Chapter 3

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Y/n P.O.V.

Few Days later....

After the winning the challenge and preventing the aliens from invading earth. My life started to become more interesting than before take for example the fact that I'm basically a demigod and offspring of Ryũjin, the dragon god of the sea.

So, when I announced my existence to the whole country of Japan. There wasn't a day where I can't go out without people bowing to me and giving me offerings especially the fishermen and sushi restaurants, who showed me great respect and incredible offerings to show their gratitude. Which makes sense considering Ryũjin is the protector of the sea.

The other part is...

Lum: Darling~

That I'm married to a beautiful Oni girl name Lum who was once my opponent is now, my loving wife. As I see her waiting impatiently in bed for me to join her.

Lum: Come on, Y/n~! I'm getting cold without you~

Y/n: I'm coming, dear~

Lum: *giggle*

Turning off the lights and joining Lum in bed, she immediately buried her face into my chest as she wraps her arms and legs around me.

Y/n: Well someone is clingy today?

Lum: It's because we only been married for only a few days and yet I never been this happy in my whole life~

Lum is right since I'm promised her father that I'll make her the happiest girl while she's with me. I made her feel welcome on earth by introducing her to different places and taking her on dates as we grew closer.

As for where Lum is staying, she has a ship floating outside of earth where she can stay and sleep in just incase she wanted to visit her parents but she mostly sleep in the same room with me, every night.

However, my time spending with Lum, I started getting more familiar with my supernatural abilities. The first example is controlling the weather and creating lighting along, the next is my increase in durability, super strength, and the last is my ability to fly which is the awesome part. But looking back in the history books about Ryũjin, it said he can do so much more than just controlling the sea. He can shape shift from a dragon to human or combination off both in which I did something similar.

I guess I just need to practice more with my abilities if I want to turn into a giant dragon but that got me thinking of my birth parents. If my father is the offspring of Ryũjin then.... who was my mother and why did they abandoned me?

Lum: Darling~?

I looked down at Lum seeing she has a concern expression on her face.

Y/n: Huh? What is it, Lum?

Lum: Is something on your mind? You went quiet for a moment.

Y/n: Oh, sorry about that, Lum. I was just thinking about something.

Lum: You better not be thinking about other girls.

Y/n: No, I'm not thinking about other girls, Lum.

Lum: Good because I don't want you cheating on me just because you're famous. That's a no, no!

So, she's the jealous type, good to know. Now I can be careful when I want to talk with Shinobu in private or hang out with her.

Y/n: I was just thinking about my birth parents.

Lum: Why? Is there something wrong with your parents. They seem nice!

Y/n: No, not them to tell you the truth is that I'm actually adopted. The Moroboshi family took me in when I was just a little baby.

Lum: Really?! Then where are your real parents?

Y/n: I don't know, Lum that's the problem. After just finding out, I'm not completely human it goes to show that my birth parents are somewhere out there.

Lum: Will you leave your family behind to go find your real one?

Y/n: No but I would like to find some answers behind my origin. Even if I have to do it alone to find the answer that I'm looking for.

Lum: But you're not alone! You have me, your loving wife~ We promise each other that we stay together till the end when you propose to me.

Y/n: *thought* Considering it was more of me answering her question honestly than a proposal.

Lum: So, if you are going to look for clues about your past then I'm right behind you.

Y/n: Thanks, Lum~ I'm lucky guy to have a wife like you.

Lum: Same here, darling~ I'm so glad to have a husband like you. *thought* Much better than my ex!

After we got done talking me and Lum drifted off to sleep, cuddling together under the sheet as the night went by.

3rd P.O.V.


Ataru and his dad are watching t.v. seeing the news station is asking random civilians about Y/n and what their thoughts about him while the mother was busy bringing in the offerings that keep showing up, everyday.

Mom: We got another offering from one of the local sushi restaurant. Wow~! I can't believe my handsome little man is this famous.

Dad: Tell me about it even the news is still talking about him.

Ataru look on in jealousy as he hears the women in the news talking about how amazing Y/n is and wished they could meet him in person.

Random girl 1#: Moroboshi is so amazing and handsome~!

Random girl 2#: I wish I could date him~!

Ataru: Damn it! Why is he getting all the babes? This is not fair! Agh! It should've been me, not him.

He said slamming his face on the floor and groveling to himself.

Y/n: Ouch, bro! That very rude of you to say about me.

Y/n came walking down the stairs as his mother greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

Mom: Morning, son~

Y/n: Morning, mom! Morning, Dad!

Dad: Morning, son! The news is still talking about you.

Y/n: Seriously? I thought they stopped talking about me by now and just focused on something else.

Mom: What do you expect? Not only did you save the world from invasion but your also Japan most worship god.

Y/n: You have a point there.

Ataru: It still not fair! You're getting all the ladies' attention after your married to Lum.

Mom: Oh, that reminds me! A bunch of mail arrived for you, Y/n.

She said as she went to the next room and came back later with a big box full of envelope.

Y/n: Woah! You weren't kidding about it being a "bunch"... this is insane! But could you leave them in my room, I have to meet someone today.

