'Method Acting' In the Restroom 😉

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Every love story begins or has troops like misunderstanding, revenge, hate, ego, arrogance etc. Where one or both parties take time to finally realize or figure out what they feel for the other...... But this is not a love story... It's a bromance....it may or may not have a heavy dose of unresolved sexual tension... Because as I mentioned previously, The boys are Straight af.

Now that I have reminded you all how the boys are straight and their wants and desires are straight as well, let's continue from where Wang Yibo very unceremoniously trips on the place mat.

When Xiao Zhan sees YiBo tripping he immediately moves forward with his arms stretched out to stop the young boy from falling.

But that is absolutely not what YiBo thinks...at least at first.
At first, all he sees is his Bae... Sorry Bias coming in for a hug.
Yibo being a whoped boy in love.... Sorry, YiBo being a fan boy, does what any boyfriend... I mean fanboy would do.
YiBo stretches his arms out as well.
Then Yibo realizes that his Zhan ge was actually trying to break his fall and had put himself in danger of getting his head and lower back hurt. Yibo instinctively tries to protect his Zhan ge by cupping the back of Zhan ge's head with one hand and putting his other hand on the older man's lower back.

"Ahh!" Xiao Zhan winces as his back hits the restroom wall. He closes his eyes as a reflex.

He feels something warm, soft and moist on the nape of his neck.

Now the position they had found themselves in had been rather intimate... But since it's a bromance let's just go with calling the way they were holding each other as awkward.

'Soft...smooth...warm.' Yibo thinks feeling his lips on Xiao Zhan's neck.
He doesn't move for a few seconds.

'The fuck am I thinking. I must stop touching his soft smooth neck with my lips... Fuck...he will truly hate me now!' Yibo's brain supplies... but his body doesn't want to cooperate with his brain.

Xiao Zhan doesn't move either.

He wants to move...truly he does, but he is in shock. His brain definitely doesn't think about a certain scene with The Light Bearer's lips on Wei Ying's neck... Nope!

Now... Xiao Zhan being the straight man that he absolutely is... should have pushed Yibo away and reprimanded him for his clumsy behavior, or he should have found this Awkward embrace disgusting. But that is not exactly what Xiao Zhan does or feels.

'He proteced me. His hands must have hurt...it's always so warm with him like this... His lips feel soft..Why isn't he moving? ...maybe I should give him a minute... Maybe he is disoriented.' Xiao Zhan thinks before pulling the younger man closer... subconsciously.

Yibo gasps.

Xiao Zhan doesn't realize the reason for 'the gasp'.

YiBo slowly removes his mouth from Xiao Zhan's neck and looks into Zhan ge's eyes.

Let me remind you before you get carried away that all this is totally not Homoerotic!

Xiao Zhan's fingers brush against Lan Zhan's upper lips...

*that is not a typing error.*
You see, Xiao Zhan had already fallen in love with Lan Zhan... I mean Lan Zhan's character... And to say that he had been unknowingly obsessing over WangXian would be putting it mildly. And behest unknown to Xiao Zhan, he had been associating a certain Mr. Wang's face to the character of His Lan Zhan. So when his Lan Zhan had finally held him and looked at him with eyes full of affection and concern, Zhan's very Hetro heart had probably skipped a beat. And he had probably forgotten that the man in his arms had been Yibo and not Lan Zhan.....Now, that maybe one of two explanations... For the other explanation you guys have to wait for some more mediocre updates.

"Lan Zhan... " Xiao Zhan whispers looking into Yibo's eyes.

YiBo just keeps staring.
'He is so much more beautiful this close... I never noticed how prominent that mole on his lower lip is.... Wait did Zhan ge call me Lan Zhan!!!!!?...are we method acting right now?'

"Wei Ying...?" Yibo whispers back hesitantly.

"Lan Zhan...why did you stop... You know I love your mouth right?" Xiao Zhan whispers and leans in a little brushing Yibo's lower lips with his thumb.

