A Fictional Condition

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Have you heard of a psychological condition called Transient global amnesia?
Well if you have, then let me be very clear that, that is not exactly what Xiao Zhan is suffering from. He is suffering from a fictionalized version of this condition. For sake of convenience let's call it FTGA.

Now you guys are wondering how exactly that works right?
No need to google it. Here is the gist of the fictionalized version.

In this condition, there is a sudden onset of memory loss or confusion. During an episode of FTGA a person is not able to make new memories, he or she maybe disoriented in regard to time and place. During that time it's like they are living in a dream which is real to them.
Sometimes though, he or she maybe come out of this confusion and remember who they actually are during the episode. Even then, they may get confused and think of it as a dream.
These dreams my bare resemblance to the thoughts that are most prominent in his or her mind.

These episodes may occur due to stress, head trauma, physical exertion, emotional distress or psychological stress or sudden immersion in hot or cold water.
Each episode can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
Don't worry though, since this condition resolves on it's own.

In short, Xiao Zhan is suffering from FTGA and when he has an episode, he thinks he is Wei Ying and Yibo is his Lan Zhan.
But as I mentioned earlier, no new memories are created during this time. So whatever he does during these episodes, basically evaporates from his brain when the episode is over.

Now you guys are wondering why does Xiao Zhan think of only sexy times or is extra intimate with Yibo right?
Simple, as I mentioned before, he read a LOT of fan fiction to get proper insight into his character. He had even read some multiple times.
It's up-to your imagination what kind of fan fiction he read on pretext of preparing for his role.

Now on to the story.

"Lan Zhan... Is it proper for a married man to call someone else's name while being embraced by his husband?" Xiao Zhan asks backing the younger man towards a wall.

"Mn?" YiBo asks completely bewildered.

"Hanguang Jun is so cruel to me." Xiao Zhan says when he has completely backed Yibo against the restroom wall.

For those of you who are wondering how Xiao Zhan had looked at Yibo when he had successfully backed the younger man up against the wall, here is a gif to help your imagination.


'Is he method acting again? Is he not upset with me anymore? Is he testing me?' Yibo thinks trying to remove Xiao Zhan's arms from where they are tightly holding his waist.

Xiao Zhan tightens his grip and moves closer.

'Damn it Zhan ge! What do you want from me?' YiBo thinks.
"Wei Ying, please let me go." YiBo says expressionlessly without looking at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan doesn't let go. He buries his face in Yibo's chest again, "Is Hanguang Jun upset

with me?"

'OMFG please help me.'

"Yes." Yibo answers standing as still as humanly possible.

You see Yibo had thought that him saying that he is upset with Xiao Zhan will make him back off.

Once again YiBo had thought wrong.

"Hanguang Jun..." Xiao Zhan whispers in Yibo's ears before closing the remaining distance between them.

Xiao Zhan's lips land on Yibo's jaw.
"Hanguang Jun, won't you forgive me?" Zhan asks a very startled looking YiBo.

Yibo closes his eyes.
'Fuck.My.life! What is happening? What should I do? Maybe I should say that I have forgiven him... Maybe that's what the right answer is.' YiBo thinks panicking a little and trying to move his lower body away from Xiao Zhan's....Because of some hard... to explain reasons.

*I know what you guys though*

Xiao Zhan's hands land on Yibo's hips and he pulls the younger man in.
"Ah.. Fuck!" Yibo moans before putting his hand on his mouth to stop himself from making anymore embarrassing noises.

*What you guys had though before was exactly right. Things were indeed hard.*

"Lan Zhan... since when do you use such crude language...I love it... I love that word from our mouth... say it again Lan Zhan." Zhan says seductively carassing Yibo's chest and leaning towards the younger man.

YiBo immediately holds both of Zhan's wrists.
"Zhan ge, are you playing with me or... are you punishing me?" Yibo asks desperately.

Once again anger flashes in Xiao Zhan's eyes.

