild Tigres calm down(shadi kar toh liya abh jheh bhi le issko😂😂😂😂)

"What a big deal ,Do you know what it means, Do you even know the meaning of filling my maang" Swara pushed him little while Yelling at him...

"Yeah I better know, it means you are my wife, and I am your husband and believe me I am not Ekta Kapoor😆 so chill wifey" Said Sanskar Making Swara shocked at his cool behavior...

"Wifey I know I am hot, handsome but don't staire like that" Said Sanskar where else Swara wides her mouth in disbelief...

"Can you do my first aid it's paining a Lott, please" Sanskar said innocently showing his finger...

"If it pains than why you cut it" Said Swara while making him sit on the couch to do his first-aid...

"That time it doesn't pain,but now it's paining like hell" Said Sanskar with a crying face...

"Waooo it's nice" Said Sanskar seeing his bandaged finger, shocking Swara....

Sanskar held her from waist and both moved outside, Sanskar was glaring everyone while Swara was moving shocked with him, trying to understand this man(Dimakh pe zaada zor nhi lagate bacche😊😂😆)

Maheshwari Mansion

Everyone was sitting in the hall tensed, Sujata was damn angry on Sanskar for not telling her anything while others were shocked knowing this except Ansh, who was just worrying for his bhai, he is angry on him but still cant stop himself for worrying about him.

They get attentive on listening to car's horns.

Soon SwaSan stood on the main gate, they were about to step in when they heard a loud noise of Sujata to 'Stopppp'..

They both stopped with a jerk, Sanskar started to chant Hanuman Chalisa as he is well aware about his mom and her volcano😂.

Sujata came forward and pushed Sanskar back while asked Uttara to bring Arti thalli.

As soon as Uttara brought that thalli, Sujata did arti of Swara while Sanskar was trying to come forward but Sujata was glaring him, so he pouted and step back.

After that she held Swara from shoulder and  brought her in.

Sujata: You need not to worry about anything beta, I know my son is an idiot dont worry. I will myself take care of you and your baby. Finally I will become dadi. First time when I saw I felt attracted to you, and saw how he was seeing you, I should have understood than only. Its okay dont worry now. Think of this as your home. (She said while Sanskar was embarrased and jealoused while Swara was looking down with tears as she felt bad for lying to her.

After that they had made them sit for dinner, while everyone was ignoring Sanskar and pampering Swara. Sanskar felt bad seeing them like this for the first time in his life but was happy that his love is safe and will be happy with them and also was relieved that they accepted her..(even I am relieved 😧😧)

Soon after this, they left for their respective bedrooms.

SwaSan Room

After Grah Pravesh, SwaSan came to his.. oops.. their room.

Swara was having tears in her eyes seeing Sujata loving and caring for her, but she was feeling bad for Sanskar, but she then saw Sanskar who was whistling and moving in the room as nothing happened.

Swara:(shocked): How can you be so free?

Sanskar turned towards her and raised his eye-brow.

Sanskar: Because I have came back to home and I dont have any office work. (He said innocently while Swara mentally slapped herself and thought 'how this man became a business tycoon?')

Swara: Arey..!! After whatever happened today? You married me, do you even know...

Sanskar: Yeah, i know what is marriage..

Swara: Huhh. I was saying do you even know anything about me? Dont you know I am pregnant with someone else's baby? How can you? (She said in disbelief)

Sanskar: You want to see again (he said with a smirk, he than saw her glaring) fine fine. Look Swara. I love you. I cant see anyone speaking anything bad about you and that nagin crossed all her limits, i cant stand that. So I did this. As much as I know about you, you have no one and I dont think anything was wrong, I wont force you for anything,but I wont listen anything bad about you. Nothing means nothing. My love can never be changed ever. But if you got the person whom you love, i promise I will not stop you from going but will help you with everything possible.

He said sincerely looking at her, she was amazed knowing someone can love other this much, tears form in her eyes and she turned away immediately hiding them.

After some time, Sanskar  asked Swara to sleep as he was sleepy and was not able to do because of the lights...

But she started to look here and there as they came directly from the office and she dont have any thing to wear for night.

She just nodded at Sanskar but still she was tensed.

Sanskar was looking at her very carefully... Somehow his tiny brain got to know why was she tensed.....

Swara was about to go to bed but stopped hearing Sanskar's voice...

"Swara" Sanskar called her to which she looked at him with a question....

"Don't you have to eat your medicines" Sanskar said rising his one eye brow...

"Ummm,I have to but I dont have my medicines" Swara said after a pause.

"Okay. Come we will go to bring your belongings" Sanskar said with a smile..

"No it's ohk... I will manage" Said Swara Making Sanskar angry yet again..

"I am not asking,I am just telling you" Said Sanskar with an angry glare...

"Come I will take you" Sanskar said while holding her palm with his(jabh Dekho bass bahana chahiye issko😂😂😉)

She nodded and both left

Sanskar stops his car infront of the apartment...

Swara went inside to take her belongings while Sanskar waited out in the car it self.. 

Raina opened the door and welcomed Swara with a smile...

"Swara You here and that too this time" She questined being confused...

"I cam to take my belongings" Swara said with a smile...

"You came alone" Raina asked being concerned..

"No he is waiting for me out" Said Swara while moving towards her and Ragini's room...

"YOU" Ragini becomes shock seeing swara there yet again....

