You can Stop 'Now'

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In life, there are many times when we really want to do something but we don't.
Why don't we do it? Maybe because it's wrong or immoral or it may hurt someone we care about or we may not have the courage or guts to go through with it.
The end result is the same. We don't do it and then the opportunity passes us by.
Who gets to decide whether the decision was right or wrong?
I think it's out Conscience.
Even if we regret letting the opportunity get away from us, if our conscience is clear maybe another opportunity will present itself in the future.

Now you guys are wondering what is with me giving you a lecture on philosophy rt?
I promise there is a reason.

Now let's continue with the story.

"Lan Zhan, answer me." Xiao Zhan orders.
Yibo wants to say and do many things.
He knows now that Zhan will not remember anything that will happen between them. YiBo knows that he can get away with anything...and there are things that his body and his heart are pushing him to do.
But...YiBo is many things, but he is not a jerk. He is definitely not a pervert, at least not in things that really matter.

YiBo remains silent.
'Let him believe want he wants to.'

Zhan lets go of the younger man and backs away.
"So I was right...this Zhan...he is the one in your heart. You don't want me anymore." Xiao Zhan looks hurt and furious.

YiBo remains quiet.
"Fuck you Lan Zhan." Xiao Zhan says before he turns away and walks out of the apartment banging the door shut on his way out.

YiBo buries his face in his hands.
'I did the right thing. I know I did. Why the hell does it hurt so bad!?' Yibo thinks, his hand coming to rest over his chest.

He is on his way to the kitchen when there a a knock on the door. And a voice floats over.

"YiBo Laoshi I promise I won't take much of your time. Please open the door."

'What the actual fuck!!!???' YiBo thinks before opening the door to reveal a very brightly smiling Xiao Zhan.

"Wah, my patience and persistence paid off. Yibo Laoshi finally opened the door for me."


"Now, will YiBo Laushi let his gege enter?" Xiao Zhan winks.

*not a typing error*

"You can enter anytime..." 'Wait what!???' YiBo blushes looking away.

That is the precise moment when Xiao Zhan's eyes fall on Yibo's dishevelled hair, loosely tied bath robe and the very obvious red mark on the shoulder blade.

'Did I catch him at a wrong time? Was he with someone? Why you I feel like throwing up all of a sudden.' Zhan thinks looking away.

"Looks like Yibo Laoshi is busy. I think I should leave."

Before the words are out of his mouth YiBo holds Zhan's wrist.

"I was not busy. Please come in and make yourself comfortable."

Xiao Zhan tries hard not to stare but his eyes keep getting drawn to the red mark. He doesn't like it... He doesn't like it one bit.

"Are you sure?" Xiao Zhan hesitates.

"Mn." Yibo smiles.

Xiao Zhan's hand subconsciously goes to his heart.

Yibo's face falls.

"Zhan ge.. don't look so good." YiBo says wrapping his hand around Xiao Zhan's waist and walking him towards the couch.

Xiao Zhan doesn't resist.

Xiao Zhan may or may not have felt disappointed when Yibo removes his hand from around his waist before making him sit on the couch.

Xiao Zhan calms himself and looks up.
"I must have had something that probably did not suit me....amm.. "

"Zhan Laoshi, why are you here?" Yibo's tone is gentle.

'He is worried about me...maybe that's why he is being polite.'
"I want you to call me Zhan ge."


"I like it better when you call me Zhan ge." Zhan says and then kicks himself mentally, 'Well that sounded like I am flirting with him... Damnit!'


'Fuck! Maybe I should have practiced what I wanted to say before I came here....why is my heart racing???' Zhan wonders why his heart is misbehaving.

"I am sorry." Xiao Zhan says catching Yibo's eyes.

'Is it Zhan ge or Wei Ying???' Yibo thinks feeling confused af.

"What I am trying to say... " Zhan pauses.

'Thank fuck it's Zhan ge, Wei Ying never hesitates.' Yibo relaxes.

"Back in the car... I was just confused. You were so close... I know now that you were trying to wake me up...and I totally misunderstood you... You are obviously seeing someone....I mean you are obviously not into me... How can you be into me... That would be totally ridiculous...hehe... Amm..." Xiao Zhan blabbers looking at the floor.

'Is he into me, is he nervous or is he homophobic?... Only one way to find out.' YiBo smirks.

"Ok. I will call you Zhan ge. But if you want me to forgive you I need you to prove to me that you genuinely believe that what happened was a misunderstanding and that you are not just saying it to make things better between us just because we are going to be working together."

"I truly believe it. How do you want me to prove it to you?" Zhan says with determination.

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me and I will accept your apology." Yibo challenges.

"Why does it have to be that?"

"Is Zhan Laoshi homophobic?" Yibo asks bluntly.

"That was rude YiBo. Take it back." Xiao Zhan's temper rises.

"Then kiss me. I am confident in my sexuality....Zhan Laoshi, are you?" Yibo teases smirking.

Of course, at this point in time Xiao Zhan strongly believes that Wang YiBo is a very straight man... He has no clue how Fucking far from the truth his assumption is.

Zhan's eyes widen and his heart starts racing, he doesn't understand if it's because of anger or something completely different.

Zhan stands up, pulls Yibo into his arms and mushes their lips together.