Dad: Who are you meeting?

Y/n: Just a friend, I told Lum about who I'm meeting with so she doesn't get upset. So, I'll be off then!

Mom: Take care~!

Rushing out of the house, Y/n transform into his hybrid form as he flew up into the sky meet up the person faster.

Shinobu P.O.V.


Shinobu: Hmm...

I can't believe Y/n asked me out on date or I think it is a date at least. I was blushing madly when he called me yesterday last night asking if I wanted to hangout with him all day tomorrow. I sounded excited on phone when accepting his offer that I could barely sleep afterwards.

Shinobu: Still... he married to Lum, now. So, I shouldn't keep my hopes up and I recently broke up with Ataru not that long ago.

Well it his own fault! If Ataru wasn't so focused on flirting with every pretty girl, he sees in the streets. Then I wouldn't get so upset with him everytime that I result in breaking up with him. But Y/n... he's different and I don't mean about him being an offspring of a god. He's more respectful and thoughtful full of others since I can remember, much better than Ataru.

Shinobu: Agh! What am I going to do?!

Y/n: Hey, Shinobu!

I looked around before looking up in the sky to see Y/n flying towards me.

Shinobu: *thought* He really started to enjoy flying around. But he looks more handsome in this form~

Y/n then lands in front of me as he return back to normal.

Y/n: I hope you weren't waiting too long.

Shinobu: O-Oh no, I just got here!

Y/n: That's good to hear! So, are you ready to have some fun all day.

Shinobu: Definitely! But aren't you worried about Lum getting all jealous?

Y/n: Don't worry I already explained to her where I'm going and who I'll be with for the whole day. She just asked me in return to make it up to her later.

Shinobu: *thought* So, I have him to myself all day... Yay~!

Y/n: So, ready to go?

Shinobu: Yes, this will be fun!

He then gently grab my hand catching me by surprise but I smiled nothing less because I get hang out with him all day and get treated like a princess for once.

3rd P.O.V.


Y/n and Shinobu spend the whole day going to different places from the carnival park, book store, cafe, and ramen shop. During the time they spend together, Y/n treated Shinobu like a princess as she started to fall more in love with him by every minute.

He bought her gifts, compliment her, and payed attention to her the whole time. Something Shinobu was happy to receive for once that Ataru never gave her. And as day was about come to an end, they decided to take stroll across the beach as they enjoy the ocean view.

Shinobu: This day was amazing! Thank you, Y/n~

Y/n: You're welcome, Shinobu! It the least I can do for you. I wanted to thank you for saving my life couple of days ago.

Shinobu: D-Don't worry about it! You were in trouble and I wanted to help you.

Y/n: But it thanks to your help I managed to discover something about myself. So, again thank you!

Shinobu smiled happily from his praise.

Shinobu: Aw~!

As they continue walking alongside the beach, Shinobu and Y/n admire the ocean.

Shinobu: The ocean looks beautiful at night.

Y/n: Yeah, it does.

This gave Y/n an idea.

Y/n: Hey, Shinobu want to get a better view.

Shinobu: Sure, what-

Before she could finish her sentence, Y/n picked her up bridal style making Shinobu blush madly in embarrassment.

Shinobu: Y-Y/n?!

Y/n: Hold on, tight!

Turning back into his hybrid, Y/n fly up into the air as Shinobu hold on to him tightly, closing her eyes before reopening them.

Shinobu: Wow~!

The ocean glowed a light blue color under night sky as Shinobu was memorized.

Y/n: The local fisherman said the ocean started glowing like this a few days ago. Basically the same time when you guys threw me in the ocean.

Shinobu: Really... *thought* Does this mean when Y/n entered the water, the ocean responded to his transformation somehow.

Y/n: Shinobu....

Shinobu: What is it, Y/n?

Y/n: I'm really grateful of you for saving my life if you didn't help me back home and tended to my fever. I wouldn't be here and the world would have been invaded.

Shinobu: Y/n...

Y/n: So, if you need anything let me know because I owe you my life.

Shinobu couldn't say anything after that so she just buried her face into his chest to hide her emotion she was feeling.

Shinobu: *thought* Oh, Y/n... you make things even difficult for me to hide my feelings from you. Why did Lum manage to take you from me.

They remained quiet and continued floating in the night sky for half an hour before Y/n took Shinobu home. But when he arrived home and reached to his room, Y/n was in for a surprise when he found Lum NAKED and waiting for him under the blanket.

Y/n: L-Lum?!

Lum: Hi, Darling~ Welcome home~!

Y/n: W-Why are you naked?!

Lum: Remember what I told you earlier~ *giggle* This is what I meant~

Y/n: U-Umm....

Lum: Now get over and make love to me, darling~

Without hesitation, Y/n immediately join Lum under covers as they get down to love making. The sounds of moans and skin slapping can be heard all around the house making it difficult for anyone to get some sleep except for the parents. Who bought noise canceling headphones for this special occasion when Lum apologizes to them in advance on what's about to happen tonight leaving Ataru the only one unable to sleep.

Ataru: DAMN IT! WHY?!

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