"why the hell you are here" Ragini shouted to which Swara didn't gave any attention....

Swara was packing  all her stuffs while Ragini was taunting her without a break(kitna bak bak karti h takhti bhi nhi😥😥) But Swara remains uneffected....

"Chataaaaak" Slapped SwaraMaking Ragini fall on the bed...

"Don't you dare to eye on my Sanskar,He is mine... Do you get that... He is mine" Swara said gritting her teeth , holding Ragini's hairs in her fist....

"I know why you are behind him,But now don't dare,Or else you will face the hell Ms. Nagini" Said Swara while her eyes were burning in anger....

Ragini becomes totally numb hearing Swara's rage full voice... She fainted on the spot being shock...

Swara smirk seeing her faint and left her hairs....

She compose her self and bid bye to her colligues and went....

"You become late" Said Sanskar taking the bag from her hand and placing it on the car...

"Umm sorry" Said Swara with a low yet calm voice...

"It's ok , come we should go now" Said Sanskar opening the door for Swara...

Soon both drove off to their destination....

SwaSan Room

Swara was unpacking her bag while Sanskar was looking at her with irritated face...

"Swara you can do this tomorrow also, come let's sleep" Said Sanskar being annoyed...

"Ohk" Swara shook her head...

"Kaha Chali aaap??(Where are you going)" Asked a confused Sanskar seeing swara taking a pillow and a bed sheet from the bed...

"Floor pe" Said Swara making Sanskar angry on her silly thoughts....

"Are you mad or what"Sanskar almost shouted at her, Snatching the pillow and the sheet....

"Look Swara you are my wife now.. this room is yours as much as it belongs to me" Said Sanskar in a calm voice seeing swara scared....

"And moreover your pregnant.. it's not good you to sleep on the floor in this condition,it may harm the baby.. There is a huge bed in the room so why to sleep on the floor." Said Sanskar Making her understand...

"Thanks" Swara smiled at him with teary eyes...

Swara headed towards the bed where else Sanskar walks toward the couch....

"Where are you going" Swara asked in a little bit hassitation...

"Couch" He points at the couch...

"Why??, there is a huge bed than why you are going to couch"Swara said being concerned(le ekh dusreki dialogue ekh dusre par use karrahe h😟😓😫)

"Means you won't mind if I sleep on the bed with you" Sanskar said showing his 32 teeths to Swara... (Control beta😂😂😂😂😂)

"Hmm"Said Swara nodding her head...

"Ohk so come let's sleep, it's already too late... I have to go office early morning" said Sanskar while dragging Swara on the bed...

He makes her layed first and he layed on the bed taking her in his embaress..

"What" Said Sanskar to Swara who was looking him with wide eyes...

"You know what I can't sleep without hugging my pillow, and it's under your head, so i hugged you simple" Sanskar said innocently...(Bohot hushiyar h,isske liye sabh simple hi h😂😂😂😂😂)

"Please don't argue now i am so sleepy" Said Sanskar Making a pout...

"Good night" Sanskar said while pecking her forehead and pulled her more on him...

Sleep took over Sanskar but Swara was still awake and was staring at him who was sleeping with an open mouth...

A smile played on her lips seeing him sleeping like a baby... She closed his mouth by holding his chin...

Today after a long she was feeling peace... She was getting peace being on his embaress... She placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes....

Mid Night

A white room was shown, Swara entered the room Slowly and saw a bed lying in the middle of the room.

She took slow steps, tears were rolling down her eyes and she looked scared.

She reached near the bed and removed the cover from the figure lying on the bed and screamed to the highest and stumbled back....

Swara opened her eyes and saw Sanskar sleeping beside her, she moved towards him more and snuggled in him feeling peace,he too tights the grip over her...


SwaSan Room

The sun rays fall on SwaSan who was sleeping in each other's embrace, Sanskar opened his eyes first and saw Swara snuggling into him more and more hiding from the sun rays, he smiled seeing it and covered them with a blanket such that sun rays didn't disturb her and kept his hand around her protecting her and he closed his eyes.(Isko abh office nhi jaana😝😝😂😌)

After some time, Swara opened her eyes saw herself sleeping in his embrace closely, she wanted to jerk herself away from him but something stopped her from doing this, she leaned over him and started to admire his sleeping face, he was sleeping with a open mouth, she chuckled a little seeing it and kept her finger below his chin and  closed his mouth yet again, Sanskar who was pretending to sleep was startled seeing her touching him.

She slowly started to caress his cheeks, Sanskar who first thought to open his eyes now closed them tightly to know what she wants to do and she feels for him.....

She leaned more close to him and pecked his forhead... His heart danced on feeling her lips on his head and he forgot to take a breathe (agr soch ke saans lene padti abhi tak tapak gya hota😂😂).

She with her clossness was raising his desires but still she was so lost in his morning beauty that instead of pulling back she leaned and brushed her lips on his both eyes amd followed to his cheeks, Sanskar fisted bedsheet in his hand to controll himself.

Swara suddenly get her senses... She moved little and saw him sleeping peacefully...

She was about to go back when she stumbled and fall on him such that her soft petals brushed his, letting an electric spark flow through both of them, Sanskar opened his eyes wide in shock, while Swara managed to get up and ran away from their muttering just a 'Sorry'

To Be Continued...

Prcp - Tip Tip Barsa Shower🙈🙈🙈

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