A 'Couch' and A 'Wall'

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Has it ever happened to you that you have thought about someone so much, about how you will meet, what you will talk about, how you will impress them etc that when the time actually comes to show them how perfect you are.... You Fuck up?

Now our boy Yibo has been hoping to have Zhan ge.... I mean, hoping to interact and make a good impression on Zhan ge for a while.
He has imagined scenarios... many many scenarios in which he can top... I mean he can be a top guy...I mean a fantastic guy to be around.
He wants to be the Bestest bro to ever bro in the face of all that is bromantic...but unfortunately for Yibo being just a bro is not exactly what he has in mind.

BTW is Bestest a word? If not, it totally should be. It's required to emphasise the importance of something very important.

Now that we have that out of the way let's start at where we left off.

YiBo walks out first, closely followed by Zhan.
Zhan wants to talk to him but there are still others loitering around them so he decides against it.
"Wei Wuxian, want to go out for a drink? I heard there is a bar nearby. We can bond. After all you are going to be my Senior brother." Jiang Cheng says walking up to Xiao Zhan.

Even though Yibo is ignoring everyone and trying to look intimidating... detached, he can't help but slow down to hear Zhan's response.

"Aaa, I would love to... " Zhan say hesitantly.

'I knew it. He will definitely want to avoid me. Afterall I do deserve it.' YiBo thinks increasing his pace and walking out the door.

Zhan looks at Jiang Cheng apologetically before continuing, "But I need to pack for moving into the dorm. Rain check?"
Jiang Cheng's face falls a little but when he sees Zhan's smile he smiles too.
"Ok. We have a lot of time afterall." Jiang Cheng says before walking away.

Zhan runs towards the door but Shijie stops him.
"A Xi'an, did you take your keys?" the young lady asks.


"Your keys to your room silly." She says handing over the key.

Zhan takes it.
"Thank you Shijie, Amm. Did YiBo... I mean Lan Zhan takes his key?"

"I don't think so. He must be around here somewhere. I will give it to him when I see him." She says sweetly.

"It's ok Shijie, I will collect his key and give it to him. Thank you once again." He bows before walking over to the guy handing out the keys to the cast members.

"I will give YiBo his keys." Zhan says thrusting his hand in front of the man.
The guy looks at the sheet in front of him and gives Zhan another key.

Zhan bows and walks out of the building.
He stands on the payment contemplating what he wants to do next.
He wants to make amends with Yibo. He hadn't wanted them to start off on the wrong foot. And now things were strained between them, because of him.

Zhan looks at the time, 'It's still 6.30. If I hurry home and pack quickly, I can go over to Yibo's and give him the key. I will have my chance to apologize to him.'

That is exactly what he proceeds to do.

When Yibo reaches home, he is in a very bad mood. It doesn't even strike him that he has forgotten to pick up his keys.
He takes a shower.

I am sure he had been feeling quite hot... I mean unclean... I mean... Fuck it.. He just takes a shower because I love to imagine him... I mean it's a good way to relax after being hard for so long... I mean after a long hard day at work.

*My Brain has happily gone to take residence in gutter...it's not my fault truly... Come on Yibo in the shower.. Can you blame me??...I am sure Zhan will understand how I feel...you know, in a totally hetrosexual way.*

Any who, the important thing is that YiBo takes a shower and changes into his totally manly pyjamas.

What do you mean pink fluffy Bunnies are not manly!!!?

He makes coffee and opens his laptop.

Trust me, he had only planned to look at how the news of his being cast as Lan Wangji had been received.
But you know how these searches are.
You want to search for one thing and something totally unrelated shows up.
So it was truly not Yibo's fault when Zhan's image had popped up on screen.
Also, it was not his fault that this image was rather....inappropriate. *cough*

Now, the right thing to do would have been to ignore it but Yibo is only human OK... Give him a break for the love of God.
Yibo had gotten curious and had clicked on the image.

Yibo's eyes go wide with lust... I mean surprise.
'It is obviously photo shopped. There is no way in hell Zhan ge is that endowed!!' Yibo thinks staring at the .jpg file...
He was obviously staring to ascertain that the photo was indeed photo shopped. There is no way YiBo would objectify his Zhan ge like that.

He saves the .jpg file.

Please don't misunderstand him. He had done it so he could report it to his production team. He had definitely not done it so that he could look at it to his hearts content while in bed....Nope. Not at all.

There is a knock on the door.
Yibo shuts the laptop screen immediately like a thief who had been caught red-handed.

"Who the fuck is disturbing me at... " Yibo says looking at his cell phone, "At 8.00 pm!!!?'

He walks over to the door and peeps through the key whole.

'OMG OMG OMG... What the hell is Zhan ge doing here!!!????' Yibo thinks looking around the hall to see if everything is presentable.
He doesn't want to look like a slob in front of Zhan ge.

'Luckily the apartment looks neat.' YiBo thinks smiling slightly.

He goes to open the door but in the nick of time he remembers what he is wearing.
'Fuck! My favorite bunny pyjamas.' He curses.

"I know YiBo Laushi is at home. Could you please open the door?" Comes Zhan's voice.

'I can't let him see me in these.' YiBo thinks running around the house thinking of what to wear.

"YiBo Laushi you know, it's embarrassing for me to stand outside someone's door like this." Zhan says in a serious tone. He is smiling on the inside.
'Such a child, I am sure he is confused and hurt so he is taking his time to open the door. Making me wait as a punishment.'

