The Truth

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Lakshman's POV

"Urmi! Try to understan.." I couldn't complete the words as we heard Lion's groan, who was shooted by an arrow. We looked at the direction only to find Ram bhaiya standing with a bow along with Sita bhabhi.

We came out of the bushes. The lion ran away from there. He was not injured much but was very scared.

"You both are fine, aren't you?" Sita bhabhi asked. We nodded and I saw Ram bhaiya sighed in relief.

"You're both fine, that's a good thing. But after today never do such dangerous stunts." He warned us, especially Urmila.  Who is feeling sad keeping her gaze on the ground. His voice was filled with anger, care and love.

I felt something strange. Because I have never seen Ram Bhaiya so angry. Yeah, I agree it was Urmila's fault but he knows that Urmi is a brave princess. She grew up in the midst of such dangers. There is definitely something else that Ram Bhaiya is not telling.

And one minute, how does Bhaiya know that Urmi is here and we are around that lion? I have to find out this mystery.

With these thoughts we went towards our hut.


At Night

"What!!!" I shouted out loud. Am I listening right?

"Is it true?"

"Shhh.... They both don't know about it." Bhaiya silenced me because I was shouting very loudly. But what should I do, the matter is such that I am not able to believe.

Right now we both mean me and Ram Bhaiya are standing outside our hut where a bonfire is burning. Urmila and Bhabhi are inside whom we cannot tell this.

After returning to the hut in the morning, I persuaded Bhaiya to tell me this with great emphasis. 

Lakshman : But why are they doing this?

Ram : As far as I know they are doing all this to capture Ayodhya.

Ram has just told lakshman that the enemy state of Ayodhya wants to attack them. He got this information from the detective when they were all in Ayodhya. But now they have come to Chitrakoot chasing them all.

Lakshman : But if they want only Ayodhya then why are they chasing us? I mean we don't have anything here that will benefit them.

Ram : Yes, but still we should be careful. Those people are elusive. They can harm us in any way. And I think they will definitely try.


In Dark Cave

"I said don't go there, they have divine powers. We will not be able to win them. How many times have I explained to you?"

A woman is scolding her son on whose back, she is applying ointment because he has a huge wound. And possibly that wound was caused by being hit with an arrow....Arrow of Ram.

"And how many times have I told you that I will take a sigh of relief only after defeating them. Ahh..." He groaned feeling the burning sensation of ointment.

"After all he is the cause of my father's death. I will avenge my father's death." He stated with cold face.

"No!!" His mother immediately argued. "I know what you want from them. By giving a reason to avenge the death of your great sacrificial father, you long for your lust from both those women. I know your intentions" She is on the verge of crying.

And as usual he left without saying anything, leaving this matter incomplete. Seeing her dear son's disappearing figure, the old lady started crying loudly. She turned to her left, facing a big portrait.

"Have mercy on our son. Save him from committing this sin, Swami." She tells to the potrait of her late husband.



Lakshman is resting on a small platform, simply gazing the stars while  fire is burning in front of him for protection from wild animals. Just then he felt two soft arms wrapping around him from behind. He smiled pulling her more close. He knows this is the only time when she came close to him as Ram-Siya went to their hut and they are totally alone with no distractions around.

"What are you thinking?" Urmila whispered coming close to his ear. "About you." He replied, turning back close to her face with as usual mischievous smile while his eyes held a naughty sparkle.

But before any further action by him, she got up knowing well her dear husband's intentions. "Swami..." She glared playfully. He also got up with irritated face. "Tch, Urmi you are so boring." He said completely annoyed. She shrugged giving 'whatever' look.

"Now tell me what did Ram Bhaiya tell you?" She asked as she knows that he is hiding something from her.

"What... what di-d he say?" He stammered. He averted  his gaze here and there because he cannot lie to his wife.

She came infront of him, cupping his face between her palms pulling him deadly close she said "You can't lie me. Remember?" She smirked.

He was about to say something but shut up immediately as she glared hard.

"Darao nhi." He stated looking so adorable in baby pout.

"To chhupao nhi." She also smiled.

Admitting his defeat, he says, "Ram bhaiya said that we...."

To be continued.....

A update after very long time.🤧🤧

Hope you all like it.

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