He suddenly leans in and presses his lips to Yibo's.

*not a typing error*

YiBo thinks for a second before he let's go of Zhan's wrists and instinctively puts his hands on Zhan's waist.

Just FYI still not Homoerotic... Also fangirls... and fanboys, if any...please don't forget to breath... because you know, that's how you stay alive...respiratory system and all that.

Luckily it's just a light peck and Wei Ying... I mean Xiao Zhan almost immediately breaks the kiss... Yibo may or may not have chased Zhan ge's lips a little.

"Hanguang Jun you really should not be mentioning other men in front of me. You know I don't like to share, don't you Er gege? " Xiao Zhan says looking intensely into Yibo's eyes as his hands travel to Yibo's shirt collar unbuttoning the top four buttons.

YiBo is just human ok. And you really should not blam him for what happens next....In his defense, he did try.... A little.

"Wei Ying...you need to stop." Yibo whispers breathlessly when Xiao Zhan's hand slides inside his shirt.

"Hanguang Jun... you are so hot when you are trying to resist me." Xiao Zhan says before exposing Yibo's shoulder and bitting at the nape of the younger man's neck.

"Ahhh...!" YiBo moans at the painful pleasure that hits him at once.
Yibo's brain once again stops working.

*He is only a hapless fanboy damnit!*

He pulls Xiao Zhan closer and flips them over pinning Xiao Zhan to the wall, his hands coming to rest on Xiao Zhan's lower back.

Xiao Zhan stops and looks up at the heavily panting YiBo.

'What is YiBo doing? Did I anger him again?' Xiao Zhan thinks before his eyes fall first on the younger boy's exposed neck and then on the red mark on Yibo's shoulder blade.
'Fuck! Did I do that?' He thinks before looking up into Yibo's eyes.

"What do you want from me Wei Ying?" Yibo asks leaning closer, his voice is deep and low...his eyes fall on Xiao Zhan's lips.

Now Xiao Zhan being the 100% Hetro man that he absolutely is, thinks about what he wants really HARD....as I mentioned before, things are indeed hard... sometimes in sexually charged... I mean awkward situations like these...other parts definitely lack oxygen and one is not to be blamed for what they do or what decisions they may make during such times... I mean it's a physical thing you know?

What Zhan wants to say...or should have said, is 'Sorry' . But that is not exactly what he says. What he says next, may or may not have something to do with Yibo's really bromantic Hot gaze on Zhan's lips.

"I want to kiss you." Zhan says instead.

"Mn." Yibo nods.

Leaning in, Zhan captures Yibo's lips.

Of course Zhan had done this very hetrosexually. *cough*

Yibo had only agreed with what Zhan ge had asked. He had allowed his BAE.. I mean bias to kiss him.

*BAE... Bias, is there any difference between the two ATM... I don't think so!*

Zhan kisses YiBo's upper lips and lower lips lightly... repeatedly.
'Fuck... He smells so great... How are his lips so sweet.. Did he have candy just before...His hands are great... Fuck.' Xiao Zhan thinks when Yibo's hands encircle his waist.

Xiao Zhan removes Yibo's hands from around his waist and reverses their positions again.
He pins the younger man's hands over his head before pressing himself closer continuing to kiss and nip at the the younger man's lips and jaw.

YiBo obviously doesn't resist...he gives in, making it easier for Zhan to take whatever he wants, to do whatever he wants 'Bromantically'

Zhan has a need to surround himself in the sweet fragrance that he is sure belongs to some great washing detergent that YiBo is definitely using.

Zhan buries his face in the younger man's chest.

"Zhan ge...please.. " Yibo moans when he feels Xiao Zhan's lips on his chest.

Xiao Zhan looks up.
Suddenly alarm bells go off in Xiao Zhan's head ,'What is wrong with me!!!... He is a man! OMG... Was I just making out with him...No.. Wait.. I was kissing him!'
Xiao Zhan looks at his hands that have pinned Yibo to the wall, 'Am I sexually harassing him? Why!? What am I going to do???'
And once again Xiao Zhan's legs give way.
This time however he falls into Yibo's arms.

