Love in Woods (Part-2)

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Lakshman is cutting a dry tree. He cuts it in small sticks and bundled them. He is going to pick the bundle when he heard the voice. Again!

Again as he heard it some time ago but he avoided it thinking it's from some wild animal or anything, but that voice following him.

"Who's there?" He asked looking at the bushes as he heard sounds behind them. He frowned not getting any answer. He again called that unknown person but again he didn't get any response.

He tighten his grip on bow taking an arrow from quiver, which is hanging on his back. He targeted his arrow towards bushes, going to shot. But he felt someone's presence behind him. He at instant turned round and narrowed his eyes seeing that person.

"You??.." he asked totally pissed.

"Why are you here?" He questioned coming towards the person as the arrow just nanometres away from the person's neck.

"Urmila! Why have you come here and that too alone." Lakshman yelled, anger clearly visible in his eyes. He doesn't want to scare her or yell on her but it's his love which makes him angry on this childish act of his wife. Like who came alone in a deep forest surrounded by many wild animals and dangerous hunters.

She gulped audibly seeing his rage "swami voh..."

"Voh kya?...." He asked still in that position.

"Voh..First you take it down." She said softly eyeing the bow n arrow. He kept them down and gesturing her to speak through eyes.

"I came here bcoz I am tensed for you. Ram bhaiya told NAA that there is a Lion roaming around this area and you...." She paused and continued " are very short tempered, Get angry at small things. If that Lion come infront of you, you definitely don't spare him and killed him. And in fight you hurt yourself too. I neither want to see the Lion died without any fault nor see you gets hurt. I know you never controls your anger and this is the only thing of yours which scares me a lot." Lakshman listened her carefully as his wife opened with him and this is probably first time she said something about his behaviour. Bcoz they didn't spent much marital life in Ayodhya, it's just a few weeks when the eight tied a knot and they got to know about the evil thinking of Mata Kaikeyi and they have to leave the Raj Mahal.

He saw her moist eyes held pain which she feels when he gets hurt by his uncontrollable rage.

"Urmiley!" He held her shoulders, cupped her face and wipes her teary eyes from thumb.

"I'm sorry!! I shouldn't have been angry like this." He said softly.

But she nodded in no said "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have come alone like this."

"It's okay..But be careful next time. It's so dangerous." Lakshman spoke calmly makes her smile and she nodded.


A unknown person enters in dark cave. He covered his face completely as only his eyes visible. 

"Go to our Majesty and tell him that I want to meet him. It's very very urgent. I got an important news." He ordered the one of Gate Guard.

He saw him entering inside, he came after some time and asked him about their secret password. He told him and entered inside.

"Greetings! Our Majesty." The man greeted him.

"Say! Which news brought you here?" The Majesty asked in his cold voice.

He handed him a scroll which contains the important informations about their next target.

"If you want to take advantage of this situation then do something substantial immediately otherwise you won't trap them." The man told their Majesty.

"Where are they all now?"  Majesty asked after reading the scroll.

"In Chitrakoot."


Lakshman and Urmila walked towards their hut with little chit chatting. He has wooden bundle in his left hand while right hand on her shoulder. Urmila is wiping his sweat from Pallu of her saree time to time.

"What would you have done if that lion really had come in front of us?" He asked her looking in her eyes.

"I mean, how would you fight in this saree and this jewel?" He teases refering her dress and bangles.

"Sumitranandan!! You don't know that I used to wear similar clothes in Mithila and there I have defeated many warriors, So what is this lion." She proudly told him with slight ego.

After all, effect of her husband's company!!

He gave her impressive look while she just smiles.

"Vaise Urmi! Our morning session was messed NAA, so... don't you think we should continue it." He said with mischievous glint in his eyes.

But much to his annoyance she shocked rather than blush. She looked straight with wide eyes. He looked at her line of sight only to get shocked.



They both yelled.

There's a giant Lion stood in front of them. Lakshman clutches Urmila's hand and they hide behind a large tree surrounded by many bushes.

"Urmila! You stay here only. I will come back soon." He said gathering his bow n arrow to fight with the Lion.

"Swami! Nahi...pls.." She holds his arm, on the verge of crying.

"Urmila! Try to understa..." He couldn't complete the sentence as they heard Lion's groan. They looked up to find the Lion is shot by an arrow.

They both shocked to see the person who held bow.....

To be continued.....

How's the chapter guys?

Now, the real story begins.

Who's the unknown person?

Who shooted Lion?

Few words about Lakshman?

Few words about Urmila?

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