'F*!!!!!!*k???????' Yibo's brain screams.
'Is this real? Am I dreaming? I hope I am not dreaming.'

Zhan removes his lips from Yibo's but doesn't let go.

"Would that be enough?" he asks his voice cracking on the last syllabul.

"Is that how you kiss your girlfriend friends?...If so, I pity them." YiBo teases Zhan...he smirks again.

A surprised look takes over Zhan's features before he purses his lips.
He captures Yibo's lips between his and starts backing him up against the wall.
"Ah." Yibo moans.

Zhan thrusts his tongue inside when Yibo parts his lips.
Zhan's hands travel into Yibo's hair pulling him closer.

Zhan breaks the kiss and starts placing wet kisses on Yibo's jaw moving down to his neck.

"Ah....ok... Ah.. I.. think proved your can stop now." YiBo says breathlessly... panting heavily.

Zhan stops. He looks up. His eyes fall on Yibo's lips. He blinks. A look of confusion followed by embarrassment crosses his face.

He keeps staring for a few seconds before finally whispering in Yibo's ears, "Lan Zhan, I haven't done anything yet and you are already like this?"
Yibo's eyes widen. Xiao Zhan catches the younger man's gaze and smirks playfully.

'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RT NOW GOD!? Why is it Wei Ying again!? I want Zhan ge back!!!' Yibo's brain screams.
'I can't let this continue...When the hell did they switch!?'

"Amm.... I don't think that's a good idea....." Yibo says slowly trying to distance himself from Xiao Zhan.

Zhan puts his hands on either side of Yibo effectively stopping him from getting away. He keeps staring at Yibo's lips.

"I think I am coming down with a fever again. I am not feeling good." YiBo says putting his hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

"You should have told me earlier." Zhan says guiding them to the couch.

Yibo closes his eyes.
'What the fuck am I going to do now? I think there is something very wrong with Zhan ge. But how should I tell him?'

There is a few seconds of silence before Zhan puts his hand on Yibo's forehead .

"How long has Yibo Laoshi been feeling this way?" Zhan asks caressing Yibo's forehead.

'Did he just call me as YiBo Laushi!?' Yibo opens his eyes.

"Zhan ge?" He hesitates.

"Mn. Are you feeling ok?Do you want me to take you to a hospital?" Zhan says sounding concerned.

"No, I went earlier. I will take the dose again. I will feel better once I take it....Aaa... Zhan ge... What were we talking about?" YiBo asks sitting up straighter.

"You asked me to prove to you that I am not homophobic...And I think I did." Zhan smiles.

"Oh." Yibo says, 'How much does he remember?' YiBo sighs internally.

"YiBo Laushi has a strange sense of humor." Zhan smiles affectionately.

"Haha.. Yes.. It was a joke."
'Does he remember nothing?'
"Zhan ge, did you come here all the way to apologize?" Yibo says smiling sweetly.

Zhan's heart may or may not have raced at that.

"Aaaa. Silly me. Here." Zhan takes out the key to the dorm from his back pocket and hands it over.

Yibo takes it and looks at Zhan quizzically.

"The key to our room. You will need it to shift your things there tomorrow morning."

"Oh. Yes. I guess I forgot. Thank you." YiBo accepts the key and gives a courtesy bow.

Zhan holds Yibo's hand and gives it a light squeeze.

"I hope we can work together amicably...hehe." Zhan smiles.
It's naughty yet there is a clear hint of affection in it.

'I love you Zhan ge....Wait... What!?' Yibo thinks, blushing furiously. A shy smile appears on Yibo's face.

*not a typing error*
Xiao Zhan thinks before tilting his head and blinking a few times.

"Zhan ge, I am looking forward to it." Yibo puts his hand forward.

"So am I... Bo di." Zhan takes the younger man's hand in both of his and shakes it. He gives a light squeeze before letting go.

"See you soon." Zhan says walking out the door. He doesn't look back.

He walks out of the building, hails a cab and goes home. All the while his heart is pounding. He doesn't understand why.
He sighs, 'Maybe I have a heart condition, I will see a doctor on my day off.'

Now you guys are wondering WTF just happened rt?
Trust me there is a very hetrosexual reason for that. *that's a fucking lie* And I will let you all know what that is...eventually, but for now let's see what happens when Yibo finally closes the door.

YiBo goes to his laptop and deletes any and all pictures of Xiao Zhan he may or may not have saved in his 'Private hidden folder'

*The Fuck you do that for YiBo. The least you could have done is email it to me before deleting them damn it!*

Then he once again changes into his very fluffy... I mean manly pink bunny pyjamas and goes to bed.
He may or may not have tossed and turned in his bed a few times *cough* imagining the kiss he had shared with his Zhan ge.
'I wish you could remember that you kissed me like that Zhan ge... I wish I could kiss you back... I wish I knew what is wrong with you.' Yibo sighs.
He finally falls asleep.
His last thoughts before falling asleep are, 'Zhan ge, didi ai ni.'

{Note :- We have come to the end of this extremely straight and Hetro update.
I know what you guys want to know...😉 that will be addressed in the next update 😅

If you have enjoyed it please Support it By Voting for this update.

My days are not going so good and the love and support I receive for my stories is rt now all that is making me happy.

Just FYI Things are going to get steamy in the next update... Obviously in a hetrosexual way.

I will update my WangXian fic next, probably in a few days.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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