Yibo's kinda undecided Hetro brain completely stops working in that moment and he leans in and presses his lips to Xiao Zhan's neck and pulls him closer.

Xiao Zhan eyes widen when he feels Yibo's very soft lips on him. Xiao Zhan doesn't push the younger boy away. Xiao Zhan tilts his head offering a better access for Yibo who starts leaving a trail of kisses from nape of Xiao Zhan's neck moving higher.

'What is happening... Wait... did I call him Lan Zhan...he called me Wei Ying... Is he method acting?...Yes, that has to be it. I must tell him that it's not necessary... It's a bromance.' Xiao Zhan thinks before opening his mouth to tell YiBo the same.

But Yibo, whose Hetro brain has taken a break starts to suck on Xiao Zhan's neck.

It's at this moment that even Xiao Zhan's very Hetro brain decides to take a break as well.

Because fuck Heteronormativity. If my boys want to enjoy being gay even on pretext of method acting they can very well do it!

Xiao Zhan pulls Yibo closer and Yibo steps between Xiao Zhan's legs.

Xiao Zhan's hand moves lower to squeeze Yibo's behind.


*it's not a typing error*

YiBo thinks pressing himself closer and sucking on Xiao Zhan's neck harder.

Yibo's hands move lower as well gently caressing Xiao Zhan's behind.

That is when Xiao Zhan's Hetro brain comes back on line.

'What fuck am I doing by letting this continue? ...is YiBo gay? Why does this feel so good... Am I gay?... No, I am not... Does.... Does he think I am gay....How the fuck am I going to explain what just happened... What should I do?' Xiao Zhan thinks panicking and before he knows it, his legs give way and he slides down the wall of the restroom and looses conciseness.

When Xiao Zhan falls unconscious without warning, YiBo panics.

'OMG... OMG...OMG....OMG... OMG...OMG ...Did I kill him... And WTF was I doing just now.. Oh God.. What should I do' Yibo thinks sitting next to Xiao Zhan and shaking his shoulder.

"Zhan ge.... Zhan ge!... Please wake up!"

When there is no reaction, YiBo lifts Xiao Zhan up bridal style and carries him to the sofa in the living room.

"Zhan ge... Please be alright." YiBo begs again before getting a glass of water and sprinkling it on Xiao Zhan's face.

Xiao Zhan moves a little and opens his eyes.

"Zhan ge?" Yibo asks slowly. His face is very close. He smiles when he sees Xiao Zhan blink.

"Yibo Laushi?" Xiao Zhan says trying to sit up.
Yibo helps him up.

Xiao Zhan rubs the back of his head.
"Want happened...when did you get here?" Xiao Zhan asks curiously.

Wang Yibo steps away from the man on the couch.
'He doesn't remember anything... It's for the best I guess.' Yibo thinks feeling a little disappointed.

"I came a while back. I looked around for you. Then I heard a noise in the restroom. When I entered I found you on the floor and brought to here... I... I was just about to call Xia Jiejie to inform her about you...your condition but you woke up...Zhan Laushi." Yibo says sounding cold and distant.

He had not wanted to sound that way. He had just wanted to look unaffected. What had happened between them had made Yibo realize certain things but Zhan ge had not remembered anything. And YiBo was certain that he was the only one feeling so unsure and confused about his sexuality.

"Ah... Is that so. I am sorry to to have bothered you like this and thank you for helping me. Yibo Laushi is very kind." Xiao Zhan says sounding mechanical... formal.

"Mn." Yibo nods. He doesn't make eye contact with Xiao Zhan.

Yibo's phone rings and he picks it up.
It's Xia Jiejie.

"Yes Jiejie, I met him. We are on our way down. I.. I just needed to use the restroom room for a bit. I am fine... Yes. Ok. "
Yibo ends the call.

"Are you feeling better now?" Yibo asks expressionlessly without looking at Xiao Zhan.

"Yes." Xiao Zhan says getting up, but he sways as soon as he is on his feet.