Yibo's eyes fall on his bath robes.
'Yes!' He knows what to do.
He runs to the restroom and wets his hair a bit, puts on his bath robes.

In the meanwhile Zhan thinks that he needs to embarrass himself more in order to win Yibo back... in a bromantic sort of way obviously.

"If YiBo Laushi won't open the door I will break it open if I have to." Zhan says taking a few steps back.

Obviously Yibo had not heard these words. He was in his bedroom, changing.

As luck would have it when Yibo opens the door Zhan is running towards him....actually Zhan was running towards the door to break it open. As he had already told YiBo.
..which Yibo had not heard.

Zhan's eyes widen in surprise but his feet refuse to stop.

YiBo throws his arms out to stop Zhan.

Both men collide with each other and fall.

Luckily for both of them, instead of falling on the hard floor and hurting themselves, they land on Yibo's extra large couch.

"Fuck!" Yibo curses out of habit.
'The fuck did I use that word...what will Zhan ge think. OMG is Zhan ge ok?'

YiBo feels Zhan's body on top of him...unmoving.

"Zhan Loushi....Ahhh!" Yibo moans when Zhan nips right below Yibo's collar bone.

"Hanguang Jun..." Zhan whispers seductively once again before looking up and into Yibo's eyes.

*not a typing error*

YiBo knows what is happening.
'Zhan ge is method acting again... But why? We need to get off this couch... Before I do something stupid.' YiBo thinks looking at Zhan's beautiful big eyes.

"Are you cheating on me Er gege?" Zhan asks pouting.


"Hanguang Jun, is everyday not enough for you?" Zhan asks moving...making himself more comfortable on top of YiBo.

"Mn?" YiBo asks completely confused.
'WTF is he talking about??? Lan Zhan was never unfaithful to Wei Ying!'

"Did you go to seek pleasure elsewhere Hanguang Jun?" Zhan asks caressing the the hickey on Yibo's neck.

Yibo gets it now.
"No!" He says completely scandalised.

"Then who gave it to you?" Zhan asks slowly... softly. There are tears in his eyes.

YiBo has no Fucking clue how to deal with these kinds of situations. He answers truthfully.

"You did."

"Don't lie Lan Zhan... I am sure the man whose name you mentioned earlier gave you this!" Zhan says getting off of Yibo and turning his back towards YiBo.

'What should I say? What should I do? Is Zhan ge upset with me or is Wei Ying unset with Lan Zhan.' YiBo wonders sitting on the couch.

"Oh...I see, now you don't even think I am important enough to tell me the truth or give me a reason." Zhan says turning to face YiBo again.

"Wei Ying, you are the one responsible for this mark on me. That is the truth." Yibo says standing up and walking towards Zhan.
He puts his hands on Zhan's shoulder and nods, begging the older man to believe him.

A look of worry crosses Zhan's face.
"Lan Zhan, I swear I don't remember giving it to you... has my memory problem returned again?" Zhan asks looking utterly dejected.

'Oh no. I made him sad... Maybe I should not have told the truth. I just want him to smile....oh I know.. ' YiBo smile as an idea pops into his head.

"Zh...Wei Ying, there is nothing wrong with you. You gave it to me when we were sleeping. That is probably why you don't remember." Yibo says squeezing Xiao Zhan's shoulder.
'This should make him happy right?' Yibo thinks feeling proud of himself.

Xiao Zhan looks furiously at the younger man.

'Was that not the right answer!? Why does he look mad!? *gulp*'
YiBo doesn't understand the reason behind Xiao Zhan's anger, he also doesn't understand why Xiao Zhan's anger is making him feel hot.

'WTF is wrong with my body...Zhan ge please stop looking at me like that.'

Things were probably getting hard again... I mean the situation YiBo had once again found himself in was hard.. That still sounded not quite correct but you get my drift right?

"Lan Zhan! You were going to stay that man's name again. Weren't you? Who is he?" Xiao Zhan says removing Yibo's hands from his shoulder and holding his collar.

'Damnit it! I messed up again.' Yibo thinks while being backed up against the wall.
"Ahh." YiBo winces when his back hits the wall.
"Lan Zhan, answer me." Xiao Zhan's eyes are like molten lava searing Yibo's very soul.

Once again our boys have found themselves in a situation of sorts... It's totally no homo though because it involves 1 very straight man, who is absolutely not standing way too close for comfort. Whose lips are most definitely not very close to his colleague's....Everything is under control you see....at least for now.

Now you guys are wondering why YiBo isn't defending himself? Why isn't he pushing Xiao Zhan away rt?
Simple. I did mention this situation involves only one 100% straight man rt? And that straight man is definitely not YiBo.

{Note :- As expected of this completely Hetro fic, things are super straight. Things are going to get naughtier... I mean in a bromantic way *cough*

If u enjoyed this update Please Vote to show your support.

If there are specific YiZhan scenes you want me to include in this fic in a hetrosexual way please comment and let me know. I will make it as Hetro a possible *cough*
Message me the YouTube links if possible so I know exactly what you guys want.

For those who are not reading my WangXian fic and so missed the info, I am super busy till 4th of January so the updates on both my fics are going to be much slower.
After 4th I will be updating like I usually do.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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