Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V.

The Next day....

It was final day of the match, the last day to determine Earth fate if it should be conquered by the alien invaders. Everyone in stadium cheer on with the human side yelling for Y/n to win while the other side with the Oni doing the same for Lum.

As Lum and Y/n stood in front of each other, Lum took notice of Y/n confidence.

Lum: Well someone look confident? What happened yesterday after our last chase.

Y/n: *chuckle* You'll see for yourself~

Lum: Oh, how charming but don't think you're going to win this match.

Y/n: Hey, Lum want to make a wager?

Lum: A wager? I'm liking what I'm hearing! What do you have in mind?

Y/n: I was thinking we go on a date after this and see how it goes afterwards.

Lum: And if I win?

Y/n: You can have me as your personal slave or something.

Lum: Hmm... considering will be taking over earth. I could use a personal butler and someone handsome as you would be nice. So, I accept your wager!

Y/n: Alright....

The two then hear the announcer starting the countdown.

Announcer: 3...

Everyone in the stadium watch in suspense from their seats.

Announcer: 2...

Y/n and Lum get into position as they looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

Announcer: 1...

The whole stadium went quiet as the whole world also went quiet waiting for the match to start.

Announcer: GO!!!!!

Y/n immediately charge forward at Lum full speed, beginning the chase once more. However, this was different from other previous chases as Lum took notice of his stamina increase and speed.

Lum: How are you still keeping up with me?! Aren't you tired by now?

Y/n: Sorry, Lum but I'm not the same person from before.

Increasing more in speed, Lum was having difficulty on out flying him as he just kept getting closer and closer.

Lum: *thought* How is he getting faster even though I'm literally hovering over him. Better change my strategy and that's by....

Lum stop midway of the chase and fly way up in the air as the whole stadium either gasp or cheered.

Lum: *thought* Being out of reach!

Announcer: Oh no! It looks like invader Lum decided to take the chase up in the sky. Being far from Moroboshi reach! What is he going to do now?

Lum looks down at ground as she smirk to herself.

Lum: Try to catch me up here!

She was expecting Y/n to be upset and throw a tantrum but instead saw him give a giant grin which made her confused.

Y/n: Heh! It like I said before....

Suddenly the whole sky around the stadium started getting dark as it gets covered with dark clouds that produced tremendous thunder.

The whole crowd started looking around confused and scared as the announcer yelled in a panic.

Announcer: W-What's going on?! When did the sky suddenly go dark?

Lum looked up in the sky being more confused than before as she looks back at Y/n with a surprise expression.

Lum: How are you doing this?!

The thunder only got louder before shooting a bolt of blue lightning directly towards Y/n as he remained unfazed while he stood there.

Y/n: I'm not same person as before, Lum!

The whole area get covered in smoke and dust as everyone shielded their eyes from the blast. After everything started calming down, everyone looked back where Y/n stood as they hear footsteps amongst the smoke..

Y/n: There was a lot I didn't expect.... the first being what was happening to me after our previous chase. The second....

Boosting himself way up in air as everyone direct their attention up in the sky even Lum as they all see, Y/n hybrid form for the first time. All of them looking in shock as they gasp.

Y/n: Learning that I'm the long lost descendant of Ryũjin!

Crowd: What?!

Lum: You're flying?!

Announcer: I-I can't believe what I'm seeing! Moroboshi just declared himself as the descendant of Ryũjin, the dragon god of the sea.

The whole stadium go up in an uproar as the side that cheered for Y/n got even more excited knowing they finally have a chance on winning this challenge.

Y/n: So, Lum... want to keep going or you want to give up.

Lum just floated in the air with a blush on her face for a moment before regaining her focus.

Lum: Heh... come and catch me!

Continuing back to the chase, Y/n fly after Lum throughout the sky making many sharp turns that Lum was having difficulty on out pacing him every turn. Everyone in the stadium look on in suspense as the countdown before sunset is almost close.

Shinobu: Oh no, time is almost up.

Mrs. Moroboshi: He's going to make it.

Ataru: Come on, Y/n! Win this game!

Back at the sky, Y/n is right behind Lum as he reach out to grab her leg. Inching in a little closer, Y/n immediately grabs her then pulled her back stopping Lum in her track.

Y/n: I gotcha!

Lum: You have no idea, who you are messing with!

Out of anger, Lum grabs Y/n and electrocuting him with her ability shocking the whole stadium.

Announcer: An electric shock apparently, she can control electricity!

Shinobu: Y/n!

Announcer: Hold on! What this?

Everyone stopped what they're doing as they see Y/n unfazed by Lum electricity. In fact it looked like he was absorbing it which made Lum surprised.

Lum: H-How...?

Y/n: Considering I'm an offspring of Ryũjin, the dragon god of the sea. It means I have control over ocean and weather.

Lum: What?!

Y/n: Sorry Lum but your electricity isn't doing much to me except giving me a boost in energy.

Lum tried to let go of him but find herself unable to break free as he uses his tail wrap around her keeping her in place.

Y/n: Consider this game over, Lum.

Seeing no other way to escape, Lum decided to give up on the stop as she stops resisting.

Lum: Fine... you win.

Y/n just smiles at her making her blush before grabbing her horns as the announcer announces the victory.

Announcer: He did it! Moroboshi saved the earth from invasion!

Shinobu: Way to go, Y/n!

Moroboshi family: Yeah!

Everyone in the stadium cheered for Y/n victory while the invaders just groan in frustration.

Y/n: You know Lum, you were really amazing for this past week.

Lum: You don't say...

She said feeling annoyed that she lost.

Y/n: To tell you the truth, Lum... I wouldn't be surprised if an amazing girl like found someone as amazing you.

This caught Lum attention.

Lum: You mean it...?

Y/n: Totally! If I was given the chance to marry someone like you. I would accept it immediately!

Lum: Well, if you insist, I'll marry you~

Lum smile as she wraps her arm around Y/n's neck before pulling him into a passionate kiss that caught him and everyone in the stadium surprise at the revelation.

Announcer: Well, this is a turn of event!

As Y/n and Lum came landing down to the ground, Lum's father came rushing over to them.

Lum's father: Wait Lum, really?

Lum: Yup! That's right he actually proposed to me, daddy~

This made her father cry in saddens knowing his daughter is getting married off.

Lum's father: Well, they do say the winner takes it all. Very well!

Slamming his hand on Y/n's shoulder making him wince a bit.

Lum's father: You better treat her well, son in law!

Y/n had determination on his face as he held Lum close to him.

Y/n: I promise you, sir! That I'll make sure to make Lum the happy girl alive while she's with me.

Lum: Oh, darling~!

Lum pulled Y/n into another kiss as everyone cheered around them while Shinobu looks on from a distance while clenching her chest in pain.

Shinobu: No fair... that should be me...

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