"Wei Ying... Wei Ying... " YiBo says holding Xiao Zhan's unconscious frame.

'What the hell is wrong with you YiBo!!!? He is Xiao Zhan....not Wei Ying.' Yibo's brain reminds him.

"Zhan ge.... Zhan Loushi?" YiBo says shaking Zhan slightly.

'It's like last time...Will he forget again.' Yibo thinks feeling guilty and hurt.

He makes Xiao Zhan sit with his back propped up against the wall.
He fixes both their hair and his shirt which are a mess.
He waits for a few minutes willing his heart and his body to calm down.
Then he sprinkles water on Xiao Zhan's face again.

Just like earlier Zhan opens his eyes.
Yibo is ready this time. He knows how to deal with Zhan this time. But just to make sure he asks.
"Is Zhan Loushi ok?" YiBo asks formally. His voice cold and distant.

'So we are back to Zhan Loushi again hm.' Zhan thinks.
Something in the way YiBo addresses him hurts Xiao Zhan's heart. He doesn't understand why this particular person is having this strange effect on him.

"I am fine, thank you. What happened?" Xiao Zhan says taking in his surroundings.

"When I came here I found you on the floor like this." YiBo lies. He doesn't look at Zhan.

"I am Sorry." Zhan says trying to stand up.
He sways once again and once again YiBo reflexively holds the older man.
But almost instantly he let's go as if his hands had touched something disgusting or poisonous.

"It's fine." Yibo mutters before turning and walking away.

Seeing YiBo walk away like that makes Zhan's heart hurt even worse.

'He looked at me like I was something toxic. I deserved that I guess...still, he could have stayed.' Zhan sighs.

Being dumbfuck in matters of the heart, Zhan had attributed this uncomfortable feeling in his chest to indigestion.

"I should really watch what I eat from now on." He thinks walking towards the reading hall.

When he reaches there, he finds Yibo sitting in his place looking cold and distant.

'Did he really accept my apology?...Did he realize what I was apologizing for?' Zhan thinks taking a seat next to him.

The rest of the meeting goes smoothly as all actors pick a scene and read it out.

Before the meeting ends Xia speaks once again, "I have a few more announcements to make. As I mentioned before, during the training session all the cast members will be sharing their rooms. I hope you all can cooperate with each other in this matter. Please collect the room keys on your way out.
We will start the training session tomorrow afternoon by which time I would like you all to have shifted in the dorm rooms allotted to you. Thank you for making the first table read such a success. "

"What success *eye roll* Lan Wangji didn't even read. How unprofessional!" Jiang Cheng says sarcastically.

"Jiang Cheng, please don't say things like that. He is our colleague and Jiejie had said earlier that he was not feeling well. Yet he attended the table read." Shijie says frowning a little.

"I guess I know why they selected you for the role, you really are Perfect." Jiang Cheng says corners of his mouth lifting.

All leave the conference hall...all except Xia Jiejie an MXTX.

"Meimei, do you really think the boys will be able to work things out. They looked very uncomfortable with each other." Xia says looking at the retreating backs of Xiao Zhan and Wang YiBo.

"Jiejie, trust me. I can feel it. I am sure they are going to make out...i mean make up before the production starts." MXTX says smiling mischievously... Like she knows something no one else does.

"What did you say?" Xia asks surprised at what the girl had said.

"Jiejie, I just mean they will become friends soon. You don't have to worry about them." The young author says like a know-it-all.

Now for those of you who are wondering why the heck did MXTX sound confident... Simple, she is after all the creator of The WangXian ship and the first captain of the YiZhan ship.
Well... that may be one of two reasons.... For the other reason you will have to stick with my mediocre writing for a little longer... Lol

{Note :- Yes, the restroom is indeed very lucky for us YiZhan fans in this fictional Hetro world.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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