Yibo is by his side instantly holding him.. Supporting him by snaking his arm around Xiao Zhan's waist.

'Looks like he outgrew his noodle arms phases... did he grow taller as well!?' Zhan thinks to himself.

They slowly start making their way towards the lift.

"You.. don't look so good... Zhan g ... Loushi." Yibo says finally looking at Xiao Zhan , "Maybe I should drop you home?"

"Ah..haha... Yibo Laushi... don't worry. I am ok. I think I hit my head a little too hard... I should be fine in a few minutes... Amm... Thank you." Xiao Zhan says directing his thousand watt smile at YiBo.

'Fuck...*gulp* I think I might be gay for him.' Yibo realizes and looks away.

It's either that or that he has a very strong need to make out very hetrosexually with the man in his arms.
As you can see for yourself it turns out that Yibo is the smarter of the two men in this 'equation'.
Why call it an equation and not a relationship?
Because calling it a relationship will make it sound gay...and they are probably not gay. 😉

"YiBo Laushi... are you upset with me?" Xiao Zhan asks trying to catch Yibo's eyes.

"No." Yibo answers without looking at Xiao Zhan.

"Then why aren't you looking at me?" Xiao Zhan asks smiling once again.

Yibo doesn't answer.

"Are you not satisfied with me?" Xiao Zhan asks innocently.

Yibo turns his face to look at Xiao Zhan so fast that the older man thinks he might have heard a crack.

"What?" Yibo asks before gulping.

"Are you not satisfied with me being cast as Wei Wuxian?" Xiao Zhan clarifies.

"You are perfect." Yibo blurts out without thinking and looks away again. Tips of his ears turn pink.

"Ah. You are too kind Yibo Laushi... " Xiao Zhan pauses before adding, "Lan Zhan, I hope you will take care of your Wei Ying just like Yibo Laushi is taking care of Zhan ge."
Xiao Zhan smiles affectionately.

Yibo looks at Xiao Zhan again...he is surprised.
"Zhan ge?" Yibo asks.

"That is what you called me when I woke up right?... I like it better... It's warmer." Xiao Zhan says before removing Yibo's arm from around his waist and adding, "I am better now... for real."

Yibo reluctantly let's go but keeps side eyeing Xiao Zhan to make sure he doesn't fall again.

They walk in silence till they are in the car.

"Zhan ge... Are you satisfied with me?" Yibo asks gesturing towards himself.

It's Xiao Zhan's turn to get tongue-tied.
"Mn?" Xiao Zhan asks not exactly understanding the question.

"I have read the novel.... I am not exactly 'Lan Zhan' material... You... you must have been disappointed... But Zhan ge... I will try my best. I will work hard... I will try my best to be the best Lan Zhan for you." Yibo says sincerely looking into Xiao Zhan's eyes.

At this particular second when Wang Yibo had looked so sincere and determined it was the first time Xiao Zhan had felt something move deep in his heart... And all his doubts about Yibo playing Lan Zhan had fallen away.

But because it's a story about two oblivious dumb fucks (pardon my language) and their journey of self discovery, we can't have them realizing their feelings just yet.

Xiao Zhan ignores the feeling attributing it to stress. He can't handle the close proximity to Yibo, so he does what Wei Wuxian would have done in such a situation.

"Mn." Zhan says nodding and smiling at the younger man , "You are very satisfying Lan Zhan...hehe."

Then Zhan brings his hand up and with the back of his shirt sleeve wipes Yibo's lips.
"Lan Zhan you are really perfect but you need a little more training on how to eat chips....you have chipcrumbs all over your lips."

BTW, is chipcrumbs even a word... I don't know.. but it should be..Don't you think it sounds cute and practicle?

And just like Lan Zhan, YiBo gets embarrassed and looks away. And just like Lan Zhan, tips of his ears turn pink.

'He is soooo cute.' Xiao Zhan thinks staring a little, at the blushing boy sitting next to him.

{Note :- So... just another update about 100% straight boys doing straight af things. Things , that are absolutely not homoerotic.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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